10 more migrant buses arrive in Denver as Speer encampment grows

DENVER (KDVR) — Residents who live near a migrant encampment at Zuni and Speer say the number of tents is growing and the trash is becoming a larger issue.

On Thursday, 10 buses arrived in Denver (from TX) with 341 migrants inside. The city said that puts Denver on track to break 100 buses just in December. One of the main spots they’re landing is an encampment at Zuni Street and Speer Boulevard.

With more migrants coming in, residents’ concerns are growing — one of those concerns being the trash created by a growing number of people in that one spot.

Beau Blackford is one of those residents with concerns.

“I just keep seeing more buses show up and more and more and it stresses me out, and if looks like the tents are coming up here, I don’t want to live there. The more that show up, the worse it’s going to get,” Blackford said.

Why stop there, drop them off in the liberal college and ski resort towns in CO too.

I think it's starting to wake up dem voters.

Perhaps showing them the errors of their dem voting ways will bear fruit.

Do your part!

From Central America to Denver in January.

Maybe there is a strategy here ?
Denver is a sewer pit in decay, we have a country in crisis, no end in sight with this madness.
this country is in deep shit,good luck with the Obama fundamentally changing of America,
how's it working out for you?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

DENVER (KDVR) — Residents who live near a migrant encampment at Zuni and Speer say the number of tents is growing and the trash is becoming a larger issue.

On Thursday, 10 buses arrived in Denver (from TX) with 341 migrants inside. The city said that puts Denver on track to break 100 buses just in December. One of the main spots they’re landing is an encampment at Zuni Street and Speer Boulevard.

With more migrants coming in, residents’ concerns are growing — one of those concerns being the trash created by a growing number of people in that one spot.

Beau Blackford is one of those residents with concerns.

“I just keep seeing more buses show up and more and more and it stresses me out, and if looks like the tents are coming up here, I don’t want to live there. The more that show up, the worse it’s going to get,” Blackford said.

Why stop there, drop them off in the liberal college and ski resort towns in CO too.

I think it's starting to wake up dem voters.

Perhaps showing them the errors of their dem voting ways will bear fruit.

Do your part!

/——/ In Brooklyn the illegals are going door to door begging for good, money and clothing by the thousands.
Negative, it's just a small part of a poem and has no relation to the facts on the ground as they stand today.

"Tired and huddled" has become healthy .mil aged men and ever pregnant women.

Actually, the facts on the ground is that our immigration system is broken. It takes three years for an asylum case to get heard.

There is a country like you want, it's Japan. They don't allow any immigrants, and as a result, they are undergoing a Demographic Death Spiral.

Actually, the facts on the ground is that our immigration system is broken. It takes three years for an asylum case to get heard.

There is a country like you want, it's Japan. They don't allow any immigrants, and as a result, they are undergoing a Demographic Death Spiral.

Actually, the facts on the ground is that our immigration system is broken. It takes three years for an asylum case to get heard.

There is a country like you want, it's Japan. They don't allow any immigrants, and as a result, they are undergoing a Demographic Death Spiral.

Actually, you spend too much time copying and pasting slogans from the Joy Reid show.

There are current immigration laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce.

Does the entirety of your participation need to be goofy cut and paste slogans?
''un-American" and "disgraceful"

Something of a tag line for the Dem / Socialist ''Party of Self-loathing Retrogrades".

This week, a prominent Black activist gave a passionate speech during an all-Democrat city council meeting, calling on officials to handle immediately hand the immigrant crisis by "sending them all back."

George Blakemore condemned Biden's unwillingness to secure the border, urging former President Trump to "come in here and clean up this mess" as some of the poorest neighborhoods suffer from a lack of funding and city services due to the migrant crisis.

The Chicago resident called it "un-American" and "disgraceful" to see illegal aliens come into the United States and reap the same benefits, if not better, than hard-working American taxpayers.
And eventually there won't be enough young people to support the economy, dummy.

America's strength has always been her welcoming nature to immigrants.
What we welcomed in the past were contributors. What we are letting in now are net drains on our resources.

Before the charity cases were handled by, you know, real charities, not the .gov funded NPOs today.

Hell, whole brigades were formed of German and Irish immigrants during the CW.....Both sides.

Most of those men were not single and came over with their families.

Like I said, you're an idiot.

You specifically whined that we need brown people to do the crappy jobs. That's racist as hell.

That's YOU, Bubba.

So yeah....you ARE an idiot, who also happens to be racist.

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