1 in 25k women share something intimate in common with crocodilians


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Anyone who ever watched "The Crocodile Hunter" probably heard Steve Irwin mention "cloaca" in relation to determining the sex of a crocodile. Amazingly, 1 in 25,000 women is born without a vagina, urethra, or anus and has simply a cloaca instead. This abnormality is easily corrected at birth and doctors can form the missing bits fairly easily. But one woman in particular had a botched corrective procedure it seems resulting in her becomming pregnant from anal sex.

This woman got pregnant from having anal sex New York Post

"The woman was born with what’s called a cloacal malformation. Meaning: When she was born, she didn’t have a urethra, vagina, and anus. She just had one hole, called a cloaca. (FYI, birds have them.) The condition is incredibly rare, occurring in about one in 25,000 female live births, says Steixner (and it only occurs in girls—lucky us). While no one knows what causes it, it’s usually diagnosed at birth and repaired right away so that the baby has a separate urethra, vagina, and rectum.

That’s what happened in this woman’s case. However, something went wrong. Either the surgery was botched or in response to the trauma of surgery, her body formed a fistula (an abnormal connection between organs), and her uterus fused to her rectum. So every month when Aunt Flo came to town, she had her period rectally. Meanwhile, her vagina was a dead-end leading nowhere."

rest at link
it is very easy to understand why some people (very rarely) are born with just a CLOACA and no separate anus and urethra and-----it is a developemental abnormality------the human embryo---RECAPITULATES in its formation----its PHYLOGENY----now read again ---ONTOGENY RECAPITULATES PHILOGENY---------got that? there are all kinds of little trip ups in embryo development because things just do not MOVE ALONG as they are supposed to. ----cleft palate is another example of developemental abnormality-----the MIDLINE fusion of the facial structures do not PROGRESS as they properly should. You might have a few minor details-----that are THROW BACKS to your phylogeny-------in fact you may have a few about which you just do not know

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