10 biggest reasons I voted for trump


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1. The economy. Hillary would give us four more years of the rich getting richer and the middle class getting smaller and poorer, and the number of the poor and out of work expanding in size. She had no plan to fix the problem, didn't even talk about the issue in any of her commercials, except to increase taxes.

2. Taxes. Hillary wanted to raise them, which is counter-productive when we already have stagnant growth. Trump wants to lower taxes, which is a better idea.

3. Abortion. Hillary supports abortion in all nine months, including partial birth abortion, and promised to appoint Supreme Court justices that would uphold Roe v. Wade. Also, she wanted to repeal the Hyde Amendment and make taxpayers pay for abortion. Hillary didn't even offer a single reason for a pro-life voter to vote for her, she completely wrote us off.

4. Trade. Trump has convinced me that NAFTA and other free trade agreements have benefitted the multinational corporations, the top 1%, and paupered the rest of us.

5. Immigration. Hillary wanted to continue Obama's policy of refusing to enforce America's immigration laws, and expand the number of Syrian refugees we take it. I see no upside to taking in Syrian refugees to offset the risk of letting in ISIS terrorists.

6. Inclusiveness. Every time the Democrats use the word "inclusiveness" I know the word does NOT include ME, a white, Christian, straight, male. I am the enemy in their eyes, and they have no moral qualms with screwing me with affirmative action programs that lock me out of career opportunities.

7. "Safe spaces." The craziness on the college campuses with "safe spaces" and political correctness has reached a crisis situation, and Hillary would encourage more of it.

8. Law and order. Obama has encouraged the radical elements of the black community to rebel against authority and cop killings are reaching epidemic levels. Trump supported cops, while Hillary supported the cop killers.

9. Second Amendment. Hillary hates guns and wants to take them away from law abiding citizens, while doing nothing about the real causes of gun violence in cities like Chicago, which already have the strictest gun laws.

10. First Amendment. I see Hillary, and the entire left, as an ultimate enemy of free speech. Her war on the alt right and Pepe the frog showed that she believed it was her place as a Presidential candidate to denounce the free speech activity of people she disagreed with. As President, she would have the power to suppress free speech, and I think she would have.
Ah good. The True Confessions begin. Revisit this list in six months to a year.

Most of this is incoherent non sequitur paranoia so I'll go straight to my favorite -- number 10. Rump is the only candy I know of to directly attack the First Amendment.

This is never going away....

Just doesn't get much more direct than that.
Well I think the US is not a force for good in the world so I'm more happy than not it's been weakened by the election of Hair Drumpf. Hillarity would have been a real threat. Pity about the effect that will have on Americans I respect and admire but what would you?
After all, an omelette needs broken eggs.
1. The economy. Hillary would give us four more years of the rich getting richer and the middle class getting smaller and poorer, and the number of the poor and out of work expanding in size. She had no plan to fix the problem, didn't even talk about the issue in any of her commercials, except to increase taxes.

2. Taxes. Hillary wanted to raise them, which is counter-productive when we already have stagnant growth. Trump wants to lower taxes, which is a better idea.

3. Abortion. Hillary supports abortion in all nine months, including partial birth abortion, and promised to appoint Supreme Court justices that would uphold Roe v. Wade. Also, she wanted to repeal the Hyde Amendment and make taxpayers pay for abortion. Hillary didn't even offer a single reason for a pro-life voter to vote for her, she completely wrote us off.

4. Trade. Trump has convinced me that NAFTA and other free trade agreements have benefitted the multinational corporations, the top 1%, and paupered the rest of us.

5. Immigration. Hillary wanted to continue Obama's policy of refusing to enforce America's immigration laws, and expand the number of Syrian refugees we take it. I see no upside to taking in Syrian refugees to offset the risk of letting in ISIS terrorists.

6. Inclusiveness. Every time the Democrats use the word "inclusiveness" I know the word does NOT include ME, a white, Christian, straight, male. I am the enemy in their eyes, and they have no moral qualms with screwing me with affirmative action programs that lock me out of career opportunities.

7. "Safe spaces." The craziness on the college campuses with "safe spaces" and political correctness has reached a crisis situation, and Hillary would encourage more of it.

8. Law and order. Obama has encouraged the radical elements of the black community to rebel against authority and cop killings are reaching epidemic levels. Trump supported cops, while Hillary supported the cop killers.

9. Second Amendment. Hillary hates guns and wants to take them away from law abiding citizens, while doing nothing about the real causes of gun violence in cities like Chicago, which already have the strictest gun laws.

10. First Amendment. I see Hillary, and the entire left, as an ultimate enemy of free speech. Her war on the alt right and Pepe the frog showed that she believed it was her place as a Presidential candidate to denounce the free speech activity of people she disagreed with. As President, she would have the power to suppress free speech, and I think she would have.

So you didn't vote for Trump at all. You say Hillary would have just got the rich richer, and Trump will do what....?

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