Zionist genocide in Israel

The Jews have destroyed a million olive trees... some were 500 years old. As essential to the Palestinians as the buffalo were to the plains Indians. Are you so ignorant you didn't know that?
I don’t buy anything you claim, vermin.

Are you so stupid as to assume your word comes with any weight?
You don’t like post on topic, do you, troll shit?

No sugar in your coffee today, Israel.

I will just say that in ALL wars, more civilians die than soldiers. War is one of the most evil, hateful, stupid things humankind has ever inflicted upon itself.

Hamas started this war with the intent to commit genocide on any person who is a Jew, to kill Jews, to erase Israel from the face of the Earth. They have promised many more October 7th with the same goal.

Israel has not and never has targeted Palestinians for death, injury or harm just because they are Palestinians. They fight back when attacked, take measures to protect their own citizens from suicide bombers, saboteurs, other terrorists intended to kill Jews, any Jews, just because they are Jews.

Israel's goal in Gaza is to eradicate a terrorist group intent on killing Jews. They have done as much as is reasonably possible to warn the civilians of their military offense so they can get out of the way. Their intent is not to kill Palestinians or there would be hugely more casualties than there are. Hamas puts the Palestinian citizens at risk by deliberately placing themselves in the midst of them.

What Israel is doing is NOT genocide. What Hamas has done and intends to do is.

I will just say that in ALL wars, more civilians die than soldiers. War is one of the most evil, hateful, stupid things humankind has ever inflicted upon itself.

Hamas started this war with the intent to commit genocide on any person who is a Jew, to kill Jews, to erase Israel from the face of the Earth. They have promised many more October 7th with the same goal.

Israel has not and never has targeted Palestinians for death, injury or harm just because they are Palestinians. They fight back when attacked, take measures to protect their own citizens from suicide bombers, saboteurs, other terrorists intended to kill Jews, any Jews, just because they are Jews.

Israel's goal in Gaza is to eradicate a terrorist group intent on killing Jews. They have done as much as is reasonably possible to warn the civilians of their military offense so they can get out of the way. Their intent is not to kill Palestinians or there would be hugely more casualties than there are. Hamas puts the Palestinian citizens at risk by deliberately placing themselves in the midst of them.

What Israel is doing is NOT genocide. What Hamas has done and intends to do is.

The diaries of Moshe Sharett, who was Israel's first foreign minister under David Ben-Gurion and then briefly (1954-5 5) prime minister, have recently been published - after unsuccessful attempts by the Israeli establishment to suppress or at least censor them - in Hebrew. A first translation into English has now been made, though not yet published.

Livia Rokach is an Italian writer and journalist of Palestinian origin. Author of No to a Golden Ghetto, Vietnam: Against Genocide, The Open Wounds, The Proofs and a forthcoming book on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, she is a Fellow of the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute and the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.

Michael Adams is the Editor of Middle East International (London).
Thank you for remaining a voice of sanity.

You're right about the brainwashing of America by pro Israel MSM. (1)

I didn't realize the degree to which especially gullible Americans had been brainwashed until I served in the US Military in S.E. Asia (Laos), lived, worked and studied in Germany and spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch-hiking throughout the Middle East.
I had intended to go south from Lebanon into Israel when the '73 War broke out.
For the next few weeks, I was in or around Palestinian refugee camps where I heard the Nakba survivor stories that never seem to make it past our Zion-media censors.

The are three main differences between the Nakba and the widely publicized Holocaust:

1. Holocaust survivors had Hollywood hyping Holocaust hoaxes as far back as the 1940s ("human skin" lampshades, fake shrunken heads, "human skin" pocketbooks etc.
Meanwhile, can anyone remember ever seeing any movie about the Nakba or any of its survivors?

2. Holocaust survivors have received countless $ Billions in reparations while Nakba survivors only endure more systematic extermination at the hands of criminal Zionist occupiers.

3. The Holocaust can't withstand honest examination and open discussion to such an extent that it absolutely must have draconian and repressive "Holocaust denial" laws in order to survive.
The Nakba, however, welcomes spirited debate and thorough examination.

What is most discouraging is that apologists for for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda treat the Holocaust as some sort of license for the systematic extermination of Palestine's native residents

Thanks and keep up the good work,

(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED
I’ve long thought Americans are the most propagandized people on the planet. Even Russians during Soviet times knew their media was propaganda. Many Americans have yet to comprehend this about their media.

What I find most surprising is the near total support Israel has among conservatives and republicans. These same people know the media lied about all things related to Trump, yet they believe all the reporting about Israel and Gaza.

They are a sad lot.

The diaries of Moshe Sharett, who was Israel's first foreign minister under David Ben-Gurion and then briefly (1954-5 5) prime minister, have recently been published - after unsuccessful attempts by the Israeli establishment to suppress or at least censor them - in Hebrew. A first translation into English has now been made, though not yet published.

Livia Rokach is an Italian writer and journalist of Palestinian origin. Author of No to a Golden Ghetto, Vietnam: Against Genocide, The Open Wounds, The Proofs and a forthcoming book on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, she is a Fellow of the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute and the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.

Michael Adams is the Editor of Middle East International (London).
Whataboutisms whether accurate or not are never a good rebuttal to the facts of a specific issue.
10s of thousands of Palestinian olive trees.

Approximately one million olive trees, many of which were centuries old, have been uprooted by Israel since 1967. They don't only uproot them on the pretext that they need to make space for settlements or other Occupation infrastructure.Nov 10, 2023
Jacobin › 2023/11 › w...
In the West Bank, Israeli Settlers Are Burning Palestinians' Olive
what makes the Olive trees "PALESTINIAN" olive trees? did "palestinians" BUY the land upon which the trees grow? When the anglican pigs invaded the americas-----the law they imposed was ANGLICAN LAW----and the Spanish invaders in the americas imposed CANON LAW which came to just about the same thing.. When the jews migrated TO "PALESTINE" several times over since the takeover by the "holy" roman empire and then by the
forces of the minions of the rapist dog of arabia----they BOUGHT LAND.
BUYING land is nothing new in the Levant-----ABRAHAM BOUGHT HEBRON----da jooooos never sold it . Buying land was the purpose of the little blue boxes into which jewish women dropped nickles and dimes. Long ago---like way back circa 1960, when I read the islamo-nazi propaganda that littered my semi-rural hometown----there was islamo-nazi propaganda about those little blue boxes which-----were "USED TO BUY WEAPONS" to murder ---well --they were not "palestinians yet" ---they were "innocent muslim and christian arabs" ----I heard the SAME STORY from Pakistani muslims---circa 1970. ----the real deal------someone very close to me was in an institute for crippled children in the same era-----run by a Jew, an orthopedic surgeon, who had fled Germany in the mid-1930 s in Jerusalem. I asked "how was it funded"? He said "the jewish women of america"-----the little blue boxes. The propaganda THICKENS
Thank you for remaining a voice of sanity.
And you too.
You're right about the brainwashing of America by pro Israel MSM. (1)
I think it was probably the MK ULTRA program (at Edgewood Arsenal as one example) that pioneered "mind control". I was actually very close to being subjected to that program but I was sent to Vietnam instead, 1966 - 67 so I was sort of lucky in that respect.
I didn't realize the degree to which especially gullible Americans had been brainwashed until I served in the US Military in S.E. Asia (Laos), lived, worked and studied in Germany and spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch-hiking throughout the Middle East.
We've had this discussion (and shared experiences on the road abroad) once before, am I right?
I had intended to go south from Lebanon into Israel when the '73 War broke out.
Ah, that war. I was in Lebanon "passing through" in 1977 on an overland trip from Europe to South Africa so I experienced another war there. The immediate consequence was that I had to take a ship from Beirut to Alexandria. I did visit Israel several years later but not by overland travel. That's not an option.
For the next few weeks, I was in or around Palestinian refugee camps where I heard the Nakba survivor stories that never seem to make it past our Zion-media censors.
I believe that 100%
The are three main differences between the Nakba and the widely publicized Holocaust:

1. Holocaust survivors had Hollywood hyping Holocaust hoaxes as far back as the 1940s ("human skin" lampshades, fake shrunken heads, "human skin" pocketbooks etc.
Meanwhile, can anyone remember ever seeing any movie about the Nakba or any of its survivors?

2. Holocaust survivors have received countless $ Billions in reparations while Nakba survivors only endure more systematic extermination at the hands of criminal Zionist occupiers.

3. The Holocaust can't withstand honest examination and open discussion to such an extent that it absolutely must have draconian and repressive "Holocaust denial" laws in order to survive.
The Nakba, however, welcomes spirited debate and thorough examination.

What is most discouraging is that apologists for for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda treat the Holocaust as some sort of license for the systematic extermination of Palestine's native residents

Thanks and keep up the good work,
We're only scratching the surface of the Holocaust, the Nakba, and the on-going Zionist Genocide of Palestine today. Maybe when Israel -as a state- is a footnote of history can the true stories be told.
I’ve long thought Americans are the most propagandized people on the planet.
Even Russians during Soviet times knew their media was propaganda. Many Americans have yet to comprehend this about their media.
This is exactly what I have found ever since Gorbatjov was pushed aside by the CIA. You say, "Many Americans have yet to comprehend this about their media". Do you still think "many" or is it "most"?

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