10 Signs Religious Fundamentalism Is in Decline

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
10 Signs Religious Fundamentalism Is in Decline | Alternet

Maybe its because bad news gets reported but I'm just not seeing a decline in fundamentalist religion. Especially after the reaction to the DD guy's fundamentalist beliefs and the wacko rapture/endtimes stuff, popularity of some fundamentalist politicians and personalities.

What do others think? Are religions getting more sane?
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The fundies would have more followers if they actually lived as Christ commanded. Instead it is a mob of people that claim to live according to the Gospel. A mob of people seething with hate.
Its true that I'm not at all tolerant of the people Moonglow describes.

And, that's not going to be changing anytime soon.
10 Signs Religious Fundamentalism Is in Decline | Alternet

Maybe its because bad news gets reported but I'm just not seeing a decline in fundie religion. Especially after the reaction to the DD guy's fundie beliefs and the wacko rapture/endtimes stuff, popularity of some fundie politicians and personalities.

What do others think? Are religions getting more sane?

By their very nature, religions cannot change. If they do they cease to be from whatever deity they're about and are now from Man and a cult.
10 Signs Religious Fundamentalism Is in Decline | Alternet

Maybe its because bad news gets reported but I'm just not seeing a decline in fundie religion. Especially after the reaction to the DD guy's fundie beliefs and the wacko rapture/endtimes stuff, popularity of some fundie politicians and personalities.

What do others think? Are religions getting more sane?

By their very nature, religions cannot change. If they do they cease to be from whatever deity they're about and are now from Man and a cult.

And yet, there have always been radical offshoots, cults, nutters.

Really, the only difference between a religion and cult is how long they've been around.
Evangelicals imagine they are like the followers of Christ in the first generation.

Their actions blow that up.
Sure, but something that's been around for a few thousand years at least has a track record. Often when splinter faiths are created it's because some follower didn't wanna do that, and did wanna do this. As with Protestantism and Martin Luther a Catholic monk wanting to marry a Catholic nun. And then Mormonism and whats 'is name wanting polygamy. If you wanna do things your way, at least have the balls to invent something out of thin air like Scientology. :) Don't change a pre-exsting faith just to suit you and your clique. :)
Delta, ML wanted to reform the Catholic sacraments and end indulgences. Marrying nuns was not high on his list in the beginning. May later the OldAdam began to lust for the YoungEve.
Sure, but something that's been around for a few thousand years at least has a track record. Often when splinter faiths are created it's because some follower didn't wanna do that, and did wanna do this. As with Protestantism and Martin Luther a Catholic monk wanting to marry a Catholic nun. And then Mormonism and whats 'is name wanting polygamy. If you wanna do things your way, at least have the balls to invent something out of thin air like Scientology. :) Don't change a pre-exsting faith just to suit you and your clique. :)

Luther didn't want to do things his way. He wanted to follow the Bible and reform the Church to conform with the Bible in areas he saw it not conforming.

His problem was that if he was correct and the Church was in Apostasy, man cannot reform a corrupt Church no matter how sincere his intentions.. The problems could only be fixed by God.
Sure, but something that's been around for a few thousand years at least has a track record. Often when splinter faiths are created it's because some follower didn't wanna do that, and did wanna do this. As with Protestantism and Martin Luther a Catholic monk wanting to marry a Catholic nun. And then Mormonism and whats 'is name wanting polygamy. If you wanna do things your way, at least have the balls to invent something out of thin air like Scientology. :) Don't change a pre-exsting faith just to suit you and your clique. :)

Luther didn't want to do things his way. He wanted to follow the Bible and reform the Church to conform with the Bible in areas he saw it not conforming.

His problem was that if he was correct and the Church was in Apostasy, man cannot reform a corrupt Church no matter how sincere his intentions.. The problems could only be fixed by God.
kinda odd you'd use martin as an example...
he'd view your belief system as corrupt....
And how do you know how Luther would view anything? What gives you the authority and the insight to pontificate on the *thoughts* of a man long, long dead and with a vastly more elegant mind than your own?
10 Signs Religious Fundamentalism Is in Decline | Alternet

Maybe its because bad news gets reported but I'm just not seeing a decline in fundamentalist religion. Especially after the reaction to the DD guy's fundamentalist beliefs and the wacko rapture/endtimes stuff, popularity of some fundamentalist politicians and personalities.

What do others think? Are religions getting more sane?

Who is the DD guy and what "wacko rapture/endtimes" stuff are you talking about?

Great bait thread, dude!
10 Signs Religious Fundamentalism Is in Decline | Alternet

Maybe its because bad news gets reported but I'm just not seeing a decline in fundamentalist religion. Especially after the reaction to the DD guy's fundamentalist beliefs and the wacko rapture/endtimes stuff, popularity of some fundamentalist politicians and personalities.

What do others think? Are religions getting more sane?

Who is the DD guy and what "wacko rapture/endtimes" stuff are you talking about?

Great bait thread, dude!
it caught you hook ,line and sinker.
you were looking to pick a fight anyway. :cuckoo:
More brilliant commentary by the least intelligent of our new trolls, duhs!

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