1.3 million COVID deaths worldwide, 250k in the USA


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
Biden is embarrassing himself more and more by the minute.:auiqs.jpg:
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
Biden is embarrassing himself more and more by the minute.:auiqs.jpg:
The Democrats found someone dumber than Trump.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
500,000 die every year in the USA from tobacco
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

There are 12 nations who have done a worse job than Trump. And 151 who have done better.

That puts the US in the lower 8th percentile. With 92% of nations having done a better job.

Our response has been an absolute failure. Trump doesn't even bother with meetings on coronovirus anymore. He doesn't even bother talking about it. As we break records daily, as we lose a 911 of Americans every 3 to 4 days......his response is to whine about how the election was 'stolen' from him. Pout and retweet conspiracy theories.

This is what passes for leadership among conservatives now.
United States has 4% of the worlds population, btw.

Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
500,000 die every year in the USA from tobacco
Absolute BULLSHIT.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
500,000 die every year in the USA from tobacco
Absolute BULLSHIT.
Actually 1300 die every day from tobacco and this is 100 percent real.

But as usual you have no clue


  • Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.1
  • On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.4
  • If smoking continues at the current rate among U.S. youth, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age are expected to die prematurely from a smoking-related illness. This represents about one in every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger who are alive today.1
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

There are 12 nations who have done a worse job than Trump. And 151 who have done better.

That puts the US in the lower 8th percentile. With 92% of nations having done a better job.

Our response has been an absolute failure. Trump doesn't even bother with meetings on coronovirus anymore. He doesn't even bother talking about it. As we break records daily, as we lose a 911 of Americans every 3 to 4 days......his response is to whine about how the election was 'stolen' from him. Pout and retweet conspiracy theories.

This is what passes for leadership among conservatives now.

Iceland went a full six months with no COVID deaths at all. They had ten (10) into mid-April.

It's picked up since last month though. They're up to a staggering two dozen.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

There are 12 nations who have done a worse job than Trump. And 151 who have done better.

That puts the US in the lower 8th percentile. With 92% of nations having done a better job.

Our response has been an absolute failure. Trump doesn't even bother with meetings on coronovirus anymore. He doesn't even bother talking about it. As we break records daily, as we lose a 911 of Americans every 3 to 4 days......his response is to whine about how the election was 'stolen' from him. Pout and retweet conspiracy theories.

This is what passes for leadership among conservatives now.
You have educational training.
Iceland went a full six months with no COVID deaths at all. They had ten (10) into mid-April.

It's picked up since last month though. They're up to a staggering two dozen.

Invalid comparison. Iceland has a population of 356k people, which is smaller than most of our major cities. They also live on an island with natural geographical barriers making it easier to keep others out. Additionally, they have a centralized government where it is easier to makes decrees throughout the land unlike our decentralized government over 320 million.

Probably a lot easier to conduct tracing on a 40k square mile island with 1/10,000th of our population
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

You're not supposed to point that out it upends the Dem/liberal news media Trump/Covid propaganda.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

Trump dropped the ball in so many ways it is hard to know where to start. First, testing. My son was exposed to the coronavirus twice in the last six months. He was tested, twice. It took more than a week for the results to come back each time. That is pissing in the wind. The first step would be to implement an effective, and quick turnaround, testing program so that the second step could be implemented.

Contact tracing. At this point, well it is a little late for contact tracing. But early on, with quick test results and comprehensive contact tracing, we could have easily cut the death toll in half. If a person could be tested and have the results in 24 hours, comprehensive contact tracing could have been implemented and quarantines could have been utilized.

PPE. Look, I am sick and damn tired of the Trumpsters moaning about PPE. You don't use PPE to protect yourself, you use it to protect other people. The self-absorbed Trump crowd, like their NPD leader, doesn't give two shits about anyone but themselves. National mandate requiring masks, period. Huge fines for those that refuse and second offense you go ahead and send them to jail, if Karma really does exist, they can contract the virus and crow about herd immunity.

Four percent of the world population and 25% of the deaths. Trump owns that. His total lack of leadership has cost this nation tens of thousands of lives. And the reason is simple, he felt that if businesses were closed, if PPE was required, if he took the steps that every medical professional thought he should, well he might lose the election. Well he lost the election anyway, and yet still tens of thousands of American citizens have DIED due to his narcistic personality disorder. In a just world, he would be publicly executed.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
China targeted the USA that's why there were more deaths here. That is if the ops figures are factual
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

Trump dropped the ball in so many ways it is hard to know where to start. First, testing. My son was exposed to the coronavirus twice in the last six months. He was tested, twice. It took more than a week for the results to come back each time. That is pissing in the wind. The first step would be to implement an effective, and quick turnaround, testing program so that the second step could be implemented.

Contact tracing. At this point, well it is a little late for contact tracing. But early on, with quick test results and comprehensive contact tracing, we could have easily cut the death toll in half. If a person could be tested and have the results in 24 hours, comprehensive contact tracing could have been implemented and quarantines could have been utilized.

PPE. Look, I am sick and damn tired of the Trumpsters moaning about PPE. You don't use PPE to protect yourself, you use it to protect other people. The self-absorbed Trump crowd, like their NPD leader, doesn't give two shits about anyone but themselves. National mandate requiring masks, period. Huge fines for those that refuse and second offense you go ahead and send them to jail, if Karma really does exist, they can contract the virus and crow about herd immunity.

Four percent of the world population and 25% of the deaths. Trump owns that. His total lack of leadership has cost this nation tens of thousands of lives. And the reason is simple, he felt that if businesses were closed, if PPE was required, if he took the steps that every medical professional thought he should, well he might lose the election. Well he lost the election anyway, and yet still tens of thousands of American citizens have DIED due to his narcistic personality disorder. In a just world, he would be publicly executed.
Trump supporters give half a shit.
Trump dropped the ball in so many ways it is hard to know where to start. First, testing. My son was exposed to the coronavirus twice in the last six months. He was tested, twice. It took more than a week for the results to come back each time. That is pissing in the wind. The first step would be to implement an effective, and quick turnaround, testing program so that the second step could be implemented.
Looks like Trump is right. Your son was exposed twice, which likely means you and others were exposed twice. And here you are telling the tale.
Iceland went a full six months with no COVID deaths at all. They had ten (10) into mid-April.

It's picked up since last month though. They're up to a staggering two dozen.

Invalid comparison. Iceland has a population of 356k people, which is smaller than most of our major cities. They also live on an island with natural geographical barriers making it easier to keep others out. Additionally, they have a centralized government where it is easier to makes decrees throughout the land unlike our decentralized government over 320 million.

Probably a lot easier to conduct tracing on a 40k square mile island with 1/10,000th of our population

Pffffffffffft. India has four times our population and HALF our death count. There went that theory. And I love the way you try to use "natural geographical barriers keep people apart" as a crutch and then immediately do a 180 into "40k square mile island makes it easier to trace". Nice touch, if you can get away with it. Having it both ways; priceless.

I've watched Iceland because they were one of the most effective countries at TESTING. And that means as a percentage, not as an absolute. THAT is why they kept their infection and death rate to a minimum while Orange Crash was yammering about 'it'll go away like magic" and "okay okay, inject bleach" and pointedly quashing testing because it would return numbers that would make him look bad.
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Trump dropped the ball in so many ways it is hard to know where to start. First, testing. My son was exposed to the coronavirus twice in the last six months. He was tested, twice. It took more than a week for the results to come back each time. That is pissing in the wind. The first step would be to implement an effective, and quick turnaround, testing program so that the second step could be implemented.
Looks like Trump is right. Your son was exposed twice, which likely means you and others were exposed twice. And here you are telling the tale.
Asymptomatic Coid.

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