10 Questions That Will Make You Think….

….unless you're a Democrat/Liberal, then they'll make you cover your ears and squeeze your eyes shut real tight.

'Cause….you won't be able to answer 'em.

1. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?


Need some time to come up with an answer?

No prob.

1. No one gave it to them. The trouble is that there are no easy answers. The possibility of a nuclear war has increased under Trump but it underscores the difficulty of it. Trump's temper tantrums don't help.

2. Pastors have free speech rights. They cannot use their churches for partisan political purposes. Within that context, they can distribute voter guides and talk about issues like abortion in the context of a election. They have latitude.

3. I haven't seen any better plan. Just kicking people off of it is not a answer. Ronald Reagan was a big supporter of the earned income tax credit. That was a step in the right direction.

The Republican Welfare Plan that required work reduced poverty by every measure.

You don't have to be stupid your entire life.
Take a day off.
1. No one gifted nukes on NK

2. Pastors have the same free speech as the rest of us .

3. Poverty is a relative term . “Poverty” today does not = the extreme poverty of the past .
Right? Thats why our "poor" have xbox ones, jordans and obese as fuck.

You would prefer they were in rags, living in shacks, and dump picking to survive?

lol, you are somewhat reprehensible.
I would prefer that they work, in that Obama roaring economic recovery that you liberals said was true. Why should they get paid to sit on their miserably poor ass collecting monies from those that are actually working? Democrat voter.

Despite my many faults, I do have the dignity not to blame the poor for my problems. Try it, although it might kill you.

Hellllloooooooo, we aren't blaming the poor for our problems, we are blaming them for our governments FISCAL problems. There is a difference.

There is no difference.
Poor Liberals.....once you get away from ignorance and lies.....you have no answers for those questions.

OK.....here are a few more you won't be able to answer:

4. Why is it that the Candidate Obama, who was going to be President of all of the people, has advanced, praised, shielded from blame, has stood up for, only one 'religion' throughout his 8 years in office?

5. Why would the President, Hussein Obama, sworn to defend the Constitution, have instructed illegal aliens to vote in the presidential election???

6. If the Democrats, from Franklin Roosevelt, to Carter and Clinton, had not substituted social justice for fiscal responsibility in the area of home ownership, would there have been a mortgage meltdown?


Don't worry, Libs…..this exam isn't timed.

Let's remind all that the Liberal 'welfare system' is designed not to ameliorate poverty....

...but to maintain the condition.

  1. e.”

The converse of which is, to the RWnuts, that starving the poor is the best way to get them out of poverty.
why should I have to pay for you to eat? Cant you fucking get off your ass and find a job that Obama's roaring economic recovery created?
Funny that the Republicans were working on making the poor find jobs at the same time they were working on sending more and more jobs overseas.
….unless you're a Democrat/Liberal, then they'll make you cover your ears and squeeze your eyes shut real tight.

'Cause….you won't be able to answer 'em.

1. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
A loaded question. When did you stop beating your <spouse/kids/parents>?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?
Are you saying the government has no interest in helping poor Americans? What is your alternative solution?

"The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing."

What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, should I address you width 'how ya' doin'....or would you prefer Sieg Heil?
Pastors have every right to free speech, they just don't have a right to tax-exempt speech.

You may think that we in the US don't have enough money influencing our politicians but not everyone agrees.

"Stalin was the driving force behind a magnified anti-religious campaign....an new law....8 April 1929...No religion was permitted any longer to engage in what was loosely called religious propaganda....Clerics were permitted to perform divine service and nothing more."
" The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," Richard Overy, p. 275

Of course, none will be surprised....after all, this was Soviet Russia, under the Bolshevik Communists.....not the United States whose law of the land is the Constitution.....

Would you like me to play the "Internationale' to go with your post???

I have a question----------->

Why are the most drug infested parts of the nation, always in the poorest areas? How can they afford the drugs, to buy, or sell? Where does the money come from?

In essence, if the poor need help to kick drug addiction, if they are poor, where did they get the money to buy them in the 1st place!

Is anyone suggesting here that it didn't come out of the taxpayers pockets, or would some of you rather make the case that these areas aren't poor, are really wealthy with an underground economy, and we should find a way to do what you lieftists like doing best, and........TAX THE HELL OUT OF THEM-)
And that's exactly what happened when Clinton was forced to sign the Republican Welfare Reform bill....

Of course, Hussein Obama removed 'work' from the requirements to maintain the government plantation.
I don't think you are stupid so you must be either ignorant or intentionally blind to history.

Clinton was not 'forced' to sign the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). In fact he was fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it".

The Obama administration did not drop work requirements. Work requirements were changed so States may now change the requirements — revising, adding or eliminating them — as part of a federally approved state-specific plan to increase job placement.
….unless you're a Democrat/Liberal, then they'll make you cover your ears and squeeze your eyes shut real tight.

'Cause….you won't be able to answer 'em.

1. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?


Need some time to come up with an answer?

No prob.

1. No one gave it to them. The trouble is that there are no easy answers. The possibility of a nuclear war has increased under Trump but it underscores the difficulty of it. Trump's temper tantrums don't help.

2. Pastors have free speech rights. They cannot use their churches for partisan political purposes. Within that context, they can distribute voter guides and talk about issues like abortion in the context of a election. They have latitude.

3. I haven't seen any better plan. Just kicking people off of it is not a answer. Ronald Reagan was a big supporter of the earned income tax credit. That was a step in the right direction.
The possibility of a nuclear war has increased under Trump but it underscores the difficulty of it. Trump's temper tantrums don't help.
Global Apocalypse Is Just Three Minutes Away
By Charlotte Alter
January 23, 2015

The Doomsday Clock is now two minutes closer to midnight, thanks to the specter of climate change and unchecked nuclear proliferation.
How did this happen under Obama's watch? Just look at the picture and it explains everything..

….unless you're a Democrat/Liberal, then they'll make you cover your ears and squeeze your eyes shut real tight.

'Cause….you won't be able to answer 'em.

1. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
A loaded question. When did you stop beating your <spouse/kids/parents>?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?
Are you saying the government has no interest in helping poor Americans? What is your alternative solution?

"The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing."

What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, should I address you width 'how ya' doin'....or would you prefer Sieg Heil?
Pastors have every right to free speech, they just don't have a right to tax-exempt speech.

You may think that we in the US don't have enough money influencing our politicians but not everyone agrees.

"Stalin was the driving force behind a magnified anti-religious campaign....an new law....8 April 1929...No religion was permitted any longer to engage in what was loosely called religious propaganda....Clerics were permitted to perform divine service and nothing more."
" The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," Richard Overy, p. 275

Of course, none will be surprised....after all, this was Soviet Russia, under the Bolshevik Communists.....not the United States whose law of the land is the Constitution.....

Would you like me to play the "Internationale' to go with your post???

You may not realize that there is a difference between the gov't prohibiting something and the gov't refusing to pay for something.
Right? Thats why our "poor" have xbox ones, jordans and obese as fuck.

You would prefer they were in rags, living in shacks, and dump picking to survive?

lol, you are somewhat reprehensible.
I would prefer that they work, in that Obama roaring economic recovery that you liberals said was true. Why should they get paid to sit on their miserably poor ass collecting monies from those that are actually working? Democrat voter.

Despite my many faults, I do have the dignity not to blame the poor for my problems. Try it, although it might kill you.

Hellllloooooooo, we aren't blaming the poor for our problems, we are blaming them for our governments FISCAL problems. There is a difference.

There is no difference.

No? Then are you telling us you are in as bad a fiscal shape as the government?

No you aren't, are you!

Are you telling everyone here that YOU personally, go out and take loans to give poor people money, lol. I don't think even to many churches of any denomination do that; and yet, you insist our government do it. And your solution? Make some people pay MORE, and they still wouldn't be able to balance.

Off topic, but there is NO WAY, NO WAY, that any of these people are accountants. If they are and willing to admit it, then I would surmise that if you hire them, they would drive you into bankruptcy-)
1. No one gifted nukes on NK

2. Pastors have the same free speech as the rest of us .

3. Poverty is a relative term . “Poverty” today does not = the extreme poverty of the past .
Right? Thats why our "poor" have xbox ones, jordans and obese as fuck.

You would prefer they were in rags, living in shacks, and dump picking to survive?

lol, you are somewhat reprehensible.
I would prefer that they work, in that Obama roaring economic recovery that you liberals said was true. Why should they get paid to sit on their miserably poor ass collecting monies from those that are actually working? Democrat voter.

They are TrumpPhones now.
….unless you're a Democrat/Liberal, then they'll make you cover your ears and squeeze your eyes shut real tight.

'Cause….you won't be able to answer 'em.

1. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
A loaded question. When did you stop beating your <spouse/kids/parents>?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?
Are you saying the government has no interest in helping poor Americans? What is your alternative solution?

"The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing."

What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, should I address you width 'how ya' doin'....or would you prefer Sieg Heil?
Pastors have every right to free speech, they just don't have a right to tax-exempt speech.

You may think that we in the US don't have enough money influencing our politicians but not everyone agrees.

"Stalin was the driving force behind a magnified anti-religious campaign....an new law....8 April 1929...No religion was permitted any longer to engage in what was loosely called religious propaganda....Clerics were permitted to perform divine service and nothing more."
" The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," Richard Overy, p. 275

Of course, none will be surprised....after all, this was Soviet Russia, under the Bolshevik Communists.....not the United States whose law of the land is the Constitution.....

Would you like me to play the "Internationale' to go with your post???

I have a question----------->

Why are the most drug infested parts of the nation, always in the poorest areas? How can they afford the drugs, to buy, or sell? Where does the money come from?

In essence, if the poor need help to kick drug addiction, if they are poor, where did they get the money to buy them in the 1st place!

Is anyone suggesting here that it didn't come out of the taxpayers pockets, or would some of you rather make the case that these areas aren't poor, are really wealthy with an underground economy, and we should find a way to do what you lieftists like doing best, and........TAX THE HELL OUT OF THEM-)

‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
  1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence." Peter Ferrara, "Bankruptcy Bomb"

The poor need to kick the welfare addiction.

Instructions here:



"Obama kills welfare reform
...Obama’s administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective. Its work requirement — the central feature of the legislation — has been diluted beyond recognition by the bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)."
Obama kills welfare reform
….unless you're a Democrat/Liberal, then they'll make you cover your ears and squeeze your eyes shut real tight.

'Cause….you won't be able to answer 'em.

1. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
A loaded question. When did you stop beating your <spouse/kids/parents>?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?
Are you saying the government has no interest in helping poor Americans? What is your alternative solution?

"The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing."

What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, should I address you width 'how ya' doin'....or would you prefer Sieg Heil?
Pastors have every right to free speech, they just don't have a right to tax-exempt speech.

You may think that we in the US don't have enough money influencing our politicians but not everyone agrees.

"Stalin was the driving force behind a magnified anti-religious campaign....an new law....8 April 1929...No religion was permitted any longer to engage in what was loosely called religious propaganda....Clerics were permitted to perform divine service and nothing more."
" The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," Richard Overy, p. 275

Of course, none will be surprised....after all, this was Soviet Russia, under the Bolshevik Communists.....not the United States whose law of the land is the Constitution.....

Would you like me to play the "Internationale' to go with your post???

I have a question----------->

Why are the most drug infested parts of the nation, always in the poorest areas? How can they afford the drugs, to buy, or sell? Where does the money come from?

In essence, if the poor need help to kick drug addiction, if they are poor, where did they get the money to buy them in the 1st place!

Is anyone suggesting here that it didn't come out of the taxpayers pockets, or would some of you rather make the case that these areas aren't poor, are really wealthy with an underground economy, and we should find a way to do what you lieftists like doing best, and........TAX THE HELL OUT OF THEM-)

Tell us how many of your dollars per year go to the poor.
4. Why is it that the Candidate Obama, who was going to be President of all of the people, has advanced, praised, shielded from blame, has stood up for, only one 'religion' throughout his 8 years in office?
Poor retard. Why do you fall for such easily debunked lies?
A loaded question. When did you stop beating your <spouse/kids/parents>?

The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing

Are you saying the government has no interest in helping poor Americans? What is your alternative solution?

"The law prevents ANY tax exempt organization from engaging in politics. Without it you would have been able to make unlimited, tax-exempt donations for political influencing."

What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, should I address you width 'how ya' doin'....or would you prefer Sieg Heil?
Pastors have every right to free speech, they just don't have a right to tax-exempt speech.

You may think that we in the US don't have enough money influencing our politicians but not everyone agrees.

"Stalin was the driving force behind a magnified anti-religious campaign....an new law....8 April 1929...No religion was permitted any longer to engage in what was loosely called religious propaganda....Clerics were permitted to perform divine service and nothing more."
" The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," Richard Overy, p. 275

Of course, none will be surprised....after all, this was Soviet Russia, under the Bolshevik Communists.....not the United States whose law of the land is the Constitution.....

Would you like me to play the "Internationale' to go with your post???

I have a question----------->

Why are the most drug infested parts of the nation, always in the poorest areas? How can they afford the drugs, to buy, or sell? Where does the money come from?

In essence, if the poor need help to kick drug addiction, if they are poor, where did they get the money to buy them in the 1st place!

Is anyone suggesting here that it didn't come out of the taxpayers pockets, or would some of you rather make the case that these areas aren't poor, are really wealthy with an underground economy, and we should find a way to do what you lieftists like doing best, and........TAX THE HELL OUT OF THEM-)

Tell us how many of your dollars per year go to the poor.

Are you asking out of my pocket, out of my taxes, or out of my taxes, up to and including a government deficit. Be specific, and I will give you an answer.
"We’ve got to make sure that hate crimes are punished, and that the civil rights of all Americans are upheld. (Applause.) And just as faith leaders, including Muslims, must speak out when Christians are persecuted around the world -- (applause) -- or when anti-Semitism is on the rise -- because the fact is, is that there are Christians who are targeted now in the Middle East, despite having been there for centuries, and there are Jews who’ve lived in places like France for centuries who now feel obliged to leave because they feel themselves under assault --sometimes by Muslims."

Remarks by the President at Islamic Society of Baltimore

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