Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Told you liberals do not care. You think a cocksucker like sallow did not read this? You think a slut like faun did not read this?

How many blacks were killed last weekend by other blacks?
"Slut." LMAO
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
As usual, you miss the mark. The subject is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone. It reveals his violent nature.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject

Tell us the actual facts. Cause, no matter how much you try to change them, Trayvon Martin still called Zimmerman (half hispanic) a crazy ass cracker, he attacked Zimmerman, he had him in a ground and pound position, MSNBC doctored 911 tapes, the liberal media only showed Martin's 13 year old pictures for weeks for particular reason, he was sent to his fathers house in Sanford by his mother cause he was suspended from school for drug use.

That was according to eyewitness testimony and the testimony of Precious who told the court that he used the term crazy ass cracker.

There, those are the facts.

Now, how many blacks were killed in this country last weekend by other blacks around the country? If you were to guess, would you say more or less than 5?

LOL, like I said, you do not care. Stop debating me, you get fucking crushed every time.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
As usual, you miss the mark. The subject is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone. It reveals his violent nature.

Actually the subject is about liberals like you feigning outrage. It is about you pathetic race baiting morons on the left manipulated by hype of the left wing media. It is about me pointing out to you how much you really do not care how many black children are killed each day in this country.

Me proving that, by showing how much you do not care how many black children were killed by other blacks shows what I am saying is true.

Now, go fuck yourself you stupid left wing, brainwashed sock puppet.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
As usual, you miss the mark. The subject is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone. It reveals his violent nature.

Actually the subject is about liberals like you feigning outrage. It is about you pathetic race baiting morons on the left manipulated by hype of the left wing media. It is about me pointing out to you how much you really do not care how many black children are killed each day in this country.

Me proving that, by showing how much you do not care how many black children were killed by other blacks shows what I am saying is true.

Now, go fuck yourself you stupid left wing, brainwashed sock puppet.
You're unhinged again. This is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone ... which explains why you're trying to divert the topic to something else.
An aside ...

Very funny that, like $arah Palin, part of gz's threat was demanding, "Do you now who I am?"

Apparently, us common folk should shake in our shoes.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.
Perhaps if the press were honest they would have reported in the first report that Zimmerman said he had a Doctor's appointment and that was why he was there.
What a coincidence. The man with whom he had a road rage incident the day before works in the same building where Zimmerman has a doc's appointment. Did the police check to see if Zimmerman's story holds up? And why is Zimmerman packing a hand gun to go to the doctor's office?


Imagine the doctor's office ... You take off your clothes, fold them neatly and what? Put your gun on the top of the stack?

Now that's a doctor who is gonna think twice about giving the patient advice or bad news.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.

So? You want every story to be a national story now? Or are you still bitching about it being a national story while urging for more national stories...but only about blacks tho?

A white couple left their kid in a hot car and killed him. It became a national story. I not once heard you ask the news to make national stories out of kids who like the heat. Or who kill themselves in accidents.

Do you know why you didnt? Because you want to make this about blacks and how they are so bad. Everyone sees thru your faggotry
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
As usual, you miss the mark. The subject is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone. It reveals his violent nature.

Actually the subject is about liberals like you feigning outrage. It is about you pathetic race baiting morons on the left manipulated by hype of the left wing media. It is about me pointing out to you how much you really do not care how many black children are killed each day in this country.

Me proving that, by showing how much you do not care how many black children were killed by other blacks shows what I am saying is true.

Now, go fuck yourself you stupid left wing, brainwashed sock puppet.
You're unhinged again. This is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone ... which explains why you're trying to divert the topic to something else.

Why don't you explain to us, you fucking ignorant hack, why it is news that Zimmerman threatened someone?

Explain to all of us, why this is news, and why a fucking pathetic liberal posted this story.

You know what? You do not need to explain it to us.

A 17 year old kid buying candy and a soda. No wonder Republicans are terrified.

That was a quote by Rdean. Apparently this was not about Zimmerman threatening someone, but I did not see any post by you pointing that out to rdean.

You fucking double talking hypocrite. Do not tell me what this thread is about. This is about a pathetic attempt by a fucking left wing hack to try and tell us how right they were in regards to the Trayvon Martin case.

If you are trying to convince me that it is anything else, go kick fucking rocks you hack.

We all know what this is about, and it is affirmed by the moron rdean.

Having said that, none you care how many black kids were killed last weekend in this country. Which, only further proves that I am right when I say you do not care. It only affirms that all of you are nothing but political opportunists who are nothing but stink little pawns of a race baiting, race dividing media.

You fucking blob.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject

Tell us the actual facts. Cause, no matter how much you try to change them, Trayvon Martin still called Zimmerman (half hispanic) a crazy ass cracker,

Is that a quote or you made that up? LOL..I know which it is. The dead guy cant defend himself tho

he attacked Zimmerman, he had him in a ground and pound position,

So? Thats what happens when you get into a fight. GZ was all tough until Martin start whooping his ass.

MSNBC doctored 911 tapes,

Another unfact

the liberal media only showed Martin's 13 year old pictures for weeks for particular reason, he was sent to his fathers house in Sanford by his mother cause he was suspended from school for drug use.

Never heard that but even still that doesnt matter. Or maybe that matters to you and GZ beating his gf ass doesnt matter because we are looking into peoples background...I mean, we are looking at on Martins background because you're fair

That was according to eyewitness testimony and the testimony of Precious who told the court that he used the term crazy ass cracker.

Cracker really hurts your feelings huh? You keep repeating cracker like it means something in this case.

There, those are the facts.

Now, how many blacks were killed in this country last weekend by other blacks around the country? If you were to guess, would you say more or less than 5?

LOL, like I said, you do not care. Stop debating me, you get fucking crushed every time.

Changing the subject again doesnt help you. What? Your position is that every murder wasnt a national story? Ahahahaaha guess what else? Water is wet
Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
As usual, you miss the mark. The subject is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone. It reveals his violent nature.

Actually the subject is about liberals like you feigning outrage. It is about you pathetic race baiting morons on the left manipulated by hype of the left wing media. It is about me pointing out to you how much you really do not care how many black children are killed each day in this country.

Me proving that, by showing how much you do not care how many black children were killed by other blacks shows what I am saying is true.

Now, go fuck yourself you stupid left wing, brainwashed sock puppet.
You're unhinged again. This is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone ... which explains why you're trying to divert the topic to something else.

Why don't you explain to us, you fucking ignorant hack, why it is news that Zimmerman threatened someone?

Explain to all of us, why this is news, and why a fucking pathetic liberal posted this story.

You know what? You do not need to explain it to us.

Because GZ has a history of violence.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject

Tell us the actual facts. Cause, no matter how much you try to change them, Trayvon Martin still called Zimmerman (half hispanic) a crazy ass cracker,

Is that a quote or you made that up? LOL..I know which it is. The dead guy cant defend himself tho

he attacked Zimmerman, he had him in a ground and pound position,

So? Thats what happens when you get into a fight. GZ was all tough until Martin start whooping his ass.

MSNBC doctored 911 tapes,

Another unfact

the liberal media only showed Martin's 13 year old pictures for weeks for particular reason, he was sent to his fathers house in Sanford by his mother cause he was suspended from school for drug use.

Never heard that but even still that doesnt matter. Or maybe that matters to you and GZ beating his gf ass doesnt matter because we are looking into peoples background...I mean, we are looking at on Martins background because you're fair

That was according to eyewitness testimony and the testimony of Precious who told the court that he used the term crazy ass cracker.

Cracker really hurts your feelings huh? You keep repeating cracker like it means something in this case.

There, those are the facts.

Now, how many blacks were killed in this country last weekend by other blacks around the country? If you were to guess, would you say more or less than 5?

LOL, like I said, you do not care. Stop debating me, you get fucking crushed every time.

Changing the subject again doesnt help you. What? Your position is that every murder wasnt a national story? Ahahahaaha guess what else? Water is wet

Can anyone see any comment from any bullshit statement from the moron caption that is not pure hypocritical bullshit.

You can start by him saying that name calling like crazy ass cracker should not offend anyone. I think he thinks I am saying he was killed for that. No, only a ****** feels justified to kill someone for being called ****** due to the pathetic nature of hypocrites like this faggot caption.

Oh, sweet irony.

Is everything they say hypocritical, a lie, left wing propaganda or all three?
Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
As usual, you miss the mark. The subject is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone. It reveals his violent nature.

Actually the subject is about liberals like you feigning outrage. It is about you pathetic race baiting morons on the left manipulated by hype of the left wing media. It is about me pointing out to you how much you really do not care how many black children are killed each day in this country.

Me proving that, by showing how much you do not care how many black children were killed by other blacks shows what I am saying is true.

Now, go fuck yourself you stupid left wing, brainwashed sock puppet.
You're unhinged again. This is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone ... which explains why you're trying to divert the topic to something else.

Why don't you explain to us, you fucking ignorant hack, why it is news that Zimmerman threatened someone?

Explain to all of us, why this is news, and why a fucking pathetic liberal posted this story.

You know what? You do not need to explain it to us.

A 17 year old kid buying candy and a soda. No wonder Republicans are terrified.

That was a quote by Rdean. Apparently this was not about Zimmerman threatening someone, but I did not see any post by you pointing that out to rdean.

You fucking double talking hypocrite. Do not tell me what this thread is about. This is about a pathetic attempt by a fucking left wing hack to try and tell us how right they were in regards to the Trayvon Martin case.

If you are trying to convince me that it is anything else, go kick fucking rocks you hack.

We all know what this is about, and it is affirmed by the moron rdean.

Having said that, none you care how many black kids were killed last weekend in this country. Which, only further proves that I am right when I say you do not care. It only affirms that all of you are nothing but political opportunists who are nothing but stink little pawns of a race baiting, race dividing media.

You fucking blob.
You are completely unhinged. This is news because someone who killed before has threatened to kill again.
How many blacks killed other blacks last weekend? Oh, that is right. Liberals do not care.

Are liberals still trying to get away from the FACTS regarding the poor Trayvon Martin case?

Ahahahaa. Someones trying to change the subject

Tell us the actual facts. Cause, no matter how much you try to change them, Trayvon Martin still called Zimmerman (half hispanic) a crazy ass cracker, he attacked Zimmerman, he had him in a ground and pound position, MSNBC doctored 911 tapes, the liberal media only showed Martin's 13 year old pictures for weeks for particular reason, he was sent to his fathers house in Sanford by his mother cause he was suspended from school for drug use.

That was according to eyewitness testimony and the testimony of Precious who told the court that he used the term crazy ass cracker.

There, those are the facts.

Now, how many blacks were killed in this country last weekend by other blacks around the country? If you were to guess, would you say more or less than 5?

LOL, like I said, you do not care. Stop debating me, you get fucking crushed every time.

None of those are "facts".

The facts are pretty simple:

1. Zimmerman spots Martin walking through the neighborhood and pursues him in his truck.
2. Zimmerman calls the police and identifies Martin as a suspect.
3. Martin enters a courtyard where pursuit by vehicle is no longer possible. Zimmerman leaves the vehicle and pursues him on foot.
4. Martin runs and Zimmerman gives chase.
5. Zimmerman confronts Martin.
6. An altercation begins.
7. Zimmerman murders Martin with a handgun.

That's it.

Those are the facts.
Can anyone see any comment from any bullshit statement from the moron caption that is not pure hypocritical bullshit.

You can start by him saying that name calling like crazy ass cracker should not offend anyone.

No I didnt say it shouldnt offend I asked you why you keep repeating that like it has something to do with killing Martin? Stick and stone may break my bones but words....

Problem #1

he thinks I am saying he was killed for that. No, only a ****** feels justified to kill someone for being called ****** due to the pathetic nature of hypocrites like this faggot caption.

What? Are you changing the subject AGAIN?

Oh, sweet irony.

Is everything they say hypocritical, a lie, left wing propaganda or all three?

Well if it was a lie you wouldve pointed out the lies, but since you failed to do so I'll take that as your concession

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