100,000 PLUS in Madison today?

"...and you expect public workers to pay it?"
No, George, I expect them to live and work the same way the nearly 90 percent of American workers who aren't unionized (and don't want to be) do. Your little union extortion racket should have been busted up years ago, and I'm for anyone who does it now. Enough of the corruption of union bosses (well documented); enough of the political racketeering of unions and the democrat party, where union dues are shoveled by union leaders to democrat politicians to buy them (and you dare talk of anyone else buying politicians, when unions are the biggest offenders?). Enough of this pretense of "fighting for workers' rights" when all you're really fighting for is greed! Congratulations. You have convinced me to support any effort anywhere in America, to bust any and all unions whatever! I suspect I'm not alone, either. Keep talking, and let's see how many more Americans you can alienate from your pathetic little "cause"!
How Big Was That Crowd?

"It was the largest political rally ever in Madison.

"And it was one of the largest pro-labor rallies in American history.

"From the start, the numbers have told the story of Wisconsin’s resistance, and its resilience.

"The tens.

"The hundreds.

"The thousands.

"The tens of thousands.

"The hundreds of thousands.

"Wisconsinites from every background, every religion, every politics and every job have filled the Capitol Square for the past month."

:lol: Anything from an actually unbiased, preferably scientifically verifiable source on the numbers? No.
For example?

How many did you notice marching in support of Walker/Wall Street?

Stop trying to change the subject, and answer the simple question you were asked! You've been dodging and deflecting since the beginning of this discussion. It's not working.
George george george george george.

The MAN to whom the Unions are intent on sticking it is the low and middle class taxpayers who foot the bills and do not have the resources to send their kids to private schools.

Think about it.

Unions are composed of middle class taxpayers who don't send many of their children to private school either.

If it's true that a full ten percent of total US wealth has been shifted from the middle class to the richest 1% of taxpayers since 1979 and that same 1% has increased their share of national wealth during the last two years when millions of workers have lost their jobs and homes, why would you think more borrowing from the richest 1% will make things better?

Why not tax those who have gotten rich from dis-investing in the US over the last three decades?
Hmmm...I know quite a few teachers who send their kids to private schools.

And most middle class people don't earn their living by using politicians to mug their neighbors.
I can understand what the teachers and nurses and others are fighting for. The right to plea bargain among other things.

But the right? What are they fighting for? More money for tax breaks for billionaires? Destruction of "worker's rights". Crappy schools? I know they don't believe in education or science. I know they don't want to build up American's infrastructure. But how is that supposed to make America a "better country"? What is their goal? From someone outside the country, it appears they want to turn America into Afghanistan.
George george george george george.

The MAN to whom the Unions are intent on sticking it is the low and middle class taxpayers who foot the bills and do not have the resources to send their kids to private schools.

Think about it.

Unions are composed of middle class taxpayers who don't send many of their children to private school either.

If it's true that a full ten percent of total US wealth has been shifted from the middle class to the richest 1% of taxpayers since 1979 and that same 1% has increased their share of national wealth during the last two years when millions of workers have lost their jobs and homes, why would you think more borrowing from the richest 1% will make things better?

Why not tax those who have gotten rich from dis-investing in the US over the last three decades?

Who is rich? How much makes you rich?
The Haymarket bombing delayed the attainment of the 40 hour work week for years according to labor leaders of the time.

False-flag operations from both sides in Wisconsin could change the dynamic in ways we can't imagine right now.

Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Wisconsin workers are not going to sacrifice their collective bargaining rights for Wall Street. I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I wonder if you even know how many Wisconsin workers have died in pursuit of workers rights that we all take for granted today.

Like week-ends.
Paid vacations.
Overtime pay.

Robert LaFollette understood this a hundred years ago, and, apparently, it's a lesson Scott Walker and Wall Street need to re-learn today.

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government.

"In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.” — Robert M. La Follette, 1912"

Maybe Charles and David want a return to 19th century labor standards. If so, they picked the wrong state to start in.

Not teachers.
I can understand what the teachers and nurses and others are fighting for. The right to plea bargain among other things.

But the right? What are they fighting for? More money for tax breaks for billionaires? Destruction of "worker's rights". Crappy schools? I know they don't believe in education or science. I know they don't want to build up American's infrastructure. But how is that supposed to make America a "better country"? What is their goal? From someone outside the country, it appears they want to turn America into Afghanistan.

There is absolutely nothing in your post that connects with reality. Let me help you here.

The American taxpayer is sick and tired and broke. People are losing their jobs and savings. We can no longer afford to give to government workers more pay and benefits than the average private sector worker. It has absolutely nothing to do with billionaires. Stop the propaganda crap and debate the issues.
Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Wisconsin workers are not going to sacrifice their collective bargaining rights for Wall Street. I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I wonder if you even know how many Wisconsin workers have died in pursuit of workers rights that we all take for granted today.

Like week-ends.
Paid vacations.
Overtime pay.

Robert LaFollette understood this a hundred years ago, and, apparently, it's a lesson Scott Walker and Wall Street need to re-learn today.

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government.

"In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.” — Robert M. La Follette, 1912"

Maybe Charles and David want a return to 19th century labor standards. If so, they picked the wrong state to start in.

Not teachers.

Why not?
I can understand what the teachers and nurses and others are fighting for. The right to plea bargain among other things.

But the right? What are they fighting for? More money for tax breaks for billionaires? Destruction of "worker's rights". Crappy schools? I know they don't believe in education or science. I know they don't want to build up American's infrastructure. But how is that supposed to make America a "better country"? What is their goal? From someone outside the country, it appears they want to turn America into Afghanistan.

There is absolutely nothing in your post that connects with reality. Let me help you here.

The American taxpayer is sick and tired and broke. People are losing their jobs and savings. We can no longer afford to give to government workers more pay and benefits than the average private sector worker. It has absolutely nothing to do with billionaires. Stop the propaganda crap and debate the issues.

I can't REP You right now. Well stated.
I can understand what the teachers and nurses and others are fighting for. The right to plea bargain among other things.

But the right? What are they fighting for? More money for tax breaks for billionaires? Destruction of "worker's rights". Crappy schools? I know they don't believe in education or science. I know they don't want to build up American's infrastructure. But how is that supposed to make America a "better country"? What is their goal? From someone outside the country, it appears they want to turn America into Afghanistan.

Plea bargain for what? DO what their JOB DESCRIPTIONS ask?

Good lord SON? What Planet are you on exactly?
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Seriously George, those union employees in Wisconsin, on average, are pulling in around 76g's a year. With prime benefit & pension plans.........Seriously, just what the fuck are you bitching about?

They're not losing any of it. It's now about putting a cap on FUTURE extortion being perpetrated by the unions and dem politicians......Do you not understand that these benefits are no longer sustainable for most states. That it is now time for those employees to start ponying up, off the taxpayers backs?

And, you do realize that CB for PAY is still on the table, correct?

Do you even have a clue as to just what the fuck this is all about?
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Serioulsy George, those union employees in Wisconsin, on average, are pulling in around 76g's a year. With prime benefit & pension plans.........Seriously, just what the fuck are you bitching about?

They're not losing any of it. It's now about putting a cap on FUTURE extortion being perpetrated by the unions and dem politicians......Do you not understand that these benefits are no longer sustainable for most states. That it is now time for those employees to start ponying up, off the taxpayers backs?

And, you do realize that CB for PAY is still on the table, correct?

Do you even have a clue as to just what the fuck this is all about?

Future Extortion, and Money Laundering...exactly.
Serioulsy George, those union employees in Wisconsin, on average, are pulling in around 76g's a year. With prime benefit & pension plans.........Seriously, just what the fuck are you bitching about?

They're not losing any of it. It's now about putting a cap on FUTURE extortion being perpetrated by the unions and dem politicians......Do you not understand that these benefits are no longer sustainable for most states. That it is now time for those employees to start ponying up, off the taxpayers backs?

And, you do realize that CB for PAY is still on the table, correct?

Do you even have a clue as to just what the fuck this is all about?

Future Extortion, and Money Laundering...exactly.
George, Rbean, and a few others on this board are just fuckin' stupid.

They're clueless......They don't know what the hell all of this is about. All they have is BS talking points from their far left, commie generals, like Chomsky, Zinn, and Sunstein who give them their marching orders........These Bozo's are beyond laughable, they're fuckin' nuts!:cuckoo:
Bring it moron.

Union membership is less than 12% of the labor force. The rest of us are sick of paying for your low productivity worthless asses.
Are you sick of Goldman Sachs's HFT and other assorted crimes?

Unless you're among the richest 1% of US earners your politics indicate a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Do you really think Wall Street is through stealing from you?

Do you doubt the next big bubbles are currently being inflated?

When the next crash arrives who will you blame if union membership is less than 2%oif the labor force?

Bring it moron.

Union membership is less than 12% of the labor force. The rest of us are sick of paying for your low productivity worthless asses.
Are you sick of Goldman Sachs's HFT and other assorted crimes?

Unless you're among the richest 1% of US earners your politics indicate a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Do you really think Wall Street is through stealing from you?

Do you doubt the next big bubbles are currently being inflated?

When the next crash arrives who will you blame if union membership is less than 2%oif the labor force?


This isn't about Wall Street.

I'm sick and tired of union thugs stealing from me and giving my money to democrat politicians so government workers can do less work and live better than I do. That's who is stealing from us. Your propaganda is not selling. You lost. It's over. Go home. The people are in charge now so get used to it. Hope and change is dead.

We won.
Bring it moron.

Union membership is less than 12% of the labor force. The rest of us are sick of paying for your low productivity worthless asses.
Are you sick of Goldman Sachs's HFT and other assorted crimes?

Unless you're among the richest 1% of US earners your politics indicate a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Do you really think Wall Street is through stealing from you?

Do you doubt the next big bubbles are currently being inflated?

When the next crash arrives who will you blame if union membership is less than 2%oif the labor force?


Wall street has made us a hell of a lot of money!

A lil' 15 grand investment in VERISIGN stock years back, allowed us to CAPITALIZE further beyond our wildest dreams when we cashed in at its peak.

You're a fuckin' joke, George.
I guess the 100,000 who showed up in Madison yesterday didn't get your memo.

Maybe you and David Koch should deliver it in person?

You could explain how Wall Street bears no responsibility for revenue shortfalls in states across the country.

Maybe Tom Friedman will loan you a golden straitjacket for your retirement.

This fight has just started.

Fight? What fight? I don't see a fight; all I see is a crowd of whining, sniveling crybabies having a temper tantrum because someone took away their extortion racket! Hurt their poor widdle feelings! What's the matter, someone took your extra piece of candy? Poor babies! As for how scary organized labor is, ask any of your union goons how they fared trying to force unions down our throats down here in flyover country; the locals eat smart-mouthed big-city Yankees for breakfast; chew 'em up, spit 'em out, and have a swig of whiskey to get the foul taste out of their mouth.
"...Republican state senators have circumvented the need for a quorum vote on Scott Walker's budget bill by leaving out the fiscal clauses and passing the new laws curbing collective bargaining rights for state and public employees.

"This dubious tactical manoeuvre strips away the pretence that Walker and his GOP allies have hitherto maintained that the legislative package was necessary to close the state's budget deficit: Walker's objective is, as protesters in Madison have argued all along, to break the last vestige of organised labour strength in the US – the power of public sector workers to organise and negotiate collectively. Stated or not, Walker's ambition is to complete what Ronald Reagan began 30 years ago."

Good thing Walker's too stupid to pull it off.

Careful what you wish for, Dixie.
Class war is like all revolution.
It doesn't offer silver medals.
George, how about you just come out, and straight out admit, that you hate capitalism to the core.....That you hate everything about this great country.......That you're a friggin' communist at heart.....That the destruction of ALL things that make this country great, is what you long for?

Just admit it.

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