Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

And yes, the right's continued defense of, and devotion to, the likes of Zimmerman is both telling and unsurprising.

Telling...what you stupid ass?

Oh, that's right, we (the vast rightwing conspiracy) hate all blacks (like Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Judge Thomas, Allan Keyes, Michael Steele, etc) and will reflexively support any white person like GZ (who is of Amerindian and black ancestry as well as white) that guns down any innocent black person, just because they are black.

That about sum it up, you PC Nazi prick?
And GZ is not a murderer, proven in court.

Actually that is incorrect.

He was NOT proven guilty, which is NOT the same thing as being proven innocent.

He was PROVEN not guilty; split whatever legal hairs you want.

The left is so fucking stupid; Brown is caught on video robbing a store and Martin was a gang banging thief, but GZ isn't innocent, just only not guilty.


Nobody has ever been proven not guilty since that is an impossibility. You are splitting way too many hairs. :lol:

GZ was proven not guilty and you can stick that up your Nazi ass.

And you can prove he is not guilty now too! :laugh:

The COURTS did that, you craven liar.

But can you PROVE he is not guilty NOW of stalking and death threats?! This should be good.

I don't need to prove jack shit. He has the presumption of innocence, you PC Nazi.

Don't miss your goose stepping lessons, dear.

He can still be charged, but I am sure, since you avoided the question, that you understand that you or the courts cannot help little old George prove he is always a totally innocent bystander. Or next time.

You stupid fascist, you just don't get it; HE HAS THE PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENSE.

Presumption is not proof. :slap:

A verdict of not guilty is the closest thing anyone will ever get for PROOF of INNOCENSE.

I know that just pisses you leftwing fascists off all to hell, lolol.
George Zimmerman threatened to kill man in road rage incident Florida police say News - Home

The guy is another shooting waiting to happen...just a matter of time.

Look at how liberals tortured the poor guy. Everyone always expresses sympathy to women who've been raped but after the rape liberals inflicted on Zimmerman, they're still persecuting the guy. That takes a toll on good people.

He's out protecting his neighborhood, a hood rat tries to kill him, and liberals make him into the Devil, they cost him his job, his house, his wife, threaten to imprison him, libel him, make up false stories about him, and essentially make him a pariah. All propaganda.

Too bad there wasn't a way that we could imprison liberals. Now that would make society better.

So thats why he was beating his chicks ass before and after the incident? Emotional distress huh?

Man you guy will find bullshit excuses for anything. How about he's just a loose cannon.

This is only the third time in a year he has been accused of threatening to kill someone........happens to all of us..................right......:eusa_eh:

Yeah starting to sound a little suspicious isn't it?

To an idiot like you, who knows? Who gives a fuck?
Don't you have a Brown Shirt Rally to go goose stepping in, you god damned PC Nazi fuck?
As usual I have no idea what you are talking about. Take your meds.
That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.
That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.
Simply killing a thug who attacks does not make one a hero. It was race pimps who did that and they really got burned it the process.

Having said that, I cannot understand why he doesn't slip away to Peru, where he probably qualifies for citizenship through his mother, and anonymity.
That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.

what a load of hogwash
I don't think this is the last we will hear about Zimmerman.

He has terrible luck, always runs into people he wants to kill; 'justifiably' of course.................

Did he kill the other driver? Did he even try to shoot the other driver?

Answer: No.

Speech is not lethal. All he did was say something in the heat of anger without acting on it...something that happens millions of times a day across the country.

There was also the part where he stalked the guy and followed him to his workplace. Before the Cops got involved again and said, "George, you are making us look bad."

How about locking this fool up before he actually DOES kill someone. Oh, wait, too late.
I find it ironic when people such as Nidal Hassan shoot soldiers on American soil, the Leftwing press bends over backwards to say "allegedly" and "workplace violence".

Zimmerman wasn't arrested for anything. The UNNAMED person declined to press charges, nor were any witnesses quoted who observed the ALLEGED threat. Yet, here is the Prog Lynch Mob on the case to slander and harass this poor man, ALLEGEDLY for the purpose of goading him into some other incident.

I don't think anyone doubts Hasan killed those people, and while you guys really, really want to call it 'Terrorism", it really does fall under the category of "Workplace Violence".

I think the reason we don't give Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt is that this is the FOURTH incident where he's done something like this.
I've finally figured out Zimmermans chief sin the leftwing fascists cant forgive him for; wanting to live.

The idiot libtards cant stand to see that in any middle class people and so they want everyone to think that you are better off just taking your chances that the thug doesn't kill you.

If he wanted to live he should have stayed in his truck and minded his own business.
That Zimmerman wasn't arrested in this incident has no bearing whatsoever on the right of private citizens to express their opinions – and justified concerns – about Zimmerman, a fellow private citizen, who is not immune to criticism in the context of private society merely as a consequence of his celebrity, or perhaps more precisely, his infamy.

And just as Zimmerman is solely responsible for his own actions, so too are conservatives solely responsible for their having made a hero of Zimmerman; indeed, most on the right lack the courage to admit that they are just as concerned Zimmerman will do something stupid, injuring or killing another innocent person, dreading the embarrassment they'll sustain accordingly, where conservatives will be proven once again to be wrong.
Not only did they make a hero of him, they sent him reward money for killing a black kid.
Because if George Zimmerman can't beat his fiancée, assault a police officer, kill a kid while playing cop, beat up a girlfriend, beat up another girlfriend and threaten a person's life during a road rage incident..

Are we truly free?

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