1.5 minutes to destroy Obama's, you didn't build that claim


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
All the left can do is scream "OUT OF CONTEXT!!!!." Apparently they can un-hear what we all heard. Apparently they think only racists can't un-hear what was clearly said. Actually I chalk this up to another Obama gaff caused by lack of experience growing up in academia.

Didn't Build That - YouTube
I think he meant it in the same way as if I said, regarding the football program at Florida State University, that Bobby Bowden didn't build that.

Of course Bowden had a HUGE role. He took the FSU program from basically not existing, to a national powerhouse.

But did HE, and he alone, build that? No. He had thousands of players who put work into that program. Dozens of assistant coaches. Millions of fans paying for tickets.

Same concept for a business owner. Sure, he gets huge credit, and the majority of credit, for taking the risk. But he wouldn't have made one damn cent if every employee he hired had to be taught how to read before starting work. He would've gone out of business if someone broke into his store every week and stole all his merchandise. Does he get the majority of credit, and the majority of his own profits? Of course.

Does he get to stand on a hill, look down on everyone else, and claim he and he alone is solely responsible for that business having success? No.
I think he meant it in the same way as if I said, regarding the football program at Florida State University, that Bobby Bowden didn't build that.

Of course Bowden had a HUGE role. He took the FSU program from basically not existing, to a national powerhouse.

But did HE, and he alone, build that? No. He had thousands of players who put work into that program. Dozens of assistant coaches. Millions of fans paying for tickets.

Same concept for a business owner. Sure, he gets huge credit, and the majority of credit, for taking the risk. But he wouldn't have made one damn cent if every employee he hired had to be taught how to read before starting work. He would've gone out of business if someone broke into his store every week and stole all his merchandise. Does he get the majority of credit, and the majority of his own profits? Of course.

Does he get to stand on a hill, look down on everyone else, and claim he and he alone is solely responsible for that business having success? No.

You have been reduced to excuse making....Searching for any justification of class warfare.

Take your sissy ass to the democrats.........
Don't forget the speech where Michelle says, "Barack's Kenyan roots".

Actually what she said was far more interesting but is after all what Obama's bio claimed for over 17 years. If you listen to this take note of what Mrs. Obama says at the very beginning and what is the cause of the AIDS epidemic.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBJihJBePcs]Michelle says Barack's Home country is Kenya - full statement - YouTube[/ame]
I think he meant it in the same way as if I said, regarding the football program at Florida State University, that Bobby Bowden didn't build that.

Of course Bowden had a HUGE role. He took the FSU program from basically not existing, to a national powerhouse.

But did HE, and he alone, build that? No. He had thousands of players who put work into that program. Dozens of assistant coaches. Millions of fans paying for tickets.

Same concept for a business owner. Sure, he gets huge credit, and the majority of credit, for taking the risk. But he wouldn't have made one damn cent if every employee he hired had to be taught how to read before starting work. He would've gone out of business if someone broke into his store every week and stole all his merchandise. Does he get the majority of credit, and the majority of his own profits? Of course.

Does he get to stand on a hill, look down on everyone else, and claim he and he alone is solely responsible for that business having success? No.

Would you actually tell Bowden that he didn't build it? If you did, do you think he wouldn't be insulted by it? I know exactly what obama said and I know the intent behind it. It was still a stupid thing to say and an insult to business people.

There are roads and bridges and sewer and water, and fire and police protection for me yet I don't have my own successful business.

Yes barack you stupid moron, he DID build it.
I think he meant it in the same way as if I said, regarding the football program at Florida State University, that Bobby Bowden didn't build that.

Of course Bowden had a HUGE role. He took the FSU program from basically not existing, to a national powerhouse.

But did HE, and he alone, build that? No. He had thousands of players who put work into that program. Dozens of assistant coaches. Millions of fans paying for tickets.

Same concept for a business owner. Sure, he gets huge credit, and the majority of credit, for taking the risk. But he wouldn't have made one damn cent if every employee he hired had to be taught how to read before starting work. He would've gone out of business if someone broke into his store every week and stole all his merchandise. Does he get the majority of credit, and the majority of his own profits? Of course.

Does he get to stand on a hill, look down on everyone else, and claim he and he alone is solely responsible for that business having success? No.

But of course, he didn't mean what he said he meant something else. Of course businesses would not thrive if there were no customers that the government created. Of course businesses are just parasites that pay no taxes to support the infrastructure.

Sorry I am so pig headed I can't un-hear what was clearly said by the smartest President to walk the halls of the WH.

Did Obama create a fake Greek temple then stand above the adorning crowds as if a man-god? I guess he really didn't mean to create that impression either, someone else created that.
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Don't forget the speech where Michelle says, "Barack's Kenyan roots".

Actually what she said was far more interesting but is after all what Obama's bio claimed for over 17 years. If you listen to this take note of what Mrs. Obama says at the very beginning and what is the cause of the AIDS epidemic.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBJihJBePcs]Michelle says Barack's Home country is Kenya - full statement - YouTube[/ame]

There it is right from his wife's mouth...Kenya, his home country.

Yet we mock the birthers who may very well someday be proven correct.

FDR claimed the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise. History has told a different story.
Some Guy said:
In other words; if you're going to blame the CEOs of large banks for the financial collapse: shouldn't you blame every single person who worked for those banks? Every single branch, all the way down to the janitor? Even the mailman who delivers their mail? They all had a hand in it, after all.

This seriously deserves chatting about. If you're going to say that "all success is achieved together" then it's simply not possible to assess blame on any one person. If something is true, then the inverse has to be true as well.

So, if a CEO makes some terrible decisions and takes the company in the wrong direction. He allocates the companies' resources into a new product line that flops, and as such, the company flops, causing everyone who works for the company to lose their job. Who's to blame? Certainly not the CEO. He couldn't have allocated resources (i.e. employees) to a new product line without having those resources in place. And the product line could have never flopped if those employees didn't work to produce the product. They also couldn't have failed without the roads that helped the trucking companies bring the raw materials to the plant so the employees could foolishly make a product that no one wanted, so the roads certainly deserve some blame, along with the trucking company that delivers materials. The janitors certainly deserve some blame too for keeping the facilities nice and clean, facilitating a clean, efficient and effective work environment for the employees to produce a product no one wanted.
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Obama haters still grasping at straws! If you run an espresso coffee shop, did you pick the coffee beans or grow them, did you roast them and grind them, package them and ship them? Did you offer them for sale to merchants who have restaurants and coffee shops? Or did someone else do that and help you do what you do successfully? If you own a clothing store, did someone else manufacture the threads, weave the textiles, make fabrics, make patterns, cut the patterns, sew the garments, ship them and offer them for sale to you the retailer? Or did you do all of this totally on your own? If you are a sucessful doctor, did someone else learn the details you know and then teach you? Did others do research on diseases and medical devices and technology and manufacture/make advanced equipment and medicen for you to utilize in your success? Or did you do that all on your own? If you are any of these businesses or any other, did you physically build the roads and bridges that allow your products to travel to you? Did you build the internet and all the communication technology that allows you to do all the things you do, or did someone else? For that matter, did you create the asphalt and the steel for our roads and infrastructure so your business could thrive in building the infrastructure mostly granted to construction businesses by government contracts. 1.5 minutes to destroy the nonsense that Obama meant something other than simply this.
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Obama haters still grasping at straws! If you run an espresso coffee shop, did you pick the coffee beans or grow them, did you roast them and grind them, package them and ship them? Did you offer them for sale to merchants who have restaurants and coffee shops? Or did someone else do that and help you do what you do successfully? If you own a clothing store, did someone else manufacture the threads, weave the textiles, make fabrics, make patterns, cut the patterns, sew the garments, ship them and offer them for sale to you the retailer? Or did you do all of this totally on your own? If you are a sucessful doctor, did someone else learn the details you know and then teach you? Did others do research on diseases and medical devices and technology and manufacture/make advanced equipment and medicen for you to utilize in your success? Or did you do that all on your own? If you are any of these businesses or any other, did you physically build the roads and bridges that allow your products to travel to you? Did you build the internet and all the communication technology that allows you to do all the things you do, or did someone else? For that matter, did you create the asphalt and the steel for our roads and infrastructure so your business could thrive in building the infrastructure mostly granted to you by government contracts. 1.5 minutes to destroy the nonsense that Obama meant something other than simply this.

The resident Kool-Aid maker......sounds off.

Any excuse will do..............We picked that up on your very first post.
"The point is that, when we succeed, we succeed because our individual initiatives, but also because we do things together."

But go ahead and build an entire campaign on a minor gramatical mistake.
"The point is that, when we succeed, we succeed because our individual initiatives, but also because we do things together."

But go ahead and build an entire campaign on a minor gramatical mistake.

It wont be on a grammatical error but years of class warfare rhetoric. That is why this has legs. Get used to hit. It hasnt even reached its second wind yet.
Obama haters still grasping at straws! If you run an espresso coffee shop, did you pick the coffee beans or grow them, did you roast them and grind them, package them and ship them? Did you offer them for sale to merchants who have restaurants and coffee shops? Or did someone else do that and help you do what you do successfully? If you own a clothing store, did someone else manufacture the threads, weave the textiles, make fabrics, make patterns, cut the patterns, sew the garments, ship them and offer them for sale to you the retailer? Or did you do all of this totally on your own? If you are a sucessful doctor, did someone else learn the details you know and then teach you? Did others do research on diseases and medical devices and technology and manufacture/make advanced equipment and medicen for you to utilize in your success? Or did you do that all on your own? If you are any of these businesses or any other, did you physically build the roads and bridges that allow your products to travel to you? Did you build the internet and all the communication technology that allows you to do all the things you do, or did someone else? For that matter, did you create the asphalt and the steel for our roads and infrastructure so your business could thrive in building the infrastructure mostly granted to you by government contracts. 1.5 minutes to destroy the nonsense that Obama meant something other than simply this.

The resident Kool-Aid maker......sounds off.

Any excuse will do..............We picked that up on your very first post.

I know it hurts your 2 brain cells to try to think out of the republican box and sends them richoceting off the inside of your empty skull. Most republicans are syncopants so canned responses like this one are the norm. I feel sorry for you!:D
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I think he meant it in the same way as if I said, regarding the football program at Florida State University, that Bobby Bowden didn't build that.

Of course Bowden had a HUGE role. He took the FSU program from basically not existing, to a national powerhouse.

But did HE, and he alone, build that? No. He had thousands of players who put work into that program. Dozens of assistant coaches. Millions of fans paying for tickets.

Same concept for a business owner. Sure, he gets huge credit, and the majority of credit, for taking the risk. But he wouldn't have made one damn cent if every employee he hired had to be taught how to read before starting work. He would've gone out of business if someone broke into his store every week and stole all his merchandise. Does he get the majority of credit, and the majority of his own profits? Of course.

Does he get to stand on a hill, look down on everyone else, and claim he and he alone is solely responsible for that business having success? No.

It's really not the same. Government acts on behalf of it's constituents and uses it's constituents' money to build things that benefit everyone. Hence, the word "public."

Quite simply: if infrastructure had anything to do with successful business, then everyone who's ever tried to create a business would have been successful, and we know that's not true. And it's easy to say that "he succeeded because his employees did a good job." Sure. Who hired those employees? Who paid them to do a good job? Who gave them the direction they needed (i.e. responsibilities)?In other words; if you're going to blame the CEOs of large banks for the financial collapse: shouldn't you blame every single person who worked for those banks? Every single branch, all the way down to the janitor? Even the mailman who delivers their mail? They all had a hand in it, after all.

I think he meant it in the same way as if I said, regarding the football program at Florida State University, that Bobby Bowden didn't build that.

Of course Bowden had a HUGE role. He took the FSU program from basically not existing, to a national powerhouse.

But did HE, and he alone, build that? No. He had thousands of players who put work into that program. Dozens of assistant coaches. Millions of fans paying for tickets.

Same concept for a business owner. Sure, he gets huge credit, and the majority of credit, for taking the risk. But he wouldn't have made one damn cent if every employee he hired had to be taught how to read before starting work. He would've gone out of business if someone broke into his store every week and stole all his merchandise. Does he get the majority of credit, and the majority of his own profits? Of course.

Does he get to stand on a hill, look down on everyone else, and claim he and he alone is solely responsible for that business having success? No.

I would agree with you IF Obama had not gone on and said..
"The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."

Where does Obama think the money that paid "government research" comes from?
Does he and his supporters think the GOVERNMENT CREATES the taxes that are paid?

That's the problem. Of course the roads and bridges are NECESSARY.. but they are paid with TAX dollars generated by people and businesses... NOT the government.

That seems to be the biggest difference between Obama and his supporters is the disdain they have for businesses, profits, people that from Obama's perspective have taken advantage of other people!

And this comes directly from his mother! She depended on airline tickets, housing etc., from her parents ..bankers! Evil bankers.
So Obama's Mom frequently told Obama how bad it was having to be nice to her mom when her mom writing a check would give her a lecture.
After all you probably never read Obama's book "Dreams of My Father where he said:
They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."
YET intelligent voters IGNORED these words right from OBAMA and voted for him![/B][/I]

"TACTICS" "TRICKS"... again fooling the people you despise... that's Obama!
Obama haters still grasping at straws! If you run an espresso coffee shop, did you pick the coffee beans or grow them, did you roast them and grind them, package them and ship them? Did you offer them for sale to merchants who have restaurants and coffee shops? Or did someone else do that and help you do what you do successfully? If you own a clothing store, did someone else manufacture the threads, weave the textiles, make fabrics, make patterns, cut the patterns, sew the garments, ship them and offer them for sale to you the retailer? Or did you do all of this totally on your own? If you are a sucessful doctor, did someone else learn the details you know and then teach you? Did others do research on diseases and medical devices and technology and manufacture/make advanced equipment and medicen for you to utilize in your success? Or did you do that all on your own? If you are any of these businesses or any other, did you physically build the roads and bridges that allow your products to travel to you? Did you build the internet and all the communication technology that allows you to do all the things you do, or did someone else? For that matter, did you create the asphalt and the steel for our roads and infrastructure so your business could thrive in building the infrastructure mostly granted to you by government contracts. 1.5 minutes to destroy the nonsense that Obama meant something other than simply this.

The resident Kool-Aid maker......sounds off.

Any excuse will do..............We picked that up on your very first post.

I know it hurts your 2 brain cells to try to think out of the republican box and sends them richoceting off the inside of your empty skull. Most republicans are syncopants so canned responses like this one are the norm. I feel sorry for you!:D

Your projections are comical to say the least. You are thee classic kool-Aid drinker..........

But the shocker I am not a repub. I just hate liars from either side. And.like all problem I confront the biggest ones first.

Take your revisionist history major to the DNC convention. You dont have the intellect to BS anyone here........
Seriously, the sentiment that everyone shares in our successes doesn't work if the inverse isn't true: everyone shares in our failures.

So, if the CEO heads up a company that kicks ass, produces shit loads of products that people want and makes a lot of money, his employees, the roads, the people who sell his company raw materials, etc... all deserve the credit. What if a CEO heads up a company that bombs? What if the CEO decides that "hey, my company that produces computers is doing well, i'm going to expand into fresh produce!" and the company fails as a result of it. Do the employees get to share in the blame? After all, they would be responsible for growing the produce, cleaning the produce, distributing the produce. The roads would certainly be to blame for giving the company a way to transport it's fresh produce. The CEO's stupid decision isn't really possible without his employees carrying out their jobs and the roads and bridges helping them do that.
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"The point is that, when we succeed, we succeed because our individual initiatives, but also because we do things together."

But go ahead and build an entire campaign on a minor gramatical mistake.

It wont be on a grammatical error but years of class warfare rhetoric. That is why this has legs. Get used to hit. It hasnt even reached its second wind yet.

Grammatical error or baseless class warfare attacks, same difference. They only hold water with a dwindling base.

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