Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

why cant you people grasp that the phone witness proves Zimmerman was stalking Trayvon?

I don't have to ask why... You are too stupid to grasp:

The phone witness wasn't there. She refused to talk to police for several weeks, until she talked through a lawyer. She refuses to identify herself. She's a friend of Trayvon, and so shouldn't be expected to reveal anything that doesn't show Trayvon in a favorable light, like if he told her that he's going to "beat the shit out of that cracker."

In her account, Trayvon approached Zimmerman, you f-ing fag. In her account, Trayvon confronted Zimmerman and asked, "What are you following me for?" And, even by her account, it is pure speculation on her part that Zimmerman initiated physical contact.

You should rename yourself from "TruthMatters" to "HaterOfTruth."
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As much as I think this guy is guilty, right now I don't see any evidence to convict him on. You cannot convict someone just because you think he is probably guilty.

Out of morbid curiosity, on what are you basing your insistent belief that he's guilty? It's apparently not based on the evidence, since you just admitted there isn't any.

It's strictly what I think happened, just as many of you believe that Martin actually jumped Zimmerman as Zimmerman has stated. I just don't believe Zimmerman, but since this is just what I believe and there is nothing to back it up, I would never convict him. I am hoping that more evidence turns up against Zimmerman, but if not, then the case probably shouldn't even go to trial.

So basically, your answer is "I think it because I think it"?

Perhaps instead of giving me a dissertation on WHAT you think, which I already know, you could answer my question as to WHY you think so, and what you base it on, since you've already told us you're aware that there's absolutely no evidence that what you think is correct.

Are you admitting that you believe Zimmerman was in the wrong simply because you WANT to believe it? Or worse, because Trayvon was black, and you were initially told that Zimmerman was white? I'd like to think that's not the case, but the more you avoid the question with these "I believe it because I believe it" non-answers, the more I have to think it is.

And by the way, "I'm hoping more evidence against Zimmerman turns up"? So basically, you're emotionally invested in WANTING him to be guilty? Interesting turn of phrase. Seems to me that an intelligent, civilized, open-minded person wouldn't be "hoping for evidence" either way, but merely looking at what evidence exists, and hoping justice would be done either way.
Released by ABC last month.


I have never understood why there is a straight line across his head where the blood is. Why is the blood not spattered forward as well as toward the back? Just bugs me.

Gravity. Liquid flows down. What you might be thinking of is the spray (watch a lot of CSI do you) which presents a distinct pattern when an artery is cut.

One of the problems with television: It makes everyone into armchair forensic specialists.
Sounds like Trayvon did a good job of defending himself - until his stalker shot him.

Now apparently self-defense is a race issue. Blacks aren't allowed to defend themselves.
The salivating over Zimmerman is pretty disgusting. A guy who was not armed was shot and killed after being pursued by the guy with the gun.

I don't know what Martin was up to but we all seem to agree that it wasn't a matter of Zimmerman being in harm's way and defending himself. Much less from an unarmed "assailant".

Defending himself from what? Except for the gunshot, and lacerations on his fists from him punching Zimmerman, there were no marks on his body. Unless you think he was using his fist to defend himself from Zimmerman's face.....And I'm pretty sure no one would expect him to use his fists to defend himself from a gun.
Sounds like Trayvon did a good job of defending himself - until his stalker shot him.

Thats funny. The only wound Trayvon had was a single GSW. Doesnt sound like Zimm attacked Trayvon at all. But Zimm did defend himself. He'll walk,and we all know he deserves to.
Sorry race baiters,you'll have to find a new spokes person. Maybe one who hasn't been ventilated?

Actually, ZImmerman's going down whether he's guilty or not.

If you dont think the prosecution is either going to offer him a deal or stack the jury against him, you're delusional.

Republican and Democratic politicians want this guy to go to jail. They don't want the race riots and they don't want the egg on their faces.

Sadly, you may be all too right. I hate what America has become.
To me, this is a tragedy of epic proportions blown completely into the twilight zone by the over exuberant media trying to get the biggest and best screaming headlines out there in the news world that is 24/7.

Three NBC top notch individuals have lost their jobs because they fabricated evidence basically when they edited that 911 tape to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist and a racial profiler.

CNN had to issue an apology after trying to portray Zimmerman saying "fucking coon" instead of "fucking cold".

Absolutely outrageous behaviour by the media to stoke the flames of "race" hate.

This is, imho a case of two young men, both in the wrong place at the wrong time and because of the times we live in, I think Trayvon thought he was actually going to get jumped by Zimmerman and consequently he beat the crap out of George in a first strike if you will .

Sadly, while getting the beating, Zimmerman thought he was going to bite the dust and he shot Trayvon.

What a nightmare. Trayvon is dead and Zimmerman's life is ruined forever.

Now this of course is sheer conjecture on my part.

But it makes far more sense than the lurid tales being woven about Zimmerman being a racist pig stalking a young black man in the middle of the night just so he could shoot himself a black man.

That boat don't float at all.

Trayvon Martin likely thought it would be easy to take down this flabby guy and teach him a lesson. Martin had some fight traiining. He never imagined Zimmerman would be armed. He thought he could take him and he was right. Did Martin feel this way because he is black? Of course not. He felt this way because he was 17 years old and was full of the invincibility of all 17 year olds who imagine they are the smartest, strongest and fastest.

That worked out well for the wanna be thug, did'nt it.

Yes, well, the sort of "cracker culture" aggressiveness that's become so popular among the youth of this country has never been healthy, sensible, or calculated to give the people exhibiting it a long lifespan.

If you're wondering about the reference to "cracker culture", read Thomas Sowell's excellent essay on the surprising origins of what black race baiters try to tell us is "authentic urban black culture" in his book, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals".

Now, I didn't know Trayvon Martin, so I can't say for sure, but given his preferred mode of dress, I think it's not an unreasonable assumption that he subscribed to this "cultural attitude".
Trayvon Martin Witness Says Sanford Police Ignored Her [Video] | Click here for latest music news (full color articles)

Welch: Cutcher believes whatever confrontation there was it ended before they got to her backyard and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

a witness - the "Killing" occurred in her back yard.

Was it Zimmerman screaming "Help Me" with a gun in his belt ???

the same guy who had $200,000.00 but still let his parents take out a second mortgage to pay for his bail -

So why would the guy who was obviously winning the fight call for help?

The witness didnt see shit...she heard something.And she lost all credibility when she called Trayvon "The no limit Nigga" a little boy.

Why do you care about how he made bail? And besides,they'll get that money back after he's found innocent.

I think it was obvious when she called Trayvon a "little boy" that she didn't see anything that night, just wanted her 15 minutes of fame.
The State does not provide discovery documents to the state.
Know the law of criminal procedure and get back to us.

Don't want to talk about Martin's condition, do ya?

What is there to talk about?
He got exactly what he bargained for.
Cilture of violence in the black community.
I feel for his family. They coddled a thug. He should have been in school but since he was expelled he should have been working in the yard with a shovel.
Trayvon was an undisciplined thug.
Facts sure are a bitch for you. Get over it. Focus ON BLACK ON BLACK CRIME.
Which the media and you ignore.

That's what I'll never get over. The father, when he came home and his son wasn't there, assumed he spent the night at a friends. The kid was on suspension from school, I'd have his butt grounded and he would be going no where. Especially not out to get skittles and tea in the dark which I wouldn't even let my 17 years old kid do when he wasn't suspended from school, not by himself.
Looks like the media will have to change George zimmerman's race. White black hispanic.

"George Zimmerman, the Miami neighbourhood watch volunteer who provoked a storm after he shot dead an unarmed black teenager in Florida in February, apparently has black ancestry.

A photo aired by CNN shows a black-skinned man that Orlando attorney Mark NeJame says was George Zimmerman's great-grandfather.

It appears to support what Zimmerman's family has been saying for months: that Zimmerman has black-skinned relatives and was raised in a mixed-race family."

Photo 'proof' of Zimmerman's black roots | SBS World News

Yuppers. His great grandfather was Afro Peruvian. Just like the family said. I think his mom is Catholic, his dad is a Baptist. Multi racial, multi denominational family. Like a mini United Nations.

If they want to try to pin a hate crime on Zimmerman, they are truly out of their minds.
But then they've already proven at the DOJ how evil and insane they are with Fast and Furious.
Amazing how the gullible dumbmasses allow the media to go with the "white Hispanic" and then "the stalker".
Where is Zimmerman charged with stalking?
And why not?
Because he WAS NOT stalking.
Facts sure are a bitch.
Sad fact is that if he WAS stalking, which he wasn't, it still does not allow Martin to attack him.
Prayers to the Martin family. They, and the dumb masses, have been conned ONCE AGAIN, by the media and the likes of Al Sharpton.

Dear fucking IDIOT, he is on tape minutes before he puts a bullet hole in a child saying he is following the kid.

That doesn't make him a stalker. I've been known to follow little kids I see in the mall when their parents aren't with them, just to make sure they are all right. Found a two year old once and turned her over to security. Do you know that mom didn't show up to get her child for 2 hours? What kid of parent does that? Maybe the same kind that let's his kid run loose when he's been suspended from school and then cries racism when the kid gets in trouble.

We've had a rash of mail theft in this neighborhood so now when I see someone I don't recognize getting mail out of an unlocked box, I watch them to make sure they live in the neighborhood. Guess that makes me a stalker?
He Followed Trayvon for what reason?

Becuase" THESE guys always get away".

who are These guys?

The burglers who've been robbing the houses in the neighborhood. One he had followed previously got away and came back later and robbed one of the houses. He eventually got caught with the stolen laptop. If Zimmerman had "stalked" him, maybe that house never would have been robbed.
I hope the Martin family gets the policy limits on the liability insurance policy from the complex they lived in. I bet it is a million or most likely a 2 million policy and under the rules of civil procedure, which are far-far different than the criminal code, they deserve every penny of that. Wrongful death proof is not the same as proving MURDER.
But sports fans, if you DO NOT KNOW that is why all the lawyers and Al Sharpton fled to the Martin family from THE START then I have some beach front property in Macon, Ga. for sale for you.
So sad that the Martin family, a family that appears to be sincere, tight, hardworking and fine citizens have to fork over 33% of any of that $$ because they signed up with those ambulance chasers from the start. Most likely the carrier would have coughed up the policy limits from the start because of the nature of the death ON THEIR PROPERTY.
Sadly, this tragedy was marketed by the media, Sharpton and all of those lawyers speaking for the Martins FROM THE START for the insurance $$$.
The Martins deserve that $$$, not the long line of lawyers "advising" them.
And the gullible and naive masses, as indicated here also, WERE SUCKERED AND CONNED from the start.

As long as people can make money from racism, it will continue to exist. Just think how much better the world would be without the Sharptons and Jacksons in it.
PROVE Trayvon attacked Zim first.

you cant.

Why do you assume it is so?

because you want the dead kid dead

I don't think anybody wants the kid dead, not even Zimmerman. We assume Trayvon attacked first because his body has abrasions on his knuckles and no bruises. Now if Zimmerman attacked him first, you'd think there would be some bruising somewhere, wouldn't you? Unless Zimmerman has the weakest punch in history. And I'm pretty sure that the kid didn't get those abrasions on his fists AFTER he was shot. That would have come up in the autopsy.
If they want to try to pin a hate crime on Zimmerman, they are truly out of their minds.
But then they've already proven at the DOJ how evil and insane they are with Fast and Furious.

One of the first acts of that Afro Eric Holder, head of the federal dept. of justice, was to drop voter intimidation charges against Black Panthers, who during the presidential election were patrolling voting places in Black Panther uniform, and carrying clubs. Holder essentially admitted that he dropped charges against them because they're black.
And there is the crazy right wing plan.

guns for everyone and lots of dead people

According to the article I read, Zimmerman and his wife got guns after being cornered by dogs. Zimmerman had bought pepper spray and the cop said that wouldn't be enough, he should get a gun. There was a kid in our neighborhood years ago that was attacked by a dog, for a long time they thought the kid would never walk again, thank God they were wrong. Bet that kids wishes he'd had a gun, I know if I'd had one that dog would have been dead.
All I have ever asked for is a fair trial for Zimmerman.
You folks have labeled him a racist.
And any of us that want to see a fair defense and point out the evidence that supports that are labled as "you are from Georgia" BS and attacks that we are "bubbas" and against blacks because we believe Zimmerman IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
We are the defenders of the Constitution. You folks have no clue what that document says.
Get used to it. I am not going anywhere. Been shot, beat up and let for dead.
Tiddly winks is easy and fun!

"these assholes always get away"

that is what he said BEFORE he put a bullet in this kids body which crushed the life out of a teenaged boy with so much to live for.

that he was suspended from school not once but 3 times that year alone and was found at least once with stolen jewelry in his backpack. Parents who don't care enough to ground him when he's suspended from school or even check on him when he disappears during the night. Yep, no_limit_nigga had so much to live for.....chances are really good that if he continued the way he was going, he'd have died young anyway. If Zimmerman had been black, none of this would have made the news.
Dear fucking IDIOT, he is on tape minutes before he puts a bullet hole in a child saying he is following the kid.

Following is NOT stalking under the law.
NO ONE has an expectation to privacy IN PUBLIC, ON THE STREETS. Following is legal in all 50 states. Supreme Court interpretation of that is that Zimmerman could have put a GPS tracker on Martin and followed him off of that tracker and it IS LEGAL. Now the states could legislate that but most states have not. But in all states following someone IN PUBLIC is 100% legal. I used to investigate hundreds of worker's comp cases a year and we followed folk EVERY DAY legally.
Stick to your day job:
"Do you want fries with that"

well following, accosting and killing is against the law.

Tell you youngest female friend that men are allowed to follow her at night and she shouldnt worry if they do

I was always told that if that happened to go to the nearest house and ring the doorbell and call the police (no cell phones back then).

All Trayvon had to do was go home and nothing would have happened to him.

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