1% Joe Biden worried about running against TRUMP

All the filthy Democrats should be worried. The Democrat Party has become a joke. One week they are Black Face racists. The next week they are bat shit crazy environment wackos that wants to destroy the economy by doing away with airplanes and farting cows, the next week Socialist shitheads. This week they are Jew haters.

This next election will be a landslide for Trump no matter who the candidate for the Party of Moon Bats will be. It will be like 1972 or 1984.

Crazy Joe is just as much of a joke as any of the other declared Moon Bats.

Wow, listen to how a dumbass Trumpettes lies & rants. At least Joe talks in complete sentences.

Biden is a paste-eating, window-licking sooper genius and a babbling fool whose IQ is quickly approaching that of Nancy Pelosi's. He utters the same old platitudes and fact-free crap that we had to endure under 8 years of that purple-lipped jug-eared bastard Obama.

You're a Trumpette. You should love fact free statements
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Biden already trying to solicit sympathy before Grabby Joe runs for Office?

Shocked I am.
All the filthy Democrats should be worried. The Democrat Party has become a joke. One week they are Black Face racists. The next week they are bat shit crazy environment wackos that wants to destroy the economy by doing away with airplanes and farting cows, the next week Socialist shitheads. This week they are Jew haters.

This next election will be a landslide for Trump no matter who the candidate for the Party of Moon Bats will be. It will be like 1972 or 1984.

Crazy Joe is just as much of a joke as any of the other declared Moon Bats.

Wow, listen to how a dumbass Trumpettes lies & rants. At least Joe talks in complete sentences.

I didn't even vote for Trump so your TDS afflicted hate mongering stereotype is way off.

Trump is going to win by a landslide because the Party of Moon Bats have become bat shit crazy nowadays.

It is Commie Bernie that will most likely win the Moon Bat Primary. Tremendous name recognition and a dedicated well organized Marxists following. The Democrat "mainstream" candidate won't have those corrupt "super delegates" to get them past the rabid Commie Bernie voters.

You stupid Moon Bats are fucked and you are too dumb to know it.
Joe can't handle Donnie on stage. He'll get torn to bits like Jeb did.
Trump lied & ruined a potential good candiudate & the low life dumbasses of the right let him.

I wonder if "Low Energy" Jeb could make to it work before 11 M & not have to run to a resort every other Weekend?
And you trust career politicians

He loves big government more than life itself. He thinks he will get free stuff from the politicians that he is dumb enough to vote for. Greedy little SOB.
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Why should he stop at anything? Have the Democrats stopped at anything? Consider this new witch hunt Nadler the douchebag is chairing where they are going after his business, his campaign, his family and virtually anyone he have ever known.
Creepy Uncle Joe. Trump has to land this one.

Does he have a nickname for Joe yet?
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...

Creepy Joe is a boob. A joke and a simpleton. Radical anti-life gun-control freak.

But the craziest thing is that he's the most "centrist" candidate with his hat in the ring
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Everything you dupes know is 100% wrong LOL aaarrrggghhh... And only your relatively tiny, only in America, GOP propaganda machine makes it possible. Try some respected media anywhere in the world outside of it sometime....
Joe can't handle Donnie on stage. He'll get torn to bits like Jeb did.
Trump lied & ruined a potential good candiudate & the low life dumbasses of the right let him.

I wonder if "Low Energy" Jeb could make to it work before 11 M & not have to run to a resort every other Weekend?
And you trust career politicians

He loves big government more than life itself. He thinks he will get free stuff from the politicians that he is dumb enough to vote for. Greedy little SOB.
At least they usually show up to work and know how it is supposed to work.
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Why should he stop at anything? Have the Democrats stopped at anything? Consider this new witch hunt Nadler the douchebag is chairing where they are going after his business, his campaign, his family and virtually anyone he have ever known.
Ahhhhhhhhhh Is poor widdle Donnie pouting again.

If that at assed piece of shit released his income taxes & divested from his businrsses & wasn't such a bog fat liar, no one would need to investigate.
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Biden already trying to solicit sympathy before Grabby Joe runs for Office?

Shocked I am.
"Grabby Joe" ? Coming from a "Grab them by the pussy" Trumpette?
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Why should he stop at anything? Have the Democrats stopped at anything? Consider this new witch hunt Nadler the douchebag is chairing where they are going after his business, his campaign, his family and virtually anyone he have ever known.
Ahhhhhhhhhh Is poor widdle Donnie pouting again.

If that at assed piece of shit released his income taxes & divested from his businrsses & wasn't such a bog fat liar, no one would need to investigate.
The law doesn't require him to release his taxes or divest his business, shit for brains. So why should that be a justification for Nadler's witch hunt?
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...
Would Biden make an issue of Trump's spawns' peccadillos?
Joe can't handle Donnie on stage. He'll get torn to bits like Jeb did.
Trump lied & ruined a potential good candiudate & the low life dumbasses of the right let him.

I wonder if "Low Energy" Jeb could make to it work before 11 M & not have to run to a resort every other Weekend?
And you trust career politicians

He loves big government more than life itself. He thinks he will get free stuff from the politicians that he is dumb enough to vote for. Greedy little SOB.
At least they usually show up to work and know how it is supposed to work.

The Democrat Party is a collection of the scum of America. I think we can all agree on that.

You stupid Moon Bats always vote for other stupid Moon Bats. You can't help yourself. You are the national joke now. Look at that idiot you nitwits elected in 2008. The worst President this country ever had. Then you turdbrains nominated that Crooked Hillary asshole who was so dumb she didn't even know it is the Electoral College in the US that elect the President. She thought it was the illegals in California.

Then you elect dumber than doorknob idiots like Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee and Debbie Dumbass Schultz.

You leadership is filled with liars and con artists. Your rank and file is filled with low IQ assholes.

Now you have elected filthy Muslims and Communists.

Tits Pelosi said the Muslim bitch wasn't smart enough to even to know what she was doing. If that is the case then why did the dumbass Moon Bats in her district elect such an idiot to represent them in Congress? Is being a dumbass the criteria for a Democrat to be elected nowadays? It must be because that is all you Moon Bats, elect dumbasses.
Biden Says He’s Almost All In On 2020, But Worries About Trump’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach

“I don’t think he’s likely to stop at anything, whomever he runs against,” Biden told TheNYT on Feb. 26, referring to the president’s street brawling style of campaigning. He is worried about putting his “family through what would be a very, very, very difficult campaign.” Biden believes Trump might try to exploit his tumultuous private life — his son’s checkered romantic history could be the chief reason.

Several female SS agents have some tales to tell. So yeah....Biden is correct.... It would be pretty embarrassing for his family.


Um, so its TRUMP's fault Biden and his family are creepy...

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