0th anniversary of VJ Day: Thank the atomic bomb for saving millions of lives

We had defeated their army, their navy and their air force.
We rolled them back until all they had left was their island...No access to oil, tin, aluminum, iron or the resources needed to continue to "fight".
A question you have never asked yourself:
How many civilians do you suppose would have died had we starved them into surrender?

No point in speculating on fantasy.

We did not "have" to invade to force them to surrender..

In fact the japs offered a conditional surrender if they could be allowed to keep the emperor...The U.S. refused...We thought it would be better to show off for russia and demonstrate what we could do with our new toys....

You ok with nuking civilians?
They did not offer to surrender they offered a ceasefire and a return to 41 start lines. After the first atomic bomb the Emperor offered to surrender IF we recognized he was the REAL head of State with no change to their Government. Get your facts straight.
Which means of course, there's no way you can argue with any degree o soundness that your idea would cost fewer lives.
That being the case, how can you soundly argue that Blockade/siege it a viable alternative?
Don't try to deflect or muddy up clear water. I never speculated on death tolls...you made that up.
I see. So there's no real reason to blockade Japan, rather than invade or drop the bombs.
sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
A question you have never asked yourself:
How many civilians do you suppose would have died had we starved them into surrender?
No point in speculating on fantasy.
Your entire post was a speculation on fantasy. :lol:
Fact is you never once considered how many people would have died has we completely cut japan off from the outside world and waited for them to surrender -- not once.
Now, consider your answer to that question and then tell us how terrible it was to drop the bombs.
Useless specualtion ....and diversion.
You and I both understand that you do not want to soundly address the question I asked because doing so will negate the point you tried to make - I therefore accept your concession.

Compared to any realistic alternative, dropping the bombs saved American and Japanese lives.
The sooner you accept that, the better off you are.

LMAO...you ask me to debunk a fantasy scenario you made up in your own mind...

Declare "victory" if you feel you need to...I don't mind.

The facts are that we did not have to nuke civilians to get japan to surrender. They OFFERED to surrender conditionally...We refused.
They did not offer to surrender.
Don't try to deflect or muddy up clear water. I never speculated on death tolls...you made that up.
I see. So there's no real reason to blockade Japan, rather than invade or drop the bombs.
sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?

That's easy.
To retain the moral high ground as civilized people...
I can explain it to you, but I can't "make" you understand that nuking civilians is wrong.
I see. So there's no real reason to blockade Japan, rather than invade or drop the bombs.
sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
That's easy.
To retain the moral high ground as civilized people...
How, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
Don't try to deflect or muddy up clear water. I never speculated on death tolls...you made that up.
I see. So there's no real reason to blockade Japan, rather than invade or drop the bombs.
sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.

sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
That's easy.
To retain the moral high ground as civilized people...
How, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?

sieges and blockades had been used for centuries to effectively break down the will of an enemy without having to attack them in a full frontal assault. That's the purpose of blockades and sieges..
look...make all the excuses you want.
Most civilized people acknowledge that purposely targeting and murdering civilians is wrong....some people also believe that nuking civilians is wrong too.
You don't. Fine..carry on....no need to play word games about it. Own it.
I see. So there's no real reason to blockade Japan, rather than invade or drop the bombs.
sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.

Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
That's easy.
To retain the moral high ground as civilized people...
How, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
sieges and blockades had been used for centuries to effectively break down the will of an enemy without having to attack them in a full frontal assault. That's the purpose of blockades and sieges..
You did not answer the question.
I'll re-ask.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
Last edited:
I see. So there's no real reason to blockade Japan, rather than invade or drop the bombs.
sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.


So in your mind it's ok to nuke civilians...
Well, ok.fine.....but what's curious is your desperate attempts to justify it by making up fantasy scenarios where our "only" option was nukes. The japs could not sustain any type of war effort with no resources and trapped on an island.

Hey..remember our island hopping campaign?..remember?..the whole point was to bypass certain places and let them wither on the vine as they couldn't be resupplied and had no means to make war.

Didn't we hang a bunch of german officers after the war for murdering civilians, too?...that was "different", though, right? LMAO...
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
That's easy.
To retain the moral high ground as civilized people...
How, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?

sieges and blockades had been used for centuries to effectively break down the will of an enemy without having to attack them in a full frontal assault. That's the purpose of blockades and sieges..
look...make all the excuses you want.
Most civilized people acknowledge that purposely targeting and murdering civilians is wrong....some people also believe that nuking civilians is wrong too.
You don't. Fine..carry on....no need to play word games about it. Own it.
Blockades and sieges are certainly tactics of warfare. They were not suited for this situation. That was a military evaluation made by the military people responsible for defeating Japan and the military personnel who would be ordering and invasion that experts predicted would cost hundreds of thousand of US military killed and hundreds of thousands more being maimed and injured. Easy for the philosophers to sit back over 75 years later and speculate about fantasy options.
Some guys decided the WWII crap and the death and destruction had to stop. They were given the means and they stopped the WWII crap of death and destruction. Two bombs, war over. No more firebombings and no more need to send all those American boys to their deaths.
sure..sure..twist and spin...LMAO...whatever you say...
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
I made my points quite well. There were options available other than nuking helpless civilians.
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.

Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".

purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.
Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".
purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
You did not answer the question.
I'll re-ask.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.
Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".
purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
You did not answer the question.
I'll re-ask.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?

if you can equate blockading ports with nuclear bombs you're either dishonest or just being contrary...
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.
Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".
purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
You did not answer the question.
I'll re-ask.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
if you can equate blockading ports with nuclear bombs you're either dishonest or just being contrary...
Again, you did not answer the question.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
You have not in any way made a case for choosing any of them; the fact that you cited the existence of other possibilities is only stating the obvious.
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.

Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".

purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
Wonder how you would feel after years of warfare of the kind that was fought in WWII. Like I said, easy to look back 75 plus years and make the kind of holier than thou statements and claim to standing on higher ground than the people who had to make the decisions 75 years ago. When a big percentage of the guys you went to school with haven't been killed or wounded in the war already it is easy to stand on your tower. When watching the Western Union deliverer routinely bringing messages to your neighbors houses about the death of your neighbors is not something you are subjected to, it is easy to hold firm on that pedestal you stand on.
How would you have ended the war. You are able to tell as the awful problems and dilemmas, but how would you have ended that war with less death and destruction?
I know..it's SO obvious that it went right over your head..
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.

Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".

purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
Wonder how you would feel after years of warfare of the kind that was fought in WWII. Like I said, easy to look back 75 plus years and make the kind of holier than thou statements and claim to standing on higher ground than the people who had to make the decisions 75 years ago. When a big percentage of the guys you went to school with haven't been killed or wounded in the war already it is easy to stand on your tower. When watching the Western Union deliverer routinely bringing messages to your neighbors houses about the death of your neighbors is not something you are subjected to, it is easy to hold firm on that pedestal you stand on.
How would you have ended the war. You are able to tell as the awful problems and dilemmas, but how would you have ended that war with less death and destruction?

Already gave my opinion...and it didn't have anything to do with nuking civilians.
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.
Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".
purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
You did not answer the question.
I'll re-ask.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
if you can equate blockading ports with nuclear bombs you're either dishonest or just being contrary...
Again, you did not answer the question.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?

if you can equate blockading ports with nuclear bombs you're either dishonest or just being contrary...
Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".
purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
You did not answer the question.
I'll re-ask.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
if you can equate blockading ports with nuclear bombs you're either dishonest or just being contrary...
Again, you did not answer the question.
Given that purposely targeting and murdering civilians -- like in a blockade -- is wrong, how, exactly, does blockading Japan and starving them into submission allow us to retain the 'moral high ground"?
if you can equate blockading ports with nuclear bombs you're either dishonest or just being contrary...
I see... you cannot muster the intellectual honesty to answer a question directly related to the soundness of your position; we bioth therefore understand your position is based on nothing more than "OMFG NUKES!!!!"

As before: I accept your concession.

Here's something else you won't soundly address:

Rank these events in degree of moral depravity, worst to least, with an explanation as to why they are so ranked.
-Targeting and murdering ~250,000 civilians through the direct and indirect effects of a blockade
-Targeting and murdering ~250,000 civilians through the direct and indirect effects of land combat
-Targeting and murdering ~250,000 civilians through the direct and indirect effects of conventional air raids
-Targeting and murdering ~250,000 civilians through the direct and indirect effects of incendiary raids/firebombing
-Targeting and murdering ~250,000 civilians through the direct and indirect effects of a nuclear weapon.

Don't puss out now.
Glad to see you understand citing the existence of alternatives is, in and of itself, meaningless.
Why should have we blockaded Japan rather than invading or dropping the bombs?
Blockading was rejected in this case because it went against the tenets of military science. Japan had millions of weapons stockpiled for the invasion. They needed civilians to be trained in the use of those weapons. Two and a half million rifles and carbines were available for arming the civilian population which would fight alongside the over four million Japanese military personnel on the mainland. Each day that went by meant more armed and trained enemy. Additionally, a blockade would give the Japanese time to continue building defensive lines, tunnels, etc.

Japanese cities were being firebombed and were suffering casualties much greater than what the atom bombs would cause. If anything, it might be concluded the firebombings were far worse than the atom bomb bombings. The firebombings were being carried out by B-29's and they were still suffering losses from anti aircraft and even normal non combat inflicted crashes. Each craft carried 11 crew members. Hence, both the Japanese civilian population and the American military were suffering casualties until the Japanese military and government could be forced into surrender.

Against all of that you have "But NUKES!! NUKES!!! OMFG NUKES !!!".

purposely targeting civilians is wrong. nuking civilians is worse....but I get you now..."murica..fuck yeah!"
Wonder how you would feel after years of warfare of the kind that was fought in WWII. Like I said, easy to look back 75 plus years and make the kind of holier than thou statements and claim to standing on higher ground than the people who had to make the decisions 75 years ago. When a big percentage of the guys you went to school with haven't been killed or wounded in the war already it is easy to stand on your tower. When watching the Western Union deliverer routinely bringing messages to your neighbors houses about the death of your neighbors is not something you are subjected to, it is easy to hold firm on that pedestal you stand on.
How would you have ended the war. You are able to tell as the awful problems and dilemmas, but how would you have ended that war with less death and destruction?

Already gave my opinion...and it didn't have anything to do with nuking civilians.
I did not ask for your opinion. I asked you how you would have resolved the ending of WWII with Japan.

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