04/2015 WAPO/ABC poll: Hillary Clinton (D) sweeping with double-digit margins against GOPers

Party scaring the country right now is dems.....several stories from big lib sites incredulous about current events with Iran........more inconvenient facts.....
View attachment 38901

Hillary Clinton and the Republican 2016 hopefuls - The Washington Post

This poll was released today, April 2, 2015.

1003 A, MoE = +/-3.5

I am putting ALOT of information out with this thread.
This thread contains the current polling information, including the female voting statistics, plus a national overview going back 100 years. Please read all of it before commenting.

The WAPO poll before this one was released January 22, 2015.

Hillary was polled against four Republicans in this release and beats all four by large double digit margins. Here the numbers (parentheses indicate values from the poll before):

Hillary Clinton 54 (54)
Jeb Bush 40 (41)
margin: Clinton +14 (+13)
margin shift: Clinton +1
margin among female voters: Clinton +22 (58/36)

Hillary Clinton 55
Marco Rubio 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Rubio was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +26 (59/33)

Hillary Clinton 55
Scott Walker 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Walker was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +27 (60/33)

Hillary Clinton 58
Scott Walker 39
margin: Clinton +19
margin shift: none. Cruz was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +28 (61/33)

In January, WAPO polled matchups with Hillary against: Christie, Paul, Bush, Huckabee and Romney. If I recall correctly, these results came out very shortly before Mitt Romney announced that he would not be running again. This does not mean that matchups against Christie, Rand and Huckabee were not taken this time around. Sometimes, WAPO splits the poll results over two reports. Wait and see. But for now, we only have one matchup that we can compare to January (Bush, Jeb).

So, let's review the margins:

Hillary vs. Bush, Jeb = +14 (+22 among female voters)
Hillary vs. Walker and also vs. Rubio = +17 (+26 and +27, respectively among female voters)
Hillary vs. Cruz = +19 (+28 among female voters)

According to the exit-poll-date from 2012 and 2008, President Obama won in the female vote by +11 in 2012 and by +13 in 2008. Hillary's current margins in the female vote are roughly DOUBLE that. So, it is reasonable to say that Hillary's crushing lead among female voters is a major driver of a very large lead over all GOP comers that is way outside of the MoE.

Average margin (14+17+17+19 / 4) = Clinton +16.75%

Now, let's take a look at the national election results for the last 100 years where the winner won with more than +14% margin in the National Popular vote:

1984: Reagan +18.22% (525 electoral votes)
Nixon +23.15% (520 electoral votes)
Johnson +22.58% (486 electoral votes)
Eisenhower +15.40% (457 electoral votes)
FDR +24.36% (523 electoral votes)
FDR +17.76% (472 electoral votes)
Hoover +17.42% (444 electoral votes)
Coolidge +25.21% (382 electoral votes)
Harding +26.23% (404 electoral votes)

That makes for nine cycles in the last 100 years where the victor had a national popular vote margin of more than +14%. In 8 of those 9 cycles, that victor came in at well over 400 EV, 1924 being the strange exception.

So, if these numbers hold (and that is the big "IF"), then the logical assumption is that Hillary Clinton would easily win with well over 400 EV on election night as well.

Now, this is just one poll, as I often write, and the survey group is of "adults" instead of either RV or LV. And a pollster like Quinnipiac shows decidedly leaner margins among LV. But this poll is the 63rd of 63 national polls taken over the last two years, with a sum total of 217 name-to-name matchups, of which Hillary has decisively won
211, or 97.24% of all national matchups.

Note: WAPO was very good in state polling in 2012, VERY good. It absolutely nailed Virginia, one of the key battlegrounds of that year.

This poll, from a Right-leaning newspaper (WAPO) also shows her numbers just as strong as they were 3 months ago, if the Bush/Clinton matchup is any indication.

And in Democratic nomination polling:

Hillary Clinton 66 / Biden 11 / Warren 11, margin: Clinton +55

More data on this poll to follow. I suspect that more matchups (Christie, Huckabee, Paul) are on the way in the next couple of days.

FYI and FYD.


What are her numbers against fellow Dems,numbers compared to Repubs mean nothing at this point,remember 2008?
Clinton's ass is dropping, figuratively too:

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll is the latest to show Clinton's numbers continuing their steady erosion since she stepped down as secretary of state. The new poll has her favorable rating at a pedestrian 49 percent, compared to 46 percent unfavorable. It's the first time her favorable rating has dropped below 50 percent since April 2008, when she conceded the Democratic nomination for president to Barack Obama.

Much of Clinton's decline, predictably, is because Republicans and Republican-leaning independents have begun to sour on her as she has re-entered the political arena. While 31 percent of Republicans last year liked Clinton, just 12 percent do so today.

But there is also evidence of less-partisan voters straying from Clinton. Among Democratic-leaning independents, 84 percent approved of Clinton last year. Now, that number is 65 percent.

Hillary Clinton s favorable rating drops below 50 percent. And yet she still leads big. - The Washington Post
Party scaring the country right now is dems.....several stories from big lib sites incredulous about current events with Iran........more inconvenient facts.....

Do you have the ability to actually focus on an OP, or are your synapses just not ready to fire in that efficient a fashion? Hmmm?
View attachment 38901

Hillary Clinton and the Republican 2016 hopefuls - The Washington Post

This poll was released today, April 2, 2015.

1003 A, MoE = +/-3.5

I am putting ALOT of information out with this thread.
This thread contains the current polling information, including the female voting statistics, plus a national overview going back 100 years. Please read all of it before commenting.

The WAPO poll before this one was released January 22, 2015.

Hillary was polled against four Republicans in this release and beats all four by large double digit margins. Here the numbers (parentheses indicate values from the poll before):

Hillary Clinton 54 (54)
Jeb Bush 40 (41)
margin: Clinton +14 (+13)
margin shift: Clinton +1
margin among female voters: Clinton +22 (58/36)

Hillary Clinton 55
Marco Rubio 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Rubio was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +26 (59/33)

Hillary Clinton 55
Scott Walker 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Walker was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +27 (60/33)

Hillary Clinton 58
Scott Walker 39
margin: Clinton +19
margin shift: none. Cruz was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +28 (61/33)

In January, WAPO polled matchups with Hillary against: Christie, Paul, Bush, Huckabee and Romney. If I recall correctly, these results came out very shortly before Mitt Romney announced that he would not be running again. This does not mean that matchups against Christie, Rand and Huckabee were not taken this time around. Sometimes, WAPO splits the poll results over two reports. Wait and see. But for now, we only have one matchup that we can compare to January (Bush, Jeb).

So, let's review the margins:

Hillary vs. Bush, Jeb = +14 (+22 among female voters)
Hillary vs. Walker and also vs. Rubio = +17 (+26 and +27, respectively among female voters)
Hillary vs. Cruz = +19 (+28 among female voters)

According to the exit-poll-date from 2012 and 2008, President Obama won in the female vote by +11 in 2012 and by +13 in 2008. Hillary's current margins in the female vote are roughly DOUBLE that. So, it is reasonable to say that Hillary's crushing lead among female voters is a major driver of a very large lead over all GOP comers that is way outside of the MoE.

Average margin (14+17+17+19 / 4) = Clinton +16.75%

Now, let's take a look at the national election results for the last 100 years where the winner won with more than +14% margin in the National Popular vote:

1984: Reagan +18.22% (525 electoral votes)
Nixon +23.15% (520 electoral votes)
Johnson +22.58% (486 electoral votes)
Eisenhower +15.40% (457 electoral votes)
FDR +24.36% (523 electoral votes)
FDR +17.76% (472 electoral votes)
Hoover +17.42% (444 electoral votes)
Coolidge +25.21% (382 electoral votes)
Harding +26.23% (404 electoral votes)

That makes for nine cycles in the last 100 years where the victor had a national popular vote margin of more than +14%. In 8 of those 9 cycles, that victor came in at well over 400 EV, 1924 being the strange exception.

So, if these numbers hold (and that is the big "IF"), then the logical assumption is that Hillary Clinton would easily win with well over 400 EV on election night as well.

Now, this is just one poll, as I often write, and the survey group is of "adults" instead of either RV or LV. And a pollster like Quinnipiac shows decidedly leaner margins among LV. But this poll is the 63rd of 63 national polls taken over the last two years, with a sum total of 217 name-to-name matchups, of which Hillary has decisively won
211, or 97.24% of all national matchups.

Note: WAPO was very good in state polling in 2012, VERY good. It absolutely nailed Virginia, one of the key battlegrounds of that year.

This poll, from a Right-leaning newspaper (WAPO) also shows her numbers just as strong as they were 3 months ago, if the Bush/Clinton matchup is any indication.

And in Democratic nomination polling:

Hillary Clinton 66 / Biden 11 / Warren 11, margin: Clinton +55

More data on this poll to follow. I suspect that more matchups (Christie, Huckabee, Paul) are on the way in the next couple of days.

FYI and FYD.


What are her numbers against fellow Dems,numbers compared to Repubs mean nothing at this point,remember 2008?

Uh, it was at the bottom of the OP.

Do reading much?
View attachment 38901

Hillary Clinton and the Republican 2016 hopefuls - The Washington Post

This poll was released today, April 2, 2015.

1003 A, MoE = +/-3.5

I am putting ALOT of information out with this thread.
This thread contains the current polling information, including the female voting statistics, plus a national overview going back 100 years. Please read all of it before commenting.

The WAPO poll before this one was released January 22, 2015.

Hillary was polled against four Republicans in this release and beats all four by large double digit margins. Here the numbers (parentheses indicate values from the poll before):

Hillary Clinton 54 (54)
Jeb Bush 40 (41)
margin: Clinton +14 (+13)
margin shift: Clinton +1
margin among female voters: Clinton +22 (58/36)

Hillary Clinton 55
Marco Rubio 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Rubio was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +26 (59/33)

Hillary Clinton 55
Scott Walker 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Walker was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +27 (60/33)

Hillary Clinton 58
Scott Walker 39
margin: Clinton +19
margin shift: none. Cruz was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +28 (61/33)

In January, WAPO polled matchups with Hillary against: Christie, Paul, Bush, Huckabee and Romney. If I recall correctly, these results came out very shortly before Mitt Romney announced that he would not be running again. This does not mean that matchups against Christie, Rand and Huckabee were not taken this time around. Sometimes, WAPO splits the poll results over two reports. Wait and see. But for now, we only have one matchup that we can compare to January (Bush, Jeb).

So, let's review the margins:

Hillary vs. Bush, Jeb = +14 (+22 among female voters)
Hillary vs. Walker and also vs. Rubio = +17 (+26 and +27, respectively among female voters)
Hillary vs. Cruz = +19 (+28 among female voters)

According to the exit-poll-date from 2012 and 2008, President Obama won in the female vote by +11 in 2012 and by +13 in 2008. Hillary's current margins in the female vote are roughly DOUBLE that. So, it is reasonable to say that Hillary's crushing lead among female voters is a major driver of a very large lead over all GOP comers that is way outside of the MoE.

Average margin (14+17+17+19 / 4) = Clinton +16.75%

Now, let's take a look at the national election results for the last 100 years where the winner won with more than +14% margin in the National Popular vote:

1984: Reagan +18.22% (525 electoral votes)
Nixon +23.15% (520 electoral votes)
Johnson +22.58% (486 electoral votes)
Eisenhower +15.40% (457 electoral votes)
FDR +24.36% (523 electoral votes)
FDR +17.76% (472 electoral votes)
Hoover +17.42% (444 electoral votes)
Coolidge +25.21% (382 electoral votes)
Harding +26.23% (404 electoral votes)

That makes for nine cycles in the last 100 years where the victor had a national popular vote margin of more than +14%. In 8 of those 9 cycles, that victor came in at well over 400 EV, 1924 being the strange exception.

So, if these numbers hold (and that is the big "IF"), then the logical assumption is that Hillary Clinton would easily win with well over 400 EV on election night as well.

Now, this is just one poll, as I often write, and the survey group is of "adults" instead of either RV or LV. And a pollster like Quinnipiac shows decidedly leaner margins among LV. But this poll is the 63rd of 63 national polls taken over the last two years, with a sum total of 217 name-to-name matchups, of which Hillary has decisively won
211, or 97.24% of all national matchups.

Note: WAPO was very good in state polling in 2012, VERY good. It absolutely nailed Virginia, one of the key battlegrounds of that year.

This poll, from a Right-leaning newspaper (WAPO) also shows her numbers just as strong as they were 3 months ago, if the Bush/Clinton matchup is any indication.

And in Democratic nomination polling:

Hillary Clinton 66 / Biden 11 / Warren 11, margin: Clinton +55

More data on this poll to follow. I suspect that more matchups (Christie, Huckabee, Paul) are on the way in the next couple of days.

FYI and FYD.


Stat, you're going to get in trouble for causing many heart attacks on the right.........what could she possible be accused of that would make Libruls hate her? Hmmmmm:D
Ha Ha. Another death spiral.

Clinton's ass is dropping, figuratively too:

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll is the latest to show Clinton's numbers continuing their steady erosion since she stepped down as secretary of state. The new poll has her favorable rating at a pedestrian 49 percent, compared to 46 percent unfavorable. It's the first time her favorable rating has dropped below 50 percent since April 2008, when she conceded the Democratic nomination for president to Barack Obama.

Much of Clinton's decline, predictably, is because Republicans and Republican-leaning independents have begun to sour on her as she has re-entered the political arena. While 31 percent of Republicans last year liked Clinton, just 12 percent do so today.

But there is also evidence of less-partisan voters straying from Clinton. Among Democratic-leaning independents, 84 percent approved of Clinton last year. Now, that number is 65 percent.

Hillary Clinton s favorable rating drops below 50 percent. And yet she still leads big. - The Washington Post

Wow Hillary looks so young here!
View attachment 38901

Hillary Clinton and the Republican 2016 hopefuls - The Washington Post

This poll was released today, April 2, 2015.

1003 A, MoE = +/-3.5

I am putting ALOT of information out with this thread.
This thread contains the current polling information, including the female voting statistics, plus a national overview going back 100 years. Please read all of it before commenting.

The WAPO poll before this one was released January 22, 2015.

Hillary was polled against four Republicans in this release and beats all four by large double digit margins. Here the numbers (parentheses indicate values from the poll before):

Hillary Clinton 54 (54)
Jeb Bush 40 (41)
margin: Clinton +14 (+13)
margin shift: Clinton +1
margin among female voters: Clinton +22 (58/36)

Hillary Clinton 55
Marco Rubio 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Rubio was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +26 (59/33)

Hillary Clinton 55
Scott Walker 38
margin: Clinton +17
margin shift: none. Walker was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +27 (60/33)

Hillary Clinton 58
Scott Walker 39
margin: Clinton +19
margin shift: none. Cruz was not polled in January
margin among female voters: Clinton +28 (61/33)

In January, WAPO polled matchups with Hillary against: Christie, Paul, Bush, Huckabee and Romney. If I recall correctly, these results came out very shortly before Mitt Romney announced that he would not be running again. This does not mean that matchups against Christie, Rand and Huckabee were not taken this time around. Sometimes, WAPO splits the poll results over two reports. Wait and see. But for now, we only have one matchup that we can compare to January (Bush, Jeb).

So, let's review the margins:

Hillary vs. Bush, Jeb = +14 (+22 among female voters)
Hillary vs. Walker and also vs. Rubio = +17 (+26 and +27, respectively among female voters)
Hillary vs. Cruz = +19 (+28 among female voters)

According to the exit-poll-date from 2012 and 2008, President Obama won in the female vote by +11 in 2012 and by +13 in 2008. Hillary's current margins in the female vote are roughly DOUBLE that. So, it is reasonable to say that Hillary's crushing lead among female voters is a major driver of a very large lead over all GOP comers that is way outside of the MoE.

Average margin (14+17+17+19 / 4) = Clinton +16.75%

Now, let's take a look at the national election results for the last 100 years where the winner won with more than +14% margin in the National Popular vote:

1984: Reagan +18.22% (525 electoral votes)
Nixon +23.15% (520 electoral votes)
Johnson +22.58% (486 electoral votes)
Eisenhower +15.40% (457 electoral votes)
FDR +24.36% (523 electoral votes)
FDR +17.76% (472 electoral votes)
Hoover +17.42% (444 electoral votes)
Coolidge +25.21% (382 electoral votes)
Harding +26.23% (404 electoral votes)

That makes for nine cycles in the last 100 years where the victor had a national popular vote margin of more than +14%. In 8 of those 9 cycles, that victor came in at well over 400 EV, 1924 being the strange exception.

So, if these numbers hold (and that is the big "IF"), then the logical assumption is that Hillary Clinton would easily win with well over 400 EV on election night as well.

Now, this is just one poll, as I often write, and the survey group is of "adults" instead of either RV or LV. And a pollster like Quinnipiac shows decidedly leaner margins among LV. But this poll is the 63rd of 63 national polls taken over the last two years, with a sum total of 217 name-to-name matchups, of which Hillary has decisively won
211, or 97.24% of all national matchups.

Note: WAPO was very good in state polling in 2012, VERY good. It absolutely nailed Virginia, one of the key battlegrounds of that year.

This poll, from a Right-leaning newspaper (WAPO) also shows her numbers just as strong as they were 3 months ago, if the Bush/Clinton matchup is any indication.

And in Democratic nomination polling:

Hillary Clinton 66 / Biden 11 / Warren 11, margin: Clinton +55

More data on this poll to follow. I suspect that more matchups (Christie, Huckabee, Paul) are on the way in the next couple of days.

FYI and FYD.


Stat, you're going to get in trouble for causing many heart attacks on the right.........what could she possible be accused of that would make Libruls hate her? Hmmmmm:D

When she's not the nominee do you promise to never post here again?
Hillary is in the enviable position of basically being immune to scandals now. The Republicans have tried to pin so many fake scandals on her, most of the American public now automatically assumes that any scandal related to her is obviously yet another Republican fabrication.
Took me a minute to figure out the code.

We know The Democrat Party will never nominate a woman so why the (D) after Hillary's name.

Then, reflecting on recent months of the lady's memory lapses, I came to realize that (D) simply means "Demented".
Party scaring the country right now is dems.....several stories from big lib sites incredulous about current events with Iran........more inconvenient facts.....

I imagine Faux News is really revving frivolous stories at alarming speed........most will turn out to be duds.

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