.02% chance of death.... thats what we are destroying our nation over

0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isnā€™t over. Itā€™s actually a long way from being over. We arenā€™t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
We are shutting it down because Democrats believe they can defeat Trump that way, and for no other reason.

At first we were told it was to "flatten the curve," that is, to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. Now that it's obvious that there's no chance of that, we're being told it will last until we have no more deaths from COVID. That won't happen for years.

If ever. Last time I checked, we still log tens of thousands of deaths every year from a number of different viruses and no one ever suggests that we have to shut down our country, stop living our lives, and hide in our houses until such time as they're eradicated. We adjust to them, file them under the heading of "something's going to kill each of us eventually", and move on.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isnā€™t over. Itā€™s actually a long way from being over. We arenā€™t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesnā€™t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
NY was an anomaly. Again odds of you dying if youā€™re under 59 are very slim.
NY was what happens when the virus takes hold before mitigation.
No. NYC happens when you infect nursing homes at a rapid rate. They are an outlier. Didnā€™t happen anywhere else in the country. And still 98% of those who died are those who either old and or very unhealthy. We can protect them and open the country. They were wrong in terms of how many hospital beds and ventilators they would need. Need to follow Swedenā€™s model.

Nursing homes are everywhere dude. Unhealthy people are everywhere. Old people are everywhere.

The more you open up the country, the harder it is to protect them. Old, unhealthy, nursing home patients cannot exist in isolation. They are almost by definition reliant on others for activities of daily life.
And they can remain on lockdown. The rest of us should be able to go out and give the economy a boost. Set up testing at nursing homes to test those going in (workers). Vaccines are not 100% effective. When would you reopen?

Id reopen when we can identify, trace and isolate cases, like you do with any outbreak.

Itā€™ll happen. It wonā€™t be that long.
How long. Guesstimate.
Different place to place. Depends on how competent your state is.

Iā€™m not a big fan of the ā€œJesus take the wheelā€ approach.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
We are all going to get infected sooner or later

and those with underlying medical conditions will die from it

but everyone else will survive just as humans always have
I don't believe that's true. Not everyone gets the flu every year.

some of us may postpone the inevitable for two years

But sooner or later...
There's nothing inevitable about it.
I suppose total isolation in space might keep the chinese disease at bay

but here on earth only one person out of a million can live in total isolation
It doesn't require total isolation. It requires contact tracing and testing. Find out who has it, isolate them, find out who they possibly gave it to, test them, isolate those that turn out to be infect, etc. etc. etc. Find the disease, track it, end it.
Or spread it and allow for herd immunity.

Lets say there are 100 of us and 25 are old or at risk. We protect the 25 but we 75 go out. We all get it and then the virus has nowhere to go and dies out and then we release the remaining 25.

The very fact that 75 out of 100 has it means the 25 arenā€™t protected.
Thatā€™s how it always works. Healthy protect the vulnerable.
Here thatā€™s what I thought we were doing by social distancing. The healthy are sacrificing to protect the vulnerable. Yet, what Iā€™m hearing is that the healthy should not be ā€œpunishedā€ and shouldnā€™t have to protect the vulnerable, who are only a very small percentage.
we protect them better by garnering herd immunity. This was supposed to flatten the curve not lockdown til there is a cure. By garnering herd immunity we protect the vulnerable. By doing what we are doing now we prolong the pain for everyone. ECONOMIC Pain is real. Itā€™s lives vs lives not $$$ vs lives
There never was a curve to flatten. Even in the hardest hit New York where the deaths were deliberate the hospitals were never really overwhelmed.
Never overwhelmed? That's nonsense. They were totally overwhelmed. They were flying in doctors/nurses from all over the country. They had built hundreds of ICU beds into makeshift units in OR suites. It was nuts.
just because they brought in extra resources doesnt mean they were overwhelmed,,,only a few of the hospitals were overwhelmed while others barely saw an increase
if you look into it you will find that most of those resources werent used and later dismantled and went back from where they came,,,
Sorry dude, but I know people who were in the thick of it. It was a disaster.
I call bullshit!
Good for you.
They say it was a disaster but it was not. I want More statistical data such as how close to death were those who ultimately died from this. Such as those in nursing homes who had months or weeks to live anyway. Average age there is 85 and average life span is 80 in the US.
This statement suggests their lives arenā€™t as valuable.
They arenā€™t. They have lived 2x my lifespan. Iā€™d gladly give up my life for my kids for example. Doesnā€™t mean I want to kill people but I want to make it as palatable as possible for everyone. Deaths are part of life. We have a car accident every 30 minutes in the US but we donā€™t stop driving.

When someone is killed in a car accident, guilt is assessed, charges are laid, and the guilty party has to pay the injured party for their damages.

Trump is trying to make it so that if your employer doesn't take steps to protect you from the virus, you're not allowed to sue them for making you sick. And if you get sick, they cans till fire you, and you lose your health insurance.

What protections do the WORKERS have to keep them safe?
Workers donā€™t have to go to work. Itā€™s their choice. Itā€™s our country. Your opinion is unwanted. Itā€™s not up to your employer but you. Everyone knows if you wash your hands and donā€™t touch your face you wonā€™t get it and if you do there is a 99.9% chance you ll be fine. Youā€™re a drama queen.

Well Dr. Azoz aren't you the bright one! I guess the part where you're a medical doctor too. The doctors and the scientists say you're full of shit, but then we really didn't need them to tell us what we already knew. And maybe if you do get it, nothing bad will happen to you. And I guess you play Russian Roulette all the time with your life.

I choose sensible precautions. So do my family and friends. That's why none of us have gotten sick. We plan to keep it that way, and besides, in Canada. It's why the death rate in Canada

Who says it's "your" country, troll? Where's you evidence that you're aren't just the lying Russian bot we all have you pegged for?
No. SOME doctors say I am full of shit. They don't know. I think you're full of shit. You're just old and scared and want the rest of us to suffer like you do. No thanks. I had the virus. It was just a sickness. 99.9% are fine. Stop being such a drama queen. Russian Roulette? So you're saying 1 in 6 who gets this dies? Link....


Global death rate 15%. USA death rate 25%. That's 1/4.

I'm not scared. I go out all of the time. This idea that those of us who are social distance are all hiding under beds is just as stupid as all of the other things that dolts like you are always saying about liberals - complete and utter bullshit. I'm not going to restaurants, or local gatherings. I'm not having a birthday party next week and there's no fireworks for my birthday (May 24th Weekend), but I am having a birthday dinner with my daughter's family. We're not going out for retail therapy with the girls, but I took my granddaughter for a walk along the water's edge last week.

I don't really go to bars, but I do play poker. There no live poker games and I doubt there will be for a while - the era of passing around chips and cards is over. I'm going to miss live poker. I suspect casinos will go to video dealers and chips.

Anyone who doesn't clearly understand that things will never go back to "normal" ever again, is dreaming in technicolor.
Nope. Wrong. You don't know math we have 83k deaths and 330million people. 85% show no symptoms. Your numbers are of those who are so sick they had to get tested. Try again, you liar. You're a giant pessimist. If you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. You must suck at poker since you don't understand basic stats. Idiot.
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

You pulled .02% out of thin air. Lets take a look at what we know is FACT:

Number of U.S. deaths from Coronavirus: 86,970
Number of U.S. infections from Coronavirus: 1,459,684

U.S. death rate from Coronavirus: 6.0%

So if 100 million Americans get infected, you kill 6 million Americans.
If 200 million Americans get infected, you kill 12 million Americans.
If 300 million Americans get infected, you kill 18 million Americans.
If ALL 333,333,334 Americans get infected, you kill 20 million Americans.

As for the economy, the economy won't improve unless CONSUMERS FEEL SAFE to go out purchase things. Kill the pathogen, you make the environment safe for consumers. When that happens, the economy comes roaring back.

If you don't do what the SCIENCE says, reopen too soon before testing, contact tracing and isolation methods are in place, you'll have to go back into lockdown again. Until it is consumers feel safe, know it is safe, they are not going to go out and spend if your opened up. Your metric for how your doing against the virus is daily confirmed infections and deaths. Until those numbers go down to a small fraction of what they are now, the smart move is to stay locked down. Once the pathogen is at a small fraction of the current daily infections and deaths currently seen, then it can be controlled and contained through testing, contact tracing, and isolation of suspected infections. Then you can reopen without having to worry about going through a lock down again.

TAIWAN did this perfectly. They only have had 440 infections and 7 deaths. There are only 46 people in TAIWAN still infected and that number is dropping daily. Within the next two weeks, its likely that TAIWAN will have completely eliminated the virus from the country. TAIWAN is a country of 24 million people.
Divide Deaths by total population of 330mil and tell me what % you get. You don't have any mathematical acumen.
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

You pulled .02% out of thin air. Lets take a look at what we know is FACT:

Number of U.S. deaths from Coronavirus: 86,970
Number of U.S. infections from Coronavirus: 1,459,684

U.S. death rate from Coronavirus: 6.0%

So if 100 million Americans get infected, you kill 6 million Americans.
If 200 million Americans get infected, you kill 12 million Americans.
If 300 million Americans get infected, you kill 18 million Americans.
If ALL 333,333,334 Americans get infected, you kill 20 million Americans.

As for the economy, the economy won't improve unless CONSUMERS FEEL SAFE to go out purchase things. Kill the pathogen, you make the environment safe for consumers. When that happens, the economy comes roaring back.

If you don't do what the SCIENCE says, reopen too soon before testing, contact tracing and isolation methods are in place, you'll have to go back into lockdown again. Until it is consumers feel safe, know it is safe, they are not going to go out and spend if your opened up. Your metric for how your doing against the virus is daily confirmed infections and deaths. Until those numbers go down to a small fraction of what they are now, the smart move is to stay locked down. Once the pathogen is at a small fraction of the current daily infections and deaths currently seen, then it can be controlled and contained through testing, contact tracing, and isolation of suspected infections. Then you can reopen without having to worry about going through a lock down again.

TAIWAN did this perfectly. They only have had 440 infections and 7 deaths. There are only 46 people in TAIWAN still infected and that number is dropping daily. Within the next two weeks, its likely that TAIWAN will have completely eliminated the virus from the country. TAIWAN is a country of 24 million people.
Your figures are ludicrous. The number of infections isn't the number who have been tested. For every person who tests positive there are 20-50 who never get tested and don't know they have it. Sleazy dishonest turds like you always use the former figure because it generates the hysteria you're looking for.

It's idiotic to compare us with Taiwan. For one thing, the USA is not an Island. For another, we already have millions of infections. We don't get a do-over. The lockdown cannot continue " Until those numbers go down to a small fraction of what they are now." That will take many many months. Our economy will be utterly destroyed by then. If consumers don't feel safe, then they can choose to stay home. There's no justification for shutting down every business in the country.
He is an idiot. Don't waste your time.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isnā€™t over. Itā€™s actually a long way from being over. We arenā€™t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesnā€™t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
NY was an anomaly. Again odds of you dying if youā€™re under 59 are very slim.
NY was what happens when the virus takes hold before mitigation.
No. NYC happens when you infect nursing homes at a rapid rate. They are an outlier. Didnā€™t happen anywhere else in the country. And still 98% of those who died are those who either old and or very unhealthy. We can protect them and open the country. They were wrong in terms of how many hospital beds and ventilators they would need. Need to follow Swedenā€™s model.

Nursing homes are everywhere dude. Unhealthy people are everywhere. Old people are everywhere.

The more you open up the country, the harder it is to protect them. Old, unhealthy, nursing home patients cannot exist in isolation. They are almost by definition reliant on others for activities of daily life.
And they can remain on lockdown. The rest of us should be able to go out and give the economy a boost. Set up testing at nursing homes to test those going in (workers). Vaccines are not 100% effective. When would you reopen?

Id reopen when we can identify, trace and isolate cases, like you do with any outbreak.

Itā€™ll happen. It wonā€™t be that long.
How long. Guesstimate.
Different place to place. Depends on how competent your state is.

Iā€™m not a big fan of the ā€œJesus take the wheelā€ approach.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
We are all going to get infected sooner or later

and those with underlying medical conditions will die from it

but everyone else will survive just as humans always have
I don't believe that's true. Not everyone gets the flu every year.

some of us may postpone the inevitable for two years

But sooner or later...
There's nothing inevitable about it.
I suppose total isolation in space might keep the chinese disease at bay

but here on earth only one person out of a million can live in total isolation
It doesn't require total isolation. It requires contact tracing and testing. Find out who has it, isolate them, find out who they possibly gave it to, test them, isolate those that turn out to be infect, etc. etc. etc. Find the disease, track it, end it.
Or spread it and allow for herd immunity.

Lets say there are 100 of us and 25 are old or at risk. We protect the 25 but we 75 go out. We all get it and then the virus has nowhere to go and dies out and then we release the remaining 25.

The very fact that 75 out of 100 has it means the 25 arenā€™t protected.
Thatā€™s how it always works. Healthy protect the vulnerable.
Here thatā€™s what I thought we were doing by social distancing. The healthy are sacrificing to protect the vulnerable. Yet, what Iā€™m hearing is that the healthy should not be ā€œpunishedā€ and shouldnā€™t have to protect the vulnerable, who are only a very small percentage.
we protect them better by garnering herd immunity. This was supposed to flatten the curve not lockdown til there is a cure. By garnering herd immunity we protect the vulnerable. By doing what we are doing now we prolong the pain for everyone. ECONOMIC Pain is real. Itā€™s lives vs lives not $$$ vs lives
There never was a curve to flatten. Even in the hardest hit New York where the deaths were deliberate the hospitals were never really overwhelmed.
Never overwhelmed? That's nonsense. They were totally overwhelmed. They were flying in doctors/nurses from all over the country. They had built hundreds of ICU beds into makeshift units in OR suites. It was nuts.
just because they brought in extra resources doesnt mean they were overwhelmed,,,only a few of the hospitals were overwhelmed while others barely saw an increase
if you look into it you will find that most of those resources werent used and later dismantled and went back from where they came,,,
Sorry dude, but I know people who were in the thick of it. It was a disaster.
I call bullshit!
Good for you.
They say it was a disaster but it was not. I want More statistical data such as how close to death were those who ultimately died from this. Such as those in nursing homes who had months or weeks to live anyway. Average age there is 85 and average life span is 80 in the US.
This statement suggests their lives arenā€™t as valuable.
They arenā€™t. They have lived 2x my lifespan. Iā€™d gladly give up my life for my kids for example. Doesnā€™t mean I want to kill people but I want to make it as palatable as possible for everyone. Deaths are part of life. We have a car accident every 30 minutes in the US but we donā€™t stop driving.

When someone is killed in a car accident, guilt is assessed, charges are laid, and the guilty party has to pay the injured party for their damages.

Trump is trying to make it so that if your employer doesn't take steps to protect you from the virus, you're not allowed to sue them for making you sick. And if you get sick, they cans till fire you, and you lose your health insurance.

What protections do the WORKERS have to keep them safe?
that would mean something if the are forced to work,,,and in this country nobody is forced to work,,,

and how do you prove they got infected at work???
you cant,,,

Yeah, you can. Easily. Because you can do a DNA analysis of the virus and all you need is for one other coworker to have the virus with the same DNA, and Bob's your uncle.

Many states are telling workers that if their employer calls them back to work, their unemployment benefits will be cut off if they refuse. Donald Trump signed an EO ordering meat processing plants to stay open. Trump is prepared to sacrifice low wage workers to the economy.

The reason why the rate of death is so high in America is because so many people lack health insurance and can't afford to treat "underlying conditions", so they fester. The only country in the first world with a declining life expectancy. Monsanto frankenfood, over-processed, low nutrient, high fat junk food. Lack of fresh food in poor neighbourhoods. The cheapest food in the world, and like all cheap goods, you get what you pay for.

"Essential workers" are rapidly turning into "expendable workers". After all they're old/sick/fat/poor and they're likely not even white.
my god you really are a fucking idiot,,,

Coming from a Trump voter, it's almost a compliment. You think Trump isn't a fucking idiot.

You continue to believed that 87,000 dead Americans, and more than a million sick, with a minimum of 40,000 more deaths expected, to be proof positive that Trump is doing a "great job" containing the pandemic.

Less than one month ago, Trump said that 17,000 deaths from H1N1 in one year a "disaster". Well WTF is 87,000 deaths in less than three months. It was "unnecessary" and due to "incompetence" in 2009 when the deaths were less than 1/5th of what Trump has overseen.

The USA didn't lead the world in cases or in death with H1N1.

So if the idiots who support Donald Trump think I'm a "fucking idiot", while still supporting the guy who has killed 87,000 Americans so far, I'm clearly a WHOLE lot smarter than you are.
It makes one think there might be ulterior and maybe even nefarious motives.

The old adage, ā€œFollow the money,ā€ might apply.
Have you seen the NFL's re opening schedule plan?
It is eye opening.

In a nutshell the NFL is saying that if ONE STATE refuses to let a single team open they won't allow any team to open.
You think states are going to stop that MASSIVE pile of money to slip away? Then ask yourself if playing Football is "essential"

The NFL does approximately 8 billion in revenue. There are corporations that piss 8 billion. I think we need sports to boost morale more than anything. Not downplaying the financial significance of the NFL potentially shutting down, just saying other businesses are more important to the U.S. economy.
The decisions to open or close a team will be made at the city level and that amount of money is MASSIVE to a city who's revenue stream has all but dried up because of a lockdown that is self imposed.

Why are you complaining about the destruction of the American economy? Trump promised you that he would undo everything Obama did, and Obama's greatest achievement was the longest sustained recovery in the history of the nation.

Obamacare hasn't been completely destroyed yet, but the economy has been. Promise kept!!!

I can see why you wouldn't understand why people care about destroying an economy based on freedom and personal responsibility, since your government-sucking ass has never had any interest in those things. Trump gave us a great economy prior to coronavirus precisely by undoing all the bullshit Obama did, and hearing mindless government-worshipping drones like you prattling on and on about how we should "really" think it was all wonderful is unlikely to convince us to believe you over our own eyes and reasoning abilities.

I have yet to understand what it was that convinced you that anyone was viewing you as a source of knowledge and wisdom, or even vaguely interesting input.

OBAMA gave you a great economy. Trump destroyed it.

You spout off like a trained seal about a system of government which takes care of its people first, because you've been brainwashed to think that putting corporations first is working for you. All of the liberal lead democracies who listened to the scientists, and put testing first, are starting to re-open, while the cases and death continues to rise in the USA, and Italy and the UK, all with bully boy conservative leadership, were ill prepared, and your leaders behaved like idiots in a pandemic.

The Canadian economy is taking hits, but it's already re-opening, on the downside of the infection. With thousands more recovered patients. Of course, we have competent governance which works for its people and a Prime Minister whose focus is not his re-election or his ego, and who actually followed the advice our scientists gave him. Denial of science seems to be a conservative American thing. 40 years of Reublican approved education.

Our healthcare workers aren't marching in the streets for PPE's carrying pictures of dead health care workers. We have a robust national testing system. If I want a test, I really can get a test, and an accurate one at that. Not that Abbott garbage with the 30% false negative.

Our province has 3 times the number of recovered cases to active cases, and we just opened some stores this week - hardward stores, nurseries. Construction started last week, with protection and social distancing. No beauty salons, bars or restaurants except take out. My neighbour is back working full time. Pools, splash pads are water parks are closed for the summer.

Keep thinking that letting people suffer while the corporations are fat and healthy, is working for you as a nation. You count of the sick and the dead, say its a total fucking disaster.

No, dimwit. Obama gave us a shoddy illusion of something doddering socialist fools like you would consider a "great economy". Trump did destroy it - thank God - and replaced it with a reality that Americans consider a great economy. If you're such a slobbering Obama fangirl, you are more than welcome to bring him to your country and elect him . . . whatever the fuck it is you freedom-phobic kneelers have; I have no idea, since your country isn't important enough for me to bother knowing.

I understand why the priorities of Americans confuse and frustrate you. They're all predicated on people having courage, independence, and resilience, qualities you probably have trouble spelling, let alone showing. But as I keep telling you in hopes it will eventually sink through your rock skull, WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN HEARING HOW CHICKENSHIT GOVERNMENT WORSHIPPERS THINK OUR PRIORITIES ARE WRONG AND IMMORAL. No one is trying to earn your approval.

For the record, I didn't bother to read any of your rhapsody about the wonders of how Canada is "wisely" not allowing its peasants out of their cages, because - also as I've said before - your country isn't important enough for me to care, and it definitely isn't important enough for me to want to remake America to copy it. Always and forever, you have nothing that I want, and you are nothing that I want.
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.
Yep and what makes it worse IMO is that we self destructed our economy and caused the highest unemployment since FDR's Depression all to protect Grandma and Grandpa. How did that work out?
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

You pulled .02% out of thin air. Lets take a look at what we know is FACT:

Number of U.S. deaths from Coronavirus: 86,970
Number of U.S. infections from Coronavirus: 1,459,684

U.S. death rate from Coronavirus: 6.0%

So if 100 million Americans get infected, you kill 6 million Americans.
If 200 million Americans get infected, you kill 12 million Americans.
If 300 million Americans get infected, you kill 18 million Americans.
If ALL 333,333,334 Americans get infected, you kill 20 million Americans.

As for the economy, the economy won't improve unless CONSUMERS FEEL SAFE to go out purchase things. Kill the pathogen, you make the environment safe for consumers. When that happens, the economy comes roaring back.

If you don't do what the SCIENCE says, reopen too soon before testing, contact tracing and isolation methods are in place, you'll have to go back into lockdown again. Until it is consumers feel safe, know it is safe, they are not going to go out and spend if your opened up. Your metric for how your doing against the virus is daily confirmed infections and deaths. Until those numbers go down to a small fraction of what they are now, the smart move is to stay locked down. Once the pathogen is at a small fraction of the current daily infections and deaths currently seen, then it can be controlled and contained through testing, contact tracing, and isolation of suspected infections. Then you can reopen without having to worry about going through a lock down again.

TAIWAN did this perfectly. They only have had 440 infections and 7 deaths. There are only 46 people in TAIWAN still infected and that number is dropping daily. Within the next two weeks, its likely that TAIWAN will have completely eliminated the virus from the country. TAIWAN is a country of 24 million people.
Divide Deaths by total population of 330mil and tell me what % you get. You don't have any mathematical acumen.

Neither do you, you stupid dolt! You divide the deaths by the "closed cases" not the total population - the number of people who recovered plus the number of people who died. The entire population didn't get the virus. The rate of death is the number of people who got sick and died. Not the number of people who died versus the entire population.
So if the idiots who support Donald Trump think I'm a "fucking idiot", while still supporting the guy who has killed 87,000 Americans so far, I'm clearly a WHOLE lot smarter than you are.
I think you have a potty mouth and a really bad hate for trump who is not even your president

trump has done everything he was supposed to do considering that its liberal blue democrat cities and states where most of the deaths occured
Last edited:
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isnā€™t over. Itā€™s actually a long way from being over. We arenā€™t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesnā€™t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
NY was an anomaly. Again odds of you dying if youā€™re under 59 are very slim.
NY was what happens when the virus takes hold before mitigation.
No. NYC happens when you infect nursing homes at a rapid rate. They are an outlier. Didnā€™t happen anywhere else in the country. And still 98% of those who died are those who either old and or very unhealthy. We can protect them and open the country. They were wrong in terms of how many hospital beds and ventilators they would need. Need to follow Swedenā€™s model.

Nursing homes are everywhere dude. Unhealthy people are everywhere. Old people are everywhere.

The more you open up the country, the harder it is to protect them. Old, unhealthy, nursing home patients cannot exist in isolation. They are almost by definition reliant on others for activities of daily life.
And they can remain on lockdown. The rest of us should be able to go out and give the economy a boost. Set up testing at nursing homes to test those going in (workers). Vaccines are not 100% effective. When would you reopen?

Id reopen when we can identify, trace and isolate cases, like you do with any outbreak.

Itā€™ll happen. It wonā€™t be that long.
How long. Guesstimate.
Different place to place. Depends on how competent your state is.

Iā€™m not a big fan of the ā€œJesus take the wheelā€ approach.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
We are all going to get infected sooner or later

and those with underlying medical conditions will die from it

but everyone else will survive just as humans always have
I don't believe that's true. Not everyone gets the flu every year.

some of us may postpone the inevitable for two years

But sooner or later...
There's nothing inevitable about it.
I suppose total isolation in space might keep the chinese disease at bay

but here on earth only one person out of a million can live in total isolation
It doesn't require total isolation. It requires contact tracing and testing. Find out who has it, isolate them, find out who they possibly gave it to, test them, isolate those that turn out to be infect, etc. etc. etc. Find the disease, track it, end it.
Or spread it and allow for herd immunity.

Lets say there are 100 of us and 25 are old or at risk. We protect the 25 but we 75 go out. We all get it and then the virus has nowhere to go and dies out and then we release the remaining 25.

The very fact that 75 out of 100 has it means the 25 arenā€™t protected.
Thatā€™s how it always works. Healthy protect the vulnerable.
Here thatā€™s what I thought we were doing by social distancing. The healthy are sacrificing to protect the vulnerable. Yet, what Iā€™m hearing is that the healthy should not be ā€œpunishedā€ and shouldnā€™t have to protect the vulnerable, who are only a very small percentage.
we protect them better by garnering herd immunity. This was supposed to flatten the curve not lockdown til there is a cure. By garnering herd immunity we protect the vulnerable. By doing what we are doing now we prolong the pain for everyone. ECONOMIC Pain is real. Itā€™s lives vs lives not $$$ vs lives
There never was a curve to flatten. Even in the hardest hit New York where the deaths were deliberate the hospitals were never really overwhelmed.
Never overwhelmed? That's nonsense. They were totally overwhelmed. They were flying in doctors/nurses from all over the country. They had built hundreds of ICU beds into makeshift units in OR suites. It was nuts.
just because they brought in extra resources doesnt mean they were overwhelmed,,,only a few of the hospitals were overwhelmed while others barely saw an increase
if you look into it you will find that most of those resources werent used and later dismantled and went back from where they came,,,
Sorry dude, but I know people who were in the thick of it. It was a disaster.
I call bullshit!
Good for you.
They say it was a disaster but it was not. I want More statistical data such as how close to death were those who ultimately died from this. Such as those in nursing homes who had months or weeks to live anyway. Average age there is 85 and average life span is 80 in the US.
This statement suggests their lives arenā€™t as valuable.
They arenā€™t. They have lived 2x my lifespan. Iā€™d gladly give up my life for my kids for example. Doesnā€™t mean I want to kill people but I want to make it as palatable as possible for everyone. Deaths are part of life. We have a car accident every 30 minutes in the US but we donā€™t stop driving.

When someone is killed in a car accident, guilt is assessed, charges are laid, and the guilty party has to pay the injured party for their damages.

Trump is trying to make it so that if your employer doesn't take steps to protect you from the virus, you're not allowed to sue them for making you sick. And if you get sick, they cans till fire you, and you lose your health insurance.

What protections do the WORKERS have to keep them safe?
that would mean something if the are forced to work,,,and in this country nobody is forced to work,,,

and how do you prove they got infected at work???
you cant,,,

Yeah, you can. Easily. Because you can do a DNA analysis of the virus and all you need is for one other coworker to have the virus with the same DNA, and Bob's your uncle.

Many states are telling workers that if their employer calls them back to work, their unemployment benefits will be cut off if they refuse. Donald Trump signed an EO ordering meat processing plants to stay open. Trump is prepared to sacrifice low wage workers to the economy.

The reason why the rate of death is so high in America is because so many people lack health insurance and can't afford to treat "underlying conditions", so they fester. The only country in the first world with a declining life expectancy. Monsanto frankenfood, over-processed, low nutrient, high fat junk food. Lack of fresh food in poor neighbourhoods. The cheapest food in the world, and like all cheap goods, you get what you pay for.

"Essential workers" are rapidly turning into "expendable workers". After all they're old/sick/fat/poor and they're likely not even white.
my god you really are a fucking idiot,,,

Coming from a Trump voter, it's almost a compliment. You think Trump isn't a fucking idiot.

You continue to believed that 87,000 dead Americans, and more than a million sick, with a minimum of 40,000 more deaths expected, to be proof positive that Trump is doing a "great job" containing the pandemic.

Less than one month ago, Trump said that 17,000 deaths from H1N1 in one year a "disaster". Well WTF is 87,000 deaths in less than three months. It was "unnecessary" and due to "incompetence" in 2009 when the deaths were less than 1/5th of what Trump has overseen.

The USA didn't lead the world in cases or in death with H1N1.

So if the idiots who support Donald Trump think I'm a "fucking idiot", while still supporting the guy who has killed 87,000 Americans so far, I'm clearly a WHOLE lot smarter than you are.

You fat witch. Average age of those dead is 82. Blame China not Trump who shut travel down on the 24th of January from there. Youā€™re so smart you post on a US message board and donā€™t live in America. Spare me. You donā€™t even understand basic stats. 2.5 every 100k die. Ooooooh. You suck at math.
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

You pulled .02% out of thin air. Lets take a look at what we know is FACT:

Number of U.S. deaths from Coronavirus: 86,970
Number of U.S. infections from Coronavirus: 1,459,684

U.S. death rate from Coronavirus: 6.0%

So if 100 million Americans get infected, you kill 6 million Americans.
If 200 million Americans get infected, you kill 12 million Americans.
If 300 million Americans get infected, you kill 18 million Americans.
If ALL 333,333,334 Americans get infected, you kill 20 million Americans.

As for the economy, the economy won't improve unless CONSUMERS FEEL SAFE to go out purchase things. Kill the pathogen, you make the environment safe for consumers. When that happens, the economy comes roaring back.

If you don't do what the SCIENCE says, reopen too soon before testing, contact tracing and isolation methods are in place, you'll have to go back into lockdown again. Until it is consumers feel safe, know it is safe, they are not going to go out and spend if your opened up. Your metric for how your doing against the virus is daily confirmed infections and deaths. Until those numbers go down to a small fraction of what they are now, the smart move is to stay locked down. Once the pathogen is at a small fraction of the current daily infections and deaths currently seen, then it can be controlled and contained through testing, contact tracing, and isolation of suspected infections. Then you can reopen without having to worry about going through a lock down again.

TAIWAN did this perfectly. They only have had 440 infections and 7 deaths. There are only 46 people in TAIWAN still infected and that number is dropping daily. Within the next two weeks, its likely that TAIWAN will have completely eliminated the virus from the country. TAIWAN is a country of 24 million people.
Divide Deaths by total population of 330mil and tell me what % you get. You don't have any mathematical acumen.

Neither do you, you stupid dolt! You divide the deaths by the "closed cases" not the total population - the number of people who recovered plus the number of people who died. The entire population didn't get the virus. The rate of death is the number of people who got sick and died. Not the number of people who died versus the entire population.
LMaO most donā€™t get tested or treated. Duh. You divide by total pop. Those numbers are impossible to fabricate. All of us had the virus in my family but only I was tested so they only counted me. Thatā€™s fucking stupid. As all of us had it. Stats of dead to sick are false. Youā€™re so dumb that you donā€™t know that.
It makes one think there might be ulterior and maybe even nefarious motives.

The old adage, ā€œFollow the money,ā€ might apply.
Have you seen the NFL's re opening schedule plan?
It is eye opening.

In a nutshell the NFL is saying that if ONE STATE refuses to let a single team open they won't allow any team to open.
You think states are going to stop that MASSIVE pile of money to slip away? Then ask yourself if playing Football is "essential"

The NFL does approximately 8 billion in revenue. There are corporations that piss 8 billion. I think we need sports to boost morale more than anything. Not downplaying the financial significance of the NFL potentially shutting down, just saying other businesses are more important to the U.S. economy.
The decisions to open or close a team will be made at the city level and that amount of money is MASSIVE to a city who's revenue stream has all but dried up because of a lockdown that is self imposed.

Why are you complaining about the destruction of the American economy? Trump promised you that he would undo everything Obama did, and Obama's greatest achievement was the longest sustained recovery in the history of the nation.

Obamacare hasn't been completely destroyed yet, but the economy has been. Promise kept!!!

I can see why you wouldn't understand why people care about destroying an economy based on freedom and personal responsibility, since your government-sucking ass has never had any interest in those things. Trump gave us a great economy prior to coronavirus precisely by undoing all the bullshit Obama did, and hearing mindless government-worshipping drones like you prattling on and on about how we should "really" think it was all wonderful is unlikely to convince us to believe you over our own eyes and reasoning abilities.

I have yet to understand what it was that convinced you that anyone was viewing you as a source of knowledge and wisdom, or even vaguely interesting input.

OBAMA gave you a great economy. Trump destroyed it.

You spout off like a trained seal about a system of government which takes care of its people first, because you've been brainwashed to think that putting corporations first is working for you. All of the liberal lead democracies who listened to the scientists, and put testing first, are starting to re-open, while the cases and death continues to rise in the USA, and Italy and the UK, all with bully boy conservative leadership, were ill prepared, and your leaders behaved like idiots in a pandemic.

The Canadian economy is taking hits, but it's already re-opening, on the downside of the infection. With thousands more recovered patients. Of course, we have competent governance which works for its people and a Prime Minister whose focus is not his re-election or his ego, and who actually followed the advice our scientists gave him. Denial of science seems to be a conservative American thing. 40 years of Reublican approved education.

Our healthcare workers aren't marching in the streets for PPE's carrying pictures of dead health care workers. We have a robust national testing system. If I want a test, I really can get a test, and an accurate one at that. Not that Abbott garbage with the 30% false negative.

Our province has 3 times the number of recovered cases to active cases, and we just opened some stores this week - hardward stores, nurseries. Construction started last week, with protection and social distancing. No beauty salons, bars or restaurants except take out. My neighbour is back working full time. Pools, splash pads are water parks are closed for the summer.

Keep thinking that letting people suffer while the corporations are fat and healthy, is working for you as a nation. You count of the sick and the dead, say its a total fucking disaster.

No, dimwit. Obama gave us a shoddy illusion of something doddering socialist fools like you would consider a "great economy". Trump did destroy it - thank God - and replaced it with a reality that Americans consider a great economy. If you're such a slobbering Obama fangirl, you are more than welcome to bring him to your country and elect him . . . whatever the fuck it is you freedom-phobic kneelers have; I have no idea, since your country isn't important enough for me to bother knowing.

I understand why the priorities of Americans confuse and frustrate you. They're all predicated on people having courage, independence, and resilience, qualities you probably have trouble spelling, let alone showing. But as I keep telling you in hopes it will eventually sink through your rock skull, WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN HEARING HOW CHICKENSHIT GOVERNMENT WORSHIPPERS THINK OUR PRIORITIES ARE WRONG AND IMMORAL. No one is trying to earn your approval.

For the record, I didn't bother to read any of your rhapsody about the wonders of how Canada is "wisely" not allowing its peasants out of their cages, because - also as I've said before - your country isn't important enough for me to care, and it definitely isn't important enough for me to want to remake America to copy it. Always and forever, you have nothing that I want, and you are nothing that I want.

I love how you continue to post opinions about things you know nothing about, expression false opinions about things you have no knowledge of, and then claiming you don't care about any of it, while posting all in caps. I don't give a rat's ass what you think. I'm free to post my opinions here just like everybody else. What you can't stand is that you can't refute what I say. You may be a narrowmind, self-absorbed idiot incapable of learning from what others who are more successful than yourself are doing, but not everyone is as convinced their their shit doesn't stink, as you are.

Trump didn't "destroy it" Obama's economy. He didn't change a fucking thing. He just took credit for Obama's work, and trained seals like you clapped your flippers and barked your approval. But with his response to the virus, Trump has destroyed vast segments of the economy, especially the travel and leisure industry. Hotels and resorts. Almost like the virus is taking Trump down first.

Canadians don't worship government. We make it work for us and if it doesn't, we toss the bums out. Trudeau has a minority government at the moment as an expression of our disappointment in his performance. Trump wouldn't have last past year one in Canada. They would be a non-confidence vote and he's be gone.
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

The radical powers that be, those elected officials lording over and above us, have already won a great victory through the present result of this "pandemic". They have made us, all of us, even more paranoid than ever beforeā€”paranoid about ourselves, about our family members, friends, co-workers, preachers, pastors, priests and fellow congregation members. In so many damned ways They have won, for now. Just think about it for a moment: in the short span of a couple months They have forced drastic changes not just on all three hundred plus million Americans, but on the lives of all seven plus billion human beings around the globe. Just like that we all went from our individual normal states of being to living pandemic mode, half-terrified to walk out our front doors and ready to kill anyone who dared get too close to us. We should have seen this coming. No, not the fucking "pandemic", rather the ready tendency of the powers that be who used it to upend so many of our lives. Shame on us for not seeing through this authoritarian bullshit sooner. Shame on us for not fighting back. Rather than masks they should be ordering up billions of pairs of knee pads . . .
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isnā€™t over. Itā€™s actually a long way from being over. We arenā€™t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesnā€™t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
NY was an anomaly. Again odds of you dying if youā€™re under 59 are very slim.
NY was what happens when the virus takes hold before mitigation.
No. NYC happens when you infect nursing homes at a rapid rate. They are an outlier. Didnā€™t happen anywhere else in the country. And still 98% of those who died are those who either old and or very unhealthy. We can protect them and open the country. They were wrong in terms of how many hospital beds and ventilators they would need. Need to follow Swedenā€™s model.

Nursing homes are everywhere dude. Unhealthy people are everywhere. Old people are everywhere.

The more you open up the country, the harder it is to protect them. Old, unhealthy, nursing home patients cannot exist in isolation. They are almost by definition reliant on others for activities of daily life.
And they can remain on lockdown. The rest of us should be able to go out and give the economy a boost. Set up testing at nursing homes to test those going in (workers). Vaccines are not 100% effective. When would you reopen?

Id reopen when we can identify, trace and isolate cases, like you do with any outbreak.

Itā€™ll happen. It wonā€™t be that long.
How long. Guesstimate.
Different place to place. Depends on how competent your state is.

Iā€™m not a big fan of the ā€œJesus take the wheelā€ approach.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
We are all going to get infected sooner or later

and those with underlying medical conditions will die from it

but everyone else will survive just as humans always have
I don't believe that's true. Not everyone gets the flu every year.

some of us may postpone the inevitable for two years

But sooner or later...
There's nothing inevitable about it.
I suppose total isolation in space might keep the chinese disease at bay

but here on earth only one person out of a million can live in total isolation
It doesn't require total isolation. It requires contact tracing and testing. Find out who has it, isolate them, find out who they possibly gave it to, test them, isolate those that turn out to be infect, etc. etc. etc. Find the disease, track it, end it.
Or spread it and allow for herd immunity.

Lets say there are 100 of us and 25 are old or at risk. We protect the 25 but we 75 go out. We all get it and then the virus has nowhere to go and dies out and then we release the remaining 25.

The very fact that 75 out of 100 has it means the 25 arenā€™t protected.
Thatā€™s how it always works. Healthy protect the vulnerable.
Here thatā€™s what I thought we were doing by social distancing. The healthy are sacrificing to protect the vulnerable. Yet, what Iā€™m hearing is that the healthy should not be ā€œpunishedā€ and shouldnā€™t have to protect the vulnerable, who are only a very small percentage.
we protect them better by garnering herd immunity. This was supposed to flatten the curve not lockdown til there is a cure. By garnering herd immunity we protect the vulnerable. By doing what we are doing now we prolong the pain for everyone. ECONOMIC Pain is real. Itā€™s lives vs lives not $$$ vs lives
There never was a curve to flatten. Even in the hardest hit New York where the deaths were deliberate the hospitals were never really overwhelmed.
Never overwhelmed? That's nonsense. They were totally overwhelmed. They were flying in doctors/nurses from all over the country. They had built hundreds of ICU beds into makeshift units in OR suites. It was nuts.
just because they brought in extra resources doesnt mean they were overwhelmed,,,only a few of the hospitals were overwhelmed while others barely saw an increase
if you look into it you will find that most of those resources werent used and later dismantled and went back from where they came,,,
Sorry dude, but I know people who were in the thick of it. It was a disaster.
I call bullshit!
Good for you.
They say it was a disaster but it was not. I want More statistical data such as how close to death were those who ultimately died from this. Such as those in nursing homes who had months or weeks to live anyway. Average age there is 85 and average life span is 80 in the US.
This statement suggests their lives arenā€™t as valuable.
They arenā€™t. They have lived 2x my lifespan. Iā€™d gladly give up my life for my kids for example. Doesnā€™t mean I want to kill people but I want to make it as palatable as possible for everyone. Deaths are part of life. We have a car accident every 30 minutes in the US but we donā€™t stop driving.

When someone is killed in a car accident, guilt is assessed, charges are laid, and the guilty party has to pay the injured party for their damages.

Trump is trying to make it so that if your employer doesn't take steps to protect you from the virus, you're not allowed to sue them for making you sick. And if you get sick, they cans till fire you, and you lose your health insurance.

What protections do the WORKERS have to keep them safe?
that would mean something if the are forced to work,,,and in this country nobody is forced to work,,,

and how do you prove they got infected at work???
you cant,,,

Yeah, you can. Easily. Because you can do a DNA analysis of the virus and all you need is for one other coworker to have the virus with the same DNA, and Bob's your uncle.

Many states are telling workers that if their employer calls them back to work, their unemployment benefits will be cut off if they refuse. Donald Trump signed an EO ordering meat processing plants to stay open. Trump is prepared to sacrifice low wage workers to the economy.

The reason why the rate of death is so high in America is because so many people lack health insurance and can't afford to treat "underlying conditions", so they fester. The only country in the first world with a declining life expectancy. Monsanto frankenfood, over-processed, low nutrient, high fat junk food. Lack of fresh food in poor neighbourhoods. The cheapest food in the world, and like all cheap goods, you get what you pay for.

"Essential workers" are rapidly turning into "expendable workers". After all they're old/sick/fat/poor and they're likely not even white.
my god you really are a fucking idiot,,,

Coming from a Trump voter, it's almost a compliment. You think Trump isn't a fucking idiot.

You continue to believed that 87,000 dead Americans, and more than a million sick, with a minimum of 40,000 more deaths expected, to be proof positive that Trump is doing a "great job" containing the pandemic.

Less than one month ago, Trump said that 17,000 deaths from H1N1 in one year a "disaster". Well WTF is 87,000 deaths in less than three months. It was "unnecessary" and due to "incompetence" in 2009 when the deaths were less than 1/5th of what Trump has overseen.

The USA didn't lead the world in cases or in death with H1N1.

So if the idiots who support Donald Trump think I'm a "fucking idiot", while still supporting the guy who has killed 87,000 Americans so far, I'm clearly a WHOLE lot smarter than you are.

You fat witch. Average age of those dead is 82. Blame China not Trump who shut travel down on the 24th of January from there. Youā€™re so smart you post on a US message board and donā€™t live in America. Spare me. You donā€™t even understand basic stats. 2.5 every 100k die. Ooooooh. You suck at math.

The virus came from Europe not China, you dope. And 1/4 of the people who are dying are under the age of 65. Your "facts" are just shit you pull out of your ass.

I fully understand that you're a 30 year old white guy with a 6 figure income and this isn't a problem for you. Ignorant, arrogant and entitled is no way to go through life, son.
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

My favorite is snowboarding because one of my sons was an avid snowboarder and got seriously hurt doing it. If the goal is that the government intervenes to save all lives then no more snowboarding, or motorcycling, or skiing. The only safe activity is voting, and even that is only safe if voting Democrat.


The virus came from Europe not China, you dope. And 1/4 of the people who are dying are under the age of 65. Your "facts" are just shit you pull out of your ass.

I fully understand that you're a 30 year old white guy with a 6 figure income and this isn't a problem for you. Ignorant, arrogant and entitled is no way to go through life, son.

Are you seriously that FUCKING stupid? Actually, I don't think you are. You're stupid enough to think someone might fall for the lie but even you aren't so fucking stupid that you believe the shit that you're spewing. Nobody in the entire fucking planet believes that the Wuhan virus came from Europe.
Neither do you, you stupid dolt! You divide the deaths by the "closed cases" not the total population - the number of people who recovered plus the number of people who died. The entire population didn't get the virus. The rate of death is the number of people who got sick and died. Not the number of people who died versus the entire population.

More ignorant bull shit. The rate of death is the number of people who died - actually died, not died from something else but reported as Wuhan virus to get the government Wuhandout - divided by the number of people INFECTED, not the number who got sick. Most infected don't get sick. And until a lot more testing is done, we won't know the number infected but we believe it to be 4 times greater than the number who show symptoms.
Most of those are because of Cuomo. Get rid of Cuomo problem solved.
What's Cuomo's approval rating in New York?
Then do Trump
Friedoā€™s brother still has a high approval rating even after forcing nursing homes to accept patients infected with the chonese disease?

Which is an excellent reason why I don't give a damn what NYers think, and basically consider them to deserve whatever they get from electing that fool.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. Thatā€™s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isnā€™t over. Itā€™s actually a long way from being over. We arenā€™t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesnā€™t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
Most of New York dead are elderly. Why is that? Can you answer honestly?
Because trump DIDN"T answer the call to help stop the virus fast enough More died because of the AH's worry about the election and the most susceptible led the way Now do you understand gramps ?
He followed the advice of the "scientists" that turds like you told him to listen to.
4 weeks too late?? After the only 15 didn't come to light? THE POS FAILED in our time of need started way too slow We needed a man in our WH not some weak kneed punk looking for glory for himself

I notice with interest that you utterly ignored his point in favor of ranting ever more about "It's Trump's fault because I want it to be!!!"

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