Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

I don't think this is the last we will hear about Zimmerman.

He has terrible luck, always runs into people he wants to kill; 'justifiably' of course.................

Did he kill the other driver? Did he even try to shoot the other driver?

Answer: No.

Speech is not lethal. All he did was say something in the heat of anger without acting on it...something that happens millions of times a day across the country.

Although, he was stalking the man by showing up at his workplace, just like he stalked Trayvon Martin.

George Zimmerman threatened to kill a driver during a road rage incident in Lake Mary and later showed up at the man's workplace, according to police.

The person made this claim, which could be entirely fabricated. I wouldn't put it past the Racist Hater who attack Zimmerman to try to entrap him in so fake incident. It's also not out of the realm of possibility that Zimmerman being parked somewhere was a coincidence. But it serves your agenda to believe that he was "stalking" someone, so you gobble it up.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but it is another strike against Zimmerman. Also, the man has no reason to lie, since he did not press charges and GZ has no money to sue for.

No reason to lie? You have no idea who this man is. He made an accusation. The police were not at the scene; they are just taking this man's word for it.

Considering all the hateful obsession over Zimmerman, I'm highly suspicious of any one who makes an accusation about him for which there are not independent witnesses. None were cited in the article.

So, you are highly suspicious of ANYONE who makes an accusation against GZ?

I'm suspicious of anyone who makes an accusation, gets the attention of the press, and then refuses to press charges.

How CONVENIENT that the fake accuser who didn't press charges isn't even named in the article.

I love how you blame a story getting attention on the victim of the crime and never address the FREQUENCY in which hes in trouble with the law. If every abuser was in jail you'd be right but they arent

What crime? The UNNAMED supposed victim REFUSED TO PRESS CHARGES.
"Do you know who I am?" before saying, "I'll (f***ing) kill you."

The modern day Intimidator
Because if George Zimmerman can't beat his fiancée, assault a police officer, kill a kid while playing cop, beat up a girlfriend, beat up another girlfriend and threaten a person's life during a road rage incident..

Are we truly free?

George Zimmerman is a role model for all our youth. He should replace George Washington on the $1 bill.
That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.
Except Travon was not INNOCENT. He set out to attack and probably kill Zimmerman for the offense of, gasp, following him while he cased the neighborhood.
That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.
Except Travon was not INNOCENT. He set out to attack and probably kill Zimmerman for the offense of, gasp, following him while he cased the neighborhood.
NO, NO, NO! He was an angelic little boy who went to the store for some candy. :biggrin:
Zimmerman is a moron, but that doesn't mean he didn't do society a great service on the Tray Tray incident.
That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.

what a load of hogwash

Not really, and I kind of liked the infamy part.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.

I don't think this is the last we will hear about Zimmerman.

He has terrible luck, always runs into people he wants to kill; 'justifiably' of course.................

Did he kill the other driver? Did he even try to shoot the other driver?

Answer: No.

Speech is not lethal. All he did was say something in the heat of anger without acting on it...something that happens millions of times a day across the country.

Although, he was stalking the man by showing up at his workplace, just like he stalked Trayvon Martin.

George Zimmerman threatened to kill a driver during a road rage incident in Lake Mary and later showed up at the man's workplace, according to police.

The person made this claim, which could be entirely fabricated. I wouldn't put it past the Racist Hater who attack Zimmerman to try to entrap him in so fake incident. It's also not out of the realm of possibility that Zimmerman being parked somewhere was a coincidence. But it serves your agenda to believe that he was "stalking" someone, so you gobble it up.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but it is another strike against Zimmerman. Also, the man has no reason to lie, since he did not press charges and GZ has no money to sue for.

No reason to lie? You have no idea who this man is. He made an accusation. The police were not at the scene; they are just taking this man's word for it.

Considering all the hateful obsession over Zimmerman, I'm highly suspicious of any one who makes an accusation about him for which there are not independent witnesses. None were cited in the article.

So, you are highly suspicious of ANYONE who makes an accusation against GZ?

I'm suspicious of anyone who makes an accusation, gets the attention of the press, and then refuses to press charges.

How CONVENIENT that the fake accuser who didn't press charges isn't even named in the article.

I love how you blame a story getting attention on the victim of the crime and never address the FREQUENCY in which hes in trouble with the law. If every abuser was in jail you'd be right but they arent

What crime? The UNNAMED supposed victim REFUSED TO PRESS CHARGES.

idk Don't people ever have a change of heart and end up going ahead with charges after initially declining?
Well, that hasn't happened...and until it does, this is just a fake accusation being made by an anonymous person.
I find it ironic when people such as Nidal Hassan shoot soldiers on American soil, the Leftwing press bends over backwards to say "allegedly" and "workplace violence".

Zimmerman wasn't arrested for anything. The UNNAMED person declined to press charges, nor were any witnesses quoted who observed the ALLEGED threat. Yet, here is the Prog Lynch Mob on the case to slander and harass this poor man, ALLEGEDLY for the purpose of goading him into some other incident.
Actually, you should find this fails as a straw man fallacy, as there is no “Prog Lynch Mob,” no one is seeking to “slander and harass” Zimmerman, nor is anyone attempting to “goad[] him into some other incident,” it's delusional, partisan nonsense to believe otherwise.

And what's in fact ironic is that you and others on the right, the great advocates of 'personal responsibility,' fail to hold Zimmerman to that same standard.
I find it ironic when people such as Nidal Hassan shoot soldiers on American soil, the Leftwing press bends over backwards to say "allegedly" and "workplace violence".

Zimmerman wasn't arrested for anything. The UNNAMED person declined to press charges, nor were any witnesses quoted who observed the ALLEGED threat. Yet, here is the Prog Lynch Mob on the case to slander and harass this poor man, ALLEGEDLY for the purpose of goading him into some other incident.
Actually, you should find this fails as a straw man fallacy, as there is no “Prog Lynch Mob,” no one is seeking to “slander and harass” Zimmerman, nor is anyone attempting to “goad[] him into some other incident,” it's delusional, partisan nonsense to believe otherwise.

And what's in fact ironic is that you and others on the right, the great advocates of 'personal responsibility,' fail to hold Zimmerman to that same standard.


The innumerable attacks upon Zimmerman by the Prog Cabal on this website proves you false.
I don't think this is the last we will hear about Zimmerman.

He has terrible luck, always runs into people he wants to kill; 'justifiably' of course.................

Did he kill the other driver? Did he even try to shoot the other driver?

Answer: No.

Speech is not lethal. All he did was say something in the heat of anger without acting on it...something that happens millions of times a day across the country.

Really? I cannot remember ever threatening to kill any one nor doing so; the killer has, and continues to do so.

Well, I've heard people say things such as "I'm so angry I could kill you". It happens.

And what a hateful person you are to continue the slander about Zimmerman being a killer. Someone who kills in self-defense doesn't deserve such a label. I suppose, however, that I am being a tad unrealistic in expecting decency and compassion from someone like you.

And it's a lack of decency and compassion touching on both ends of this human tragedy. Zimmerman’s life was ripped apart by political demagogues who never really gave a damn about the life of Trayvon Martin. Martin was a cause; Zimmerman's the cause's punching bag. Leftists don't do real tragedy.

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