10 more migrant buses arrive in Denver as Speer encampment grows

Joe Biden voted for all the ME wars as a Senator. Trump tried to end them.....and then-- a stolen election later-- the world is at war again suddenly.

Coincidence right.

The DemoKKKrats have been the war party for decades. Biden's money laundering adventure in Ukraine and the hell he caused in Israel are just the latest examples.
Yes, we need to get rid of all that do-gooder noise like "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"... fuck that, right, we need just skilled labor who speak English.

Actually, unskilled labor is where we are most likely to have labor shortages.
Yep, that's all we need.

Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses

Is not a suicide pact you know....

It was also a mere add-on 20 years after the SoL was dedicated to honor some dead female poet.

Yes, we need to get rid of all that do-gooder noise like "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"... fuck that, right, we need just skilled labor who speak English.

Actually, unskilled labor is where we are most likely to have labor shortages.

No, we want to give them ALL to your shithole "sanctuary" cities. But it seems a lot of you racists don't actually want them.
Is this more secret war reparations ?
Like Koreans and Vietnamese refugees , now Iraqis , Libyans , Syrians will be the new middle class in the US owning gas stations and nail salons & driving Lexus SUVs ?

DENVER (KDVR) — Residents who live near a migrant encampment at Zuni and Speer say the number of tents is growing and the trash is becoming a larger issue.

On Thursday, 10 buses arrived in Denver (from TX) with 341 migrants inside. The city said that puts Denver on track to break 100 buses just in December. One of the main spots they’re landing is an encampment at Zuni Street and Speer Boulevard.

With more migrants coming in, residents’ concerns are growing — one of those concerns being the trash created by a growing number of people in that one spot.

Beau Blackford is one of those residents with concerns.

“I just keep seeing more buses show up and more and more and it stresses me out, and if looks like the tents are coming up here, I don’t want to live there. The more that show up, the worse it’s going to get,” Blackford said.

Why stop there, drop them off in the liberal college and ski resort towns in CO too.

I think it's starting to wake up dem voters.

Perhaps showing them the errors of their dem voting ways will bear fruit.

Do your part!

Any Plast-inian there?
Is not a suicide pact you know....

It was also a mere add-on 20 years after the SoL was dedicated to honor some dead female poet.

No, it is an affirmation of our principles.

150 years ago, you had some WASPs whining about the Irish were going to Ruin America.
100 years ago, it was the Germans and Italians
50 years ago, it was Polish
Today it's the Mexicans.

We all came from somewhere else. My father came from Germany. My wife came from China.

No, we want to give them ALL to your shithole "sanctuary" cities. But it seems a lot of you racists don't actually want them.

Well, not if you dumpt them off in the middle of the night as a political dirty trick, no, like Abbott is doing.
How did the buses get over Trumps Colorado Wall?

How did the buses get over Trumps Colorado Wall?

Took over 30 posts, but we still made it!... :laugh2:

Then you teach them English and Job skills... that doesn't sound complicated.

What's complicated for Dems / Socialists is understanding some basic facts.

Among the findings:

  • The 2022 SIPP indicates that 54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare program. This compares to 39 percent for U.S.-born households.
  • The rate is 59 percent for non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants).
  • Compared to households headed by the U.S.-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (16 percent vs. 12 percent for the U.S.-born).

New York City officials reported that out of the more than 40,000 adult migrants in the city’s shelter system, only 2,100 have applied for work authorization following the Department of Homeland Security’s extension of temporary legal status to asylum seekers.
Anyone who has visited Colorado tourist towns this past summer, like myself, know that these places won't function without Hispanics. Some spoke pretty good English, some barely any at all, but Estes Park waiters, cooks, hotel workers, were literally 99% Hispanic, I saw two white girls and no blacks working in all the tourist shops and eateries for almost a week.

The difference was Rocky Mountain National Park, all those folks were white.

Wow, you are one racist pig, ain't you....
No, it is an affirmation of our principles.

150 years ago, you had some WASPs whining about the Irish were going to Ruin America.
100 years ago, it was the Germans and Italians
50 years ago, it was Polish
Today it's the Mexicans.

We all came from somewhere else. My father came from Germany. My wife came from China.

Well, not if you dumpt them off in the middle of the night as a political dirty trick, no, like Abbott is doing.

Um, no.

Nothing about the Dem / Socialist policies of open borders, government enabled child sex trafficking, enriching drug cartels and allowing illegal drugs into the country has anything to do with 'affirmation of our principles''.

Otherwise, Governor Abbott dropping off a few illegals in Dem / Socialist run sanctuary cities is doesn't compare to Biden dumping millions of illegals onto city streets.

Took over 30 posts, but we still made it!... :laugh2:

So you can’t answer. How did the bus get over the Colorado wall built by the last guy?

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