0th anniversary of VJ Day: Thank the atomic bomb for saving millions of lives

Seems we still can't agree on the correct course of action to take in a war that happened seventy years ago. If we can't agree today, when it's all, and we have all the information, imagine what it must have been like for those at the time, those that had to make the real decision. They had not the joy of arguing on the boards but the loss of an unknown number of American lives if they guessed wrong.
When the Japanese did decide to surrender they got word quickly to the Americans and the war was over.
Seems we still can't agree on the correct course of action to take in a war that happened seventy years ago. If we can't agree today, when it's all, and we have all the information, imagine what it must have been like for those at the time, those that had to make the real decision. They had not the joy of arguing on the boards but the loss of an unknown number of American lives if they guessed wrong.
When the Japanese did decide to surrender they got word quickly to the Americans and the war was over.

The revisionist have done a good job convincing people that Japan was a helpless and defeated enemy that would have to defend itself with civilians armed with sharpened bamboo spears. That totally ignores the facts of what an American invasion would have had to confront. There should not be a debate. Japan was armed to the teeth and fully prepared to wage a deadly and costly defense.

When the bombs were dropped Japan still had over 7 million men in uniform, over 3 million of them on the main islands. There is no way to know how many troops would have been able to return to the homeland from the various islands, SE Asia, China and other areas of deployment. One can only speculate as to how many of the 4 million dispersed troops would have successfully made it home to join in the defense of the homeland with the over 3 million already there.

In addition to already issued weapons, the Japanese military had stockpiled no less than 2,468,665 rifles and carbines for preparation of the invasion and over 51,000,000 mortar rounds. They had over 6,000 aircraft hidden away and perfectly suitable for kamikaze attacks. They had almost unlimited supplies of small and large vessels and ships that would have been used in suicide attacks as well. These exact numbers are known because they were recorded by US occupation forces.

The Japanese military were confident that they could inflict enough casualties on any invasion force so as to bring about a cease fire, truce and other than an unconditional surrender. They were bound and determined to inflict huge numbers of casualties on the invasion force and they had the manpower, equipment and supplies to do it.

Figures provide from above come from Gen. MacArthur's occupation reports.

Japan's goal had never been to win the war but to inflict American casualties in such a manner the Americans would tire of the casualties and of the war and negotiate a peace. That inflict casualties and we would make peace theme song was still in force to almost the end, then the A bombs and the USSR entered the picture.
Japan's goal had never been to win the war but to inflict American casualties in such a manner the Americans would tire of the casualties and of the war and negotiate a peace. That inflict casualties and we would make peace theme song was still in force to almost the end, then the A bombs and the USSR entered the picture.
Then why did they invade China? The point of the axis powers was to divide the world amongst them. They bombed us and then wanted to negotiate a peace? Bull. They were hoping pearl harbor would cripple us into not fighting at all while they divvied up Asia.
And while people in Japan may have wanted peace eventually the hard-line Japanese military was having none of it.
The A bomb not only saved us from D-Day 2.0, but showed the world the frightening power of nuclear weaponry and is the best example of a nuclear deterant today.
Instead, the atomic bomb destroyed zero Allied lives
Wrong again.
What allied lives did dropping the bomb cost,
At least 12 Americans in Hiroshima.
I see you could not muster the intellectual honesty to address the second part of the question.
Here is is again:
...and how does that compare to the loss of lives from an invasion?
He is a liar and a fool. He first claims that the habit of the Japanese to suicide rather then surrender would not have happened with a mainland invasion, then he claims that even though through out the war the civilian population did what ever it was told they wouldn't have attacked invading Americans. He further claims that even though after two A Bombs and the intervention of the Emperor to force the Japanese Government to surrender they staged a coup to stop the surrender, but according to this retard they were just moments away from a surrender.
Instead, the atomic bomb destroyed zero Allied lives
Wrong again.
What allied lives did dropping the bomb cost,
At least 12 Americans in Hiroshima.
I see you could not muster the intellectual honesty to address the second part of the question.
Here is is again:
...and how does that compare to the loss of lives from an invasion?
He is a liar and a fool. He first claims that the habit of the Japanese to suicide rather then surrender would not have happened with a mainland invasion, then he claims that even though through out the war the civilian population did what ever it was told they wouldn't have attacked invading Americans. He further claims that even though after two A Bombs and the intervention of the Emperor to force the Japanese Government to surrender they staged a coup to stop the surrender, but according to this retard they were just moments away from a surrender.
Liar AND a fool. Indeed.
Japan's goal had never been to win the war but to inflict American casualties in such a manner the Americans would tire of the casualties and of the war and negotiate a peace. That inflict casualties and we would make peace theme song was still in force to almost the end, then the A bombs and the USSR entered the picture.
Then why did they invade China? The point of the axis powers was to divide the world amongst them. They bombed us and then wanted to negotiate a peace? Bull. They were hoping pearl harbor would cripple us into not fighting at all while they divvied up Asia.
And while people in Japan may have wanted peace eventually the hard-line Japanese military was having none of it.
The A bomb not only saved us from D-Day 2.0, but showed the world the frightening power of nuclear weaponry and is the best example of a nuclear deterant today.
China and the US were two different parts of WWII. China was to be a Japanese possession and the US had become a problem to Japan's China goals by cutting off Japans resources to conquer China. Japan was fairly certain it could not defeat the US but with a negotiated peace and after American tired of the war and ensuing casualties, Japan would have free reign in the Pacific. America's weakness, as Japan saw it, was her reluctance to fight a long war with tremendous casualties, so America would eventually negotiate giving Japan that free reign in the Pacific.
Japan's goal had never been to win the war but to inflict American casualties in such a manner the Americans would tire of the casualties and of the war and negotiate a peace. That inflict casualties and we would make peace theme song was still in force to almost the end, then the A bombs and the USSR entered the picture.
Then why did they invade China? The point of the axis powers was to divide the world amongst them. They bombed us and then wanted to negotiate a peace? Bull. They were hoping pearl harbor would cripple us into not fighting at all while they divvied up Asia.
And while people in Japan may have wanted peace eventually the hard-line Japanese military was having none of it.
The A bomb not only saved us from D-Day 2.0, but showed the world the frightening power of nuclear weaponry and is the best example of a nuclear deterant today.
China and the US were two different parts of WWII. China was to be a Japanese possession and the US had become a problem to Japan's China goals by cutting off Japans resources to conquer China. Japan was fairly certain it could not defeat the US but with a negotiated peace and after American tired of the war and ensuing casualties, Japan would have free reign in the Pacific. America's weakness, as Japan saw it, was her reluctance to fight a long war with tremendous casualties, so America would eventually negotiate giving Japan that free reign in the Pacific.
So the "peace" they wanted to negotiate was the complete surrender of the US interest in the Pacific. Yeah, no thanks. When negotiation terms are complete surrender that is not negotiating.
Instead, the atomic bomb destroyed zero Allied lives
Wrong again.
What allied lives did dropping the bomb cost,

At least 12 Americans in Hiroshima.
12 Americans in a warring country at war time? Hold the bombs! Send in troops by the million!

You should read the original exchange before making a fool of yourself.
the Japanese to suicide rather then surrender would not have happened with a mainland invasion.....

Like it did when the occupation forces arrived?
The Emperor ordered the surrender you retard. he was their "living God" prior to the surrender the Government told people to either die fighting or suicide because the Americans were demons. But then you know this and are trying to pretend you don't. Remind us the Government so ready to surrender that after two atomic Bombs and an order by their Emperor to surrender they attempted a coup to stop the surrender?
they were just moments away from a surrender.

I didn't say that, but your desperate attempt at dishonesty has been recognized for what it is. You poor bastard...
What you are trying to deny is the fact that after 2 ATOMIC bombs the Government refused to surrender and the Emperor intervened and ordered it. And then the Army staged a coup to stop that.
Japan's goal had never been to win the war but to inflict American casualties in such a manner the Americans would tire of the casualties and of the war and negotiate a peace. That inflict casualties and we would make peace theme song was still in force to almost the end, then the A bombs and the USSR entered the picture.
Then why did they invade China? The point of the axis powers was to divide the world amongst them. They bombed us and then wanted to negotiate a peace? Bull. They were hoping pearl harbor would cripple us into not fighting at all while they divvied up Asia.
And while people in Japan may have wanted peace eventually the hard-line Japanese military was having none of it.
The A bomb not only saved us from D-Day 2.0, but showed the world the frightening power of nuclear weaponry and is the best example of a nuclear deterant today.
China and the US were two different parts of WWII. China was to be a Japanese possession and the US had become a problem to Japan's China goals by cutting off Japans resources to conquer China. Japan was fairly certain it could not defeat the US but with a negotiated peace and after American tired of the war and ensuing casualties, Japan would have free reign in the Pacific. America's weakness, as Japan saw it, was her reluctance to fight a long war with tremendous casualties, so America would eventually negotiate giving Japan that free reign in the Pacific.
So the "peace" they wanted to negotiate was the complete surrender of the US interest in the Pacific. Yeah, no thanks. When negotiation terms are complete surrender that is not negotiating.
I never read the negotiating agreement that Japan would have accepted. I'm not sure there was even one drawn up. Since Japan had removed the immediate threat of the American fleet, Japan was able to invade other islands that had the needed oil and other resources she needed and now Japan had only to wait until America tired of the war and the casualties and accept the new status quo.

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