Zionist genocide in Israel

Not in itself, no, but your support of Genocide of the Palestinians
Again, you pathetic retard. Words have meaning. That you don’t happen to like the actual meaning of words doesn’t change that fact.
proves that you are a Holocaust Denier

False again. You are just repeating your lie, you Nazi scumbag. Repetition of a lie still doesn’t change it into the truth.
and an anti-Semite

Again, a lie from a Nazi. No surprise.
. So, my posts merely highlight the facts while your posts produce the proof of it.
You lie. You don’t highlight or speak “facts.” My posts merely call you to task for all your lies, you Nazi twat.
... you pathetic retard. ..... you Nazi scumbag. .... you Nazi twat.
:blowpop:You don't contribute much substance, eh? You hate Semites and you Deny the Holocaust. Such words would be one's worst enemy but you Holocaust Denying, anti-Semites are proud of yourselves.
You don't contribute much substance, eh?

You contribute none at all. Ever.
You hate Semites and you Deny the Holocaust.

Two lies. I don’t hate anyone. And I have repeatedly acknowledged the holocaust. You deny the actual holocaust because you’re a Nazi bitch.

And again, the alleged “genocide” you keep lying about still isn’t a “genocide.” Words have meaning. Your life has no meaning.
Such words would be one's worst enemy but you Holocaust Denying, anti-Semites are proud of yourselves.
You Nazi vermin are so transparent in your endless lies.
You're right in that the Gallup poll in the article I cited does not specify "genocide" in its polling question but no one knows the sentiments of the individual respondents who may, indeed, agree that Netanyahu and his henchmen are, indeed, carrying out a genocide in Gaza.

The rational world is weary of the angry right wing Zionist apologists who parrot the same, tiresome Hasbara script pretending that an internationally recognized genocide is a "war" that suddenly, with no warning, occurred out of nowhere when cyclical violence is such a predictable consequence of relentless, illegal and provocative "Settlement" expansionism.

Of course what Hamas did on 7 October 2023 was horrific and inexcusable but it was no surprise especially when Israel's rabid and provocative "Settlers" routinely murder even West Bank Palestinians with not only impunity but with IDF complicity.

- "Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.

Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED

here are numerous Jewish groups that do not hesitate to condemn Netanyahu's murderous machinations as a genocide:

- “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

- “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT "But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “ CONTINUED

Among the complaints of these Jewish groups is the prostitution of the Holocaust as a sort of license to destroy Gaza and its people.

It is apparently one of history's cruel ironies that using the strict meaning of the word "genocide", the Holocaust cannot honestly be called a genocide because so many Jews were not only spared but became high ranking members of the Nazi party (1) and were very frequently made "Honorary Arians" in spite or their indisputable Jewish background.

[ Before you start howling "Holocaust denier", I am not disputing that the Holocaust happened and am only interested in discussing what constitutes a genocide. ]

Additionally, there were about 150,000 Jews who fought in Hitler's military including about 25 who rose the rank of General.(2)

People under threat of Genocide are not given command of battleships or 100,000 soldiers or entire Air Force squadrons.

What was, apparently, more important than religious or ethnic background was political party affiliation as Germany considered its greatest threat to be that of Communism (3).

Since about 80% of the early Communist / Bolshevik Party's leadership was Jewish, it was the Communist Jews who were the most strongly opposed by Germany's National Socialists ( aka Nazis).

Still further evidence showing that the Holocaust was not a "genocide" in the pure sense of the word is Hitler's many friendships and working relationships he had with non Communist Jews.

Not only did Hitler have a Jewish doctor, a Jewish driver, Jewish friends in the art world, Jewish advisers, he even wrote a young Jewish "Pen Pal" that shared the same birthday named Rosa Nienau:
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In this 1933 photo released by Alexander Historical Auctions, Adolf Hitler embraces Rosa Bernile Nienau at his mountainside Bavarian retreat in Germany. The photograph is inscribed by Hitler himself in dark blue ink.

I do not claim to be an expert on genocide or the many different genocides but I am in no position to dispute the findings of the 2 Jewish groups I just listed, do you?

(1). “List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent”

EXCERPT “Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent. “ CONTINUED

(2). "Historian claims Hitler personally approved officers of Jewish descent to fight for Nazis"

ADOLF HITLER personally allowed at least 77 army officers of Jewish descent, including 25 generals, to fight for the Nazi cause…

EXCERPT "Many brothers, cousins and sons of these officers were not on this list, although they should have been there," he wrote. "The list is very spotty and there are most probably many other cases of this type."

The most senior general of Jewish origin was Field Marshall Erhard Milch, who rose to be general inspector of the Luftwaffe and was convicted of war crimes after 1945." CONTINUED

(3). "Exposing Stalin’s Plan to Conquer Europe:…"

EXCERPT "In Icebreaker, Suvorov details the deployment of Soviet forces in June 1941, describing just how Stalin amassed vast numbers of troops and stores of weapons along the European frontier, not to defend the Soviet homeland but in preparation for a westward attack and decisive battles on enemy territory." CONTINUED

(4). “5 Jews Hitler Actually Liked”

EXCERPT “Surprisingly, during this time in his life, Hitler also had extremely good relationships with Jewish people. At his house in Vienna, almost all of his friends were Jewish, with Josef Neumann being the closest.

And when Hitler took over Germany, he spared some of his old Jewish friends, kept some in his party, and even formed new friendships.” CONTINUED
So you admit that the website you quoted is wrong and the underlying focus of this thread now null and void.

Then you just start reposting all the same and unrelated web pages. Useless.
No, you are the fool who doesn’t know what a genocide is. You like the rest of the ignorant Zionists here think it means total elimination of a people. No matter how many times you’ve been told you’re wrong, you still believe. You are a Dupe of state controlled media.

Read it after me….

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
IOW, the new definition is so expansive that ANY WAR qualifies as "genocide". Call it whatever the hell you want to, Israel needs to reduce Gaza to feckin' RUBBLE, then they need to make the rubble bounce.
IOW, the new definition is so expansive that ANY WAR qualifies as "genocide".
I understand the point because the new definition of "anti-Semitism" has been stretched to include criticism of Zionism. But when the Zionist leadership itself says it wants to remove every Gazan (by hook or by crook) then I do believe that does qualify as "genocide".
Call it whatever the hell you want to, Israel needs to reduce Gaza to feckin' RUBBLE, then they need to make the rubble bounce.
Are you going to feign not supporting genocide by rule of "an expansive definition" (your own term) or would you like to fess-up and admit you agree to the genocide of the Gazan population?
Last edited:
Yeah the US media is a bad joke. They are completely in the tank for Israel and far too many dumb Americans can’t see this absurd bias.

Will the truth of Israel’s genocide become evident to all? I hope so and hope there are severe consequences, but I’m skeptical this will happen. The media will try to cover it up.

I am cautiously optimistic that younger generations are beginning to see through much pro Zionist MSM and even though Israel has among the least popular nations in the past (1), it is even more so today.

The poll I just cited below (2) was taken in mid January and other sources report that a majority of the young oppose Netanyahu's genocide.

I've been following Middle Eastern history for about 60 years and have seen sporadic opposition to Israeli crimes and atrocities but never before have I seen anything like the demonstrations and condemnation of today.

We can only hope that this demand for change will carry over to American Foreign policy making but meaningful change can only happen when America's infestation of traitorous "Israel Firsters" are deported and parasitic Israeli lobbies are forced to register like all other foreign lobbies.

Loyal Americans absolutely cannot let war mongering foreign Zionist agents manipulate America into fighting Iran or fight a Zionist instigated War on Islam.

They've deceived America into fighting Iraq for Israel's regional hegemony so we can't let them lure the US into a suicidal War on Islam:


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

Will the truth of Israel’s genocide become evident to all? I hope so and hope there are severe consequences, but I’m skeptical this will happen. The media will try to cover it up.

As you know, America's MSM, Israel's lobbyists / spies and paid, scripted and trained Hasbara shills are already frantic and working 24/7 to obfuscate the truth about Zionist genocide.

"Keep that American blood and American money coming:"

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu

Many thanks,

(1). “BBC Poll: Israel Among World's Least Popular Nations”

EXCERPT“The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.”CONTINUED

(2). "Half of Young People Say Israel Is Committing Genocide Despite Strong Media Bias"

EXCERPTS “Despite widespread media bias against Palestine in the West, nearly half of young Americans say that Israel’s months-long assault of Gaza amounts to genocide, new polling reveals ahead of the International Court of Justice’s initial ruling on South Africa’s case charging Israel with genocide expected Friday.

According to polling conducted this week by The Economist/YouGov, 49 percent of people aged 18 to 29 say that they think Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, with 24 percent saying they disagree and 27 percent saying they’re not sure." CONTINUED
Yeah the US media is a bad joke.
I think that's an incorrect assessment.
They are completely in the tank for Israel and far too many dumb Americans can’t see this absurd bias.
True, which makes your above statement invalid by its successes. Not "a joke" but a dead serious achievement.
Will the truth of Israel’s genocide become evident to all? I hope so .....
I don't see it happening. Most Western and Eastern nations have learnt Göbbels "repeat the lie" philosophy but no nation has beaten the lie so firmly and so often as the US. They can make any statement at the podium and deny it the day after with amazing success. THAT ought to teach us something extremely important.
IOW, the new definition is so expansive that ANY WAR qualifies as "genocide". Call it whatever the hell you want to, Israel needs to reduce Gaza to feckin' RUBBLE, then they need to make the rubble bounce.
You must know you’ve become far worse than Hamas. You are a mass murdering psychopath.

PS asshole, the definition is from 1951. Do you consider that new? It’s hardly expansive. If you read it you’d know.

Just another lying Zionist MFer.
Hamas did start this whole thing, after all.

Ignoring the cyclical violence that has been going on between invading, foreign Zionist terrorist Gangs and Palestine's native residents for decades is simply an indicator of how desperate Israel's army of Hasbara shills have gotten.

They want the world to forget that Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs(1) invaded Palestine in the 1940s (2) and have been murdering and stealing land ever since

Israel had repeated warnings from multiple sources at least a year before the attack occurred but certain individuals in the Netanyahu administration apparently wanted the attack to occur.

So that way, Netanyahu could invade Gaza, expel / exterminate its existing residents and hand over beachfront property to militant "Settlers" to be that much closer to a "Greater Israel".


(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.

(2). “Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED
You must know you’ve become far worse than Hamas. You are a mass murdering psychopath.

PS asshole, the definition is from 1951. Do you consider that new? It’s hardly expansive. If you read it you’d know.

Just another lying Zionist MFer.
I think the correct punctuation should be placed between PS and asshole. Otherwise, your reply is excellent. 👍
Ignoring the cyclical violence that has been going on between invading, foreign Zionist terrorist Gangs and Palestine's native residents for decades is simply an indicator of how desperate Israel's army of Hasbara shills have gotten.
There's a lot of truth in that statement.
some things never change----I read the same bullshit as a child in the 1950s
It was developed by nazi war criminals who had fled the Nuremberg Trials---interestingly-----the nazis were writing this stuff way back in the 1930s.

German Nationalism was a malignant thing...master race and all that garbage. We should all remember what can happen to people.
Again, you pathetic retard. Words have meaning. That you don’t happen to like the actual meaning of words doesn’t change that fact.

False again. You are just repeating your lie, you Nazi scumbag. Repetition of a lie still doesn’t change it into the truth.

Again, a lie from a Nazi. No surprise.

You lie. You don’t highlight or speak “facts.” My posts merely call you to task for all your lies, you Nazi twat.

Demonizing the enemy is as old as the Old Testament. Kill the other Canaanite tribes and take their land.
Sudan seems to be suffering a similar denial , albeit the muzzies may have the upper hand there........

So you admit that the website you quoted is wrong and the underlying focus of this thread now null and void.

Then you just start reposting all the same and unrelated web pages. Useless.

No, I've posted several sources written by Jews who claim to be experts on genocide. I trust them more than I would anyone who will not see the realities going on in Gaza.

(1). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(2) “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT "But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “ CONTINUED
Sudan seems to be suffering a similar denial , albeit the muzzies may have the upper hand there........


The north of Sudan is arid, but it has roads and infrastructure... socially organized... More discipline...and more jobs, schools and healthcare.

Southern Sudan has water and oil. It's largely animist.. Dinka and Neur people. They have earned their living for thousands of years raiding each other for wives and livestock.

Mix in the Christian Marxists and the kidnapping of boys for conscription ..The "Lost Boys".

The Muslims go too far.

It's not going to sort itself out soon.

KSA has invested heavily in agriculture in the East plus 14 clinics and 90 water wells in Darfur in the West.
The north of Sudan is arid, but it has roads and infrastructure... socially organized... More discipline...and more jobs, schools and healthcare.

Southern Sudan has water and oil. It's largely animist.. Dinka and Neur people. They have earned their living for thousands of years raiding each other for wives and livestock.

Mix in the Christian Marxists and the kidnapping of boys for conscription ..The "Lost Boys".

The Muslims go too far.

It's not going to sort itself out soon.

KSA has invested heavily in agriculture in the East plus 14 clinics and 90 water wells in Darfur in the West.
So would the conflict be considered religiously based surada ?

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