1 in 4 milliennials rely on their parents to pay some bills even working full time

Part of the problem is the education pushes them to get a degree but doesn't always help them choose a proper field of study. If the sciences are too difficult and take too much study you can always opt for something like Folklore and Mythology (Harvard), Surf Science and Technology ( Cornell College) or Peace Studies (Loyola of Chicago), but once you have the degree, finding a job using that degree is a little difficult. Ergo, you push to raise the minimum wage at McDonalds and write mom for money.
Most degrees are in business, education, Health fields
Time and time again, we’ve discussed how America’s millennial generation is burdened by debt, effectively precluded from home ownership and increasingly disgruntled and pessimistic about their future prospects for wealth and happiness.

1 In 4 Millennials Rely On Their Parents To Pay Some Bills – Even While Working Full Time

They are pathetic and raised by those who are just as bad as they are with all thanks given to the die hard liberal c----ts of the sixties who kicked almost all of this off. That's how long this take over has been going on.

So you see grandmas and pas you raised bunch of leftist morons who are now also raising idiots worse than both of your generations and you can bank on it that 90% percent of these lazy stupid asses are from the parents of Trump haters BET ON IT!!
Is this a negative reflection on millenials or a reflection on an economy that forces them to assume massive debt for an education and gives them jobs that havent seen raises in decades and limited benefits

A lot of people have gotten raises recently.

Unless the raise equals $23.50/hr NOT including benefits, they are underpaid.
In 1978 I made five dollars an hour as a commercial masonry labor, by 1982 I was making ten dollars hour as a bricklayer, by 1995 I was making sixty thousand a year, till the Southern invasion in 2005...Now you can make twenty to twenty five an hour...as a bricklayer...
Maybe the Occupy movement should occupy college campuses and ask why they are charging 100's of thousands of dollars for knowledge that should be free.

Talk about karma biting them in the butt.

the first indoctrination program teaches do not question the intent of the liberal agenda

face it colleges are big money makers

even more so when you can get a brain dead student to major in puppet making

for a hundred grand

LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.
Maybe the Occupy movement should occupy college campuses and ask why they are charging 100's of thousands of dollars for knowledge that should be free.

Talk about karma biting them in the butt.

the first indoctrination program teaches do not question the intent of the liberal agenda

face it colleges are big money makers

even more so when you can get a brain dead student to major in puppet making

for a hundred grandLOL

Which four year college can one receive a degree in "puppet making"?
Maybe the Occupy movement should occupy college campuses and ask why they are charging 100's of thousands of dollars for knowledge that should be free.

Talk about karma biting them in the butt.

the first indoctrination program teaches do not question the intent of the liberal agenda

face it colleges are big money makers

even more so when you can get a brain dead student to major in puppet making

for a hundred grand

Which is why I wish the occupy movement would turn on them. I love irony.
Maybe the Occupy movement should occupy college campuses and ask why they are charging 100's of thousands of dollars for knowledge that should be free.

Talk about karma biting them in the butt.

the first indoctrination program teaches do not question the intent of the liberal agenda

face it colleges are big money makers

even more so when you can get a brain dead student to major in puppet making

for a hundred grandLOL

Which four year college can one receive a degree in "puppet making"?

well the point is there are several dead end programs out there ya retard
Maybe the Occupy movement should occupy college campuses and ask why they are charging 100's of thousands of dollars for knowledge that should be free.

Talk about karma biting them in the butt.

the first indoctrination program teaches do not question the intent of the liberal agenda

face it colleges are big money makers

even more so when you can get a brain dead student to major in puppet making

for a hundred grand

Which is why I wish the occupy movement would turn on them. I love irony.
me too but unlikely i am already getting push back from the brain dead
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.
Maybe the Occupy movement should occupy college campuses and ask why they are charging 100's of thousands of dollars for knowledge that should be free.

Talk about karma biting them in the butt.

the first indoctrination program teaches do not question the intent of the liberal agenda

face it colleges are big money makers

even more so when you can get a brain dead student to major in puppet making

for a hundred grandLOL

Which four year college can one receive a degree in "puppet making"?

well the point is there are several dead end programs out there ya retard

Which "programs" are those?
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.

today might be a good day for you to learn something ya retard

google it

About 4,730,000 results (0.47 seconds)

why are you trolls always so stupid ???

dead end college degrees - Google Search
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.

Yeah I do.
I suppose you would say he was just down on his luck when he robbed her blind and your mother will be just fine in a shithole assisted living facility that she can afford.

Again...the youth of today are pussies.
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.

today might be a good day for you to learn something ya retard

google it

About 4,730,000 results (0.47 seconds)

why are you trolls always so stupid ???

dead end college degrees - Google Search

From your links.

Regardless of whether you attend a traditional or online college, most experts agree that a bachelor’s degree is still a good investment overall.

10 Worst College Degrees to Earn in 2015 - The Simple Dollar

If you had a degree. you'd know that the general education (English, mathematics) part of any degree is what gets you a job. For instance, a past Sugar Baby of mine with a communication degree is selling pharmaceuticals and making a salary north of $250k.
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.

Yeah I do.
I suppose you would say he was just down on his luck when he robbed her blind and your mother will be just fine in a shithole assisted living facility that she can afford.

Again...the youth of today are pussies.

So your experience with your Brother has labeled (in your mind) that all youth of today are "pussies"?

As an employer of mostly young age groups, I haven't seen that.

I feel sorry for the youth of today. Republicans, mostly with conservative ideologies have really stunted their economic growth.
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.

Yeah I do.
I suppose you would say he was just down on his luck when he robbed her blind and your mother will be just fine in a shithole assisted living facility that she can afford.

Again...the youth of today are pussies.

So your experience with your Brother has labeled (in your mind) that all youth of today are "pussies"?

As an employer of mostly young age groups, I haven't seen that.

I feel sorry for the youth of today. Republicans, mostly with conservative ideologies have really stunted their economic growth.

Where did I say that?
My brothers 54 fucken years old.
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.

Yeah I do.
I suppose you would say he was just down on his luck when he robbed her blind and your mother will be just fine in a shithole assisted living facility that she can afford.

Again...the youth of today are pussies.

So your experience with your Brother has labeled (in your mind) that all youth of today are "pussies"?

As an employer of mostly young age groups, I haven't seen that.

I feel sorry for the youth of today. Republicans, mostly with conservative ideologies have really stunted their economic growth.

barry was the one with record unemployment ya douche.
Kids today are unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to succeed in life after listening to barry's promise to support em.
What the fuck happened to the work hard to succeed message?
LOL None of you ever remember getting slipped a twenty (I don't know how long ago you were twenty-something) or had a bag of groceries brought over or your tank got filled at the Sunoco?
It's what parents do. Then when they get old, their well established "kids" take care of them.

I left the house at eighteen and the only leg up I got was my Mom put the good word in to an apartment manager she knew so I could rent my own place.

I never took a dime from my parents. In fact I pay the lion's share of my mothers assisted living expenses because my sorry ass brother robbed her blind because she has dementia.

Kids today are pussies.

So you have issues with your Brother. Tell us more about that.

today might be a good day for you to learn something ya retard

google it

About 4,730,000 results (0.47 seconds)

why are you trolls always so stupid ???

dead end college degrees - Google Search

From your links.

Regardless of whether you attend a traditional or online college, most experts agree that a bachelor’s degree is still a good investment overall.

10 Worst College Degrees to Earn in 2015 - The Simple Dollar

If you had a degree. you'd know that the general education (English, mathematics) part of any degree is what gets you a job. For instance, a past Sugar Baby of mine with a communication degree is selling pharmaceuticals and making a salary north of $250k.

hey retard i do have a degree so fuck you

who the fuck is going to hire someone that was dumb enough to do four years of interpretive dance

liberal arts is another wasted degree
Eh,my son is interested in either a law enforcement,firefighter or military career for now....its always been one of those. He wants to blow shit up he says lol. I told him if he goes into the military don't do it to become a damn infantryman! Get a skill and go from there. My oldest is big into writing and art so she has mentioned Art Teacher or maybe a Veterinarian both are good jobs and things she would need college for and I push college on all my kids because I never went and I regretted it. My 6 year old has no idea but with her mouth and attitude she should become a lawyer LOL...I have told them its military or college of some kind when they hit 18. I was coddled at that age and had NO CLUE what I wanted to do because my parents weren't that interested in my education by then. Mother was dealing with a shitty husband losing jobs and dad worked late constantly and didn't enforce the rules on school etc so I quit. I prefer my kids get a associates at a cheap school and then go for 2 years wherever they want. Fortunately they ARE smart enough to get academic scholarships but my foot stays up their rear ends to enforce our academic standards in this house to get those scholarships,my oldest has the height for basketball but no clue if she has the ability..will find out this fall.

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