Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

It is a racists LIE to say Trayvon attacked Zimmerman.

There is no proof of it in the evidence

Evidence: Trayvon had damage to his knuckles but no other bruises or damage to his body.

Zimmerman had a broken nose, two black eyes and blood on the back of his head.

You claiming that Trayvon defended himself from Zimmermans face with his fists?
Trayvon MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!~


have fought with Zimmerman.

There is NO proof he attacked Zimmerman.

So then who did he (Trayvon) attack and how did Zimmerman get the broken nose, black eyes and blood on the back of his head? And how about the witness that said Zimmerman was on the bottom calling for help?
He'll walk due to SYG, and the Floridians will realize how fucking stupid the law is.

However, nothing will change until a white teenager is killed by a black adult on similar circumstances.

I am glad my state doesn't have that stupid fucking law.

Castle is sufficient for self defense.

The "black man killed unarmed white teen" scenario has already occured. Famous case out of New York.

What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?
By Michael Filozof

What would happen if a black man armed with a handgun confronted "suspicious persons" in his neighborhood? What would happen if the "suspicious persons" were unarmed white teens, one of them was shot dead, and the shooter claimed self-defense?

This is not an exercise in mere speculation. We know what would happen in such a case. There would be no white mobs in the street chanting "No justice, no peace!"

There would be no whites holding a "million hoodie march" in New York City. There would be no white equivalent of Al Sharpton, the professional race-baiter behind the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax, leading marches in the streets of the shooter's hometown.

There would be no Federal civil rights investigation by the Justice Department. There would be no comments from a president who seems congenitally unable to keep his mouth shut on matters involving left-wing political correctness.

And there would be no national media attention from biased, left-wing "reporters."

We know this because in fact, such an event occurred in 2009 in Greece, N.Y., a suburb of Rochester. Roderick Scott, a black man, shot and killed an unarmed white teen, Christopher Cervini, whom he believed was burglarizing a neighbor's car, with a licensed .40 cal. handgun.

Read more: Articles: What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

Read more: Articles: What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

He was charged with manslaughter and walked.

As a form of protest, I hope pistol packing Black men start vigorous neighborhood watches in the state of Florida.

Now THAT would be an appropriate reaction.
In right wing minds its OK to stalk a child at night with a gun and you can kill said child IF they try to defend themselves.
One sick woman.

Trayvon was not acting as a child. Stop describing him as a child. Trayvon was an adolescent punk with a chip on his shoulder. He got his ass shot trying to harm a legally armed man.

I have and make use of a weapons carry permit. You can bet your sweet ass if I or my friends in company are assaulted by a 17 yo punk, I will shoot his ass to death rather than be whipped!
Neighborhood Watch groups are comprised of community volunteers who patrol and report criminal activity to police.

I used to live in Toronto, mega city, and Neighborhood Watch groups are everywhere. It's neighbours looking out for neighbours.

And apparently ignore the Police dispatch at their convenience.

I regret I can't rep you again. I'm sure the comeback was/will be is that cops are not on the ground and can't give sage advice.

why would you want to rep him for something that has absolutely no proof of being accurate?

And to the contrary, there is some limited proof proving the exact opposite?

When the dispatcher suggested Zimmerman NOT follow Martin, Zimmerman responded OK..and there was a noticeable change in his breathing indicating that he was no longer running.

We have a choice of "hoping" for one of two Outcomes.....

1) A minor was shot and killed in cold blood for no other reason than the color of his skin
2) A minor lost his cool becuase he did not like the fact that a neighborhood watchman was "watching" him and he decided it best to beat the crap out of the guy to get back at him...and lost his life doing so.

Now, when I look at the evidence that we have been allowed to see, I have yet to find a single hole in Zimmermans recount of the event. All evidence so far backs it up.

Yet many like you are taking facts and spinning them to try to prove Zimmermans guilt.

So I need to ask ...

Why are you so hell bent on this being a case where an innocent child lost his life?

Is that what you prefer?
Of course the whole media frenzy has been based on a 'white guy' profiling and making up a reason to kill a black guy. Not JUST a black guy but an innocent kid who just wanted some skittles. They even had to transform Zimmerman from a Hispanic to a 'white guy' to make it look really really REALLY bad. And as long as that was the story line, which those of the gullible left consumed with great gusto and continue to try to promote, it was front page stuff and prominent on the evening news.

Now that evidence appears to be leaked out that goes in Zimmerman's favor, where are the front page stories? Have you picked up on this from your favorite evening newscast?

The motives driving the dynamics are so blatantly obvious that it is sickening.
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And apparently ignore the Police dispatch at their convenience.

I regret I can't rep you again. I'm sure the comeback was/will be is that cops are not on the ground and can't give sage advice.

why would you want to rep him for something that has absolutely no proof of being accurate?

And to the contrary, there is some limited proof proving the exact opposite?

When the dispatcher suggested Zimmerman NOT follow Martin, Zimmerman responded OK..and there was a noticeable change in his breathing indicating that he was no longer running.

We have a choice of "hoping" for one of two Outcomes.....

1) A minor was shot and killed in cold blood for no other reason than the color of his skin
2) A minor lost his cool becuase he did not like the fact that a neighborhood watchman was "watching" him and he decided it best to beat the crap out of the guy to get back at him...and lost his life doing so.

Now, when I look at the evidence that we have been allowed to see, I have yet to find a single hole in Zimmermans recount of the event. All evidence so far backs it up.

Yet many like you are taking facts and spinning them to try to prove Zimmermans guilt.

So I need to ask ...

Why are you so hell bent on this being a case where an innocent child lost his life?

Is that what you prefer?

Because the killer of Trayvon Martin was not black.
What is the % of black on black murders there in that area, and every urban area of America, where NO ARREST was made?
And guess why NO arrest is made on many black on black murders?
Retribution. NO one will testify against a black in many instances as that would get their ass killed in the black community.
A culture of violence. It is accepted AS LONG as a white is not doing it.
If whitey is involved THEN AND ONLY THEN do they want the police involved.
Not the majority, but a large %.
Facts sure are a bitch.
And I find the target of the hooded model with the Skittles in the pocket outrageous.
I hope the Martin family sues the guy that is selling that and wins.
Trayvon Martin had a family. They are innocent.
It is a racists LIE to say Trayvon attacked Zimmerman.

There is no proof of it in the evidence

Evidence: Trayvon had damage to his knuckles but no other bruises or damage to his body.

Zimmerman had a broken nose, two black eyes and blood on the back of his head.

You claiming that Trayvon defended himself from Zimmermans face with his fists?

Apparently Martin was beating the shit out of this innocent kid with his nose, and the back of his head....

So is there evidence of Zimmerman hitting Martin?

Nope, not that I've heard anything about.
What is the % of black on black murders there in that area, and every urban area of America, where NO ARREST was made?
And guess why NO arrest is made on many black on black murders?
Retribution. NO one will testify against a black in many instances as that would get their ass killed in the black community.

Remember, Afros are wild beasts. Their maulings of victims are relatively random, which makes the culprit hard to identify. When white people kill, it's usually for good reason, which makes the alleged culprit easy to identify.
What do Martin's discovery documents say about his condition?

"broken nose, 2 black eyes and lacerations to the back of the head"
"Patient was beaten up"

What happen to Zimmerman between the time of the incident and the next day when he presented his injuries to a doctor? Vidio that day, paramedic report to do suport the injuries the next day. A cut lip also.
Zimmerman's injuries only show that Trayvon seeing a crazed man with a gun stood him gorund an fought for his life.:eusa_whistle:
My question is why didn't Zimmermans natural instinct to fight back did not take over instead of reaching for his gun and shooting the child? Trayvon did see the gun because Zimmerman said he reached for it.
Zimmerman account has not been consistant.
When I'm on the ground getting my head thwacked, and someone is grabbing for my gun..

I'm gonna shoot someone.
In right wing minds its OK to stalk a child at night with a gun and you can kill said child IF they try to defend themselves.
One sick woman.

Trayvon was not acting as a child. Stop describing him as a child. Trayvon was an adolescent punk with a chip on his shoulder. He got his ass shot trying to harm a legally armed man.

I have and make use of a weapons carry permit. You can bet your sweet ass if I or my friends in company are assaulted by a 17 yo punk, I will shoot his ass to death rather than be whipped!

Liberals think 13-year-old girls are adult women who should make decisions about having sex with 25-year-old men and then aborting the resulting babies without any reference to their parents, but 17-year-old boys are little children who should be coddled and patted on the head.

No wonder I'm not a liberal. It would require some massive lobotomization to damage my IQ down to that level of "logic".
What happen to Zimmerman between the time of the incident and the next day when he presented his injuries to a doctor? Vidio that day, paramedic report to do suport the injuries the next day. A cut lip also.
Zimmerman's injuries only show that Trayvon seeing a crazed man with a gun stood him gorund an fought for his life.:eusa_whistle:
My question is why didn't Zimmermans natural instinct to fight back did not take over instead of reaching for his gun and shooting the child? Trayvon did see the gun because Zimmerman said he reached for it.
Zimmerman account has not been consistant.

You need to step back and consider what a racist shithead you're being. Is that really the kind of person you want to be?

Police arrived seconds after the shooting and observed Zimmerman bleeding from his nose and the back of his head. Witnesses observed what appeared to be Trayvon on top of Zimmerman, beating Zimmerman, and grass stains on Zimmerman's back supports this. But, you ask "What happen[ed] to Zimmerman between the time of the incident and the next day when he presented his injuries to a doctor?" Pathetic. Absolutely fucking pathetic.

You continue your role as a racist shithead by arguing that Zimmerman's wounds only show that Trayvon was acting in self-defense. Hey shithead, if Trayvon saw a gun, why was he busy pounding Zimmerman instead of grabbing the gun first? If Trayvon's only interest was self-defense, why wasn't he long gone before the shooting, instead of practically in the same spot he was several minutes earlier when Zimmerman was on the phone with police?

In Zimmerman's account, it could be that Trayvon didn't know about the gun until he was on top of Zimmerman. So, no, Zimmerman's account is not inconsistent.

Shame on you.

Zimmerman Medical Report

The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News last month.

ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting - Yahoo!

Inconsistent with head being bashed repeatedly on concrete to the point of almost losing consciousness.
No cut on his lip when he was arrested.
What happen to Zimmerman between the time of the incident and the next day when he presented his injuries to a doctor? Vidio that day, paramedic report to do suport the injuries the next day. A cut lip also.
Zimmerman's injuries only show that Trayvon seeing a crazed man with a gun stood him gorund an fought for his life.:eusa_whistle:
My question is why didn't Zimmermans natural instinct to fight back did not take over instead of reaching for his gun and shooting the child? Trayvon did see the gun because Zimmerman said he reached for it.
Zimmerman account has not been consistant.

You need to step back and consider what a racist shithead you're being. Is that really the kind of person you want to be?

Police arrived seconds after the shooting and observed Zimmerman bleeding from his nose and the back of his head. Witnesses observed what appeared to be Trayvon on top of Zimmerman, beating Zimmerman, and grass stains on Zimmerman's back supports this. But, you ask "What happen[ed] to Zimmerman between the time of the incident and the next day when he presented his injuries to a doctor?" Pathetic. Absolutely fucking pathetic.

You continue your role as a racist shithead by arguing that Zimmerman's wounds only show that Trayvon was acting in self-defense. Hey shithead, if Trayvon saw a gun, why was he busy pounding Zimmerman instead of grabbing the gun first? If Trayvon's only interest was self-defense, why wasn't he long gone before the shooting, instead of practically in the same spot he was several minutes earlier when Zimmerman was on the phone with police?

In Zimmerman's account, it could be that Trayvon didn't know about the gun until he was on top of Zimmerman. So, no, Zimmerman's account is not inconsistent.

Shame on you.

Maybe he did not want Zimmerman to know where he was going? Why was Zimmerman still following him?
Maybe he did see the gun and ther is no evidence of a pounding except the day after. Village idiot.
Eveyone Zimmerman has talked to he has given a different account.
What took officers so long to get there after the 911 call?
Sound like a story you made up and not even anything that was reported.
"Desperate measures call for desperate actions." He could have had these injuries inflicted by him. His ass was at stake.
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NOBODY but NOBODY will knowingly jump on a person with a gun pointed at them.

Maybe he did not want Zimmerman to know where he was going? Why was Zimmerman still following him?
Maybe he did see the gun and ther is no evidence of a pounding except the day after. Village idiot.
Eveyone Zimmerman has talked to he has given a different account.
What took officers so long to get there after the 911 call?
Sound like a story you made up and not even anything that was reported.
"Desperate measures call for desperate actions." He could have had these injuries inflicted by him. His ass was at stake.

You don't know that Zimmerman was still following him. And, you continue to ignore that Trayvon didn't go anywhere. He was shot in practically the same spot that he was when Zimmerman was on the phone with police minutes earlier. Even if he didn't want Zimmerman to know where he was going, he could have still have been long gone.

"There is no evidence of a pounding except the day after?" Are you mentally retarded? Seriously.

Everyone police talked to gave similar accounts, as similar as can be expected, including two non-desperate witnesses (one being an Afro) who saw the one-sided fight.

By Murphy's law, police only arrive after they're no longer needed. That's why it's important for people to own guns for self-defense.
Of course the whole media frenzy has been based on a 'white guy' profiling and making up a reason to kill a black guy. Not JUST a black guy but an innocent kid who just wanted some skittles. They even had to transform Zimmerman from a Hispanic to a 'white guy' to make it look really really REALLY bad. And as long as that was the story line, which those of the gullible left consumed with great gusto and continue to try to promote, it was front page stuff and prominent on the evening news.

Now that evidence appears to be leaked out that goes in Zimmerman's favor, where are the front page stories? Have you picked up on this from your favorite evening newscast?

The motives driving the dynamics are so blatantly obvious that it is sickening.

Nope, not a whisper.

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