$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Spending- Name One Project

Just admit it. You don’t want a minor tax increase despite the fact that you make a couple hundred thousand a year
Admit it you make up shit.

And I retired last year on my 51st birthday.

Unlike you I don't need the fucking government to take care of me
Better than socialist, "Lack of Trade with alleged wars", Your guy lost
What do you mean 'YOU GUYS' lost. Speaking on behalf of the many men and women who have served and fought over there, on this Veteran's Day, the men and women who were used and betrayed, WE did not lose anything.

It was Obama's pick Austin who was too busy ordering the military to stand down so the govt could root out 'White extremist' conservatives from the military to focus in the withdrawal.

It was Barry's hand-picked Liberal Commander of the Joint Vhiefs of Staff Milkey who was too focused on forcing CRT on our military academies and active duty to focus on the withdrawal.

It was Biden who promised our allies at the G7 Summit he would not abandon their people in Afghanistan, promised Americans he would not leave Afghanistan until ALL of our people were out...then allowed the world to watch us pull out terrorists, terrorist-connected Afghanis without confirming IDs while leaving allies and Americans behind - STILL left behind - as he fled from the Taliban.

It is Biden who is responsible for the revival and resurgence of Al Qaeda and ISIS, who the men and women of the US military who will undoubtedly be called upon by failed leaders and traitors again to fight them...again...in tge future.
As President Donald Trump enters the final month of his reelection campaign, it's increasingly clear that he has failed at one of the signature goals of his presidency: reducing the U.S. trade deficit.
What do you mean 'YOU GUYS' lost. Speaking on behalf of the many men and women who have served and fought over there, on this Veteran's Day, the men and women who were used and betrayed, WE did not lose anything.

It was Obama's pick Austin who was too busy ordering the military to stand down so the govt could root out 'White extremist' conservatives from the military to focus in the withdrawal.

It was Barry's hand-picked Liberal Commander of the Joint Vhiefs of Staff Milkey who was too focused on forcing CRT on our military academies and active duty to focus on the withdrawal.

It was Biden who promised our allies at the G7 Summit he would not abandon their people in Afghanistan, promised Americans he would not leave Afghanistan until ALL of our people were out...then allowed the world to watch us pull out terrorists, terrorist-connected Afghanis without confirming IDs while leaving allies and Americans behind - STILL left behind - as he fled from the Taliban.

It is Biden who is responsible for the revival and resurgence of Al Qaeda and ISIS, who the men and women of the US military who will undoubtedly be called upon by failed leaders and traitors again to fight them...again...in tge future.
Dimmers hate the military just look at Poopyman's 5 deferrments
Dimmers hate the military just look at Poopyman's 5 deferrments

Stealing the military's allocated $$$

December 5 2020
President Donald Trump can redirect $3.6 billion in U.S. military funds to build a wall along the Mexican border because Texas groups that challenged the decision have no legal right to complain, a federal appeals court said.

For Trump's vanity wall.

Donald Trump, just admitted in the course of paying $2 million in court-ordered damages to resolve a lawsuit filed against him by the New York attorney general’s office?

For misappropriating funds.

When he had the Trump 2020 campaign put the Trump Foundation’s name on promotional materials and ceremonial checks related to a fundraiser that he, as a candidate, held for military veterans in January 2016.
Is that right? And you can give examples of hundreds of billions “going on the pockets” of politicians?

Of course you can’t

As far as me directly being ? Yes. In my education, my paycheck while in the military. The roads and bridges I drive on and many many other ways
You can look it up see how rich our leaders are how they do so well on a government salary .
Having worked some time in Govt., it's my guess they set the money aside for States to request grants so to speak. If it fits bureaucrats then money assigned under red-tape.

Then what happens is the State blows the money on useless capital & equipment, where $ is spent on their "infrastructure" 100 man-hours are dedicated into projects that take one in the private sector. Once they figure they have something, they'll go onto spend another set of 100s man-hours to figure out they were doing it wrong, because they didn't understand it. Then they'll blow another 100s more to recognize it's over their heads, and then private-sector contractors are hired. Then the project takes 100 man-hours to 1 man-hour private to complete, all while they entertain unions.

They'll also spend the money on useless programs and software. They'll also lie about how the money is spent, even within their requests, ask me how I know. What $ was supposed to go over here ends up over there to suit political & personal desires.

End of the day this in-structure business is code for achieving more govt. capital and control of YOU.

Silly govt. Wholly fuck, there was one time this uneducated guy recognized what all the educated were doing wrong for a BIG ASS PROGRAM. I explained the accounting and what was missing..............they were the "specialists", probably 20 of them earning well above my paycheck...........Then came crickets, surely the little guy writing the logic for this thing with a fraction of formal education doesn't know anything.

So they implicated the code and guess what, it broke the system and created great chaos. They had to undo 10s of thousands of records, and had to develop & maintain a new system to account for the errors they'd have to correct at some point when it works, a full cluster fuck. At that point my hands were washed of it.

Months later they hired a contractor to the tune of MILLIONS, because I was right, they did it wrong and they still didn't understand why. Somehow these guys earning 100 an hour didn't understand credits and debits, all they saw was one side and didn't account for the other :auiqs.jpg: Nothing from nothing is still nothing :clap2:
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Having worked some time in Govt., it's my guess they set the money aside for States to request grants so to speak. If it fits bureaucrats then money assigned under red-tape.

Then what happens is the State blows the money on useless capital, where $ is spent on their "infrastructure" 100 man-hours are dedicated into projects that take one in the private sector, then when they figure they have something, they'll spend another 100 to figure out they were doing it wrong because they didn't understand it. Then they'll blow another 100 more to recognize it's over their heads and contractors are hired. Then the project takes 100 man-hours to 1 man-hour private to complete, all while they entertain unions.

They'll also spend the money on useless programs and software. They'll also lie about how the money is spent, even within their requests, ask me how I know. What $ was supposed to go over here ends up over there to suit political & personal desires.

End of the day this in-structure business is code for achieving more govt. capital and control of YOU.
Having spent years as a fucking letter carrier...you don't know shit about any of that
Having spent years as a fucking letter carrier...you don't know shit about any of that

Wait, as a mail carrier you know more about govt than one...
Project manager (real time, without the special title)
Systems analyst
Business analyst
Data analyst
Business & system's design
Claims adjuster
Tax examiner
for six different places?

Well that's wild. What's in those letters? And how come something so simple operates in the red?

Because it's a govt. entity that's why.
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Wait, as a mail carrier you know more about govt than one...
Project manager (real time, without the special title)
Systems analyst
Business analyst
Data analyst
Business & system's design
Claims adjuster
Tax examiner
for six different places?

Well that's wild. What's in those letters? And how come something so simple operates in the red?

Because it's a govt. entity that's why.
Jesus Christ

This moron thinks carrying mail makes him smarter about the things IN the letters he carries

What a fucking moron
There you go Nazi - using that Star Chamber logic. You could be the next Adam Schitt.

OK, you read that guy's post and tell me why a mail carrier appears to ingest the knowledge from the mail they are carrying, weirdo.
OK, you read that guy's post and tell me why a mail carrier appears to ingest the knowledge from the mail they are carrying, weirdo.

Since you are a known liar and lack even a hint of integrity, it's hard to figure if you're really this stupid or just lying.

Obviously WTH_Progs? never said anything about being a letter carrier, your fellow Nazi leech either made it up or assumed it due to reading at a kindergarten level.

Now fallacy is as close as you fascists ever get to logic. I suspect your drooling retard girlfriend, leech was attempting to build a straw man fallacy, but failed.

A straw man depends on an unrelated fact that is easily defeated. But in this case you just made shit up and started attacking.

Look, you're dumb - smart people don't become Nazis after all - but..

Wait, as a mail carrier you know more about govt than one...
Project manager (real time, without the special title)
Systems analyst
Business analyst
Data analyst
Business & system's design
Claims adjuster
Tax examiner
for six different places?

Well that's wild. What's in those letters? And how come something so simple operates in the red?}

So WHAT did he say he was, Forrest?

You are JAW droppingly stupid. :thup:
Since you are a known liar and lack even a hint of integrity, it's hard to figure if you're really this stupid or just lying.

This is rich.

Obviously WTH_Progs? never said anything about being a letter carrier, your fellow Nazi leech either made it up or assumed it due to reading at a kindergarten level.

I never claimed he said he was a mail carrier. Doh!

Now fallacy is as close as you fascists ever get to logic. I suspect your drooling retard girlfriend, leech was attempting to build a straw man fallacy, but failed.


A straw man depends on an unrelated fact that is easily defeated. But in this case you just made shit up and started attacking.

Yes, we all know what a strawman fallacy is.

Look, you're dumb - smart people don't become Nazis after all - but..

Wait, as a mail carrier you know more about govt than one...
Project manager (real time, without the special title)
Systems analyst
Business analyst
Data analyst
Business & system's design
Claims adjuster
Tax examiner
for six different places?

Well that's wild. What's in those letters? And how come something so simple operates in the red?}

So WHAT did he say he was, Forrest?

You are JAW droppingly stupid. :thup:

This is rich.

I never claimed he said he was a mail carrier. Doh!


You are one pathetic pathological liar.

{OK, you read that guy's post and tell me why a mail carrier appears to ingest the knowledge from the mail they are carrying, weirdo.}

Post 296.

You Nazis are in fact quite insane.


Yes, we all know what a strawman fallacy is.



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