Zimmerman to sue NBC

Do you just make these things up to troll are are you really that stupid?

Yes to both.

Zimmerman called the police because he was profiling a kid who had the misfortune to be walking down the street just when Mr. Sta Puft felt like playing wannabe cop.

I don't know if you heard, but the verdict was Not Guilty.

Not guilty but certainly not innocent. He was guilty alright.
Yes to both.

Zimmerman called the police because he was profiling a kid who had the misfortune to be walking down the street just when Mr. Sta Puft felt like playing wannabe cop.

I don't know if you heard, but the verdict was Not Guilty.

Not guilty but certainly not innocent. He was guilty alright.

Gotcha--to hell with the law.
Liberals DEMAND a trial and then bitch when it's over. Fuckin losers
Yes to both.

Zimmerman called the police because he was profiling a kid who had the misfortune to be walking down the street just when Mr. Sta Puft felt like playing wannabe cop.

I don't know if you heard, but the verdict was Not Guilty.

Not guilty but certainly not innocent. He was guilty alright.

In the Court of Sarah maybe, in the Real Life Court - NOT GUILTY.

The Real Life Court is the one that counts ;-)
Yes to both.

Zimmerman called the police because he was profiling a kid who had the misfortune to be walking down the street just when Mr. Sta Puft felt like playing wannabe cop.

I don't know if you heard, but the verdict was Not Guilty.

Not guilty but certainly not innocent. He was guilty alright.

Was OJ guilty? How about Casey Anthony?

Zimmerman was found INNOCENT by the jury. the lawyers for both sides made their cases. the system worked.

you may not agree with the verdict---------but thats just tough shit.
Yes to both.

Zimmerman called the police because he was profiling a kid who had the misfortune to be walking down the street just when Mr. Sta Puft felt like playing wannabe cop.

I know the hate sites and MSNBC have trained you to sit up and bark "Profiling," but what exactly do you think it means? How does a private citizen "profile?"
I don't know if you heard, but the verdict was Not Guilty.

Not guilty but certainly not innocent. He was guilty alright.

Was OJ guilty? How about Casey Anthony?

Zimmerman was found INNOCENT by the jury. the lawyers for both sides made their cases. the system worked.

you may not agree with the verdict---------but thats just tough shit.
No, he was found not guilty because there was a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. Not the same thing as being found innocent, no matter how you wish it so.
Because he was obligated to, by law. Idiot.

Do you just make these things up to troll are are you really that stupid?

Yes to both.

Zimmerman called the police because he was profiling a kid who had the misfortune to be walking down the street just when Mr. Sta Puft felt like playing wannabe cop.

1) Profiling as suspicious.. not based proven in any way to be based on race....
2) And notice you result to personal insults when you have nothing....

I suppose you support others if they would make the unsubstantiated assumption that TM was acting in a thug manner and his wannabe-gangsta ass felt like playing Boyz In The Hood???

You were so caught up in the emotion rather than the evidence that you blinded yourself to fact and truth
Not guilty but certainly not innocent. He was guilty alright.

Was OJ guilty? How about Casey Anthony?

Zimmerman was found INNOCENT by the jury. the lawyers for both sides made their cases. the system worked.

you may not agree with the verdict---------but thats just tough shit.
No, he was found not guilty because there was a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. Not the same thing as being found innocent, no matter how you wish it so.

That's right. Because a jury gave him a not guilty verdict doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong. He did a lot wrong in the past and on that fateful day.
I just caught a little of the prosecution interview with Vinny from HLN, Angela Cory and Bernie. He was saying John Guy is taking the perjury case of Shellie Zimmerman.

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- Authorities say the wife of Trayvon Martin's shooter is being accused of lying to a judge about their finances during his bond hearing and faces one count of perjury.

An order issued Tuesday by assistant state attorney John Guy charged Shellie Zimmerman for knowingly making false statements during the April hearing. George Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder in the shooting. He was granted $150,000 bond at that hearing and released.

The judge revoked that bond earlier this month after state attorneys argued that both Zimmerman and his wife had lied to the judge about their finances, especially about money raised from a website.

Zimmerman's Wife Charged with Perjury

That interview is on at 10 pm tonight.

greedy lawyers will such every penney out of these people--both the zimmermans and the martins.

Question: Where do vampires go to learn to suck blood?

Answer: Law school.
Yes it certainly is his right to do this. But I wish he was taking more of a forgiveness approach here. Though maybe NBC will think twice before libelling people.
I just caught a little of the prosecution interview with Vinny from HLN, Angela Cory and Bernie. He was saying John Guy is taking the perjury case of Shellie Zimmerman.

That interview is on at 10 pm tonight.

greedy lawyers will such every penney out of these people--both the zimmermans and the martins.

The Zimmermans are all liars, the Martins weren't on trial and they did nothing wrong. It would be so ironic if his wife was the one who goes to jail.

Both of those parents should be in jail for child neglect.
This is going to be an EASY victory! NBC just made Zimmerman a millionaire!

Zimmerman lawyer to move ?asap? against NBC News
Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
I don't blame him, really, since they did do what he said.

It's only too bad Trayvon Martin can't sue Zimmerman for this: Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good.

Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

You're a shameful hypocrite, ghook.

Your envy is just oozing from your pores. It always does when someone gets a buck. Because you are an incompetent fat little hoochie mamma that eats up every dime you get from the taxpayers.

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