1 Stolen gun linked to 27 shootings

The most notorious example of gun running in American history happened when Barry Hussein's ATF came up with the insane notion of shipping 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and tracking serial numbers. The liberal media avoided investigating the carnage that the weapons did to innocent Mexican citizens and buried the story of a Border Patrol Officer murdered by one of the weapons the ATF shipped to Mexico. Nobody was indicted or even fired. The weapons are still out there.
The most notorious example of gun running in American history happened when Barry Hussein's ATF came up with the insane notion of shipping 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and tracking serial numbers. The liberal media avoided investigating the carnage that the weapons did to innocent Mexican citizens and buried the story of a Border Patrol Officer murdered by one of the weapons the ATF shipped to Mexico. Nobody was indicted or even fired. The weapons are still out there.
They did this with the hope that some of these rifles would make it back into the US and be used to shoot up a couple schools - after which they would bathe in the blood and stand on the bodies of the innocent, while screaming for more gun control.

The ends justify the means, see, so it doesn't matter how many kid shave to die for them to enact their agenda.
They did this with the hope that some of these rifles would make it back into the US and be used to shoot up a couple schools - after which they would bathe in the blood and stand on the bodies of the innocent, while screaming for more gun control.

The ends justify the means, see, so it doesn't matter how many kid shave to die for them to enact their agenda.

This is also one of the reasons they are releasing violent gun criminals back into their neighborhoods...they realize that normal people don't use their guns for murder or crime...so if they want to scare people into surrendering their guns, they need someone to use guns illegally.....and the only way to do that is to keep actual criminals loose in the neighborhoods they control.....

Also why they are using covid against cops.......they want massive numbers of cops to leave the force so they can fill those positions with democrat party thugs........

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