Zuckerberg should be jailed


Justadude with a keyboard
Feb 19, 2011
Zuckerberg should be jailed and facebook should be liquidated to pay back investors for the money that was fleeced from them.

The “problems” nasdaq mysteriously had in the first two hours after Facebook’s IPO, the fact that JPMorgan is one of Facebook’s underwriters and is already under investigation by the SEC, and the information contained in this article Facebook Slides Amid Roadshow Questions - WSJ.com has me absolutely convinced that the Facebook corporation in general, Zuckerberg specifically, and possibly individuals at nasdaq are guilty as heck of price manipulation at the very least.

Personally I think any investors who were conned into buying Facebook at 38 bucks a share should file a complaint with the SEC immediately! Here’s a link to the SEC website complaint form. https://tts.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html

This kind of fraud doesn’t just hurt the investors conned into buying junk stock, it undermines investor confidence, hurts the credibility of Wall Street, and costs investors so much money that it undermines the economy as a whole. I feel every American should be concerned and every American should be dedicated to stamping out this kind of blatant corruption and shameless theft.

For every Madoff that gets caught, there’s a Zuckerberg that slides by under the radar. He shouldnt get away with it this time.
Zuckerberg should be jailed and facebook should be liquidated to pay back investors for the money that was fleeced from them.

The “problems” nasdaq mysteriously had in the first two hours after Facebook’s IPO, the fact that JPMorgan is one of Facebook’s underwriters and is already under investigation by the SEC, and the information contained in this article Facebook Slides Amid Roadshow Questions - WSJ.com has me absolutely convinced that the Facebook corporation in general, Zuckerberg specifically, and possibly individuals at nasdaq are guilty as heck of price manipulation at the very least.

Personally I think any investors who were conned into buying Facebook at 38 bucks a share should file a complaint with the SEC immediately! Here’s a link to the SEC website complaint form. https://tts.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html

This kind of fraud doesn’t just hurt the investors conned into buying junk stock, it undermines investor confidence, hurts the credibility of Wall Street, and costs investors so much money that it undermines the economy as a whole. I feel every American should be concerned and every American should be dedicated to stamping out this kind of blatant corruption and shameless theft.

For every Madoff that gets caught, there’s a Zuckerberg that slides by under the radar. He shouldnt get away with it this time.

you know zuckerberg didn't set the per share price for the IPO, right?

information is your friend.
Zuckerberg should be jailed and facebook should be liquidated to pay back investors for the money that was fleeced from them.

The “problems” nasdaq mysteriously had in the first two hours after Facebook’s IPO, the fact that JPMorgan is one of Facebook’s underwriters and is already under investigation by the SEC, and the information contained in this article Facebook Slides Amid Roadshow Questions - WSJ.com has me absolutely convinced that the Facebook corporation in general, Zuckerberg specifically, and possibly individuals at nasdaq are guilty as heck of price manipulation at the very least.

Personally I think any investors who were conned into buying Facebook at 38 bucks a share should file a complaint with the SEC immediately! Here’s a link to the SEC website complaint form. https://tts.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html

This kind of fraud doesn’t just hurt the investors conned into buying junk stock, it undermines investor confidence, hurts the credibility of Wall Street, and costs investors so much money that it undermines the economy as a whole. I feel every American should be concerned and every American should be dedicated to stamping out this kind of blatant corruption and shameless theft.

For every Madoff that gets caught, there’s a Zuckerberg that slides by under the radar. He shouldnt get away with it this time.

Yeah...Obama is already going after Morgan Stanley...that did nothing different than other firms.

Zuckerburg did ZERO wrong did NOTHING that wasn't known of the perspectus at the IPO.

Facebook Falls Facedown, Regime Targets Morgan Stanley

CNBC: Regulators to Review Morgan Stanley Facebook Allegations

PCWorld: GM Will Stop Paying for Ads on Facebook - Because They Don't Work*

New York Times: Facebook IPO Raises Regulatory Concerns

AP: Mass. Subpoenas Morgan Stanley in Facebook Case

UKDM: How Zuckerberg Cashed in $1.13 BILLION Worth of Shares Before the Stock Cratered... as Price Could Nose Dive to $9.59
Three investors sued Facebook and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday, along with lead underwriter Morgan Stanley and a host of other underwriters, accusing them of withholding negative information about the social network's initial public offering.

"It appears as though material information was not disclosed," said Robert Weiser, one of the plaintiff lawyers in the class action suit. "We believe that the offering was conducted unfairly and it harmed public stockholders."

The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan.

According to a report published by Reuters, Morgan Stanley (MS, Fortune 500) shared a negative assessment of the social network with major clients ahead of Facebook's (FB) IPO, which debuted last week.

The lawsuit states that "certain of the underwriter defendants" were given estimates for how Facebook would perform in the second quarter and for the full year.

The "revisions were material information which was not shared with all Facebook investors, but rather, was selectively disclosed by defendants to certain preferred investors and omitted from the registration statement and/or prospectus," the plaintiffs claim.

Investors file lawsuit against Facebook, Morgan Stanley - May. 23, 2012
Zuckerberg should be jailed and facebook should be liquidated to pay back investors for the money that was fleeced from them.

The “problems” nasdaq mysteriously had in the first two hours after Facebook’s IPO, the fact that JPMorgan is one of Facebook’s underwriters and is already under investigation by the SEC, and the information contained in this article Facebook Slides Amid Roadshow Questions - WSJ.com has me absolutely convinced that the Facebook corporation in general, Zuckerberg specifically, and possibly individuals at nasdaq are guilty as heck of price manipulation at the very least.

Personally I think any investors who were conned into buying Facebook at 38 bucks a share should file a complaint with the SEC immediately! Here’s a link to the SEC website complaint form. https://tts.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html

This kind of fraud doesn’t just hurt the investors conned into buying junk stock, it undermines investor confidence, hurts the credibility of Wall Street, and costs investors so much money that it undermines the economy as a whole. I feel every American should be concerned and every American should be dedicated to stamping out this kind of blatant corruption and shameless theft.

For every Madoff that gets caught, there’s a Zuckerberg that slides by under the radar. He shouldnt get away with it this time.

What does Zuckerberg have to do with any of it? You do know he's lost a few BILLION dollars himself in the past couple of days, right?

Do you know a single thing about the stock market at all?
Three investors sued Facebook and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday, along with lead underwriter Morgan Stanley and a host of other underwriters, accusing them of withholding negative information about the social network's initial public offering.

"It appears as though material information was not disclosed," said Robert Weiser, one of the plaintiff lawyers in the class action suit. "We believe that the offering was conducted unfairly and it harmed public stockholders."

The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan.

According to a report published by Reuters, Morgan Stanley (MS, Fortune 500) shared a negative assessment of the social network with major clients ahead of Facebook's (FB) IPO, which debuted last week.

The lawsuit states that "certain of the underwriter defendants" were given estimates for how Facebook would perform in the second quarter and for the full year.

The "revisions were material information which was not shared with all Facebook investors, but rather, was selectively disclosed by defendants to certain preferred investors and omitted from the registration statement and/or prospectus," the plaintiffs claim.

Investors file lawsuit against Facebook, Morgan Stanley - May. 23, 2012

morgan stanley is screwed.

but why did tommy 'like' your post? i thought rightwingnuts hate regulations and think 'business' should be able to do anything it wants.
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Maybe Obama can bail them out with more stimulus?
What does Zuckerberg have to do with any of it? You do know he's lost a few BILLION dollars himself in the past couple of days, right?

Do you know a single thing about the stock market at all?
It sounds like you don't.

Zuckerberg is worth a lot more than he was before the IPO. It made him the 29th richest person on the planet. He just isn't worth as much as he was the day of the IPO. But he is still worth a shit-ton more than he was two weeks ago.

Big difference.

While the OP is somewhat irrational, the suit claiming Zuckerberg and the underwriters withheld negative earnings estimations is quite legitimate.

The suit alleges they lied to investors. Among those investors could very well be your retirement fund.
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Zuckerberg should be jailed and facebook should be liquidated to pay back investors for the money that was fleeced from them.

The “problems” nasdaq mysteriously had in the first two hours after Facebook’s IPO, the fact that JPMorgan is one of Facebook’s underwriters and is already under investigation by the SEC, and the information contained in this article Facebook Slides Amid Roadshow Questions - WSJ.com has me absolutely convinced that the Facebook corporation in general, Zuckerberg specifically, and possibly individuals at nasdaq are guilty as heck of price manipulation at the very least.

Personally I think any investors who were conned into buying Facebook at 38 bucks a share should file a complaint with the SEC immediately! Here’s a link to the SEC website complaint form. https://tts.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html

This kind of fraud doesn’t just hurt the investors conned into buying junk stock, it undermines investor confidence, hurts the credibility of Wall Street, and costs investors so much money that it undermines the economy as a whole. I feel every American should be concerned and every American should be dedicated to stamping out this kind of blatant corruption and shameless theft.

For every Madoff that gets caught, there’s a Zuckerberg that slides by under the radar. He shouldnt get away with it this time.

You just hate rich people; that's your problem.
He made some bad choices, like his pick of a CFO, and maybe going with the NASDAQ. The little people didn't get in at the start because of delays, so the big losers are the big guys; that ought to make you happy . . . . eh?
Yeah...Obama is already going after Morgan Stanley...that did nothing different than other firms.

Hate to say this T, but you're wrong here. Morgan Stanley did one huge thing wrong. They didnt donate enough to Obama.
Sounds like the same type of sucker that purchased Face book voted for Obama and has a few regrets. Such fools, they invest in fades, vote for hype, and believe green energy has the capacity to stand on its own two feet, without government subsidies, and yet these same suckers get mad when they are proven hype and bull is still hype and bull. Go figure.
Zuckerberg should be jailed and facebook should be liquidated...

Wait a second, are you saying our government regulators were not able to ensure rainbows and sunshine for everybody? Well! I say increased funding and more regulations will ensure this never happens again! :eek:

There is risk associated with every investment. It is illogical to expect an equal dissemination of information if not a violation of free speech rights.

Since you've already convicted this man, explain exactly how he manipulated the price of the IPO in such a way that others were harmed.

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