1 in 10 Canadians believes a coronavirus conspiracy theory, survey suggests


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
State run CBC telling Canadians that if you suspect the virus could have came from a lab there, which even U.S intelligence agencies are trying to figure out and some have leaked quite possibly DID happen, you are a conspiracy guy!

Canada, lead by CBC, has tried really hard to not have Canadians question China, we have nobody here doing so. If you think the U.S is dependent on China, you should understand our system. Without question, it is going to lead to extreme damage to our national security to keep trusting the communists in exchange for cheap and easy money.

A virus can leak without any warning or truth from the communists, kill 100's of thousands and destroy the global economy and they are STILL defended? They could nuke a nation and some in Canada would make excuses for them. Just remember, asking questions makes you a conspiracy nut.

Such irresponsible, broad and dishonest reporting will ensure our allies continue to distrust us. Notice, yet again, another article which doesn't allow comments from viewers. Why not?


One in 10 Canadians believes a conspiracy theory about the novel coronavirus, according to preliminary research from the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec.

The researchers sent surveys to 600 people, half in Quebec and half in the rest of Canada, to ask about the psychological impacts of the pandemic.

Respondents were presented with six conspiracy theories and asked if they believe any of them. According to Marie-Eve Carignan, an associate professor at the University of Sherbrooke and one of the co-authors of the study, at least one in 10 respondents believed at least one of the six theories.

She cautioned that the findings of the study are preliminary, and that team will have the results of a survey of 1,500 Canadians two weeks from now. Eventually their work will expand to include six countries.

Carignan said the six theories were:

  • My government is hiding important information about coronavirus.
  • Coronavirus was intentionally made in a lab.
  • Coronavirus was manufactured in a lab by mistake.
  • The pharmaceutical industry is involved in the spread of the coronavirus.
  • Coronavirus medication already exists.
  • There's a link between 5G technology and the coronavirus.
One of the most popular conspiracy theories of the pandemic is that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was genetically engineered in a laboratory, possibly as a biological weapon. While just over half of those surveyed said they believe the virus occurred naturally, nearly a third said they believe it was created in a lab.
Based on what I read in this Board, I would wager 9 out of 10 Trumpers believe in a conspirarcy theory regarding Covid-19, so what is your point?
Based on what I read in this Board, I would wager 9 out of 10 Trumpers believe in a conspirarcy theory regarding Covid-19, so what is your point?

First, to debunk the idea that the labs theory is a conspiracy. Note the language of Pompeo, the former head of the CIA in this interview with Hannity last night. In this clip he mentions labs more than once. This isn't a conspiracy at this point. At very least, it's worth investigating and state run Canadian news painting people as conspiracy nuts for raising this, shows the world who we side with:

Secretary Pompeo is 'very confident' that the Chinese government will pay a price for coronavirus crisis

I don't accept the questioning of the source of this virus as potentially coming from a lab in Wuhan a "conspiracy" at this point. Maybe because the U.S and Canada had put some money into this lab they don't want any blame that could come their way, but that's the wrong approach.

Even if governments did put money into a lab and try to help ensure it is protected is far different than sloppy Chinese scientists leaking it, and worse, having their Communist Government cover it up and risk the lives of world citizens and their economies.

I posted my initial suspicions very early in the realization of this virus under the conspiracy section. I threw it out there only due to the timing of this virus and the location. When Brett Baier ran a story from a source that suggested the Chinese were responsible, but, it wasn't bio-chemical but rather they were embarrassed, I took note.

One must always question his sources and their motives, it might be put out there to convince foreign intel of a certain perspective, but regardless, it at least confirmed what many suspected. I've said before, whether from a lab or from a wet market, the REAL fact is (and something CBC, some in our govt and media STILL deny is true), the Communists hid the facts from the world and cost countless lives.

Ultimately, "conspiracy theory" is a loaded term. For anyone not in the know to say with certainty that it definitely came from a bat in a wet market just as the Communist state, is too simplistic and maybe even naive.
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Based on what I read in this Board, I would wager 9 out of 10 Trumpers believe in a conspirarcy theory regarding Covid-19, so what is your point?
Yep. Nothing to see here. Just relax, John. China covering up. Refusing to release info. People disappearing. None of it concerns you. You don't believe a word Trump tells you but you'll believe that all of this was just a fluke coincidence from a bat on the other side of the world.

Based on what I read in this Board, I would wager 9 out of 10 Trumpers believe in a conspirarcy theory regarding Covid-19, so what is your point?

First, to debunk the idea that the labs theory is a conspiracy. Note the language of Pompeo, the former head of the CIA in this interview with Hannity last night. In this clip he mentions labs more than once. This isn't a conspiracy at this point. At very least, it's worth investigating and state run Canadian news painting people as conspiracy nuts for raising this, shows the world who we side with:

Secretary Pompeo is 'very confident' that the Chinese government will pay a price for coronavirus crisis

I don't accept the questioning of the source of this virus as potentially coming from a lab in Wuhan a "conspiracy" at this point. Maybe because the U.S and Canada had put some money into this lab they don't want any blame that could come their way, but that's the wrong approach.

Even if governments did put money into a lab and try to help ensure it is protected is far different than sloppy Chinese scientists leaking it, and worse, having their Communist Government cover it up and risk the lives of world citizens and their economies.

I posted my initial suspicions very early in the realization of this virus under the conspiracy section. I threw it out there only due to the timing of this virus and the location. When Brett Baier ran a story from a source that suggested the Chinese were responsible, but, it wasn't bio-chemical but rather they were embarrassed, I took note.

One must always question his sources and their motives, it might be put out there to convince foreign intel of a certain perspective, but regardless, it at least confirmed what many suspected. I've said before, whether from a lab or from a wet market, the REAL fact is (and something CBC, some in our govt and media STILL deny is true), the Communists hid the facts from the world and cost countless lives.

Ultimately, "conspiracy theory" is a loaded term. For anyone not in the know to say with certainty that it definitely came from a bat in a wet market just as the Communist state, is too simplistic and maybe even naive.

I have no doubt that the Chinese hid facts from the world and engaged in disinformation and a cover-up as to the extent of the virus. I would not consider such speculation a conspiracy theory as well. On the other hand, linking 5G technology to Covid-19, or accusing pharmaceutical companies of spreading the virus, for instance, is a conspiracy theory with no basis in fact.
Based on what I read in this Board, I would wager 9 out of 10 Trumpers believe in a conspirarcy theory regarding Covid-19, so what is your point?

First, to debunk the idea that the labs theory is a conspiracy. Note the language of Pompeo, the former head of the CIA in this interview with Hannity last night. In this clip he mentions labs more than once. This isn't a conspiracy at this point. At very least, it's worth investigating and state run Canadian news painting people as conspiracy nuts for raising this, shows the world who we side with:

Secretary Pompeo is 'very confident' that the Chinese government will pay a price for coronavirus crisis

I don't accept the questioning of the source of this virus as potentially coming from a lab in Wuhan a "conspiracy" at this point. Maybe because the U.S and Canada had put some money into this lab they don't want any blame that could come their way, but that's the wrong approach.

Even if governments did put money into a lab and try to help ensure it is protected is far different than sloppy Chinese scientists leaking it, and worse, having their Communist Government cover it up and risk the lives of world citizens and their economies.

I posted my initial suspicions very early in the realization of this virus under the conspiracy section. I threw it out there only due to the timing of this virus and the location. When Brett Baier ran a story from a source that suggested the Chinese were responsible, but, it wasn't bio-chemical but rather they were embarrassed, I took note.

One must always question his sources and their motives, it might be put out there to convince foreign intel of a certain perspective, but regardless, it at least confirmed what many suspected. I've said before, whether from a lab or from a wet market, the REAL fact is (and something CBC, some in our govt and media STILL deny is true), the Communists hid the facts from the world and cost countless lives.

Ultimately, "conspiracy theory" is a loaded term. For anyone not in the know to say with certainty that it definitely came from a bat in a wet market just as the Communist state, is too simplistic and maybe even naive.
Based on what I read in this Board, I would wager 9 out of 10 Trumpers believe in a conspirarcy theory regarding Covid-19, so what is your point?
Yep. Nothing to see here. Just relax, John. China covering up. Refusing to release info. People disappearing. None of it concerns you. You don't believe a word Trump tells you but you'll believe that all of this was just a fluke coincidence from a bat on the other side of the world.

I agree that the Chinese engaged in a cover-up and this is not a conspiracy theory IMHO.

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