Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

Okay, how about we cut through all the talking-past-each-other, I'm-sure-I-heard-this-somewhere bullshit and lay out what the public actually knows about this case, so that we're all more-or-less on the same page?

George Zimmerman is a member of his local neighborhood watch. That evening, he was going to the grocery store - NOT patrolling for the watch. He was carrying a gun, which he is licensed to do. He observed Trayvon Martin, who was returning to his father's fiancee's townhome after a trip to the store, walking behind the townhomes rather slowly and apparently looking at the houses, despite the fact that it was raining. Finding this suspicious, he dialed the police non-emergency number.

During the 4-minute, 11-second recording, he identified the suspicious person as a black male, late teens, when asked by the dispatcher, said that Martin was now looking at him and then coming toward him (although he was still sitting in his vehicle at this time), and then said that Martin was running. At that point, the sounds on the recording indicate that Zimmerman got out of his vehicle and was walking. Apparently because of this, the dispatcher asked him if he was following, and Zimmerman said he was. The dispatcher told him that they didn't need him to do that, and Zimmerman agreed. He and the dispatcher discuss where he should meet the officer being sent out, and Zimmerman starts to give his address, but says he doesn't want to give it all, because he doesn't know where Martin is. He then asks the dispatcher to have the officers call him when they arrive, and he will tell them where he is at that time. They confirm that the dispatcher has his correct number, and the call ends.

For time clarification, Zimmerman's call to the police began at 7:09 pm, and as I have said, lasted 4 minutes and 11 seconds (this according to their recording and time stamps).

Trayvon Martin's girlfriend was on the phone with him beginning at 7:12 pm, according to the phone company records. I am not sure how long her call lasted. She claims that Martin told her "some man" was following him, and she advised him to run. She also says that she heard Martin ask someone, "What are you following me for?" and another voice saying, "What are you doing here?" She says she then "heard the sound of pushing", whatever that might be, and Martin's headset went silent, leading her to believe he'd been pushed. She tried to call him back, but got no answer. There is no recording of her conversation with Martin to confirm or dispute her account of what was said.

Timothy Smith, the first police officer on the scene, reported finding Martin on the ground, face-down and unresponsive, and Zimmerman standing near him. He also observed that Zimmerman's back was wet and covered with grass and that he was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head. Smith took Zimmerman's gun and handcuffed him.

The second and third officers on the scene began CPR on Martin, which was continued by paramedics when they arrived until Martin was declared dead at 7:30 pm. Other officers arrived, secured the scene, and collected witness statements. Zimmerman was treated by the paramedics at the scene, declined to go to the hospital, and was placed in Officer Smith's vehicle. At that time, he said, "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me." He was then taken to the police station and questioned.

Martin's body was taken to the morgue and marked as a "John Doe". His father called to file a missing person's report the next day, and officers quickly arrived at his fiancee's townhome with photographs for him to identify.

A witness to the confrontation, identified as "John", said that "the guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling 'Help! Help!', and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911." He then says that when he looked back, "the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

Another witness, a 13-year-old boy, said he saw a man on the ground shortly before the shooting and that he was wearing red. His mother later disputed her son's story.

Mary Cutcher and her roommate, Selma Lamilla, admit that they did not see the shooting or the confrontation before it, but nevertheless have stated that they believe there was "no punching, no hitting, no wrestling" before the shooting. They say they heard the two men in their backyard, and "a very young voice" whining, with no sounds of a fight. They say they heard a gunshot, the crying stopped, and they saw Zimmerman on his knees, straddling Martin. Mary Cutcher phoned the police after the shooting and told them that the black man was standing over another man, although Martin was already dead. Police spokesman Sgt. Dave Morgenstern issued a statement disputing the statements Cutcher made on television, calling them "inconsistent" with their sworn testimony to the police.

A male witness said he saw two men on the ground scuffling, then heard the shooting, and saw Zimmerman walk away with no blood on him.

A witness identified as female said that she heard an argument between a younger and an older voice. The whole time she witnessed the incident the scuffling happened on the grass. She said that the larger man, who walked away after the gunshot, was on top, and that it was too dark to see blood on his face.

A witness who arrived just after the shooting took pictures of the back of Zimmerman's head, showing two cuts, blood, and a developing contusion. He said he heard the scuffle, but didn't see it.

Some of the recordings of the various 911 calls include the sound of someone shouting for help. Martin's mother insists it is his voice, and Zimmerman's father and other relatives insist it is his. It should be noted the Special Prosecuter Corey's Affidavit of Probable Cause mentions only Martin's mother's perspective, and not the Zimmerman family's. The FBI has been unable to determine which it was.

The lead homicide investigator on the case, Chris Serino, allegedly filed an affidavit the night of the incident claiming to be unconvinced by Zimmerman's account and recommending manslaughter charges. He was - also allegedly - told by the state attorney's office that there was insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction.

George Zimmerman was questioned by investigator D. Singleton, and released without charges. He told investigators that after his call to the police ended, he was returning to his vehicle, and Martin approached him from behind.

According to statements made by Zimmerman's father, Martin asked Zimmerman, "Do you have a problem?" Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, at which point Martin punched him in the face, knocked him down, and began beating his head against the sidewalk.

Zimmerman stated that he called out for help, and that at one point, Martin covered his mouth to muffle him.

Also according to Zimmerman's father's statements, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun while he was on top of him, they struggled for it, and Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.

Early press reports mistakenly said that there were two gunshots, but in fact the gun was fired only once.

Zimmerman claimed self-defense, and investigators and the State Attorney's office both said that there was insufficient evidence to dispute that, and no probable cause to arrest him.

State Attorney Wolfinger initially announced, after public outcry, that a grand jury would be convened to investigate Martin's death, but Special Prosecutor Angela Corey announced that her office, not the grand jury, would decide whether to press charges.

Medical records by Zimmerman's doctor indicate that he was seen the day after the shooting, and was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, two black eyes, lacerations to the back of his head, a minor back injury, and bruising in his upper lip and cheek.

Autopsy results on Martin show a fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Zimmerman was taken into custody on April 11, almost two months after the incident, and charged with 2nd-degree murder.

Zimmerman's bail was set at $150,000 on April 20, and he took the stand to express his sorrow over Martin's death. He was released on bail on April 23, fitted with an electronic monitoring device, and has entered a "not guilty" plea.

This what we KNOW, from the evidence that has been currently released to the public. There is clearly more evidence that has not been released to the public as yet.
Okay, how about we cut through all the talking-past-each-other, I'm-sure-I-heard-this-somewhere bullshit and lay out what the public actually knows about this case, so that we're all more-or-less on the same page?

George Zimmerman is a member of his local neighborhood watch. That evening, he was going to the grocery store - NOT patrolling for the watch. He was carrying a gun, which he is licensed to do. He observed Trayvon Martin, who was returning to his father's fiancee's townhome after a trip to the store, walking behind the townhomes rather slowly and apparently looking at the houses, despite the fact that it was raining. Finding this suspicious, he dialed the police non-emergency number.

During the 4-minute, 11-second recording, he identified the suspicious person as a black male, late teens, when asked by the dispatcher, said that Martin was now looking at him and then coming toward him (although he was still sitting in his vehicle at this time), and then said that Martin was running. At that point, the sounds on the recording indicate that Zimmerman got out of his vehicle and was walking. Apparently because of this, the dispatcher asked him if he was following, and Zimmerman said he was. The dispatcher told him that they didn't need him to do that, and Zimmerman agreed. He and the dispatcher discuss where he should meet the officer being sent out, and Zimmerman starts to give his address, but says he doesn't want to give it all, because he doesn't know where Martin is. He then asks the dispatcher to have the officers call him when they arrive, and he will tell them where he is at that time. They confirm that the dispatcher has his correct number, and the call ends.

For time clarification, Zimmerman's call to the police began at 7:09 pm, and as I have said, lasted 4 minutes and 11 seconds (this according to their recording and time stamps).

Trayvon Martin's girlfriend was on the phone with him beginning at 7:12 pm, according to the phone company records. I am not sure how long her call lasted. She claims that Martin told her "some man" was following him, and she advised him to run. She also says that she heard Martin ask someone, "What are you following me for?" and another voice saying, "What are you doing here?" She says she then "heard the sound of pushing", whatever that might be, and Martin's headset went silent, leading her to believe he'd been pushed. She tried to call him back, but got no answer. There is no recording of her conversation with Martin to confirm or dispute her account of what was said.

Timothy Smith, the first police officer on the scene, reported finding Martin on the ground, face-down and unresponsive, and Zimmerman standing near him. He also observed that Zimmerman's back was wet and covered with grass and that he was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head. Smith took Zimmerman's gun and handcuffed him.

The second and third officers on the scene began CPR on Martin, which was continued by paramedics when they arrived until Martin was declared dead at 7:30 pm. Other officers arrived, secured the scene, and collected witness statements. Zimmerman was treated by the paramedics at the scene, declined to go to the hospital, and was placed in Officer Smith's vehicle. At that time, he said, "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me." He was then taken to the police station and questioned.

Martin's body was taken to the morgue and marked as a "John Doe". His father called to file a missing person's report the next day, and officers quickly arrived at his fiancee's townhome with photographs for him to identify.

A witness to the confrontation, identified as "John", said that "the guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling 'Help! Help!', and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911." He then says that when he looked back, "the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

Another witness, a 13-year-old boy, said he saw a man on the ground shortly before the shooting and that he was wearing red. His mother later disputed her son's story.

Mary Cutcher and her roommate, Selma Lamilla, admit that they did not see the shooting or the confrontation before it, but nevertheless have stated that they believe there was "no punching, no hitting, no wrestling" before the shooting. They say they heard the two men in their backyard, and "a very young voice" whining, with no sounds of a fight. They say they heard a gunshot, the crying stopped, and they saw Zimmerman on his knees, straddling Martin. Mary Cutcher phoned the police after the shooting and told them that the black man was standing over another man, although Martin was already dead. Police spokesman Sgt. Dave Morgenstern issued a statement disputing the statements Cutcher made on television, calling them "inconsistent" with their sworn testimony to the police.

A male witness said he saw two men on the ground scuffling, then heard the shooting, and saw Zimmerman walk away with no blood on him.

A witness identified as female said that she heard an argument between a younger and an older voice. The whole time she witnessed the incident the scuffling happened on the grass. She said that the larger man, who walked away after the gunshot, was on top, and that it was too dark to see blood on his face.

A witness who arrived just after the shooting took pictures of the back of Zimmerman's head, showing two cuts, blood, and a developing contusion. He said he heard the scuffle, but didn't see it.

Some of the recordings of the various 911 calls include the sound of someone shouting for help. Martin's mother insists it is his voice, and Zimmerman's father and other relatives insist it is his. It should be noted the Special Prosecuter Corey's Affidavit of Probable Cause mentions only Martin's mother's perspective, and not the Zimmerman family's. The FBI has been unable to determine which it was.

The lead homicide investigator on the case, Chris Serino, allegedly filed an affidavit the night of the incident claiming to be unconvinced by Zimmerman's account and recommending manslaughter charges. He was - also allegedly - told by the state attorney's office that there was insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction.

George Zimmerman was questioned by investigator D. Singleton, and released without charges. He told investigators that after his call to the police ended, he was returning to his vehicle, and Martin approached him from behind.

According to statements made by Zimmerman's father, Martin asked Zimmerman, "Do you have a problem?" Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, at which point Martin punched him in the face, knocked him down, and began beating his head against the sidewalk.

Zimmerman stated that he called out for help, and that at one point, Martin covered his mouth to muffle him.

Also according to Zimmerman's father's statements, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun while he was on top of him, they struggled for it, and Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.

Early press reports mistakenly said that there were two gunshots, but in fact the gun was fired only once.

Zimmerman claimed self-defense, and investigators and the State Attorney's office both said that there was insufficient evidence to dispute that, and no probable cause to arrest him.

State Attorney Wolfinger initially announced, after public outcry, that a grand jury would be convened to investigate Martin's death, but Special Prosecutor Angela Corey announced that her office, not the grand jury, would decide whether to press charges.

Medical records by Zimmerman's doctor indicate that he was seen the day after the shooting, and was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, two black eyes, lacerations to the back of his head, a minor back injury, and bruising in his upper lip and cheek.

Autopsy results on Martin show a fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Zimmerman was taken into custody on April 11, almost two months after the incident, and charged with 2nd-degree murder.

Zimmerman's bail was set at $150,000 on April 20, and he took the stand to express his sorrow over Martin's death. He was released on bail on April 23, fitted with an electronic monitoring device, and has entered a "not guilty" plea.

This what we KNOW, from the evidence that has been currently released to the public. There is clearly more evidence that has not been released to the public as yet.

Now, having laid out the evidence currently known by the public, let me make a few comments.

First, the timeline of the calls, from Zimmerman to the police and from Martin's girlfriend to Martin. We know Martin's call started at 7:09 and lasted 4 minutes and 11 seconds, which means it ended at just shy of 7:14 pm. We know that Martin's girlfriend's call to Martin started at 7:12 pm, which means that she called him AFTER Zimmerman told the dispatcher Martin had run away, that he (Zimmerman) had stopped following Martin, and that he (Zimmerman) didn't know where Martin was. Yet Martin's girlfriend claims Martin told her "some guy" was following him and she told him to run away AFTER he had apparently already done so. She also said she heard a verbal confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman, which would have required Martin to have RETURNED to the area Zimmerman was in. If it had taken place any earlier, it would have been audible on the police recording.

Second, Martin's girlfriend said she heard the "sound of pushing". What the hell does pushing someone sound like?

Moving along, this is just my opinion, but Cutcher the witness and her roommate sound like opportunists turning up after the media hullabaloo started to get their fifteen minutes of fame. They admit to not having seen the confrontation OR the shooting, and yet go on television to give definitive statements about what did and did not happen. Worse, their statements on TV contradict the statements given by all the other witnesses, the 911 recordings on which parts of the struggle can be heard, and apparently contradict the statements they themselves gave to the police.
A few comments:

The 13-year-old witness to Zimmerman being on the ground is an Afro.

The two women "witnesses", roommates, who support Trayvon didn't witness anything that we didn't witness ourselves in the 911 calls. The media is confusing their speculation about what happened with with what they witnessed. After one of them mistakenly identified the swarthy Zimmerman as an Afro, they might be trying to protect themselves from accusations of racism. Or, maybe they're just stupid bimbos who think the 12yr-old little Trayvon is just to tender to be guilty of assault.

One of the most important details left out of the very good summery is the location Zimmerman identified he last saw Trayvon vs. where Trayvon was shot, and the time span in between. This shows Trayvon actually stalked Zimmerman.
A few comments:

The 13-year-old witness to Zimmerman being on the ground is an Afro.

The two women "witnesses", roommates, who support Trayvon didn't witness anything that we didn't witness ourselves in the 911 calls. The media is confusing their speculation about what happened with with what they witnessed. After one of them mistakenly identified the swarthy Zimmerman as an Afro, they might be trying to protect themselves from accusations of racism. Or, maybe they're just stupid bimbos who think the 12yr-old little Trayvon is just to tender to be guilty of assault.

One of the most important details left out of the very good summery is the location Zimmerman identified he last saw Trayvon vs. where Trayvon was shot, and the time span in between. This shows Trayvon actually stalked Zimmerman.

As to what race the 13-year-old is, I couldn't say. I'm not aware that he's been identified. I do find it interesting that his mom turned up after the media firestorm started and tried to hijack the kid's testimony to fit in with the PC media snow job. She strikes me as another opportunist trying to cash in on a little fleeting fame.

I did point out that Cutcher and her roommate admit themselves that they didn't see a thing, and that their statements on the television contradict everyone else's statements, including the ones they themselves made to the cops. I find it interesting that no matter whether you're talking about witnesses who corroborate Zimmerman or witnesses who contradict him, the version offered by Cutcher and her roommate don't agree with either side.

I don't have access to any maps or photographs of the housing community at the moment, and haven't heard or seen any official statements as to where the shooting took place in relation to where Zimmerman's vehicle was parked, where Zimmerman told the dispatcher he was (which was kind of vague anyway), etc. I shall be interested to see further information in this regard as the story continues to unfold.

I am also interested, while I'm on the subject, to see what the autopsy report has to say about Trayvon Martin's physical position when he was shot. I am told that a gunshot wound to someone standing up is noticeably different from a gunshot wound to someone lying on the ground, so any such information by the coroner would tend to corroborate one set of witnesses, and discredit the other.

I do note, though, that Martin's body was found lying facedown. If Zimmerman had been the man on top of the struggle, this would mean he either shot Martin in the back while he was facing the ground, or he shot him in the front and then, for some unknown reason, rolled him over. Since the latter is highly unlikely, if the autopsy shows that Martin was shot from the front, this would also tend to corroborate Zimmerman's story. Of course, if Martin was shot in the back, then Zimmerman's fucked no matter how it went down.
A few comments:

The 13-year-old witness to Zimmerman being on the ground is an Afro.

The two women "witnesses", roommates, who support Trayvon didn't witness anything that we didn't witness ourselves in the 911 calls. The media is confusing their speculation about what happened with with what they witnessed. After one of them mistakenly identified the swarthy Zimmerman as an Afro, they might be trying to protect themselves from accusations of racism. Or, maybe they're just stupid bimbos who think the 12yr-old little Trayvon is just to tender to be guilty of assault.

One of the most important details left out of the very good summery is the location Zimmerman identified he last saw Trayvon vs. where Trayvon was shot, and the time span in between. This shows Trayvon actually stalked Zimmerman.

As to what race the 13-year-old is, I couldn't say. I'm not aware that he's been identified. I do find it interesting that his mom turned up after the media firestorm started and tried to hijack the kid's testimony to fit in with the PC media snow job. She strikes me as another opportunist trying to cash in on a little fleeting fame.

I did point out that Cutcher and her roommate admit themselves that they didn't see a thing, and that their statements on the television contradict everyone else's statements, including the ones they themselves made to the cops. I find it interesting that no matter whether you're talking about witnesses who corroborate Zimmerman or witnesses who contradict him, the version offered by Cutcher and her roommate don't agree with either side.

I don't have access to any maps or photographs of the housing community at the moment, and haven't heard or seen any official statements as to where the shooting took place in relation to where Zimmerman's vehicle was parked, where Zimmerman told the dispatcher he was (which was kind of vague anyway), etc. I shall be interested to see further information in this regard as the story continues to unfold.

I am also interested, while I'm on the subject, to see what the autopsy report has to say about Trayvon Martin's physical position when he was shot. I am told that a gunshot wound to someone standing up is noticeably different from a gunshot wound to someone lying on the ground, so any such information by the coroner would tend to corroborate one set of witnesses, and discredit the other.

I do note, though, that Martin's body was found lying facedown. If Zimmerman had been the man on top of the struggle, this would mean he either shot Martin in the back while he was facing the ground, or he shot him in the front and then, for some unknown reason, rolled him over. Since the latter is highly unlikely, if the autopsy shows that Martin was shot from the front, this would also tend to corroborate Zimmerman's story. Of course, if Martin was shot in the back, then Zimmerman's fucked no matter how it went down.

I think if Martin would have been shot in the back, Zimmerman would have been arrested that night, as the cops wouldn't have believed it was self defense.

What I think happened was Martin was on top, and when Zimmerman shot him, Martin fell to one side and Z slipped out from under him leaving him face down. He then got on top of him to make sure he couldn't easily get up and resume the struggle, not realizing he was already dead.
A few comments:

The 13-year-old witness to Zimmerman being on the ground is an Afro.

The two women "witnesses", roommates, who support Trayvon didn't witness anything that we didn't witness ourselves in the 911 calls. The media is confusing their speculation about what happened with with what they witnessed. After one of them mistakenly identified the swarthy Zimmerman as an Afro, they might be trying to protect themselves from accusations of racism. Or, maybe they're just stupid bimbos who think the 12yr-old little Trayvon is just to tender to be guilty of assault.

One of the most important details left out of the very good summery is the location Zimmerman identified he last saw Trayvon vs. where Trayvon was shot, and the time span in between. This shows Trayvon actually stalked Zimmerman.

As to what race the 13-year-old is, I couldn't say. I'm not aware that he's been identified. I do find it interesting that his mom turned up after the media firestorm started and tried to hijack the kid's testimony to fit in with the PC media snow job. She strikes me as another opportunist trying to cash in on a little fleeting fame.

I did point out that Cutcher and her roommate admit themselves that they didn't see a thing, and that their statements on the television contradict everyone else's statements, including the ones they themselves made to the cops. I find it interesting that no matter whether you're talking about witnesses who corroborate Zimmerman or witnesses who contradict him, the version offered by Cutcher and her roommate don't agree with either side.

I don't have access to any maps or photographs of the housing community at the moment, and haven't heard or seen any official statements as to where the shooting took place in relation to where Zimmerman's vehicle was parked, where Zimmerman told the dispatcher he was (which was kind of vague anyway), etc. I shall be interested to see further information in this regard as the story continues to unfold.

I am also interested, while I'm on the subject, to see what the autopsy report has to say about Trayvon Martin's physical position when he was shot. I am told that a gunshot wound to someone standing up is noticeably different from a gunshot wound to someone lying on the ground, so any such information by the coroner would tend to corroborate one set of witnesses, and discredit the other.

I do note, though, that Martin's body was found lying facedown. If Zimmerman had been the man on top of the struggle, this would mean he either shot Martin in the back while he was facing the ground, or he shot him in the front and then, for some unknown reason, rolled him over. Since the latter is highly unlikely, if the autopsy shows that Martin was shot from the front, this would also tend to corroborate Zimmerman's story. Of course, if Martin was shot in the back, then Zimmerman's fucked no matter how it went down.

I just got back in from the garden and caught your posts. Excellent. Great job on the timeline.

I agree on Cutcher sp? and her room mate. I have read the Police statement that discredits them from the get go. She declined to make a statement when they first canvassed the neighborhood and then lo and behold they are all over the TV during the media frenzy. I'm fried from planting but I know I put up a credible link to the police statement in one of these Zimmerman threads. :eusa_angel:

"John" appears to be a very credible witness and my take on "John" is that he's laying low after giving his statement over concerns for his safety.

Thanks for a fabulous summation!
Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty. Every single time REAL evidence comes out, it supports Zimmerman's story. Of course the lynch mob won't accept it and neither will the thick-headed morons here who convicted GZ from the very beginning.

You want to know a sure way to tell if you are right or wrong? If Al Sharpton is on your side, you are on the wrong side of the issue.
A few comments:

The 13-year-old witness to Zimmerman being on the ground is an Afro.

The two women "witnesses", roommates, who support Trayvon didn't witness anything that we didn't witness ourselves in the 911 calls. The media is confusing their speculation about what happened with with what they witnessed. After one of them mistakenly identified the swarthy Zimmerman as an Afro, they might be trying to protect themselves from accusations of racism. Or, maybe they're just stupid bimbos who think the 12yr-old little Trayvon is just to tender to be guilty of assault.

One of the most important details left out of the very good summery is the location Zimmerman identified he last saw Trayvon vs. where Trayvon was shot, and the time span in between. This shows Trayvon actually stalked Zimmerman.

As to what race the 13-year-old is, I couldn't say. I'm not aware that he's been identified. I do find it interesting that his mom turned up after the media firestorm started and tried to hijack the kid's testimony to fit in with the PC media snow job. She strikes me as another opportunist trying to cash in on a little fleeting fame.

I did point out that Cutcher and her roommate admit themselves that they didn't see a thing, and that their statements on the television contradict everyone else's statements, including the ones they themselves made to the cops. I find it interesting that no matter whether you're talking about witnesses who corroborate Zimmerman or witnesses who contradict him, the version offered by Cutcher and her roommate don't agree with either side.

I don't have access to any maps or photographs of the housing community at the moment, and haven't heard or seen any official statements as to where the shooting took place in relation to where Zimmerman's vehicle was parked, where Zimmerman told the dispatcher he was (which was kind of vague anyway), etc. I shall be interested to see further information in this regard as the story continues to unfold.

I am also interested, while I'm on the subject, to see what the autopsy report has to say about Trayvon Martin's physical position when he was shot. I am told that a gunshot wound to someone standing up is noticeably different from a gunshot wound to someone lying on the ground, so any such information by the coroner would tend to corroborate one set of witnesses, and discredit the other.

I do note, though, that Martin's body was found lying facedown. If Zimmerman had been the man on top of the struggle, this would mean he either shot Martin in the back while he was facing the ground, or he shot him in the front and then, for some unknown reason, rolled him over. Since the latter is highly unlikely, if the autopsy shows that Martin was shot from the front, this would also tend to corroborate Zimmerman's story. Of course, if Martin was shot in the back, then Zimmerman's fucked no matter how it went down.

I think if Martin would have been shot in the back, Zimmerman would have been arrested that night, as the cops wouldn't have believed it was self defense.

I think so, too. On the other hand, the police and the State Attorney's office both said right afterward that there was no evidence to dispute his claim of self-defense or to warrant his arrest. It was only after the racial hue-and-cry went up that the authorities mysteriously decided there was a case against him.

Under the circumstances, I would like to hear this officially from the autopsy report, and then have the Zimmerman accusers who insist he attacked poor Trayvon explain to me why, in that case, he would have shot him and then rolled him over on his face.

What I think happened was Martin was on top, and when Zimmerman shot him, Martin fell to one side and Z slipped out from under him leaving him face down. He then got on top of him to make sure he couldn't easily get up and resume the struggle, not realizing he was already dead.

Given the evidence and testimonies offered so far, and their varying degrees of believability, I'm inclined to think Martin was on top, Zimmerman shot him, Zimmerman basically squirmed out from under him, and then perhaps knelt over him to ascertain if he was dead. That would have been my inclination in that circumstance.

That's assuming you put any credence at all in the story of Cutcher and her roommate, who currently appear to be the only people claiming to see Zimmerman "straddling" Martin after the gunshot. Personally, I'm inclined to completely dismiss them both as wannabe media whores.

For the record, I also think Martin's girlfriend's story sounds very contrived. The witness who seems most coherent and reliable right now would be "John". The others either sound like they only saw bits and pieces, and/or are trying to paste something together to fit the media narrative so they can get on TV. I don't blame the ones who only have bits and pieces, because any cop will tell you that eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable, and will give you as many different versions of an event as there are people.
Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty. Every single time REAL evidence comes out, it supports Zimmerman's story. Of course the lynch mob won't accept it and neither will the thick-headed morons here who convicted GZ from the very beginning.

You want to know a sure way to tell if you are right or wrong? If Al Sharpton is on your side, you are on the wrong side of the issue.

I have to admit, you have a point.
Something else I wanted to comment on:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate, Selma Lamilla, admit that they did not see the shooting or the confrontation before it, but nevertheless have stated that they believe there was "no punching, no hitting, no wrestling" before the shooting. They say they heard the two men in their backyard, and "a very young voice" whining, with no sounds of a fight. They say they heard a gunshot, the crying stopped, and they saw Zimmerman on his knees, straddling Martin. Mary Cutcher phoned the police after the shooting and told them that the black man was standing over another man, although Martin was already dead. Police spokesman Sgt. Dave Morgenstern issued a statement disputing the statements Cutcher made on television, calling them "inconsistent" with their sworn testimony to the police.

A witness identified as female said that she heard an argument between a younger and an older voice. The whole time she witnessed the incident the scuffling happened on the grass. She said that the larger man, who walked away after the gunshot, was on top, and that it was too dark to see blood on his face.

These two references to "a young voice". What the hell does that MEAN? Martin was 17, and Zimmerman was 28. Correct me if I'm wrong, but unless a man has some sort of weird deficiency, by the age of 17, he's fully undergone puberty and his voice has changed. No one's ever indicated that Martin had any such weirdness about him or sounded any different from any other normal, healthy 17-year-old male.

Am I the only one who has never noticed any marked difference between the voice of a 17-year-old and that of a 28-year-old? I can see judging age in a very general fashion when talking about young children, or senior citizens, or those in-between, but making that fine a distinction? What the hell is THAT about?
As to what race the 13-year-old is, I couldn't say. I'm not aware that he's been identified.

Austin Brown is the other witness. The most interesting unidentified person is the female Trayvon was on the phone with. I don't think anyone in the media has even had a chance to talk to her, even with her identity kept hidden. And, it's curious that she didn't go to police with what she knew, as soon as she found out what happened, even more so knowing that Zimmerman wasn't charged.

I did point out that Cutcher and her roommate admit themselves that they didn't see a thing, and that their statements on the television contradict everyone else's statements, including the ones they themselves made to the cops. I find it interesting that no matter whether you're talking about witnesses who corroborate Zimmerman or witnesses who contradict him, the version offered by Cutcher and her roommate don't agree with either side.

Yes. Again, these women are openly speculating based on the same information we have. Yet, I repeatedly see websites identify them as witnesses that it was Trayvon screaming. BTW, what's the difference in the shrill screaming of a 17-year-old vs a 28-year-old? Both are physically mature men who wouldn't see any more voice changes due to development growth. And, both are young enough that there wouldn't yet be any degradation of voice quality due to age.

I don't have access to any maps or photographs of the housing community at the moment, and haven't heard or seen any official statements as to where the shooting took place in relation to where Zimmerman's vehicle was parked, where Zimmerman told the dispatcher he was (which was kind of vague anyway), etc. I shall be interested to see further information in this regard as the story continues to unfold.

Evidence that Trayvon Martin Doubled Back

I am also interested, while I'm on the subject, to see what the autopsy report has to say about Trayvon Martin's physical position when he was shot.

So far, all the evidence, the mountain of evidence, supports Zimmerman's account. So, you know how to bet. If Trayvon was shot in the back, the family would have known and would have made sure the whole world knew. The autopsy report does say what we already knew, that Trayvon was shot in the chest - a single gunshot to the chest at indeterminate range.

I'm trying to imagine what possible ace the Prosecution could have to make a viable murder charge. I have nothing, and the shitheads who defend Trayvon need nothing other than their racial prejudice. This is purely a political prosecution.
Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty. Every single time REAL evidence comes out, it supports Zimmerman's story. Of course the lynch mob won't accept it and neither will the thick-headed morons here who convicted GZ from the very beginning.

You want to know a sure way to tell if you are right or wrong? If Al Sharpton is on your side, you are on the wrong side of the issue.

I wouldn't say for sure it would make you wrong, but it would make your side questionable. I mean even Sharpton has to get it right once in awhile, doesn't he?
I wouldn't say for sure it would make you wrong, but it would make your side questionable. I mean even Sharpton has to get it right once in awhile, doesn't he?

Our country gives so much favorable treatment to Afros that it's not realistic that Sharpton would ever get a chance to parade around about a real injustice to Afros. Even the slightest hint of an injustice, real or imagined, to Afros brings swift punishment to whites and quick reward to Afros. Every cop knows that he'd be screwed if linked to an injustice to Afros. The prosecutor who declined to charge Zimmerman in the first place knows he'd be fired and never worked again if he were guilty of an injustice to an Afro. And, Sharpton doesn't need to arrive and arrange even one demonstration for these things to happen.

Sharpton has been in involved in one fraud after another, and they all turn out to be frauds because they necessarily have to be frauds.
A few comments:

The 13-year-old witness to Zimmerman being on the ground is an Afro.

The two women "witnesses", roommates, who support Trayvon didn't witness anything that we didn't witness ourselves in the 911 calls. The media is confusing their speculation about what happened with with what they witnessed. After one of them mistakenly identified the swarthy Zimmerman as an Afro, they might be trying to protect themselves from accusations of racism. Or, maybe they're just stupid bimbos who think the 12yr-old little Trayvon is just to tender to be guilty of assault.

One of the most important details left out of the very good summery is the location Zimmerman identified he last saw Trayvon vs. where Trayvon was shot, and the time span in between. This shows Trayvon actually stalked Zimmerman.

As to what race the 13-year-old is, I couldn't say. I'm not aware that he's been identified. I do find it interesting that his mom turned up after the media firestorm started and tried to hijack the kid's testimony to fit in with the PC media snow job. She strikes me as another opportunist trying to cash in on a little fleeting fame.

I did point out that Cutcher and her roommate admit themselves that they didn't see a thing, and that their statements on the television contradict everyone else's statements, including the ones they themselves made to the cops. I find it interesting that no matter whether you're talking about witnesses who corroborate Zimmerman or witnesses who contradict him, the version offered by Cutcher and her roommate don't agree with either side.

I don't have access to any maps or photographs of the housing community at the moment, and haven't heard or seen any official statements as to where the shooting took place in relation to where Zimmerman's vehicle was parked, where Zimmerman told the dispatcher he was (which was kind of vague anyway), etc. I shall be interested to see further information in this regard as the story continues to unfold.

I am also interested, while I'm on the subject, to see what the autopsy report has to say about Trayvon Martin's physical position when he was shot. I am told that a gunshot wound to someone standing up is noticeably different from a gunshot wound to someone lying on the ground, so any such information by the coroner would tend to corroborate one set of witnesses, and discredit the other.

I do note, though, that Martin's body was found lying facedown. If Zimmerman had been the man on top of the struggle, this would mean he either shot Martin in the back while he was facing the ground, or he shot him in the front and then, for some unknown reason, rolled him over. Since the latter is highly unlikely, if the autopsy shows that Martin was shot from the front, this would also tend to corroborate Zimmerman's story. Of course, if Martin was shot in the back, then Zimmerman's fucked no matter how it went down.

Most all of that was leaked to the media.
What was left out and what was added?
I tend to believe most of it but none of it is evidence YET.
Unless these witnesses testify in court none of that means anything.
The girl on the phone is HEARSAY evidence.
Probably never get that in.
You can not cross examine the other party, he is dead.
He'll walk due to SYG, and the Floridians will realize how fucking stupid the law is.

However, nothing will change until a white teenager is killed by a black adult on similar circumstances.

I am glad my state doesn't have that stupid fucking law.

Castle is sufficient for self defense.

The "black man killed unarmed white teen" scenario has already occured. Famous case out of New York.

What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?
By Michael Filozof

What would happen if a black man armed with a handgun confronted "suspicious persons" in his neighborhood? What would happen if the "suspicious persons" were unarmed white teens, one of them was shot dead, and the shooter claimed self-defense?

This is not an exercise in mere speculation. We know what would happen in such a case. There would be no white mobs in the street chanting "No justice, no peace!"

There would be no whites holding a "million hoodie march" in New York City. There would be no white equivalent of Al Sharpton, the professional race-baiter behind the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax, leading marches in the streets of the shooter's hometown.

There would be no Federal civil rights investigation by the Justice Department. There would be no comments from a president who seems congenitally unable to keep his mouth shut on matters involving left-wing political correctness.

And there would be no national media attention from biased, left-wing "reporters."

We know this because in fact, such an event occurred in 2009 in Greece, N.Y., a suburb of Rochester. Roderick Scott, a black man, shot and killed an unarmed white teen, Christopher Cervini, whom he believed was burglarizing a neighbor's car, with a licensed .40 cal. handgun.

Read more: Articles: What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

Read more: Articles: What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

He was charged with manslaughter and walked.

As a form of protest, I hope pistol packing Black men start vigorous neighborhood watches in the state of Florida.

More then likely they would be patrolling black neighborhoods.
So you want more black on black murders?
You're a racist!!
All of that, yet this is 40 minutes after the incident;

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

Been in some pretty good fights, never looked that good 40 minutes later.

Released by ABC last month.


I have never understood why there is a straight line across his head where the blood is. Why is the blood not spattered forward as well as toward the back? Just bugs me.

Might have been wearing a baseball cap. Kind of looks that way.
No, it's not inconsistent at all.

What it is inconsistent with is what liberals have fabricated based on the fabrications of the media. That, and a strong belief that if the evidence wasn't presented to the media it didn't exist. Liberals, who are desperate to have Martin an innocent kid, believed that there was no evidence on Martin's hands that he had beat Zimmerman up, now that there is evidence, they have to find a way to deny that the evidence exists so they say "it wasn't there before". Of course the evidence was there before, it just wasn't in the media before.
In a related story. HPD beating of Chad Holley.[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvy976QKuS4]Houston Police BEATING Teen Suspect Chad Holley - YouTube[/ame]
Just to prove to Truthdoesntmatter and the other race baiting libs that race doesnt enter into the equation.
I believe the cops involved in this should be incarcerated. As any normal person can see the cops went overboard and should be held responsible.

See truthdoesntmatter,when it's obvious a crime was committed regardless of skin color i'm all for convicting those responsible. That's called being "unbiased" maybe you should give it a try.

Curious to see if conservatives agree with me on this matter.....

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