Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

The police.
All of the pictures depict 2 black eyes, a broken nose and lacerations to the back of the head.
Facts are a real bitch.

What pics:




[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxvfD4BCmN8]Video shows George Zimmerman in handcuffs but no blood after Trayvon Martin shooting (3/28/2012) - YouTube[/ame]

Really hate to make you look really stupid there Moe but the photos you post are 7 WEEKS after the shooting WHEN ZIMMERMAN WAS BOOKED.
The fact you didn't know Zimmerman WAS NOT ARRESTED AFTER THE SHOOTING thus no photos were taken makes you appear to be a dumb ass.
You are not after the truth. You are not smart enough to research any of the facts.
Go back to something you know something about because it is not this subject.

My issue with you is that you are so certain Zman is completely innocent. All I see is that there is not enough evidence to convict him, but I would never adamantly support his innocence.
"broken nose, 2 black eyes and lacerations to the back of his head"
According to discovery documents provided by the defendant to the prosecution.
Facts sure are a bitch.

Notice how this case has disappeared from the public eye.
I think the prosecution caved to pressure and the fear of mob rule.
The prosecution will NOT get a murder conviction.
The race baiters and the lib news media screwed the prosecution out of any chance of a conviction.

Of course they won't and you have it pegged right.
As I have stated 4 dozen times from the start of this on day one here:
This is a manslaughter case and I would have charged him with voluntary manslaughter. Let him plea to involuntary with 10 years with 1-3 to serve.
He walks on the murder charge because how can the state prove INTENT TO KILL?
I have investigated hundreds of murder cases. This one is a blown deal with the 2nd degree murder charge. Especially with the Stand My Ground Law which I oppose.
But it is THE LAW.

That I would agree with, sans any new evidence.
Dumb ass Trayvon bit off more than what he could handle. If I have a gun on me, and someone attacks me - bang bang! If he thought someone was stalking him, he should of called the police.

Ever think he didn't get the chance? I really don't buy into the scenario that Zman was walking back to his car and Trayvon Martin then jumped him. Granted I don't see any evidence to convict Zman, but I think he is a murderer.
News Flash for Dumb Asses:
Even if there were hate charges this was not a Federal crime.

IF it is determined to be a "hate crime", then yes it is.

Trayvon was harmlessly minding his own business. Zimmerman stalked him. Police dispatcher said not to follow. Zimmerman, armed, continued to stalk him. Trayvon, unarmed, ends up dead. It's irrelevant how many marks Zimmerman may have had. Trayvon had every right to stand his ground and protect himself from an armed stalker. I hope Zimmerman gets the maximum sentence just based on the public information already available.

With no witnesses, there is no proof. I too think this is what happened, but I would never convict someone without any solid evidence against them.

I'm sure there is MUCH evidence yet to be disclosed - in both the state and federal investigations.

Trayvon also had the right to "stand his ground". If it is confirmed that Trayvon was running away and Zimmerman was running after him - that isn't good for Zimmerman.
The liberals are invested in their anti-self defense narrative.

When Zimmerman is acquitted they will claim the jury was rigged, the jury was racist, whatever Obama like excuses they think might be believable.

Bucs is right, riots on the horizon.

If we're lucky, the acquittal will come at the same time Obama is defeated...get all the riots out of the way at the same time.

I will be shocked if this goes to trial before January.
That child "stood his ground" after being chased, and was murdered in cold blood. True Story.

You call a 6'3" self-described no-limit-nigga a child.

You say he stood his ground, when he had time to be a mile away.

You say Trayvon was murdered in cold blood. On that point, I suspect you're right. I never really thought that Afros were warm-blooded mammals. Probably some sort of ape-like reptile. I'm for animal rights. But, shooting one of them isn't murder, in the moral sense, no matter the circumstances. And, I think we'd have more luck getting chimpanzees to integrate into society as civilized members.

I'll add to your neg rating, only because you are an absolute scumbag.
IF it is determined to be a "hate crime", then yes it is.

Trayvon was harmlessly minding his own business. Zimmerman stalked him. Police dispatcher said not to follow. Zimmerman, armed, continued to stalk him. Trayvon, unarmed, ends up dead. It's irrelevant how many marks Zimmerman may have had. Trayvon had every right to stand his ground and protect himself from an armed stalker. I hope Zimmerman gets the maximum sentence just based on the public information already available.

With no witnesses, there is no proof. I too think this is what happened, but I would never convict someone without any solid evidence against them.

I'm sure there is MUCH evidence yet to be disclosed - in both the state and federal investigations.

Trayvon also had the right to "stand his ground". If it is confirmed that Trayvon was running away and Zimmerman was running after him - that isn't good for Zimmerman.

Or we could all just believe as you do, that TVM was able to approach and Assualt his "Stalker" who was "harrassing him with a Gun" before Zimmerman was able to Shoot him. Right?

.....So, HE went lookin' for trouble (per the phone-records)....ended-up taking an ass-whuppin' (more-than-likely why the cops told him to back-off)....and, the little-bitch had to shoot-his-way-out....'cause he just HAD to go lookin' for trouble.

Hell.....he should "do some time", just for being so-fuckin'-STUPID!!

He never talked to the cops before the shooting. Don't lie.

He placed a call to 911.

He was TOLD to back-off!!

HE fucked-up!

Now, it's time to pay (for not following instructions.)

No one with any authority gave him an order to be obeyed.

You're making stuff up.
I think Zimmerman is guilty as hell - but I do want him to have a fair trial. If the evidence, law, and fair jury acquit him - then so be it. However, I don't think that will happen. I fully expect that he'll serve at least some time in prison. I also sort of doubt the FBI will ever file hate crime charges.
Trayvon Martin Witness Says Sanford Police Ignored Her [Video] | Click here for latest music news (full color articles)

Welch: Cutcher believes whatever confrontation there was it ended before they got to her backyard and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

a witness - the "Killing" occurred in her back yard.

Was it Zimmerman screaming "Help Me" with a gun in his belt ???

the same guy who had $200,000.00 but still let his parents take out a second mortgage to pay for his bail -

Hadn't seen this before, definitely interesting. I'll wait to see if there are any other surprise eye-witness accounts.
I think Zimmerman is guilty as hell - but I do want him to have a fair trial. If the evidence, law, and fair jury acquit him - then so be it. However, I don't think that will happen. I fully expect that he'll serve at least some time in prison. I also sort of doubt the FBI will ever file hate crime charges.

The problem with convicting him is that he's been charged with murder 2. As of now, there is nothing that would lead anyone to believe that murder 2 should be on the table. Just as in the Anthony case, overcharging the defendant may well lead to an acquittal.
Trayvon Martin Witness Says Sanford Police Ignored Her [Video] | Click here for latest music news (full color articles)

Welch: Cutcher believes whatever confrontation there was it ended before they got to her backyard and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

and she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.

a witness - the "Killing" occurred in her back yard.

Was it Zimmerman screaming "Help Me" with a gun in his belt ???

the same guy who had $200,000.00 but still let his parents take out a second mortgage to pay for his bail -

Hadn't seen this before, definitely interesting. I'll wait to see if there are any other surprise eye-witness accounts.


Cutcher has been going for her "15 minutes". Check out how the police have publicly denounced her.

Police spokesman Sgt. Dave Morgenstern disputed Cutcher’s claims about their investigation, according to the Orlando Sentinel. In a statement issued Thursday, he called Cutcher’s claims “inconsistent with her sworn testimony to police.”

“Actually officers who were canvassing the neighborhood looking for potential witnesses, the evening of the shooting, contacted her and she said she did not want to get involved,” Morgenstern said.

Police & Witness Spar Over Trayvon Martin Investigation | Dominion of New York

From what I've read of her interviews she's full of shit and the Prosecutor better give her a wide berth because Zimmerman's attorney will be able to make mincemeat out of her.
I think Zimmerman is guilty as hell - but I do want him to have a fair trial. If the evidence, law, and fair jury acquit him - then so be it. However, I don't think that will happen. I fully expect that he'll serve at least some time in prison. I also sort of doubt the FBI will ever file hate crime charges.

The problem with convicting him is that he's been charged with murder 2. As of now, there is nothing that would lead anyone to believe that murder 2 should be on the table. Just as in the Anthony case, overcharging the defendant may well lead to an acquittal.

I hear you, but I'm still assuming that the prosecutor, Angela Corey, is no fool.
He never talked to the cops before the shooting. Don't lie.

He placed a call to 911.

He was TOLD to back-off!!

HE fucked-up!

Now, it's time to pay (for not following instructions.)

No one with any authority gave him an order to be obeyed.

You're making stuff up.

The truth is Zimmerman DID back-off...even though no one with any authority ordered him too...
Fiction: Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after Dispatch told him "we don't need you to do that".

Truth: Zimmerman stopped chasing Martin, and had no idea where he was. From the transcript, Zimmerman said when asked his address, "It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where [Martin] is."
But they will continue telling that lie and hope it sticks.
He was TOLD to back-off!!

HE fucked-up!

Now, it's time to pay (for not following instructions.)

No one with any authority gave him an order to be obeyed.

You're making stuff up.

The truth is Zimmerman DID back-off...even though no one with any authority ordered him too...
Fiction: Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after Dispatch told him "we don't need you to do that".

Truth: Zimmerman stopped chasing Martin, and had no idea where he was. From the transcript, Zimmerman said when asked his address, "It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where [Martin] is."
But they will continue telling that lie and hope it sticks.

I'm still witnessing blog sites who for whatever reason are absolutely not taking down the transcripts of the manipulated 911 call.

Still up with the false quote of Zimmerman saying that "he looks black". Sheesh. Three people have "left" NBC over this blatant manipulation of the tape to make Zimmerman appear to be racially profiling and SOB's out there won't give up their false premise because the truth doesn't fit with their narratives.

The mantra of "he was ordered to stop" is such bs. But the left will keep trotting it out.

So many lies it's nauseating.
Anyone else think it's a sad statement that this thread's in the Politics section rather than the Law and Justice forum?
No one with any authority gave him an order to be obeyed.

You're making stuff up.

The truth is Zimmerman DID back-off...even though no one with any authority ordered him too...
Fiction: Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after Dispatch told him "we don't need you to do that".

Truth: Zimmerman stopped chasing Martin, and had no idea where he was. From the transcript, Zimmerman said when asked his address, "It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where [Martin] is."
But they will continue telling that lie and hope it sticks.

I'm still witnessing blog sites who for whatever reason are absolutely not taking down the transcripts of the manipulated 911 call.

Still up with the false quote of Zimmerman saying that "he looks black". Sheesh. Three people have "left" NBC over this blatant manipulation of the tape to make Zimmerman appear to be racially profiling and SOB's out there won't give up their false premise because the truth doesn't fit with their narratives.

The mantra of "he was ordered to stop" is such bs. But the left will keep trotting it out.

So many lies it's nauseating.

And therein lies the problem.

It's a case of GIGO...garbage in, garbage out.

These folks get fed false information by the MSM, or blogs or people with an agenda...and therefore reach an erroneous conclusion.

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