Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

And yes, the right's continued defense of, and devotion to, the likes of Zimmerman is both telling and unsurprising.

I don't think his supporters will waver until they stick the needle in him.

And you just cant wait...

The family or families of his victim or victims certainly won't want to.

There are no 'victims' of GZ, only a dirt bag who got what he deserved.

You said I can't wait to see what happens. I can't wait to see who these dirt bag victims you are talking about will be. :lol:
I just found this video. According to Ana Kasparian of Young Turks, the day after the road rage incident, Zimmerman went to the man's work. The man called police, and the police found him at the guy's work...with a gun in his pocket! The video shows the police taking the gun out of his pocket! (@ :30)

So you have one persons side of the story and that is all you need?

We have the police's side of the story also, and they say that It was Zimmerman involved in the road rage incident and him at Apperson's work. You could make up one story but not both. By showing up at the work, Zimmerman himself is proving his rage by stalking the man.

Report Zimmerman accused of road rage - CNN.com Video
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Zimmerman knew this guys work place because ...maybe he knew him from somewhere?

Now you are making up stories.

Zimmerman shows his gun to an ifficer and that proves that...he has a gun and that proves?
It proves he is an extremely dangerous and deadly stalker.

This is nothing but more leftwing fascist targeting an innocent person as they practice the 'politics of personal destruction'.

Note all the amateur psychologists who have divined that GZ is obviously the one at fault, in their 'objective' opinion, lol.

The man is innocent, case closed. No charges pressed, STILL innocent.
What George did was undeniable unless he can prove he really by coincidence had an appointment at the same building where Apperson works. . Who believes he can prove that? :wink:

Leave the man be, you fucking Nazis.

Zimmerman is the enemy of the Nazis. :eek:
He killed a thug in self defense. He has not been charged with anything else and does not need to prove jackshit because nothing has been proved against him, ever.

I wish him a long and healthy life, I also wish he'd get the fuck out of the USA and away from the vindictive race pimps who want to persecute him.

I understand only too well why Officier Wilson is laying low to avoid the same sick fucks.
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George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.

So thats why he was beating his chicks ass before and after the incident? Emotional distress huh?

Man you guy will find bullshit excuses for anything. How about he's just a loose cannon.

From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"
I just found this video. According to Ana Kasparian of Young Turks, the day after the road rage incident, Zimmerman went to the man's work. The man called police, and the police found him at the guy's work...with a gun in his pocket! The video shows the police taking the gun out of his pocket! (@ :30)

So you have one persons side of the story and that is all you need?

We have the police's side of the story also, and they say that It was Zimmerman involved in the road rage incident and him at Apperson's work. You could make up one story but not both. By showing up at the work, Zimmerman himself is proving his rage by stalking the man.

Report Zimmerman accused of road rage - CNN.com Video

Wrong he had a Doctors appointment at the place, the news chose not to report that until later with an update.
Zimmerman is a modern day GI Joe or Chuck Norris.
I think he has a self- death wish.

You could be right. Imagine your tormenter keeping after you for the rest of your life. Sweet blissful death could be seen as an escape.

It is quite common for rape victims to suffer from depression. And untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide.

About 33% of rape victims have suicidal thought.

About 13% of rape victims will attempt suicide.

Suicide attempts may occur years after the rape.​
From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

Ben Makiewicz: Which is why that initial story of the car crash and the pulling of a family from a car, which both of us thought that day...No way! No way! No way! No way! I don't know what happened there, except we never heard about it again.

Cenk Uygur: So, I'm going to connect those two stories here, 'cause Ana said something that really triggered something for me. How did he know...or somebody said...how did he know where the guy worked, right? That makes me think he took down his license plate, and he's got a buddy on the force, right? And so he put that together. By the way, what you didn't see from that earlier story, Ben, where he went and rescued the people is...turns out he had somebody in the force who was feeding him emergencies so he can show up at the scene.

From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

Ben Makiewicz: Which is why that initial story of the car crash and the pulling of a family from a car, which both of us thought that day...No way! No way! No way! No way! I don't know what happened there, except we never heard about it again.

Cenk Uygur: So, I'm going to connect those two stories here, 'cause Ana said something that really triggered something for me. How did he know...or somebody said...how did he know where the guy worked, right? That makes me think he took down his license plate, and he's got a buddy on the force, right? And so he put that together. By the way, what you didn't see from that earlier story, Ben, where he went and rescued the people is...turns out he had somebody in the force who was feeding him emergencies so he can show up at the scene.

Seriously, your line is based on Young Turks. Get the fuck outta here!
From the OP:

Zimmerman has had a string of issues since his murder trial, including;
Since when did visiting a gun manufacturing facility become an "issue?"

That rescue was phony, and the question that has been asked several times of how Zimmerman knew where Apperson worked is answered (@ 5:00):

Ben Makiewicz: Which is why that initial story of the car crash and the pulling of a family from a car, which both of us thought that day...No way! No way! No way! No way! I don't know what happened there, except we never heard about it again.

Cenk Uygur: So, I'm going to connect those two stories here, 'cause Ana said something that really triggered something for me. How did he know...or somebody said...how did he know where the guy worked, right? That makes me think he took down his license plate, and he's got a buddy on the force, right? And so he put that together. By the way, what you didn't see from that earlier story, Ben, where he went and rescued the people is...turns out he had somebody in the force who was feeding him emergencies so he can show up at the scene.

Seriously, your line is based on Young Turks. Get the fuck outta here!

It makes a lot of sense. :D
Are you saying that someone should rape Zimmerman?

I'm saying that liberals ARE RAPING Zimmerman and this gang rape is never ending.He cannot escape from his tormenters. You always find him and rape him anew. And you guys really get off on it.
Zimmermann is a loose canon, and will eventually shoot somebody else, and in a way that cannot be defended. Unless his intended victim is quicker with a gun. That would be the ideal outcome.

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