Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

Because if George Zimmerman can't beat his fiancée, assault a police officer, kill a kid while playing cop, beat up a girlfriend, beat up another girlfriend and threaten a person's life during a road rage incident..

Are we truly free?

George Zimmerman is a role model for all our youth. He should replace George Washington on the $1 bill.

And libtards slide into sarcasm and mockery. IT's all they got left any more.

GZ was proven innocent, and you two can go weep and cry about it all you like.
I find it ironic when people such as Nidal Hassan shoot soldiers on American soil, the Leftwing press bends over backwards to say "allegedly" and "workplace violence".

Zimmerman wasn't arrested for anything. The UNNAMED person declined to press charges, nor were any witnesses quoted who observed the ALLEGED threat. Yet, here is the Prog Lynch Mob on the case to slander and harass this poor man, ALLEGEDLY for the purpose of goading him into some other incident.
Actually, you should find this fails as a straw man fallacy, as there is no “Prog Lynch Mob,” no one is seeking to “slander and harass” Zimmerman, nor is anyone attempting to “goad[] him into some other incident,” it's delusional, partisan nonsense to believe otherwise.

And what's in fact ironic is that you and others on the right, the great advocates of 'personal responsibility,' fail to hold Zimmerman to that same standard.


The innumerable attacks upon Zimmerman by the Prog Cabal on this website proves you false.

Yes, and a thousand times over.
Because if George Zimmerman can't beat his fiancée, assault a police officer, kill a kid while playing cop, beat up a girlfriend, beat up another girlfriend and threaten a person's life during a road rage incident..

Are we truly free?

George Zimmerman is a role model for all our youth. He should replace George Washington on the $1 bill.

And libtards slide into sarcasm and mockery. IT's all they got left any more.

GZ was proven innocent, and you two can go weep and cry about it all you like.
You`re quite mockable. An adult wouldn`t use the word libtard.
"George Zimmerman threatened to kill a driver during a road rage incident in Lake Mary and later showed up at the man's workplace, according to police."

Zimmerman has only himself to blame, he alone is responsible for his actions; it's ignorant idiocy to argue that Zimmerman is a 'victim' of the justice system, and consequently not at fault for this bizarre, and potentially criminal, behavior.

"The road rage incident happened Tuesday, Lake Mary police told Local 6, but the other driver declined to press charges, so Zimmerman was not arrested."

The other driver likely didn't want any further dealings with a madman, and understandably so.
Actually two things come to mind, ONE is how Zimmerman knew where this guy worked. And TWO is if Zimmerman actually threatened him AND followed him to work then the guy WOULD have pressed charges.

I just found this video. According to Ana Kasparian of Young Turks, the day after the road rage incident, Zimmerman went to the man's work. The man called police, and the police found him at the guy's work...with a gun in his pocket! The video shows the police taking the gun out of his pocket! (@ :30)

So you have one persons side of the story and that is all you need?

Zimmerman knew this guys work place because ...maybe he knew him from somewhere?

Zimmerman shows his gun to an ifficer and that proves that...he has a gun and that proves?

This is nothing but more leftwing fascist targeting an innocent person as they practice the 'politics of personal destruction'.

Note all the amateur psychologists who have divined that GZ is obviously the one at fault, in their 'objective' opinion, lol.

The man is innocent, case closed. No charges pressed, STILL innocent.

Leave the man be, you fucking Nazis.
Because if George Zimmerman can't beat his fiancée, assault a police officer, kill a kid while playing cop, beat up a girlfriend, beat up another girlfriend and threaten a person's life during a road rage incident..

Are we truly free?

George Zimmerman is a role model for all our youth. He should replace George Washington on the $1 bill.

And libtards slide into sarcasm and mockery. IT's all they got left any more.

GZ was proven innocent, and you two can go weep and cry about it all you like.
You`re quite mockable. An adult wouldn`t use the word libtard.

Lol, EVERYONE is mockable to fools like you.

You are an idiot and mock what your brain cant fathom.

Nazis? Let the first book you read be The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich and then tell us about Nazis. Books are actually a stack of papers attached to each other on one side. I`m sure you`ve seen one.
Nazis? Let the first book you read be The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich and then tell us about Nazis. Books are actually a stack of papers attached to each other on one side. I`m sure you`ve seen one.

Ah, libtard don't like it and yet, it was Bill Maher who coined the phrase 'PC Nazi', so suck it Twinkle toes.

And yes, I read inside the 3rd reich a long time ago, and I know that when Mussolini split from the communists of Milan to start his own brand of Marxist movement he only differed on using nationalism instead of internationalism and wanted to control capitalism via control of the corporations instead of making everything owned and run by the state.

There are no more communists today, only fascists and Nazis like you on the left. You are just ashamed to own your deserved name.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.

So thats why he was beating his chicks ass before and after the incident? Emotional distress huh?

Man you guy will find bullshit excuses for anything. How about he's just a loose cannon.

This is only the third time in a year he has been accused of threatening to kill someone........happens to all of us..................right......:eusa_eh:

Yeah starting to sound a little suspicious isn't it?

To an idiot like you, who knows? Who gives a fuck?
Don't you have a Brown Shirt Rally to go goose stepping in, you god damned PC Nazi fuck?
As usual I have no idea what you are talking about. Take your meds.

lol, your ignorance, not mine, and your meds not mine.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.
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George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.

This is absolute nonsense. The press is going out of their way to not identify him.

And regarding the OJ comparison, that pins the bogometer. OJ didn't kill Nicole and Ron in self-defense. But you haters will continue to hound and torment Zimmerman...and if you get a reaction, you'll feel all sanctimonious and justified - something you have in common with the value system of the Spanish Inquisition. In the present day, Zimmerman is an afront to the Church of Racial Grievances and Political Correctness. How dare he turn out not to be WHITE!
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.

He's been involved in a road rage incident before. I've lost track of how many times he's been accused of assaulting his girlfriends. Nope, there's nothing unusual about his behavior. It happens every day in trailer trash Amerika. It's all the fault of that darn librul media. If only they would quit reporting...
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.

He's been involved in a road rage incident before. I've lost track of how many times he's been accused of assaulting his girlfriends. Nope, there's nothing unusual about his behavior. It happens every day in trailer trash Amerika. It's all the fault of that darn librul media. If only they would quit reporting...

You are a moron. Move along.

And thanks for outing your hatred of middle America. Quite revealing, but it was already apparent.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.

He's been involved in a road rage incident before. I've lost track of how many times he's been accused of assaulting his girlfriends. Nope, there's nothing unusual about his behavior. It happens every day in trailer trash Amerika. It's all the fault of that darn librul media. If only they would quit reporting...

You are a moron. Move along.

And thanks for outing your hatred of middle America. Quite revealing, but it was already apparent.

I live in middle America. I don't get pulled over for road rage. I don't get accused, multiple times for assault either. Excuse me for not being a part of the trailer trash crowd.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.

He's been involved in a road rage incident before. I've lost track of how many times he's been accused of assaulting his girlfriends. Nope, there's nothing unusual about his behavior. It happens every day in trailer trash Amerika. It's all the fault of that darn librul media. If only they would quit reporting...

You are a moron. Move along.

And thanks for outing your hatred of middle America. Quite revealing, but it was already apparent.

I live in middle America. I don't get pulled over for road rage. I don't get accused, multiple times for assault either. Excuse me for not being a part of the trailer trash crowd.

Language matters. Look at yours. It speaks volumes of loathing (perhaps of the self variety as well).
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.

He's been involved in a road rage incident before. I've lost track of how many times he's been accused of assaulting his girlfriends. Nope, there's nothing unusual about his behavior. It happens every day in trailer trash Amerika. It's all the fault of that darn librul media. If only they would quit reporting...

You are a moron. Move along.

And thanks for outing your hatred of middle America. Quite revealing, but it was already apparent.

I live in middle America. I don't get pulled over for road rage. I don't get accused, multiple times for assault either. Excuse me for not being a part of the trailer trash crowd.

Language matters. Look at yours. It speaks volumes of loathing (perhaps of the self variety as well).

You got me there! I can't stand gun-toting-trailer-trash-bullies!
Because if George Zimmerman can't beat his fiancée, assault a police officer, kill a kid while playing cop, beat up a girlfriend, beat up another girlfriend and threaten a person's life during a road rage incident..

Are we truly free?

George Zimmerman is a role model for all our youth. He should replace George Washington on the $1 bill.

And libtards slide into sarcasm and mockery. IT's all they got left any more.

GZ was proven innocent, and you two can go weep and cry about it all you like.

Actually, Conservatives make it easy for us to "slide into sarcasm and mockery."
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.


The Liberal Mob virtually lynches Zimmerman so that he is a pariah to the gullible. And morons such as the OP who get to go about their lives in the peace and quiet of anonymity don't grok the special hell that being "notorious" becomes.

It truly is sadistic to keep attacking Zimmerman.
No one is attacking him. It's a news report. This happened. Whatever happened initially, the road rage incident, who said what and so on, cannot be verified unless it's on tape. However, that Zimmerman was outside this guy's place of work, and Zimmerman had a gun that the police took off of him: that is verified by the police and by the video the police made. If Zimmerman is an innocent person, why is he outside this guy's place of work and packing? Why?

Do ordinary people get in so many scraps with others, things reported to the police? I don't think so. I'm an ordinary person and this kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Zimmerman seems to create these incidents; otherwise, they wouldn't be happening so often.

I think someday he will do an OJ: he will do something bad enough to get himself locked up for a good length of time.

Oh, and btw: the person who reported the incident and the stalking is named in story that goes with the video. He is not remaining anonymous. Why these people don't press charges: maybe they just don't want to get all involved in the Zimmerman notoriety and all that comes with it.
Perhaps if the press were honest they would have reported in the first report that Zimmerman said he had a Doctor's appointment and that was why he was there.

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