Zionist Collaborators With Nazis Documents

Meanwhile, isn't it great folks how Freeman, that good Muslim, overlooks the fact that the NeoNazis and the Islamofascists are playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend game" today, while his own Muslim brethren are busy mowing down innocent Arabs (both Muslims and Christians) in the other Middle East countries (just like the Nazis of old mowed down innocent people like the Muslim S.S. troops did). Way to go, Freeman. It's so nice to see a typical Jew-hating Muslim close his eyes to what his own brethren are doing to innocent people not only in the Middle East, but in the Muslim world in general.

Actually your neonazis fellows are busy to burn mosques and cemeteries in Europe exactly like zionazis do in Palestine.



Freeman, your own brethren are having a good old time destroying houses of worships in many different places in the world of those who are non Muslims. In fact, they even blow up mosques with people inside praying if the people are not of their sect plus also car bomb and suicide bomb these unfortunate Muslims while they are in the marketplace and even at cemeteries mourning their dead. However, Freeman, I think most of us realize that you are just following in the footsteps of your prophet when it comes to the Jews.

Israel Is the Victim of Mohammed?s War Against the Jews | FrontPage Magazine

Again he talks about ISIS puppets! :rolleyes:
Have you comment on the subject?
Actually your neonazis fellows are busy to burn mosques and cemeteries in Europe exactly like zionazis do in Palestine.



Freeman, your own brethren are having a good old time destroying houses of worships in many different places in the world of those who are non Muslims. In fact, they even blow up mosques with people inside praying if the people are not of their sect plus also car bomb and suicide bomb these unfortunate Muslims while they are in the marketplace and even at cemeteries mourning their dead. However, Freeman, I think most of us realize that you are just following in the footsteps of your prophet when it comes to the Jews.

Israel Is the Victim of Mohammed?s War Against the Jews | FrontPage Magazine

Again he talks about ISIS puppets! :rolleyes:
Have you comment on the subject?

Why, Freeman, you never brought up what your Muslim palsy walsys did to that cemetery descrated by them the other year in North Africa of the brave Ally soldiers who fought against your hero Hitler and his Nazi gang in World War II. Naturally we don't expect a devout Muslim such as Freeman ever discussing the cemeteries descrated by his friends in many different countries. Nor will he tell us about all the houses of worship and shrines his good buddies have descretated and/or destroyed across the Muslim world. I guess he feel it is the Muslims' right to do such thing since he is very, very quiet about all the terrible things they do, even when they are still busy murdering today during their Holiest Month of the Year. By the way, Freeman, can you tell us why your fellow Muslims can't give murdering a rest during Ramadan? Instead of the murders tapering off, they seem to ratchet up during this month. Can you explain to us why this happens each year? Is it something in the water your friends drink or is it some sermon they heard by some Imam, inciting the people to kill, kill, kill? I wonder if anyone here expects a devout Muslim like Freeman to ever mention that his friends overturned the gravestones in the Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem and used the stones as urinals. I would pass out if he ever mentioned something like that; and in appreciation, I would send him some clean white stones for you know what.
Freeman, your own brethren are having a good old time destroying houses of worships in many different places in the world of those who are non Muslims. In fact, they even blow up mosques with people inside praying if the people are not of their sect plus also car bomb and suicide bomb these unfortunate Muslims while they are in the marketplace and even at cemeteries mourning their dead. However, Freeman, I think most of us realize that you are just following in the footsteps of your prophet when it comes to the Jews.

Israel Is the Victim of Mohammed?s War Against the Jews | FrontPage Magazine

Again he talks about ISIS puppets! :rolleyes:
Have you comment on the subject?

Why, Freeman, you never brought up what your Muslim palsy walsys did to that cemetery descrated by them the other year in North Africa of the brave Ally soldiers who fought against your hero Hitler and his Nazi gang in World War II. Naturally we don't expect a devout Muslim such as Freeman ever discussing the cemeteries descrated by his friends in many different countries. Nor will he tell us about all the houses of worship and shrines his good buddies have descretated and/or destroyed across the Muslim world. I guess he feel it is the Muslims' right to do such thing since he is very, very quiet about all the terrible things they do, even when they are still busy murdering today during their Holiest Month of the Year. By the way, Freeman, can you tell us why your fellow Muslims can't give murdering a rest during Ramadan? Instead of the murders tapering off, they seem to ratchet up during this month. Can you explain to us why this happens each year? Is it something in the water your friends drink or is it some sermon they heard by some Imam, inciting the people to kill, kill, kill? I wonder if anyone here expects a devout Muslim like Freeman to ever mention that his friends overturned the gravestones in the Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem and used the stones as urinals. I would pass out if he ever mentioned something like that; and in appreciation, I would send him some clean white stones for you know what.

The vandalization of mosques and cemeteries is a hobby in Europe and "Israel" by neonazis!
There is no vandalization in arab coutries, it only happen in "israel" against churches and mosques.

Israeli Extremists Destroy Gravestone At Christian Cemetery In Jerusalem - International Middle East Media Center
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Again he talks about ISIS puppets! :rolleyes:
Have you comment on the subject?

Why, Freeman, you never brought up what your Muslim palsy walsys did to that cemetery descrated by them the other year in North Africa of the brave Ally soldiers who fought against your hero Hitler and his Nazi gang in World War II. Naturally we don't expect a devout Muslim such as Freeman ever discussing the cemeteries descrated by his friends in many different countries. Nor will he tell us about all the houses of worship and shrines his good buddies have descretated and/or destroyed across the Muslim world. I guess he feel it is the Muslims' right to do such thing since he is very, very quiet about all the terrible things they do, even when they are still busy murdering today during their Holiest Month of the Year. By the way, Freeman, can you tell us why your fellow Muslims can't give murdering a rest during Ramadan? Instead of the murders tapering off, they seem to ratchet up during this month. Can you explain to us why this happens each year? Is it something in the water your friends drink or is it some sermon they heard by some Imam, inciting the people to kill, kill, kill? I wonder if anyone here expects a devout Muslim like Freeman to ever mention that his friends overturned the gravestones in the Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem and used the stones as urinals. I would pass out if he ever mentioned something like that; and in appreciation, I would send him some clean white stones for you know what.

The vandalization of mosques and cemeteries is a hobby in Europe and "Israel" by neonazis!
There is no vandalization in arab coutries, it only happen in "israel" against churches and mosques.

Israeli Extremists Destroy Gravestone At Christian Cemetery In Jerusalem - International Middle East Media Center

how nice to know----freeman is claiming that the synagogues and yeshivas and jewish
cemetaries that were made in Saudi Arabia are still ok Gee reports that the
greek antiquities and -----possessions of the Syrian Christian churches----gold and
silver and precious art-----being pillaged this week-----must be "Zionist lies"

freeman-----my hubby was born in shariah cesspit in which jews had lived for
some 2500 years-------nice of you to make sure that their yeshivas and synagogues--
btw----there were jews in Afghanistan since BC times-----good that all their synagogues
are intact
Why, Freeman, you never brought up what your Muslim palsy walsys did to that cemetery descrated by them the other year in North Africa of the brave Ally soldiers who fought against your hero Hitler and his Nazi gang in World War II. Naturally we don't expect a devout Muslim such as Freeman ever discussing the cemeteries descrated by his friends in many different countries. Nor will he tell us about all the houses of worship and shrines his good buddies have descretated and/or destroyed across the Muslim world. I guess he feel it is the Muslims' right to do such thing since he is very, very quiet about all the terrible things they do, even when they are still busy murdering today during their Holiest Month of the Year. By the way, Freeman, can you tell us why your fellow Muslims can't give murdering a rest during Ramadan? Instead of the murders tapering off, they seem to ratchet up during this month. Can you explain to us why this happens each year? Is it something in the water your friends drink or is it some sermon they heard by some Imam, inciting the people to kill, kill, kill? I wonder if anyone here expects a devout Muslim like Freeman to ever mention that his friends overturned the gravestones in the Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem and used the stones as urinals. I would pass out if he ever mentioned something like that; and in appreciation, I would send him some clean white stones for you know what.

The vandalization of mosques and cemeteries is a hobby in Europe and "Israel" by neonazis!
There is no vandalization in arab coutries, it only happen in "israel" against churches and mosques.

Israeli Extremists Destroy Gravestone At Christian Cemetery In Jerusalem - International Middle East Media Center

how nice to know----freeman is claiming that the synagogues and yeshivas and jewish
cemetaries that were made in Saudi Arabia are still ok Gee reports that the
greek antiquities and -----possessions of the Syrian Christian churches----gold and
silver and precious art-----being pillaged this week-----must be "Zionist lies"

freeman-----my hubby was born in shariah cesspit in which jews had lived for
some 2500 years-------nice of you to make sure that their yeshivas and synagogues--
btw----there were jews in Afghanistan since BC times-----good that all their synagogues
are intact

Say, IRosie, since Freeman is such a smart Muslim, he can probably tell us about all the synagogues which were destroyed by his brethren. Then he can segue into all the Hindu temples, and follow up with all the churches. You will notice the other week that Freeman never did chastise his brethren for destroying antiquities in Iraq. He figures the Muslims should be able to destroy whatever they want to. IRosie, you really have to laugh at Freeman. While he is so busy calling the Israelis/Jews Nazis, his own brethren are busy killing innocent people just like the Nazis of old did. I wonder how well-worn the copy of Freeman's Mein Kampf is. It is probably his most favoriate book next to the Koran. I think we all realize why it is a best seller in the Muslim world.
sally there is more ---lots of reports out of Syria-------everything of value left over from
the HELLENIC times in Syria has been pillaged by the ummahniks and churches lost
their precious art and vessels
Why, Freeman, you never brought up what your Muslim palsy walsys did to that cemetery descrated by them the other year in North Africa of the brave Ally soldiers who fought against your hero Hitler and his Nazi gang in World War II. Naturally we don't expect a devout Muslim such as Freeman ever discussing the cemeteries descrated by his friends in many different countries. Nor will he tell us about all the houses of worship and shrines his good buddies have descretated and/or destroyed across the Muslim world. I guess he feel it is the Muslims' right to do such thing since he is very, very quiet about all the terrible things they do, even when they are still busy murdering today during their Holiest Month of the Year. By the way, Freeman, can you tell us why your fellow Muslims can't give murdering a rest during Ramadan? Instead of the murders tapering off, they seem to ratchet up during this month. Can you explain to us why this happens each year? Is it something in the water your friends drink or is it some sermon they heard by some Imam, inciting the people to kill, kill, kill? I wonder if anyone here expects a devout Muslim like Freeman to ever mention that his friends overturned the gravestones in the Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem and used the stones as urinals. I would pass out if he ever mentioned something like that; and in appreciation, I would send him some clean white stones for you know what.

The vandalization of mosques and cemeteries is a hobby in Europe and "Israel" by neonazis!
There is no vandalization in arab coutries, it only happen in "israel" against churches and mosques.

Israeli Extremists Destroy Gravestone At Christian Cemetery In Jerusalem - International Middle East Media Center

how nice to know----freeman is claiming that the synagogues and yeshivas and jewish
cemetaries that were made in Saudi Arabia are still ok Gee reports that the
greek antiquities and -----possessions of the Syrian Christian churches----gold and
silver and precious art-----being pillaged this week-----must be "Zionist lies"

freeman-----my hubby was born in shariah cesspit in which jews had lived for
some 2500 years-------nice of you to make sure that their yeshivas and synagogues--
btw----there were jews in Afghanistan since BC times-----good that all their synagogues
are intact

Which churches or cemeteries were vandalized?
It's well known that since russian settlers entered Palestine hundreds of mosques and churches were destroyed in the region.

The vandalization of mosques and cemeteries is a hobby in Europe and "Israel" by neonazis!
There is no vandalization in arab coutries, it only happen in "israel" against churches and mosques.

Israeli Extremists Destroy Gravestone At Christian Cemetery In Jerusalem - International Middle East Media Center

how nice to know----freeman is claiming that the synagogues and yeshivas and jewish
cemetaries that were made in Saudi Arabia are still ok Gee reports that the
greek antiquities and -----possessions of the Syrian Christian churches----gold and
silver and precious art-----being pillaged this week-----must be "Zionist lies"

freeman-----my hubby was born in shariah cesspit in which jews had lived for
some 2500 years-------nice of you to make sure that their yeshivas and synagogues--
btw----there were jews in Afghanistan since BC times-----good that all their synagogues
are intact

Say, IRosie, since Freeman is such a smart Muslim, he can probably tell us about all the synagogues which were destroyed by his brethren. Then he can segue into all the Hindu temples, and follow up with all the churches. You will notice the other week that Freeman never did chastise his brethren for destroying antiquities in Iraq. He figures the Muslims should be able to destroy whatever they want to. IRosie, you really have to laugh at Freeman. While he is so busy calling the Israelis/Jews Nazis, his own brethren are busy killing innocent people just like the Nazis of old did. I wonder how well-worn the copy of Freeman's Mein Kampf is. It is probably his most favoriate book next to the Koran. I think we all realize why it is a best seller in the Muslim world.

You mean jewish bolsheviks who spared synagogues and burned hundreds of churches and mosques! :eusa_shhh:

Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues
how nice to know----freeman is claiming that the synagogues and yeshivas and jewish
cemetaries that were made in Saudi Arabia are still ok Gee reports that the
greek antiquities and -----possessions of the Syrian Christian churches----gold and
silver and precious art-----being pillaged this week-----must be "Zionist lies"

freeman-----my hubby was born in shariah cesspit in which jews had lived for
some 2500 years-------nice of you to make sure that their yeshivas and synagogues--
btw----there were jews in Afghanistan since BC times-----good that all their synagogues
are intact

Say, IRosie, since Freeman is such a smart Muslim, he can probably tell us about all the synagogues which were destroyed by his brethren. Then he can segue into all the Hindu temples, and follow up with all the churches. You will notice the other week that Freeman never did chastise his brethren for destroying antiquities in Iraq. He figures the Muslims should be able to destroy whatever they want to. IRosie, you really have to laugh at Freeman. While he is so busy calling the Israelis/Jews Nazis, his own brethren are busy killing innocent people just like the Nazis of old did. I wonder how well-worn the copy of Freeman's Mein Kampf is. It is probably his most favoriate book next to the Koran. I think we all realize why it is a best seller in the Muslim world.

You mean jewish bolsheviks who spared synagogues and burned hundreds of churches and mosques! :eusa_shhh:

Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues

The good Muslim Freeman will never tell you about all the houses of worship his brethren have desecrated and destroyed since the inception of Islam. Meanwhile, Freeman, why not tell us about the pogroms in Russia where the Jews were burned inside their synagogues. Hmm, Freeman probably gets excited when his brethren go into the churches in Nigeria and slit the pastors' throats and then kill the people inside praying. Freeman, were you happy when your brethren blew up two Ahmadiyya mosques in Pakistan. Dozens of people dead and dozens wounded must certainly have excited you.
Say, IRosie, since Freeman is such a smart Muslim, he can probably tell us about all the synagogues which were destroyed by his brethren. Then he can segue into all the Hindu temples, and follow up with all the churches. You will notice the other week that Freeman never did chastise his brethren for destroying antiquities in Iraq. He figures the Muslims should be able to destroy whatever they want to. IRosie, you really have to laugh at Freeman. While he is so busy calling the Israelis/Jews Nazis, his own brethren are busy killing innocent people just like the Nazis of old did. I wonder how well-worn the copy of Freeman's Mein Kampf is. It is probably his most favoriate book next to the Koran. I think we all realize why it is a best seller in the Muslim world.

You mean jewish bolsheviks who spared synagogues and burned hundreds of churches and mosques! :eusa_shhh:

Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues

The good Muslim Freeman will never tell you about all the houses of worship his brethren have desecrated and destroyed since the inception of Islam. Meanwhile, Freeman, why not tell us about the pogroms in Russia where the Jews were burned inside their synagogues. Hmm, Freeman probably gets excited when his brethren go into the churches in Nigeria and slit the pastors' throats and then kill the people inside praying. Freeman, were you happy when your brethren blew up two Ahmadiyya mosques in Pakistan. Dozens of people dead and dozens wounded must certainly have excited you.

It is forbidden in Islam to destroy worship houses, when Omar entered Palestine he didn't destroy any churches.
When zionists Irgun and Hagana entered Palestine they burned many churches and christians expelled from villages.
You mean jewish bolsheviks who spared synagogues and burned hundreds of churches and mosques! :eusa_shhh:

Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues

The good Muslim Freeman will never tell you about all the houses of worship his brethren have desecrated and destroyed since the inception of Islam. Meanwhile, Freeman, why not tell us about the pogroms in Russia where the Jews were burned inside their synagogues. Hmm, Freeman probably gets excited when his brethren go into the churches in Nigeria and slit the pastors' throats and then kill the people inside praying. Freeman, were you happy when your brethren blew up two Ahmadiyya mosques in Pakistan. Dozens of people dead and dozens wounded must certainly have excited you.

It is forbidden in Islam to destroy worship houses, when Omar entered Palestine he didn't destroy any churches.
When zionists Irgun and Hagana entered Palestine they burned many churches and christians expelled from villages.

and yet there have been so many destroyed or damaged, mosques, churches, synagogues, etc. have all been targeted throughout the region by muslims.
There have been calls in the mosques recently to destroy the vatican.
Field Marshall Erhard Milch jewish nazi in the army.


The Jews in the Nazi Army sure were very, very small compared to that large Muslim S.S. unit who were looking forward to kill those Jews. You have to laugh at Freeman, that good devout Muslim. By his always draging up the Islamofascist/NeoNazi hate sites these days, it certainly shows us how in bed the Muslims are with the KKK/NeoNazis/WhiteSupremacists in that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game. Maybe some day Freeman can be a Yeshiva scholar just like David Duke is.

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