Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.
Except Travon was not INNOCENT. He set out to attack and probably kill Zimmerman for the offense of, gasp, following him while he cased the neighborhood.

Basically? Mr. Martin was innocent.

He didn't "set out" to "attack" George Zimmerman.

He was being pursued by an Armed Individual at night. That individual, who with no legal authority to do so, confronted and engaged Mr. Martin.

And Mr. Martin defended himself, as was his right to do so.

What happened in the Florida courts was a disgusting breach of the Justice system.
From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

A. I did not question the "Issue" of recuing a family; I wondered how visiting a gun factory was an "Issue," but both were mentioned in the OP.

It appears someone will make an "issue" of anything Zimmerman does.

It was a bigger story than the gun visit which was in very poor taste.

An Individual's "Poor Taste" is now an "issue" listed along with domestic violence.

What about his underwear? Has the media checked it lately?
Nothing screams personal responsibility like blaming liberals for this alleged death threat.
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
I thought this was the road rage incident
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
I thought this was the road rage incident

This time it is
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
I thought this was the road rage incident

This time it is
But the only reason this matters is because he is famous.

If I threatened somebody in traffic it wouldn't make the national news even if I did shoot somebody.

If I hit my wife, same thing.

This is about a pound of flesh.
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
I thought this was the road rage incident

This time it is
But the only reason this matters is because he is famous.

If I threatened somebody in traffic it wouldn't make the national news even if I did shoot somebody.
If I hit my wife, same thing.
This is about a pound of flesh.

Why is he famous again? This is when you pretend that gunning down a teenager who is unarmed is normal, then raising money for your defense fund is normal (because yanno he hates being famous and stuff), then living off of that money raised is normal, then threatening your gf with a gun is normal, then having numerous run ins with the law is normal,
50989"]Nothing screams personal responsibility like blaming liberals for this alleged death threat.
In that vein of sarcasm, blaming a guy instead of the thug attacking him comes pretty close.

And those awful women too. Why cant GZ just-a threaten and beat people without everyone getting in his business.


Adrian Peterson
I can show you a picture of Zimmerman's beat up face. Can you show me one of these women he allegedly beat up? It is pretty much police procedure on assualts.
50989"]Nothing screams personal responsibility like blaming liberals for this alleged death threat.
In that vein of sarcasm, blaming a guy instead of the thug attacking him comes pretty close.

And those awful women too. Why cant GZ just-a threaten and beat people without everyone getting in his business.


Adrian Peterson
I can show you a picture of Zimmerman's beat up face. Can you show me one of these women he allegedly beat up? It is pretty much police procedure on assualts.

Can you show me a picture of OJ killing Nicole Simpson? No?

Oh well, no crime happened then. Dont mind the blood
50989"]Nothing screams personal responsibility like blaming liberals for this alleged death threat.
In that vein of sarcasm, blaming a guy instead of the thug attacking him comes pretty close.

And those awful women too. Why cant GZ just-a threaten and beat people without everyone getting in his business.


Adrian Peterson
I can show you a picture of Zimmerman's beat up face. Can you show me one of these women he allegedly beat up? It is pretty much police procedure on assualts.

Can you show me a picture of OJ killing Nicole Simpson? No?

Oh well, no crime happened then. Dont mind the blood
There were no public pics of Nicole Simpson because they did not have to prove the crime, homicide. Dead is dead. Assault, on the other hand, must be proven.

You're pretty dull.

Pics please.
A 17 year old kid buying candy and a soda. No wonder Republicans are terrified.
If only that was the whole story,but its not,Deano knows this but just can't bring himself to be honest with not only himself,but others as well.

You can show peole like this one in simple terms,things like 1 plus 1 equals 2 he will deny this fact if is fit the narrative of the day,the whole world can say your wrong,they just deny it and call you a degrading name,childish and pathetic.
Pics of what?
You know, a battered girl friend, like Zim's face after being attacked by a thug.

You're duller than I thought.

You're right, no pics means it didnt happen...over and over and over. It was all a set up...everytime lol
So if we have pics, like Zimmerman's, we know he was assaulted, right?

But you can't produce a pic of a battered Zimmerman girl friend, formal charges or conviction.

Show me something other than allegations of assault which were never legally pursued ffs!

You've got nothing and an intellect to match.
In July 2005, he was arrested for “resisting officer with violence.” The neighborhood watch volunteer who wanted to be a cop got into a scuffle with cops who were questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking. The charges were reduced and then waived after he entered an alcohol education program. Then in August 2005, Zimmerman’s former fiance sought a restraining order against him because of domestic violence. Zimmerman sought a restraining order against her in return. Both were granted. Meanwhile, over the course of eight years, Zimmerman made at least 46 calls to the Sanford (Fla.) Police Department reporting suspicious activity involving black males.

I have to admit I dont have a pic of the restraining order that both of them got so according to the new rules it didnt happen

We also know that Witness No. 9 accused Zimmerman of molesting her when they were children. The relative’s revelation is appalling but irrelevant. What most folks don’t know is that Witness No. 9 made an explosive allegation against her cousin. “I know George. And I know that he does not like black people,” she told a Sanford police officer during a telephone call in which she pleaded for anonymity.

Again no pics. What a nice guy tho
From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

A. I did not question the "Issue" of recuing a family; I wondered how visiting a gun factory was an "Issue," but both were mentioned in the OP.

It appears someone will make an "issue" of anything Zimmerman does.

It was a bigger story than the gun visit which was in very poor taste.

An Individual's "Poor Taste" is now an "issue" listed along with domestic violence.

What about his underwear? Has the media checked it lately?

I didn't say it was an issue, and no one did that I can remember when I read that story. You brought up the subject, and I gave you my opinion of it.

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