10 Steps in case of a Muslim Attack in any European City


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
European leftists 'policymakers' invade European countries with Muslims targeting the completely antihalation of white christian man on the old continent. Dirty traitorous lying scum from any european mainstream party is guilty of committing genocide on own folk.Instead to do something and to protect folks they import more and more IQ 60 apes who will never work and only kill, kill, kill.

Since the militaries of the western European nations aren't willing to step in and solve the problem and the average populace was disarmed, they will become Islamic theocracies and once the new Islamic governments controlled by the Clerics, are in charge, the killing will really ramp up. Fools.
Since the militaries of the western European nations aren't willing to step in and solve the problem and the average populace was disarmed, they will become Islamic theocracies and once the new Islamic governments controlled by the Clerics, are in charge, the killing will really ramp up. Fools.

They are not fools, they are socialist who are hardly working on creating of the new nation - a mix between white christian european folks ( average IQ 100 ) and muslim rubbish from the turd world ( average IQ 65 ) The dumber folks are the easy they accept socialism and governance of socialist.

Good Europeans ( IQ 60 )


Bad Europeans ( IQ 100 )

Muslim refugee attacks bus driver in Sicily.

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