Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

Again, those on the right whining about their hero not being charged with a crime completely miss the point.

No one is saying Zimmerman is guilty of anything, or should he be arrested or charged with a crime.

The point is Zimmerman is clearly a danger to himself and the general public, and private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to express their concerns with regard to such an unstable individual, threatening to kill people and showing up at places of employment – whether those threatened press charges or not is irrelevant.
Again, those on the right whining about their hero not being charged with a crime completely miss the point.

No one is saying Zimmerman is guilty of anything, or should he be arrested or charged with a crime.

The point is Zimmerman is clearly a danger to himself and the general public, and private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to express their concerns with regard to such an unstable individual, threatening to kill people and showing up at places of employment – whether those threatened press charges or not is irrelevant.
This was a national news story? The crimes that ACTUALLY happen and are not even put on national news and THIS is a national news story? There is zero evidence that Zimmerman threatened him and he had an appointment at the place the cops stopped him at. Unless of course you are brain dead and think the cops were not smart enough to check out his story.

Multiple murders a day in Chicago that never get National news but we are treated to a story of someone calling some one else a name?

And since you ADMIT he broke no laws EXACTLY what is your point? Exactly what should happen to Zimmerman? What EXACTLY should society do to a man that broke no laws and committed no crime?
Again, those on the right whining about their hero not being charged with a crime completely miss the point.

No one is saying Zimmerman is guilty of anything, or should he be arrested or charged with a crime.

The point is Zimmerman is clearly a danger to himself and the general public, and private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to express their concerns with regard to such an unstable individual, threatening to kill people and showing up at places of employment – whether those threatened press charges or not is irrelevant.
This was a national news story? The crimes that ACTUALLY happen and are not even put on national news and THIS is a national news story? There is zero evidence that Zimmerman threatened him and he had an appointment at the place the cops stopped him at. Unless of course you are brain dead and think the cops were not smart enough to check out his story.

Multiple murders a day in Chicago that never get National news but we are treated to a story of someone calling some one else a name?

And since you ADMIT he broke no laws EXACTLY what is your point? Exactly what should happen to Zimmerman? What EXACTLY should society do to a man that broke no laws and committed no crime?

The only appointment he had in his mind was to murder the man he was stalking. That is how stalkers think, and how he thought when he was stalking Trayvon Martin.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.
Perhaps if the press were honest they would have reported in the first report that Zimmerman said he had a Doctor's appointment and that was why he was there.

They would never report that. It doesn't fit their "narrative".
Again, those on the right whining about their hero not being charged with a crime completely miss the point.

No one is saying Zimmerman is guilty of anything, or should he be arrested or charged with a crime.

The point is Zimmerman is clearly a danger to himself and the general public, and private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to express their concerns with regard to such an unstable individual, threatening to kill people and showing up at places of employment – whether those threatened press charges or not is irrelevant.
This was a national news story? The crimes that ACTUALLY happen and are not even put on national news and THIS is a national news story? There is zero evidence that Zimmerman threatened him and he had an appointment at the place the cops stopped him at. Unless of course you are brain dead and think the cops were not smart enough to check out his story.

Multiple murders a day in Chicago that never get National news but we are treated to a story of someone calling some one else a name?

And since you ADMIT he broke no laws EXACTLY what is your point? Exactly what should happen to Zimmerman? What EXACTLY should society do to a man that broke no laws and committed no crime?

The only appointment he had in his mind was to murder the man he was stalking. That is how stalkers think, and how he thought when he was stalking Trayvon Martin.
So you maintain that the cops were just to stupid to check out Zimmerman's story? You sure you want to make that claim?
Little man with a Big Gun....someone should take his bullets.
If the cops had checked to verify Zimmerman's story that he had an appointment, it would have been reported that way.
Wrong the story did not even specify what appointment he had, the report was designed to attack Zimmerman and you bought it hook line and sinker. If someone claims someone else is stalking them and that person shows up in their parking lot at work and cops are called the cops will IN FACT check out the excuse given by the supposed stalker for being there, further if his story did not check out the cops would arrest him. You let your prejudice get you played.
If the cops had checked to verify Zimmerman's story that he had an appointment, it would have been reported that way.
Wrong the story did not even specify what appointment he had, the report was designed to attack Zimmerman and you bought it hook line and sinker. If someone claims someone else is stalking them and that person shows up in their parking lot at work and cops are called the cops will IN FACT check out the excuse given by the supposed stalker for being there, further if his story did not check out the cops would arrest him. You let your prejudice get you played.

Of course, the whole world besides the Zimmerman lovers is against him and enough to make lies in news reports. :laugh:

When you get a link and a report that states the police checked his story, post it. Such a thing cannot be kept secret. :lol:
From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

A. I did not question the "Issue" of recuing a family; I wondered how visiting a gun factory was an "Issue," but both were mentioned in the OP.

It appears someone will make an "issue" of anything Zimmerman does.
From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

A. I did not question the "Issue" of recuing a family; I wondered how visiting a gun factory was an "Issue," but both were mentioned in the OP.

It appears someone will make an "issue" of anything Zimmerman does.

It was a bigger story than the gun visit which was in very poor taste.
If the cops had checked to verify Zimmerman's story that he had an appointment, it would have been reported that way.
Wrong the story did not even specify what appointment he had, the report was designed to attack Zimmerman and you bought it hook line and sinker. If someone claims someone else is stalking them and that person shows up in their parking lot at work and cops are called the cops will IN FACT check out the excuse given by the supposed stalker for being there, further if his story did not check out the cops would arrest him. You let your prejudice get you played.

Of course, the whole world besides the Zimmerman lovers is against him and enough to make lies in news reports. :laugh:

When you get a link and a report that states the police checked his story, post it. Such a thing cannot be kept secret. :lol:
Actually since it is standard police policy to check such a story if one is accused of stalking then YOU need to provide me with a link to a statement that proves the police did not follow procedure.
If the cops had checked to verify Zimmerman's story that he had an appointment, it would have been reported that way.
Wrong the story did not even specify what appointment he had, the report was designed to attack Zimmerman and you bought it hook line and sinker. If someone claims someone else is stalking them and that person shows up in their parking lot at work and cops are called the cops will IN FACT check out the excuse given by the supposed stalker for being there, further if his story did not check out the cops would arrest him. You let your prejudice get you played.

Of course, the whole world besides the Zimmerman lovers is against him and enough to make lies in news reports. :laugh:

When you get a link and a report that states the police checked his story, post it. Such a thing cannot be kept secret. :lol:
Actually since it is standard police policy to check such a story if one is accused of stalking then YOU need to provide me with a link to a statement that proves the police did not follow procedure.

When the police did their quick investigation of the incident, there were probably no allegations of stalking so they do not have to check anything if they do not want to.

I gave a link twice and have already given reasons why the police have showed favoritism to Zimmerman as they have done in the past especially in the Martin case.

Why would the police report not state whether or not his story was checked out? The link of the report I gave was written straight from the police report. If it was in the police report, it would have been reported.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.
Perhaps if the press were honest they would have reported in the first report that Zimmerman said he had a Doctor's appointment and that was why he was there.
What a coincidence. The man with whom he had a road rage incident the day before works in the same building where Zimmerman has a doc's appointment. Did the police check to see if Zimmerman's story holds up? And why is Zimmerman packing a hand gun to go to the doctor's office?
From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

Ben Makiewicz: Which is why that initial story of the car crash and the pulling of a family from a car, which both of us thought that day...No way! No way! No way! No way! I don't know what happened there, except we never heard about it again.

Cenk Uygur: So, I'm going to connect those two stories here, 'cause Ana said something that really triggered something for me. How did he know...or somebody said...how did he know where the guy worked, right? That makes me think he took down his license plate, and he's got a buddy on the force, right? And so he put that together. By the way, what you didn't see from that earlier story, Ben, where he went and rescued the people is...turns out he had somebody in the force who was feeding him emergencies so he can show up at the scene.

Exactly. Good video.
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
We can prove Rice and Brown are thugs, hell, we've got them on video. Got anything on Zim except a not guilty and some media-infused race pimp hype?
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
We can prove Rice and Brown are thugs, hell, we've got them on video. Got anything on Zim except a not guilty and some media-infused race pimp hype?

And several run ins with the police. Nope he was found not guilty that means nothing happened.


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