1/6 Committee informs the DOJ that they have evidence of Criminality against Donald J Trump

It doesn't matter political views of the investigators... They found evidence or the didn't...

They aren't "investigators." They're a bunch of hack prog politicians. Are you actually pretending that anyone is supposed to believe these scum are objective?

Seems ye don't get it... You can't go to court and say the prosecution isn't being impartial, they are asking you tough questions and making you look guilty... Get fucking serious... You break the law, you convicted....
You're the one who doesn't get it. This isn't a court of law. It's a Kangaroo court. It's purely political process. Anyone who claims otherwise is a lying scumbag.

They are not impartial, moron. This isn't a court of law.

None of ye are trying to saying Trump is innocent... Attempting to organise a coup is a crime, yes it was pathetic ad was manned by the most incompetent set of grifters and lowlifes but Trump was ordering them. He was attending rallies and ringing up election officials...

But lets see the evidence and have a court case to determine innocence or guilt...

Why would we say he's innocent when you haven't even established a crime?

You are do fucking brainwashed it's pathetic.
Trump spent 5 weeks inciting the mob to overturn the election.
We didn't need any inciting----Biden cheated. Zuckerberg bribed election officials all over, but Wisconsin looks to be going after him now. Illegal ballot harvesters all over and the fucking Bidens fucking puppet masters the chinese were printing up fake ids to enable voter fraud.

For the sake of the country---we need to go criminally after biden and his crew, toss them out of office, put them up on treason and fraud charges, and reinstall Trump-----The country and the world is going to shit with senile crook Biden in .
Trump spent 5 weeks inciting the mob to overturn the election.
Trump exercised his right of free speech to get people to protest a stolen election. (I don’t know that it was stolen but there was a lot of information at the time suggesting it was.)
It doesn't matter political views of the investigators... They found evidence or the didn't...

Seems ye don't get it... You can't go to court and say the prosecution isn't being impartial, they are asking you tough questions and making you look guilty... Get fucking serious... You break the law, you convicted....

None of ye are trying to saying Trump is innocent... Attempting to organise a coup is a crime, yes it was pathetic ad was manned by the most incompetent set of grifters and lowlifes but Trump was ordering them. He was attending rallies and ringing up election officials...

But lets see the evidence and have a court case to determine innocence or guilt...
Maybe you should look up the definition of a kangaroo court. It's kind of like a lynch mob. You find someone you think is guilty, fabricate evidence against them, and then hang 'em. Come next year the shoe will be on the other foot. Republicans will be able to do whatever the hell they want in the House with a simple vote of 218-217 and they will have investigations and find evidence against Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. Then will you be saying the same thing, evidence is evidence, no matter where it comes from?
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Trump exercised his right of free speech to get people to protest a stolen election. (I don’t know that it was stolen but there was a lot of information at the time suggesting it was.)
Trump is an irresponsible, ignorant bully. He doesn't care about the US, just his net worth. Look at his track record the past 40 years.
Trump is an irresponsible, ignorant bully. He doesn't care about the US, just his net worth. Look at his track record the past 40 years.
Thanks for stating your ignorant and baseless opinions. They are not of any value, but I guess maybe you derive a benefit from venting your ignorance.
Thanks for stating your ignorant and baseless opinions. They are not of any value, but I guess maybe you derive a benefit from venting your ignorance.
I became aware of Trump in the 1980s. His track record is well known. He's white trash .... Ostentatious and utterly without scruples.
Informed by evidence and information. Did you miss that bit?
Informed by Schittferbrains ALTERED “evidence”. And by some “evidence” that it seems only they found. No FBI findings or any other investigative agency. They have no evidence of any of their bullshit.
There were 5 Republican members of the committee. When Nancy Pelosi rejected two members, McCarthy pulled all 5. This was McCarthy's hissy fit not anyone else’s. In case you weren't aware, Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan, who the committee is investigating. It made little sense to have someone under investigation on the committee. Jim Banks was preoccupied in establishing the cause of the insurrection and blaming it on BLM. Pelosi rejected him for his inability to be objective.
Fact check: FALSE. Pisslosi the drunk rejected him and every Republican. Pisslosi is a fact witness as she refused the security offer and refuses to release her emails or phone records from that day, despite demanding everybody else do that.

1/6 Committee informs the DOJ that they have evidence of Criminality against Donald J Trump​

Jan. 6 committee concludes Trump violated multiple laws in effort to overturn election​

Imbecile, the only criminality or laws violated were the ones that allowed that sham illegal 2020 fraud election to go forward which bypassed numerous state legislators in illegally changing election laws by democrat lawyers to benefit the democrats!
Sorry bout that,

1. Its Nancy, following the libtard narrative.
2. They do bad things themselves, then blame the GOP for doing those same things.
3. Its easy to see for me, but I do have above average intelligence.

well the Shifty. omni tree has finally admitted what we have all known…this proves it…the demafasict are gonna be toast this nov and in 2024. This is a last ditch effort to try and deflect from their failures

i mean they expect anyone to honestly believe Shifty got what the DoJ couldn’t find… is this more parody? haha

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