Zimmerman to sue NBC

I just caught a little of the prosecution interview with Vinny from HLN, Angela Cory and Bernie. He was saying John Guy is taking the perjury case of Shellie Zimmerman.

That interview is on at 10 pm tonight.

greedy lawyers will such every penney out of these people--both the zimmermans and the martins.

The Zimmermans are all liars, the Martins weren't on trial and they did nothing wrong. It would be so ironic if his wife was the one who goes to jail.

Bitter poster is bitter.
This is going to be an EASY victory! NBC just made Zimmerman a millionaire!

Zimmerman lawyer to move ?asap? against NBC News
Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
I don't blame him, really, since they did do what he said.

It's only too bad Trayvon Martin can't sue Zimmerman for this: Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good.

Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

You're a shameful hypocrite, ghook.

If TM was hanging out under the eaves, then that WOULD tend to look like he might be up to no good. Especially in light of the recent history of crimes in that gated community.

If GZ gets rich, it will obviously NOT be for killing TM. It will be because fucking NBC tried to and did slander him with some malicious unprofessional editing.

Ravi, it is you who remains the the shameful hypocrite.
I agree with the verdict but i can't understand why all of you guys cheer for this loser. He is a major league wanna be cop d-bag.
I agree with the verdict but i can't understand why all of you guys cheer for this loser. He is a major league wanna be cop d-bag.

If he was a cop wanna-be, that's not a crime, nor is it necessarily all that offensive.

YOU declaring him a douche bag does not mean that he is one.

I am not cheering for him. I am cheering for justice. It would have been a miscarriage of justice had he been convicted in light of his actual innocence and all.
This is going to be an EASY victory! NBC just made Zimmerman a millionaire!

Zimmerman lawyer to move ?asap? against NBC News
Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.

Wow, I hadn't heard about this one. Sucks to be NBC. They better get their checkbook out. This might help pay off Zimmerman's legal fees.

From my understanding, Zimmerman's legal fees and living expenses for the last year have been paid for from private donations!
Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

A perfect example of the intellectual dishonesty of the PC Police.

As we know, Zimmerman shot a guy who was on top him, slamming his head into the ground, pounding on his face and threatening his life.

But somehow you missed that. You claim that he's guilty of "killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good."

What a shame. This is why partisan ideologues are causing so much damage to this country. I honestly don't know what you're trying to accomplish with a blatant lie like that.

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Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

A perfect example of the intellectual dishonesty of the PC Police.

As we know, Zimmerman shot a guy who was on top him, slamming his head into the ground, pounding on his face and threatening his life.

But somehow you missed that. You claim that he's guilty of "killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good."

What a shame. This is why partisan ideologues are causing so much damage to this country. I honestly don't know what you're trying to accomplish with a blatant lie like that.

Why did Zimmerman call the police?
Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

A perfect example of the intellectual dishonesty of the PC Police.

As we know, Zimmerman shot a guy who was on top him, slamming his head into the ground, pounding on his face and threatening his life.

But somehow you missed that. You claim that he's guilty of "killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good."

What a shame. This is why partisan ideologues are causing so much damage to this country. I honestly don't know what you're trying to accomplish with a blatant lie like that.

Why did Zimmerman call the police?

Because he was obligated to, by law. Idiot.
This is going to be an EASY victory! NBC just made Zimmerman a millionaire!

Zimmerman lawyer to move ?asap? against NBC News
Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
I don't blame him, really, since they did do what he said.

It's only too bad Trayvon Martin can't sue Zimmerman for this: Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good.

Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

You're a shameful hypocrite, ghook.

I hope you're not as fat as you are stupid! The Martin family can sue on Trayvon's BEHALF, as I have heard they will do. More than likely will lose.

So chunky, please explain, how am I a hypocrite in this instance?
Good! Add them to the lawsuit too.

Media bonanza!

>>NBC Universal Media responded to the Zimmerman complaint by noting that other media outlets played up the racial angle of Zimmerman’s deadly encounter with Trayvon Martin.

A poor response to be sure. 'Everybody does it!!!'

NBC doctored the tapes and they were caught red-handed.
A perfect example of the intellectual dishonesty of the PC Police.

As we know, Zimmerman shot a guy who was on top him, slamming his head into the ground, pounding on his face and threatening his life.

But somehow you missed that. You claim that he's guilty of "killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good."

What a shame. This is why partisan ideologues are causing so much damage to this country. I honestly don't know what you're trying to accomplish with a blatant lie like that.

Why did Zimmerman call the police?

Because he was obligated to, by law. Idiot.

Do you just make these things up to troll are are you really that stupid?
Good! Add them to the lawsuit too.

Media bonanza!

>>NBC Universal Media responded to the Zimmerman complaint by noting that other media outlets played up the racial angle of Zimmerman’s deadly encounter with Trayvon Martin.

A poor response to be sure. 'Everybody does it!!!'

NBC doctored the tapes and they were caught red-handed.

And fired the people who did it.

Not sure which leg they think they're standing on with that.

The "everybody does it" leg doesn't hold up in court.

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