Zimmerman to sue NBC

No, he was found not guilty because there was a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. Not the same thing as being found innocent, no matter how you wish it so.

Rati; you're not what anyone would consider bright, but see if you can follow along:

In a court of law, one is innocent until proven guilty. IF the state cannot prove the guilt of the accused, then by law the accused is... Wait for it, WAIT for it.....

That's right Rati, they are INNOCENT...

See, you can learn - you just won't be able to retain what you learned for longer than 5 minutes....

Oh, and there's still free cheese for you behind the fridge....
Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

A perfect example of the intellectual dishonesty of the PC Police.

As we know, Zimmerman shot a guy who was on top him, slamming his head into the ground, pounding on his face and threatening his life.

But somehow you missed that. You claim that he's guilty of "killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good."

What a shame. This is why partisan ideologues are causing so much damage to this country. I honestly don't know what you're trying to accomplish with a blatant lie like that.

Why did Zimmerman call the police?

Clearly because he was going to murder someone and he wanted the police to be there for the big event!

How fucking stupid can you get, Ravi? (That's rhetorical, no need to answer.)
No, he was found not guilty because there was a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. Not the same thing as being found innocent, no matter how you wish it so.

Rati; you're not what anyone would consider bright, but see if you can follow along:

In a court of law, one is innocent until proven guilty. IF the state cannot prove the guilt of the accused, then by law the accused is... Wait for it, WAIT for it.....

That's right Rati, they are INNOCENT...

See, you can learn - you just won't be able to retain what you learned for longer than 5 minutes....

Oh, and there's still free cheese for you behind the fridge....

I just spit water all over my cat.
Not guilty but certainly not innocent. He was guilty alright.

Gotcha--to hell with the law.
Liberals DEMAND a trial and then bitch when it's over. Fuckin losers

Want a different answer? Ask a different girl. You're the one following me around everyday, I certainly don't come looking for you.

Perhaps if you didn't ask for it by posting the most absurd things you can think of'......am I being charged with stalking too ? :lmao:
Gotcha--to hell with the law.
Liberals DEMAND a trial and then bitch when it's over. Fuckin losers

Want a different answer? Ask a different girl. You're the one following me around everyday, I certainly don't come looking for you.

Perhaps if you didn't ask for it by posting the most absurd things you can think of'......am I being charged with stalking too ? :lmao:

I thought we were all being charged by the laugh! How did I go so wrong?
This is going to be an EASY victory! NBC just made Zimmerman a millionaire!

Zimmerman lawyer to move ?asap? against NBC News
Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.

NBC..what a bunch of liberal racists.... "editing" the 911 call to rile up all the liberals and minorities in the name of ratings. I hope Zimmerman gets a huge payday in the end.
This is going to be an EASY victory! NBC just made Zimmerman a millionaire!

Zimmerman lawyer to move ?asap? against NBC News
Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
I don't blame him, really, since they did do what he said.

It's only too bad Trayvon Martin can't sue Zimmerman for this: Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good.

Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

You're a shameful hypocrite, ghook.

What exactly do you think someone is supposed to do when a 17 year old man is on top of you punching you and hitting your head against the ground? You act as if Trayvon wasn't beating him down when he was shot. Why? What do you possibly have to gain by ignoring this crucial fact?
I agree with the verdict but i can't understand why all of you guys cheer for this loser. He is a major league wanna be cop d-bag.

Im cheering that the system still works despite this attempt to lynch an innocent man.
I agree with the verdict but i can't understand why all of you guys cheer for this loser. He is a major league wanna be cop d-bag.

If he was a cop wanna-be, that's not a crime, nor is it necessarily all that offensive.

YOU declaring him a douche bag does not mean that he is one.

I am not cheering for him. I am cheering for justice. It would have been a miscarriage of justice had he been convicted in light of his actual innocence and all.

Since when has wanting to be a police officer a bad thing? It's mind boggling that the prosecutors believe that wanting to be a police officer is bad. Where exactly do they get their cases? The tooth fairy?
Zimmerman will die a fat happy troll making a gazillion dollars for killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good.

A perfect example of the intellectual dishonesty of the PC Police.

As we know, Zimmerman shot a guy who was on top him, slamming his head into the ground, pounding on his face and threatening his life.

But somehow you missed that. You claim that he's guilty of "killing a black teenager because he THOUGHT Martin was up to no good."

What a shame. This is why partisan ideologues are causing so much damage to this country. I honestly don't know what you're trying to accomplish with a blatant lie like that.

Why did Zimmerman call the police?

Because he thought he saw someone who looked suspicious. Considering the person he thought looked suspicious jumped him and started beating him, it seems as though his initial thought on the matter was correct.

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