100,000 PLUS in Madison today?

Bring it moron.

Union membership is less than 12% of the labor force. The rest of us are sick of paying for your low productivity worthless asses.
Are you sick of Goldman Sachs's HFT and other assorted crimes?

Unless you're among the richest 1% of US earners your politics indicate a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Do you really think Wall Street is through stealing from you?

Do you doubt the next big bubbles are currently being inflated?

When the next crash arrives who will you blame if union membership is less than 2%oif the labor force?


This isn't about Wall Street.

I'm sick and tired of union thugs stealing from me and giving my money to democrat politicians so government workers can do less work and live better than I do. That's who is stealing from us. Your propaganda is not selling. You lost. It's over. Go home. The people are in charge now so get used to it. Hope and change is dead.

We won.
You got one right, Jack.

This isn't about Wall Street.

This is about Main Street.

"...(Y)esterday's rally in Madison is noteworthy because at 85,000-100,000, it was bigger than the biggest tea party protest, the September 12, 2009 rally in Washington, D.C., which turned out only an estimated 60,000-70,000."

Tea Party or Main Street?

Who's gonna win?
"Careful what you wish for, Dixie.
Class war is like all revolution.
It doesn't offer silver medals."
Well now, Yankee, I appreciate the hell out of that little reminder, I truly do. I don't ever want to see another war, especially one where Americans fight Americans; but if it comes, I plan to win, or die trying. We of the South were raised on a long memory, of what it's like to lose a war, and be kicked while you're down, and occupied, and it is not going to happen here, ever again!

It never really entirely stopped happening, Gad.

Why do you suppose that so many sons of the South end up becoming military lifers?

Their great grandfathers couldn't beat the industrialist masters of the North so their progeny too often find that their best opportunities are to serve their GGF's enemies as cannon fodder.

Ironically, one of the outcomes of the Civil War for Southern White boys is that so many of them suffer from STOCKHOLM SYNDOME.
"...(Y)esterday's rally in Madison is noteworthy because at 85,000-100,000, it was bigger than the biggest tea party protest, the September 12, 2009 rally in Washington, D.C., which turned out only an estimated 60,000-70,000."

Tea Party or Main Street?

Who's gonna win?
Tea party rallys don't have the advantage of union bosses and community instigators (up to and including the prez himself) busing in paid rent-a-mobs from out of state, nor local ne'er do-well college boys with too much time on their hands.
"...(Y)esterday's rally in Madison is noteworthy because at 85,000-100,000, it was bigger than the biggest tea party protest, the September 12, 2009 rally in Washington, D.C., which turned out only an estimated 60,000-70,000."

Tea Party or Main Street?

Who's gonna win?
Tea party rallys don't have the advantage of union bosses and community instigators (up to and including the prez himself) busing in paid rent-a-mobs from out of state, nor local ne'er do-well college boys with too much time on their hands.

Is it possible you actually believe what you say?

Tea partiers will make 44 stops on tour


Sal Russo, the political activist who is the architect
of the Tea Party Express, holds up a model of the bus
in his office in Sacramento.

Tea partiers will make 44 stops on tour - USATODAY.com

Sal Russo is the founder and a principal in the Republican Party-affiliated public relations firm Russo Marsh & Rogers (RM+R), a senior advisor to the King Media Group, RM+R's mirror firm, and chief strategist for Move America Forward. He is also a partner in Russo Watts & Rollins.

Anti-Obama PAC
Russo is chief strategist for a political action committee formed to oppose Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, called "Our Country Deserves Better." In addition to Russo, several PAC officers are or were associated with Move America Forward, including Howard Kaloogian, Russo Marsh & Rogers principal Joe Wierzbicki, and Marine mom Deborah Johns.
"...(Y)esterday's rally in Madison is noteworthy because at 85,000-100,000, it was bigger than the biggest tea party protest, the September 12, 2009 rally in Washington, D.C., which turned out only an estimated 60,000-70,000."

Tea Party or Main Street?

Who's gonna win?
Tea party rallys don't have the advantage of union bosses and community instigators (up to and including the prez himself) busing in paid rent-a-mobs from out of state, nor local ne'er do-well college boys with too much time on their hands.
The UTA sent about 200 down over last weekend from the Twin Cities. Now several bills are afoot in the MN legislature to strip MN govt employees (including my union) of collective bargaining.

I'd fully support it's passage.
Just can't wait to see what's coming next?

"Swinging a sledge hammer, Pennsylvania's first-term Republican Governor Tom Corbett, smashed into educational spending and state worker jobs during his first-ever budget address, following in the footsteps of his conservative cost-cutting confederates across the nation.

"While Corbett proposes slashing over a billion dollars in fundis for pre-K through college, he spares the Keystone State's burgeoning billion-dollar Marcellus Shale natural gas industry from his call for 'shared sacrifice' to close a $4-billion gap in the state's budget."

Yesterday's outpouring in Madison was bigger than the Tea Party rally in DC in September 2009.

Tea Party or Main Street Movement?

Who's got the power?

You completely miss the point of the Tea Party movement. It's not one of massive centralization landing at some Ground Zero event. It is made up of local groups, with much attention on local and county policies as well as the national issues. The April 15th events have had totals of close to hundreds of thousands of participants, quite a feat without astroturf.
"...(Y)esterday's rally in Madison is noteworthy because at 85,000-100,000, it was bigger than the biggest tea party protest, the September 12, 2009 rally in Washington, D.C., which turned out only an estimated 60,000-70,000."

Tea Party or Main Street?

Who's gonna win?
Tea party rallys don't have the advantage of union bosses and community instigators (up to and including the prez himself) busing in paid rent-a-mobs from out of state, nor local ne'er do-well college boys with too much time on their hands.
The UTA sent about 200 down over last weekend from the Twin Cities. Now several bills are afoot in the MN legislature to strip MN govt employees (including my union) of collective bargaining.

I'd fully support it's passage.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Unions can still bargain for wages can't they?? I believe I heard pensions in there as well.

Whats their beef?/ They could have had big layoffs. They all still have jobs. They should be counting their lucky stars instead of screaming and yelling like a bunch of kids.
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Didn't watch much of the Wisconsin protests today. Watched how the Japanese are taking the catastrophe that struck their country. The earthquake, tsunami, loss of life, possible radiation and life as they know it for the next decades. The are so stoic and know they will adapt. What a civil society.

And those who lose some rights here in America like collective bargaining are going nuts and panicking like their first born is on life support. Go figure.
It was definitely Astroturf. Heh.

How do you gin up scenes of protestors, fighting big bad Republicans intent on cutting the power of greedy public employee unions?


Stand, Walk, Chant, Protest (Downtown)
Date: 2011-03-01, 11:03AM EST
Reply to: [email protected]

We need more men to protest this coming week. We will call in the morning on when we will need you. We pay $7.50. You will be helping out middle class workers in our State. This job is only for 4 - 6 hours at a time, usually between 3:00 PM till 7:00 PM Please send a picture when you e-mail."...

Mayor Sam's Sister City - Home of Los Angeles Politics: Astroturfing in the Mid-West
It was definitely Astroturf. Heh.

How do you gin up scenes of protestors, fighting big bad Republicans intent on cutting the power of greedy public employee unions?


Stand, Walk, Chant, Protest (Downtown)
Date: 2011-03-01, 11:03AM EST
Reply to: [email protected]

We need more men to protest this coming week. We will call in the morning on when we will need you. We pay $7.50. You will be helping out middle class workers in our State. This job is only for 4 - 6 hours at a time, usually between 3:00 PM till 7:00 PM Please send a picture when you e-mail."...

Mayor Sam's Sister City - Home of Los Angeles Politics: Astroturfing in the Mid-West
Conclusive proof of a hired mob, bought and paid for, passed off as a "spontaneous protest"! Typical union tactics (and you wonder why the rest of us are disgusted?) Enough of union lying and chicanery! Of course, no one should be surprised; the unions have helped the democrat big city machines to stuff ballot boxes for years, so this is just one more example of "union ethics"; an oxymoron if ever there was one! Away with union theft, swindling, intimidation, and thuggery; the rest of America is finally fed up.
It was definitely Astroturf. Heh.

How do you gin up scenes of protestors, fighting big bad Republicans intent on cutting the power of greedy public employee unions?


Stand, Walk, Chant, Protest (Downtown)
Date: 2011-03-01, 11:03AM EST
Reply to: [email protected]

We need more men to protest this coming week. We will call in the morning on when we will need you. We pay $7.50. You will be helping out middle class workers in our State. This job is only for 4 - 6 hours at a time, usually between 3:00 PM till 7:00 PM Please send a picture when you e-mail."...

Mayor Sam's Sister City - Home of Los Angeles Politics: Astroturfing in the Mid-West
Conclusive proof of a hired mob, bought and paid for, passed off as a "spontaneous protest"! Typical union tactics (and you wonder why the rest of us are disgusted?) Enough of union lying and chicanery! Of course, no one should be surprised; the unions have helped the democrat big city machines to stuff ballot boxes for years, so this is just one more example of "union ethics"; an oxymoron if ever there was one! Away with union theft, swindling, intimidation, and thuggery; the rest of America is finally fed up.
Too bad the flyer is locked up in the union bulletin board at my job. Oh wait... camera phone. Let's see if they tore it down yet.

I'll have some proof the unions from out of state are bussing people in.
A few buses on tour is quite different from union goons actively promoting illegal wildcat strikes, and financing and assembling rent-a-mob agitators from out of state.

Pretty lame attempt...Even for you.

A national bus tour to 44 rallies in 23 states is a FEW? Really? WHO paid for those buses Jethro, the tea party fairy godmother? So, the tea party and the Republicans are just benign bystanders? Only the left has an agenda? You really have your head up the ass of propaganda pundits on Faux snooze.

BTW goofball, there was no 'agitation' and no arrests in Madison. BUT...the Governor considered putting troublemakers and 'rent-a-mob agitators' in the crowd of evil schoolteachers, evil nurses, evil firefighters and their evil families. But he made it clear in his phone conversation with who he thought was David Koch his ONLY reason for not doing it:

In a prank phone call in which he thought he was talking to billionaire campaign contributor David Koch, Walker answered a question about whether he wanted Koch to plant "troublemakers" in the crowd by saying, "The only problem with that ... we thought about that.

"... My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused that that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has got to settle to avoid all these problems."
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Of COURSE this protest and all protests like these are ORGANIZED and FUNDED by some group or the other.


Do you expect people to simply intuit that its time to take to the streets?

I objected when liberals tried to dismiss the TP movement for organizing, and I'm making the same objection to this complaint, too

Grow up, folks and put down your partisan pipedreams.

Mass rallies and public demonstartions are ORGANIZED.

That's no big deal.

But no amount of orgnization is going to get people on the streets if they do not care about the issue.
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Of COURSE this protest and all protests like these are ORGANIZED and FUNDED by some group or the other.


Do you expect people to simply intuit that its time to take to the streets?

I objected when liberals tried to dismiss the TP movement for organizing, and I'm making the same objection to this complaint, too

Grow up, folks and put down your partisan pipedreams.

Mass rallies and public demonstartions are ORGANIZED.

That's no big deal.

But no amount of orgnization is going to get people on the streets if they do not care about the issue.
There's also a difference between organizing and ginning up *perceived* discontent.

From what I've seen, Tea Party groups (I'm not one of them, just for the record) are self-organizing at the local levels and attending rallys at their own expense...This is vastly different from staging illegal sick-in wildcat strikes, paying to bus in out-of-state union mobs and agitating college punks who have no dog in the hunt.

Moreover, the Tea Partiers go home and get back to their lives when the rally is over...They don't turn into squatters.
The Tea Partiers don't post ads on Craigslist offering people $7.50 to protest.

Just sayin'.

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