1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

There was no battlefield, at least the right is telling us it wasn’t an insurrection. It was a mob action, actually more detrimental to the nation than the riots after the Floyd death.
The situation has created the on going battlefield between the citizen's, otherwise when the court's didn't allow for the proper public court proceedings to occur.... It would have settled the issue prior to it getting to that point of explosiveness. Why the courts feared under extreme pressure's to vette the whole thing is a mystery that needs to be reviewed for year's to come.

Hardly anyone has walked away thinking that the 2020 election was fair and integrative with all things that had taken place during that election.

The supreme court could have settled the issue, but for some reason the most important election case in American history is rejected ??? Regardless of Trump's rhetoric, the issue should have been settled by a supreme court trial, and the outcomes ruled upon for all citizen's to see and understand.
It's funny how they forget so easily, until something like torture becomes politically expedient for them to use as a political weapon against their political opponent's, then it becomes quickly the best thing they ever heard of.........They will begin to yell torture those American's in the inducement room's as they are doing on this forum op written here.....They will cry to the public (only if the other side is using it first on the nation's true terrorist foreign enemies), that we as American's don't use torture, but meanwhile they entertain the thought when politically expedient to do so for political reason's against their political prisoner's by mentioning inducements rooms at gitmo..... You see how they roll don't you ? Yes we do.
That's why they're so dangerous and the 2nd Amendment is so important.

Their real motive for banning guns is quite obvious.
Wow. bravoactual and MagicMike are still so triggered by a right-wing protest that happened way over two years ago, while they expected America to kneel down and kiss feet during the St. George of Habitual Crime lovefest.

Psychotic losers.

It sure is gonna be fun to watch them soil themselves on Nov 9.

Stay tuned, everybody! Just 30 days!

Haven't you been fooled enough by tthe Orange shit-show and that "revenge is juust around the corner" line?

Pull your head out of your ass and THINK you TWIT!

Quit asking to be made a fool of!
Link to any Christian conservative/republican's threatening civil war if election's don't go their way. You made the claim, now back it up. Otherwise you are the drama queen here.

Why are you two fighting or is it my misunderstanding maybe ?
I don't know. I told three of the worst leftist scum on here that I hope they get the punishment they deserve and he replied nut jobs like me are why people need an ar-15.
Yeah, when the law arrests you for treason, pull your ar-15. I hope they get video.

Yeah, ull your redneck fancy military looking, (basically) deer rifle.
Empty a clip.
Cuz ya know, you can buy BIG capacity magazines to snap into them there fancy deer rifles.
Go to jail
Then spend the rest of your life whining behind bars that you are a "political prisoner.
{Who wants to ban guns?
Geez Louize ... coulda fooled the peanut gallery.
How abouts Magic Mystery Meat poster.
Bottom of the barrel.
Notable Potus quote :
" I guarantee you Obama ain't takin' my shotguns.
So don't buy that malarkey. "
{ Sept. 20,2008 Castlewood,Virginia }
Actually they should be treated like real American terrorists.

Frog marched on national TV across courtyards in shackles.
Tied to posts.
Bullet, by firing squad, straight in the heart.
Over, and over, and over again.

That was easy.
That won't be happening again anytime soon.
The problem is that the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack was just the beginning – it wasn’t an isolated incident.

The right’s war on America’s democracy continues – instead of attacking the Capitol Building conservatives are attacking our democratic institutions, the political process, and the right to vote.
Haven't you been fooled enough by tthe Orange shit-show and that "revenge is juust around the corner" line?

Pull your head out of your ass and THINK you TWIT!

Quit asking to be made a fool of!
Name the shit show ... assklown.Trumps economy gave We the
people needed tax cuts.Average pay was around $ 5,ooo More
per year.Under Obama average pay Declined by $4,5oo a year.
Under Trump for the first time ,We { The U.S. } became energy
Independent.Under Biden We are now using and selling our protected
Strategic Petroleum reserve.Biden had no authority for that use.
Under Trump our Southern border was secure.Now under Biden/Harris
Public education is being " transformed " for the Worse.
Our Military is now for the first time since WW II in serious
recruitment trouble.Around 25 % less Recruitment than during the
Trump Term.
Inflation goes from 1.5 - 2 % under Trump to over 8.2 % Under Biden.
And all you have to say fer yerself is curse words.
There's a condition known by that disorder.
Not The Three Stooges and - Disorder in the Court -.
But ... Tourette Syndrome
Name the shit show ... assklown.Trumps economy gave We the
people needed tax cuts.Average pay was around $ 5,ooo More
per year.Under Obama average pay Declined by $4,5oo a year.
Under Trump for the first time ,We { The U.S. } became energy
Independent.Under Biden We are now using and selling our protected
Strategic Petroleum reserve.Biden had no authority for that use.
Under Trump our Southern border was secure.Now under Biden/Harris
Public education is being " transformed " for the Worse.
Our Military is now for the first time since WW II in serious
recruitment trouble.Around 25 % less Recruitment than during the
Trump Term.
Inflation goes from 1.5 - 2 % under Trump to over 8.2 % Under Biden.
And all you have to say fer yerself is curse words.
There's a condition known by that disorder.
Not The Three Stooges and - Disorder in the Court -.
But ... Tourette Syndrome
Anymore fake news you intend on parroting this morning?

Re “What Trump wants” (June 18): This states Donald Trump built the economy but fails to note that the economy Trump inherited was already expanding for seven years and continued to under Trump for another 3 1/2 years. This is a far cry from the economy Barack Obama inherited. The facts are there were more jobs created in Obama’s last term than were created under Trump’s first term, even ignoring the 40 million-plus jobs lost to the shutdown, yet Trump and his supporters still falsely claim that he built the economy.
The situation has created the on going battlefield between the citizen's, otherwise when the court's didn't allow for the proper public court proceedings to occur.... It would have settled the issue prior to it getting to that point of explosiveness. Why the courts feared under extreme pressure's to vette the whole thing is a mystery that needs to be reviewed for year's to come.

Hardly anyone has walked away thinking that the 2020 election was fair and integrative with all things that had taken place during that election.

The supreme court could have settled the issue, but for some reason the most important election case in American history is rejected ??? Regardless of Trump's rhetoric, the issue should have been settled by a supreme court trial, and the outcomes ruled upon for all citizen's to see and understand.

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