1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

I wasn’t the one who asked them to be sent there. That’s on them. But I do feel, if that’s where they really want to go, they should have full experience. It’s only right. After all we paid for it and should be getting our money’s worth.
So, you DO support torturing United States citizens.
Sounds like their rights are being violated. Are you ok with that?
They've been told by the media that the shoe is now " on the other foot " ( these racist white rich people with rifles ) but they haven't been around the block yet as far as the way the real world operates.

Better start vacuum packing that rice and beans soon.
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So, you DO support torturing United States citizens.
They asked for it. Those guys aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, so maybe they could use a ‘wise up’ session.

BTW, I thought what they were doing down there wasn’t torture. Has the narrative changed, now that it’s your guys on the hotseat?
You laugh about Men and Women being tortured, you must one lying ass shit for brain "Right To Life" fuckers.

The Shrub and Dead-Eye Dick(less) authorized the torture of civilians. No laughing matter, except people like you.
Does someone here have a bravoactual-to-English dictionary so they can translate this?
The 1/6 rightwing terrorist are in fact terrorists – a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

And conservatives are attempting to excuse and defend their act of domestic terrorism, making conservatives just as culpable.
You are a lying moron. A fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute. Then again, that goes for pretty much every leftard here....

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