Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

Trayvon Martin Witness Says Sanford Police Ignored Her [Video] | Click here for latest music news (full color articles)

Welch: Cutcher believes whatever confrontation there was it ended before they got to her backyard and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

a witness - the "Killing" occurred in her back yard.

Was it Zimmerman screaming "Help Me" with a gun in his belt ???

the same guy who had $200,000.00 but still let his parents take out a second mortgage to pay for his bail -

She also said that Trayvon was half Zimmerman's size. Half? Trayvon was taller than Zimmerman, he just didn't weigh as much, which would make it far easier for Trayvon to get away and we know he wasn't shot in the back, he was shot in the chest. She admitted that Zimmerman was bloody, but didn't say anything about Trayvon....also said that Zimmerman, being bloody, continued to chase Trayvon and caught him...who the heck believes an injured man with a bloody nose and back of the head can chase down a much taller, thinner, more athletic person? Of course, she also called the 17 year old 6'3" Trayvon "a little boy".
The police.
All of the pictures depict 2 black eyes, a broken nose and lacerations to the back of the head.
Facts are a real bitch.

What pics:




[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxvfD4BCmN8]Video shows George Zimmerman in handcuffs but no blood after Trayvon Martin shooting (3/28/2012) - YouTube[/ame]

Really hate to make you look really stupid there Moe but the photos you post are 7 WEEKS after the shooting WHEN ZIMMERMAN WAS BOOKED.
The fact you didn't know Zimmerman WAS NOT ARRESTED AFTER THE SHOOTING thus no photos were taken makes you appear to be a dumb ass.
You are not after the truth. You are not smart enough to research any of the facts.
Go back to something you know something about because it is not this subject.

You sound angry. Why are you so emotionally invested in the murder of a black child? It was 45 days not 7 weeks and the video tape was the night of the murder.
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Posting an opinion piece and trying to pass it off as news, especially from a liberal newspaper in a very leftist city makes you look like an ass. SUCCESS!
Florida law permits ordinary citizens the right to bear arms and to use their weapon if they reasonably believe their life is in danger.
Don't like it? Move to fucking England.

Why do you homegrown terrorists always want others to move?

Perhaps because those others are ignorant dipshits who consider our Constitutional rights to be "terrorism"?

As much as I think this guy is guilty, right now I don't see any evidence to convict him on. You cannot convict someone just because you think he is probably guilty.

Out of morbid curiosity, on what are you basing your insistent belief that he's guilty? It's apparently not based on the evidence, since you just admitted there isn't any.
"broken nose, 2 black eyes and lacerations to the back of his head"
According to discovery documents provided by the defendant to the prosecution.
Facts sure are a bitch.

So he was a complete pussy who got his ass whupped by a 17 year old kid he was stalking.

He's going to be the prison bitch when he goes to prison, you know.

Your boy is going to prison, and we will all be better off for it.
Sounds like Trayvon did a good job of defending himself - until his stalker shot him.

Now apparently self-defense is a race issue. Blacks aren't allowed to defend themselves.
The salivating over Zimmerman is pretty disgusting. A guy who was not armed was shot and killed after being pursued by the guy with the gun.

I don't know what Martin was up to but we all seem to agree that it wasn't a matter of Zimmerman being in harm's way and defending himself. Much less from an unarmed "assailant".
Sounds like Trayvon did a good job of defending himself - until his stalker shot him.

Thats funny. The only wound Trayvon had was a single GSW. Doesnt sound like Zimm attacked Trayvon at all. But Zimm did defend himself. He'll walk,and we all know he deserves to.
Sorry race baiters,you'll have to find a new spokes person. Maybe one who hasn't been ventilated?
Sounds like Trayvon did a good job of defending himself - until his stalker shot him.

Thats funny. The only wound Trayvon had was a single GSW. Doesnt sound like Zimm attacked Trayvon at all. But Zimm did defend himself. He'll walk,and we all know he deserves to.
Sorry race baiters,you'll have to find a new spokes person. Maybe one who hasn't been ventilated?

Actually, ZImmerman's going down whether he's guilty or not.

If you dont think the prosecution is either going to offer him a deal or stack the jury against him, you're delusional.

Republican and Democratic politicians want this guy to go to jail. They don't want the race riots and they don't want the egg on their faces.
That child "stood his ground" after being chased, and was murdered in cold blood. True Story.

I guess Trayvon should have called the police like Zimm did. It's a shame he wasted his last phone call on his girl friend. What a dumbass.
Trayvon Martin Witness Says Sanford Police Ignored Her [Video] | Click here for latest music news (full color articles)

Welch: Cutcher believes whatever confrontation there was it ended before they got to her backyard and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

a witness - the "Killing" occurred in her back yard.

Was it Zimmerman screaming "Help Me" with a gun in his belt ???

the same guy who had $200,000.00 but still let his parents take out a second mortgage to pay for his bail -

So why would the guy who was obviously winning the fight call for help?

The witness didnt see shit...she heard something.And she lost all credibility when she called Trayvon "The no limit Nigga" a little boy.

Why do you care about how he made bail? And besides,they'll get that money back after he's found innocent.
"broken nose, 2 black eyes and lacerations to the back of his head"
According to discovery documents provided by the defendant to the prosecution.
Facts sure are a bitch.

I still suspect that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, and then after doing so, was beat up by Trayvon Martin, who was trying to defend himself, at which point Zimmerman killed him. That does not make for a claim of self-defense. Unfortunately, at this point in time, there is no proof one way or the other as to what really happened, so we are left having to believe or not believe the words of Zimmerman. I still don't believe anything he says, but based on evidence, I would not convict him.

What exactly makes you think 'No Limit Nigga" was trying to defend himself?
Sounds to me like "No Limit Nigga"started shit with the wrong guy.
I would have called the police on his honky ass personally.But thats just me.
"broken nose, 2 black eyes and lacerations to the back of his head"

Good. It means Trayvon got some good ones in on the stalker that killed him.

Really hate to make you look really stupid there Moe but the photos you post are 7 WEEKS after the shooting WHEN ZIMMERMAN WAS BOOKED.
The fact you didn't know Zimmerman WAS NOT ARRESTED AFTER THE SHOOTING thus no photos were taken makes you appear to be a dumb ass.
You are not after the truth. You are not smart enough to research any of the facts.
Go back to something you know something about because it is not this subject.

You sound angry. Why are you so emotionally invested in the murder of a black child? It was 45 days not 7 weeks and the video tape was the night of the murder.

And you can see the cop checking Zimms head. And if you think eyes go black immediately after being punched in the nose you're an idiot.
The doctor stated that Zimm had a broken nose two black eyes and lacerations on the back of his head.......What do you want to bet(this being a criminal case and all) that the doctors took plenty of photos and you're going to look like an idiot before this is all said and done.
Sounds like Trayvon did a good job of defending himself - until his stalker shot him.

Thats funny. The only wound Trayvon had was a single GSW. Doesnt sound like Zimm attacked Trayvon at all. But Zimm did defend himself. He'll walk,and we all know he deserves to.
Sorry race baiters,you'll have to find a new spokes person. Maybe one who hasn't been ventilated?

Actually, ZImmerman's going down whether he's guilty or not.

If you dont think the prosecution is either going to offer him a deal or stack the jury against him, you're delusional.

Republican and Democratic politicians want this guy to go to jail. They don't want the race riots and they don't want the egg on their faces.

Zimms not going to jail. This is all a dog and pony show to shut up idiots like the black panthers.
You gotta love all the Trayvon apologist. Every time one of their theories gets shot down they latch on to the next one only to have it shot down as well.

Y'all are starting to look really stupid. The left has turned this into a racial issue,when it's clearly not.
Try again.

The State does not provide discovery documents to the state.
Know the law of criminal procedure and get back to us.

Don't want to talk about Martin's condition, do ya?

What is there to talk about?
He got exactly what he bargained for.
Cilture of violence in the black community.
I feel for his family. They coddled a thug. He should have been in school but since he was expelled he should have been working in the yard with a shovel.
Trayvon was an undisciplined thug.
Facts sure are a bitch for you. Get over it. Focus ON BLACK ON BLACK CRIME.
Which the media and you ignore.

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