Zogby - Dem Congress Rating Worst Ever

several issues is not all issues, is it?

you lied. and you do not have the balls to admit it.

Oh..by the way:

do you agree with abortion?

do you agree with gay rights?

do you agree with gun control?

Do you approve of infidelity in our leaders?

those are "several" issues with which you and rudy disagree...yet bnot only will you vote for him...YOU will throw good hardcore conservatives UNDER THE FUCKING BUS in order to support Rudy

I tried to get him to respond to that, as usual he ignores anything he has to think about.
Those are not my top issues

You on the other hand, what you said were the important issues the front runners are opposed to

Yet you will vote for them anyway

Party over everything else to you

Are they issues to you at all?

Pppppffffttt And you call yourself a "Hardcore Conservative"
Those are not my top issues

You on the other hand, what you said were the important issues the front runners are opposed to

Yet you will vote for them anyway

Party over everything else to you

that is a LIE. my top issue is foreign policy. and then monetary policy and then education and then the environment. taxation and healthcare are not my primary issues. period.

YOU lied. admit it.
that is a LIE. my top issue is foreign policy. and then monetary policy and then education and then the environment. taxation and healthcare are not my primary issues. period.

YOU lied. admit it.

So you lied about what your issues are

and you winder why people do not take you seriously
So you lied about what your issues are

and you winder why people do not take you seriously

I have never lied about any such thing.

show me a quote where I said that taxation and healthcare were my most important issues.

lying shithead.

you have no integrity and ZERO credibility.

YOu say shit that you can NEVER back up.
again...to summarize....YOU said:

"Being a liberal, you have forgotten what you say you are for, and admit you will vote for a candidate that does not agree with ANY of your positions"

that was a lie.

I called you on it.

you have run away from it and failed to admit it was a lie.

you are a spineless pussy.

That has been Proven.

the prosecution rests.

I have never lied about any such thing.

show me a quote where I said that taxation and healthcare were my most important issues.

lying shithead.

you have no integrity and ZERO credibility.

YOu say shit that you can NEVER back up.

Admitting your problems in public is the first step on the road to recovery. There may a small glimmer of hope for you yet
again...to summarize....YOU said:

"Being a liberal, you have forgotten what you say you are for, and admit you will vote for a candidate that does not agree with ANY of your positions"

that was a lie.

I called you on it.

you have run away from it and failed to admit it was a lie.

you are a spineless pussy.

That has been Proven.

the prosecution rests.

good morning. ready to retract your lies? the bolded sentence was a lie last night and it is still a lie this morning. any time now.
see post # 187

that says nothing. you make claims about me that you cannot back up. First you claim that I would vote for a democrat who did not share my views on ANY issue...then you changed it to MOST issues...then you changed it to the "most important issues"....

And ALL of those statements were lies. you are a liar and you would rather wiggle away from every one of your lies than stand up and show some integrity by admitting and retracting the ones you overstepped on.
that says nothing. you make claims about me that you cannot back up. First you claim that I would vote for a democrat who did not share my views on ANY issue...then you changed it to MOST issues...then you changed it to the "most important issues"....

And ALL of those statements were lies. you are a liar and you would rather wiggle away from every one of your lies than stand up and show some integrity by admitting and retracting the ones you overstepped on.

You change your positions faster then a Bill Clinton intern
You change your positions faster then a Bill Clinton intern


my important issues have been constant. and taxation and healthcare have NEVER been in my top five.

Why can't you show some grace and just admit that you misspoke?

"Being a liberal, you have forgotten what you say you are for, and admit you will vote for a candidate that does not agree with ANY of your positions"

that has always BEEN a lie. Why not take this opportunity to admit it?

my important issues have been constant. and taxation and healthcare have NEVER been in my top five.

Why can't you show some grace and just admit that you misspoke?

"Being a liberal, you have forgotten what you say you are for, and admit you will vote for a candidate that does not agree with ANY of your positions"

that has always BEEN a lie. Why not take this opportunity to admit it?

So you are not the moderate you claim to be - big deal

You are a blue blooded liberal
Another reason the Dems poll numbers are tanking


Democratic Debate Comments
By Tony Blankley

Most of the rest of the debate involved the candidates showing little genuine emotion or conviction and no new ideas. Questions about healthcare were handled with outrage at President George Bush and a total evasion of the challenges of actual cost controls (Medicare, for example, is unfunded through 2070 to the sum of 40 trillion dollars or more). When one questioner asked the candidates whether they would cut benefits or raise taxes, they all agreed that neither was really necessary. Although, admittedly, Obama looked far more sincere as he emoted about the terrible problem than did the others.

Only one issue evoked genuine passion, and that was: How quickly would you retreat from Iraq? And here, the candidates had clearly been doing earnest research before the debate. Gov. Bill Richardson said he could get all the troops out in five months. Sen. Christopher Dodd claimed he could do it in seven months, while Sen. Joe Biden was insistent that it would take a full nine months to a year to move American troops and civilians down the two-lane road through Basra to the sea.

Bragging at how quickly they could retreat seems to be a peculiarly liberal inclination. While, as I recall, conservative little boys practice quick draw with their cap guns while playing cowboys and Indians, apparently liberal little boys practice how fast they can throw up their hands to surrender to the guys in the black hats.

In truth, there are nasty rumors floating around in military circles regarding the level of casualties that may be taken during a retreat of 250,000 American troops and others. As unpleasant as the Saigon retreat by helicopter is in American memory, that was for only the last of the embassy personnel. Nixon had carefully removed 365,000 soldiers from Vietnam during the period from 1969 to 1973.

Removing 250,000 Americans from Iraq over even a year on perhaps 20,000 flatbed trucks through a sniper-, mortar- and road-side-bomb-infested two-lane road may result in more casualties than anyone wants to imagine.

But the Democrats on Monday were so hell-bent on quick surrender and retreat that they never even mentioned casualties on the retreat. They should think about Napoleon's withdrawal from Moscow.

Most remarkably of all, not one of the candidates even mentioned the danger of Islamist terrorism the entire night. The Democratic candidates seemed pretty cocky on Monday. But they may have an Achilles heel: national security. Their manifest indifference to the nation's security may yet cost them public trust come next year's election.

Upset you will still have to listen to Rush and Sean?

You don't have to you know

I listen to Sean every day... and I am not "upset" about anything.

I am disappointed in your lack of integrity, that's all. You tell lies,and then, when confronted with them, never admit your error.

that is pathetic, from my perspective.... but I sure am glad that unprincipled unethical folks like you are republicans and not democrats!
I listen to Sean every day... and I am not "upset" about anything.

I am disappointed in your lack of integrity, that's all. You tell lies,and then, when confronted with them, never admit your error.

that is pathetic, from my perspective.... but I sure am glad that unprincipled unethical folks like you are republicans and not democrats!

You prove once again, Dems accuse others of doing what they do to try and shift attention away from the issues
You prove once again, Dems accuse others of doing what they do to try and shift attention away from the issues

your lies are on record...right here.

your words:

"Being a liberal, you have forgotten what you say you are for, and admit you will vote for a candidate that does not agree with ANY of your positions"


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