Zimmermans First Appearance On Television Today. Looks More Hispanic Than White.

How come, when white people say they want illegals sent home, they are racist, but when an hispanic shoots someone, they are white?

Two thoughts:

First, I don't consider it racism to enforce our immigration laws. No country can survive without enforcing its laws equitably, and securing its borders. People who are here illegally should be deported. Employers who hire illegal immigrants should face stiff fines and penalties.

Second, the answer to your second question is here.
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Sure you do. It wouldn't make nearly as good a story if it was a "Hispanic" who shot a black teen. The media gives only passing attention to such stories or in similar shootings of white on white, or black on white, or black on black, or Hispanic on Hispanic, etc. etc. etc. But if it's a white guy killing a back guy, they can get weeks, even months of traction out of that because that becomes the story.

They can demonize a white guy far more easily than they can do for any other racial or ethnic group. And generate much more sympathy for the black guy. All you have to do is read this thread or any of the other Zimmerman/Martin threads to see it. Look how hard they work to make this a racial issue. How much they wanted Zimmerman to have said 'coon' instead of 'cold.' NBC even edited their audio version to make it look like Zimmerman was targeting a BLACK man.

I asked before if anybody has EVER seen the term "White Hispanic" used before this case. I sure hadn't. Zimmerman no doubt identifies himself as Hispanic on his census forms. He looks Hispanic. But he doesn't have a Hispanic name and I'm sure the media initially assumed he was a non-Hispanic white. (I HAVE seen and heard THAT term used.) When it turned out he was Hispanic, they were in trouble making it look so much like a race thing.

And so in my opinion, which I believe to be an informed opinion, they use that particular phrase of WHITE Hispanic purely for purposes of race baiting and making it a better story. There is absolutely no other plausible explanation.

Anyone who has worked with census data in the past 40 years is familiar with the terms white (Hispanic) and white (non-Hispanic). That's just how data on race/ethnicity is captured and reported in the U.S. since the term Hispanic was added to the 1970 census.

Further, in regions of the U.S. where there are large numbers of black Hispanics (like Orlando or Miami), that's how it's habitually done, because you cannot assume that all "Hispanics" look racially similar. A black Dominican is just as Hispanic as a white Cuban. How things like this are reported in Florida differs substantively from how it is reported in Colorado, for instance, because Florida is home to a lot of Hispanics who are not white (not so true of Colorado or most of the west).

Actually, the current way in which race/ethnicity is captured and reported in the census data is kind of a pain in the ass, because it makes it really difficult to quantify and report on the number of Hispanics in a given community or neighborhood unless you do some analysis to separate out race from ethnicity. If you just look at race, you will get a totally different sense of the demographics of a community than if you look at race+ethnicity.

When it comes to planning and policy-making, you have to go to that next level, because having a large number of Hispanics in a community can equal high levels of ESL students, lots of Spanish-speakers, etc., which might change how you plan for particular outcomes.

Sorry...boring work talk.

So Black Hispanic or White Hispanic makes a difference to me up in Michigan? Planning for pacticular outcomes is exactly the reason here too.

Please read the bolded section in my post (which is quoted in your post). It matters, in terms of news and other statistical data reporting IN FLORIDA, because we have a large number of both white and black Hispanics in our state, particularly in Dade County and in Orlando.

As far as Michigan goes, let me illustrate. If you have large populations of particular ethnic groups, than yes, ideally, this would influence planning, particularly as it regards schools, courts, social services, and law enforcement agencies. For instance, if your community has a large number of Somali refugees, wouldn't it be advisable to have translation services available to explain court protocols and proceedings, to ensure that you have the ability to properly Mirandize a non-English-speaking suspect, and to ensure that there are adequate slots in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for students who don't speak English very well?

Most African-Americans don't speak a Somali dialect, so knowing the specifics of the types and existence of specific ethnic groups in your area can be important. Further, if you've ever dealt with the Somali community, you might be aware that many Somalis are polygamist. It's probably good for schools, law enforcement, and the courts to be prepared to deal with that aspect of their culture.
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all the race stuff is silly and irrellivant to what actually happened anyway.

Yeah Zimmermans mom is hispanic (black hispanic), dad is white making him half white half hispanic (black hispanic).

Martin was black.

Martin being black and zimmerman being mixed white/latino had nothing to do with it from all honest reporting accounts (IE the NON-edited 911 calls)

Actually, from what I've read, the mom would be most accurately classified as indigenous racially (Amer/Indian by American standards). So, Martin is half white/half Amer/Indian, and ethnically Hispanic.

Could we get any more complicated? :D

hehehehhehehehe :razz:

Any way we slice it what really matters is the confrontation and the fact that a person's life ended as a result.....and those things do not depend on, nor were caused by, anyone's race according to the honest reporting :).
[Yes, you've now repeated it to the point of being montonous. And as I have also now repeated to the point of being monotonous, your 'scientific' analysis is 100% irrelevent when it comes to the media using the term 'white Hispanic', which the U.S. Census bureau does not use, for the purposes of race baiting to enhance what would otherwise be just one more routine shooting.

I guess it only became monotonous and irrelevant after you'd posted it as evidence, and I explained that you weren't interpreting the data correctly?


Why lose your paradigms just because of inconvenient facts, right? :D

No. It became monotonous when you refused to see or was unable to see the point being made and kept trying to make it into something else. Which you continue to do.

Not only have you refused to address the point being made--few leftists are able to address the point being made--but you have 100% so far been unable to show how the point made is either irrelevent or inaccurate.
No. It became monotonous when you refused to see or was unable to see the point being made and kept trying to make it into something else. Which you continue to do.

Not only have you refused to address the point being made--few leftists are able to address the point being made--but you have 100% so far been unable to show how the point made is either irrelevent or inaccurate.

I don't think you have a point, dear. I think you have a tedious opinion utterly unsupported by fact. And, your only interest here is to reinforce your own paranoid paradigms by finding like-minded idiots.
hehehehhehehehe :razz:

Any way we slice it what really matters is the confrontation and the fact that a person's life ended as a result.....and those things do not depend on, nor were caused by, anyone's race according to the honest reporting :).

I agree. I think that both sides have used the extremely tenuously and tangentially related topic of race to inflame the phobias of their respective contingencies.

People like Foxy are concerned about flogging white middle class fears of race privilege and violent black men. People like Al Sharpton are interested in villifying the white man to keep black folks on the "Democratic plantation."

Neither appear to care much about the victim and perpetrator, or the tragedy that has been inflicted on both their families.
Anyone who has worked with census data in the past 40 years is familiar with the terms white (Hispanic) and white (non-Hispanic). That's just how data on race/ethnicity is captured and reported in the U.S. since the term Hispanic was added to the 1970 census.

Further, in regions of the U.S. where there are large numbers of black Hispanics (like Orlando or Miami), that's how it's habitually done, because you cannot assume that all "Hispanics" look racially similar. A black Dominican is just as Hispanic as a white Cuban. How things like this are reported in Florida differs substantively from how it is reported in Colorado, for instance, because Florida is home to a lot of Hispanics who are not white (not so true of Colorado or most of the west).

Actually, the current way in which race/ethnicity is captured and reported in the census data is kind of a pain in the ass, because it makes it really difficult to quantify and report on the number of Hispanics in a given community or neighborhood unless you do some analysis to separate out race from ethnicity. If you just look at race, you will get a totally different sense of the demographics of a community than if you look at race+ethnicity.

When it comes to planning and policy-making, you have to go to that next level, because having a large number of Hispanics in a community can equal high levels of ESL students, lots of Spanish-speakers, etc., which might change how you plan for particular outcomes.

Sorry...boring work talk.

So Black Hispanic or White Hispanic makes a difference to me up in Michigan? Planning for pacticular outcomes is exactly the reason here too.

Please read the bolded section in my post (which is quoted in your post). It matters, in terms of news and other statistical data reporting IN FLORIDA, because we have a large number of both white and black Hispanics in our state, particularly in Dade County and in Orlando.

As far as Michigan goes, let me illustrate. If you have large populations of particular ethnic groups, than yes, ideally, this would influence planning, particularly as it regards schools, courts, social services, and law enforcement agencies. For instance, if your community has a large number of Somali refugees, wouldn't it be advisable to have translation services available to explain court protocols and proceedings, to ensure that you have the ability to properly Mirandize a non-English-speaking suspect, and to ensure that there are adequate slots in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for students who don't speak English very well?

Most African-Americans don't speak a Somali dialect, so knowing the specifics of the types and existence of specific ethnic groups in your area can be important. Further, if you've ever dealt with the Somali community, you might be aware that many Somalis are polygamist. It's probably good for schools, law enforcement, and the courts to be prepared to deal with that aspect of their culture.

Unless your suggesting a particular race is predisposed to killing another, the race has no meaning. The media is NOT the repository of statistical murder data.
hehehehhehehehe :razz:

Any way we slice it what really matters is the confrontation and the fact that a person's life ended as a result.....and those things do not depend on, nor were caused by, anyone's race according to the honest reporting :).

I agree. I think that both sides have used the extremely tenuously and tangentially related topic of race to inflame the phobias of their respective contingencies.

People like Foxy are concerned about flogging white middle class fears of race privilege and violent black men. People like Al Sharpton are interested in villifying the white man to keep black folks on the "Democratic plantation."

Neither appear to care much about the victim and perpetrator, or the tragedy that has been inflicted on both their families.

Not what I heard FoxFyre say at all. It does seem relevant to your mindset for some reason.
Unless your suggesting a particular race is predisposed to killing another, the race has no meaning. The media is NOT the repository of statistical murder data.

Media outlets report on crime ALL THE TIME, and often refer to the race/ethnicity of the suspect (if not always the victim).
hehehehhehehehe :razz:

Any way we slice it what really matters is the confrontation and the fact that a person's life ended as a result.....and those things do not depend on, nor were caused by, anyone's race according to the honest reporting :).

I agree. I think that both sides have used the extremely tenuously and tangentially related topic of race to inflame the phobias of their respective contingencies.

People like Foxy are concerned about flogging white middle class fears of race privilege and violent black men. People like Al Sharpton are interested in villifying the white man to keep black folks on the "Democratic plantation."

Neither appear to care much about the victim and perpetrator, or the tragedy that has been inflicted on both their families.

Not what I heard FoxFyre say at all. It does seem relevant to your mindset for some reason.

You can't even accurately explain what I said, so forgive me for not caring.
I agree. I think that both sides have used the extremely tenuously and tangentially related topic of race to inflame the phobias of their respective contingencies.

People like Foxy are concerned about flogging white middle class fears of race privilege and violent black men. People like Al Sharpton are interested in villifying the white man to keep black folks on the "Democratic plantation."

Neither appear to care much about the victim and perpetrator, or the tragedy that has been inflicted on both their families.

Not what I heard FoxFyre say at all. It does seem relevant to your mindset for some reason.

You can't even accurately explain what I said, so forgive me for not caring.

Can't convince them, try to misdirect. Not very becoming of you.
No. It became monotonous when you refused to see or was unable to see the point being made and kept trying to make it into something else. Which you continue to do.

Not only have you refused to address the point being made--few leftists are able to address the point being made--but you have 100% so far been unable to show how the point made is either irrelevent or inaccurate.

I don't think you have a point, dear. I think you have a tedious opinion utterly unsupported by fact. And, your only interest here is to reinforce your own paranoid paradigms by finding like-minded idiots.

And I rest my case. I am guessing that 99.9% of conservatives and rightwingers and a few bright leftwingers participating or reading this thread know exactly what point I was making whether they agree with it or not. Sorry that you don't or that you find it too politically incorrect to acknowledge, whichever is the case here.

As for how you subsequently have mischaracterized what I have said, what I think, what I want etc. etc. etc., sorry Dear. I don't take that kind of bait. I just note it for the red herrings, straw men, obfusication, and diversion from the real issue that it is.
Angela Corey is a genius.

Zim gets bail on Apr 20 sits it out in secure seclusion.

Motions and discovery keeps this idling til after Nov. 4

Judge then as trier of fact = Self-defense, have a nice day Mr. Zimmerman.
Angela Corey is a genius.

Zim gets bail on Apr 20 sits it out in secure seclusion.

Motions and discovery keeps this idling til after Nov. 4

Judge then as trier of fact = Self-defense, have a nice day Mr. Zimmerman.
He's not getting out on bail.

Mark it.

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