1% Joe Biden worried about running against TRUMP


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Donald Trump would wreck that old pervert. besides, what Democrat is going to vote for some old rich, white guy?
Joe says he'll probably run but don't blame him when he loses. :laugh:
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Senile joe Should worry about his child molesting tendencies… Before running
All the filthy Democrats should be worried. The Democrat Party has become a joke. One week they are Black Face racists. The next week they are bat shit crazy environment wackos that wants to destroy the economy by doing away with airplanes and farting cows, the next week Socialist shitheads. This week they are Jew haters.

This next election will be a landslide for Trump no matter who the candidate for the Party of Moon Bats will be. It will be like 1972 or 1984.

Crazy Joe is just as much of a joke as any of the other declared Moon Bats.
Biden is better than Sanders, Warren, Harris and the rest of the clown car
Trump would wipe the country with Biden.

Also the Dems shit show House is really helping Trump.

I doubt any agency could be as ineffective, stupid and moronic as the current Dem lead House is. They are laughable.

What a load of Democratic boobs.
Biden won't even win the Democratic primary. He's the wrong skin color and sex. Liberals are done with old white men. Which ironically, isn't that racist?
Joe can't handle Donnie on stage. He'll get torn to bits like Jeb did.
Trump lied & ruined a potential good candiudate & the low life dumbasses of the right let him.

I wonder if "Low Energy" Jeb could make to it work before 11 M & not have to run to a resort every other Weekend?
All the filthy Democrats should be worried. The Democrat Party has become a joke. One week they are Black Face racists. The next week they are bat shit crazy environment wackos that wants to destroy the economy by doing away with airplanes and farting cows, the next week Socialist shitheads. This week they are Jew haters.

This next election will be a landslide for Trump no matter who the candidate for the Party of Moon Bats will be. It will be like 1972 or 1984.

Crazy Joe is just as much of a joke as any of the other declared Moon Bats.

Wow, listen to how a dumbass Trumpettes lies & rants. At least Joe talks in complete sentences.
Classic “Republicans pounce!”bullshit.

It’s a cvnty liberal way of distraction from Dimm fuck ups.

Biden is saying Trump will talk about how fucked up Joe is and how fucked up Joe’s family is....just like what Dimms do to Pubs all the time.
All the filthy Democrats should be worried. The Democrat Party has become a joke. One week they are Black Face racists. The next week they are bat shit crazy environment wackos that wants to destroy the economy by doing away with airplanes and farting cows, the next week Socialist shitheads. This week they are Jew haters.

This next election will be a landslide for Trump no matter who the candidate for the Party of Moon Bats will be. It will be like 1972 or 1984.

Crazy Joe is just as much of a joke as any of the other declared Moon Bats.

Wow, listen to how a dumbass Trumpettes lies & rants. At least Joe talks in complete sentences.

You are so mad....I love it.

Don’t look into Biden’s son, Hunter and his business dealings with the Heinz kid and China...you’ll just have to lie to yourself some more.

Hunter Biden’s China Connections
Joe can't handle Donnie on stage. He'll get torn to bits like Jeb did.
Trump lied & ruined a potential good candiudate & the low life dumbasses of the right let him.

I wonder if "Low Energy" Jeb could make to it work before 11 M & not have to run to a resort every other Weekend?
And you trust career politicians
All the filthy Democrats should be worried. The Democrat Party has become a joke. One week they are Black Face racists. The next week they are bat shit crazy environment wackos that wants to destroy the economy by doing away with airplanes and farting cows, the next week Socialist shitheads. This week they are Jew haters.

This next election will be a landslide for Trump no matter who the candidate for the Party of Moon Bats will be. It will be like 1972 or 1984.

Crazy Joe is just as much of a joke as any of the other declared Moon Bats.

Wow, listen to how a dumbass Trumpettes lies & rants. At least Joe talks in complete sentences.

Biden is a paste-eating, window-licking sooper genius and a babbling fool whose IQ is quickly approaching that of Nancy Pelosi's. He utters the same old platitudes and fact-free crap that we had to endure under 8 years of that purple-lipped jug-eared bastard Obama.

Trump is bad because he will make fun of my creepy penchant for touching young girls inappropriately!

That is some absolutely classic liberal pretzel logic.

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