100,000 PLUS in Madison today?

If the marching has no effect, I suspect violence will be forthcoming.

This is, after all, pretty much the history of labor struggles.

They start out as protests and strikes, and sooner or later some hotheaded unionist or cop loses his cool.

If history be our guide, the harder the corporatists push the harder the working class will push back.
The Haymarket bombing delayed the attainment of the 40 hour work week for years according to labor leaders of the time.

False-flag operations from both sides in Wisconsin could change the dynamic in ways we can't imagine right now.
Fleebaggers and maggot infested, patchouli oil-soaked college stoners













Fleebaggers and maggot infested, patchouli oil-soaked college stoners

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow
A Tradition of Opposing Corporate Power

From: The Capital Times:

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government. In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.' — Robert M. La Follette, 1912

"More than a century ago, on a Fourth of July in Mineral Point, Robert M. La Follette sounded the call against corporate power.

“'So multifarious have become corporate affairs, so many concessions and privileges have been accorded them by legislation -- so many more are sought by further legislation -- that their specially retained representatives are either elected to office, directly in their interests, or maintained in a perpetual lobby to serve them,' declared the founder of the progressive movement."

Many of Wisconsin's conservatives see corporations as the biggest purveyor of central planning on the planet.

And they are right.

Heh. They finally found the one black person in the WI protests.

And here's a clue, bub: a bunch of matching t-shirts and professionally printed signs are big tip offs that something is pure astroturf.
Hey, sis...out of 100,000 marchers in Madison yesterday how many had matching shirts and carried signs in support of Scott Walker, Wall Street or David and Charles?

Why do you reflexively swallow every lie the rich offer?
It's over. The bill is now law, they lose, and these continued protests are the ultimate example of whiny, mother fucking, LOSERS! Us here in Wisconsin are SICK of these sons a bitchin' radical, left wing, socialists, union thugs and shit for brains and their dumbass protesting. People I talk to here are ALL sick of this SHIT. The dems will no doubt pay a big price for this continued, moronic, nobody at this point likes it, protesting.

So people who protest about the Healthcare bill or anything else Obama has signed into law are "the ultimate example of whiny, mother fucking, LOSERS"? Good to know.
Fleebaggers and maggot infested, patchouli oil-soaked college stoners













Fleebaggers and maggot infested, patchouli oil-soaked college stoners

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow

Lots of honky's in that crowed.
It's over. The bill is now law, they lose, and these continued protests are the ultimate example of whiny, mother fucking, LOSERS! Us here in Wisconsin are SICK of these sons a bitchin' radical, left wing, socialists, union thugs and shit for brains and their dumbass protesting. People I talk to here are ALL sick of this SHIT. The dems will no doubt pay a big price for this continued, moronic, nobody at this point likes it, protesting.

So people who protest about the Healthcare bill or anything else Obama has signed into law are "the ultimate example of whiny, mother fucking, LOSERS"? Good to know.

And that is being challanged in Court as we speak, isn't it? And a good case has been fronted by 26 States that refuse to be bullied by an overreaching FED.

See Protests like those in Madison going on? Paid Astroturfers brought in to protest?

*NOPE* Going by the BOOK...By LAW.
If the marching has no effect, I suspect violence will be forthcoming.

This is, after all, pretty much the history of labor struggles.

They start out as protests and strikes, and sooner or later some hotheaded unionist or cop loses his cool.

If history be our guide, the harder the corporatists push the harder the working class will push back.
The Haymarket bombing delayed the attainment of the 40 hour work week for years according to labor leaders of the time.

False-flag operations from both sides in Wisconsin could change the dynamic in ways we can't imagine right now.

Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Fleebaggers and maggot infested, patchouli oil-soaked college stoners













Fleebaggers and maggot infested, patchouli oil-soaked college stoners

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow

Lots of honky's in that crowed.
How Big Was That Crowd?

"It was the largest political rally ever in Madison.

"And it was one of the largest pro-labor rallies in American history.

"From the start, the numbers have told the story of Wisconsin’s resistance, and its resilience.

"The tens.

"The hundreds.

"The thousands.

"The tens of thousands.

"The hundreds of thousands.

"Wisconsinites from every background, every religion, every politics and every job have filled the Capitol Square for the past month."
It's over. The bill is now law, they lose, and these continued protests are the ultimate example of whiny, mother fucking, LOSERS! Us here in Wisconsin are SICK of these sons a bitchin' radical, left wing, socialists, union thugs and shit for brains and their dumbass protesting. People I talk to here are ALL sick of this SHIT. The dems will no doubt pay a big price for this continued, moronic, nobody at this point likes it, protesting.

So people who protest about the Healthcare bill or anything else Obama has signed into law are "the ultimate example of whiny, mother fucking, LOSERS"? Good to know.

And here we have Doggie The Bubble Mod making yet another bogus comparison.

Tea Partiers protesting HIGHER TAXES AND REGULATIONS which infringe THEIR LIBERTY, are not the equivalent of Violent, Thuggish, Astroturf Union Operatives who are threatening society with Mob Intimidation in their never ending quest to Get More.
Public-sector trade union
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A public-sector trade union (or public-sector labor union) is a trade union which primarily represents the interests of employees within public sector (government-owned, supported or regulated) organizations. Public sector unions have become some of the larger or more influential unions in certain areas of the world in recent times due to easier corporate opposition to private-sector unions.

Now see the Government owned and supported or regulated part ? This government gets the money to pay thees public sector unions from tax payers who are broke. Tax payers who enjoy none of the benefits that thees unions do. So, in reality the 100,000 that supposedly showed up are demanding that they get to keep all the exclusive perks that the folks who pay them dont get ? They can continue to import there protesters but in the end the union bank robbers are going to fail and have to buck up and starte paying there bills.


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If the marching has no effect, I suspect violence will be forthcoming.

This is, after all, pretty much the history of labor struggles.

They start out as protests and strikes, and sooner or later some hotheaded unionist or cop loses his cool.

If history be our guide, the harder the corporatists push the harder the working class will push back.
The Haymarket bombing delayed the attainment of the 40 hour work week for years according to labor leaders of the time.

False-flag operations from both sides in Wisconsin could change the dynamic in ways we can't imagine right now.

Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Wisconsin workers are not going to sacrifice their collective bargaining rights for Wall Street. I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I wonder if you even know how many Wisconsin workers have died in pursuit of workers rights that we all take for granted today.

Like week-ends.
Paid vacations.
Overtime pay.

Robert LaFollette understood this a hundred years ago, and, apparently, it's a lesson Scott Walker and Wall Street need to re-learn today.

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government.

"In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.” — Robert M. La Follette, 1912"

Maybe Charles and David want a return to 19th century labor standards. If so, they picked the wrong state to start in.
Public-sector trade union
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A public-sector trade union (or public-sector labor union) is a trade union which primarily represents the interests of employees within public sector (government-owned, supported or regulated) organizations. Public sector unions have become some of the larger or more influential unions in certain areas of the world in recent times due to easier corporate opposition to private-sector unions.

Now see the Government owned and supported or regulated part ? This government gets the money to pay thees public sector unions from tax payers who are broke. Tax payers who enjoy none of the benefits that thees unions do. So, in reality the 100,000 that supposedly showed up are demanding that they get to keep all the exclusive perks that the folks who pay them dont get ? They can continue to import there protesters but in the end the union bank robbers are going to fail and have to buck up and starte paying there bills.

And the TAXPAYER has no representation at the table. When the Politician that negociated such an agreement leaves, voted OUT of office? that agreement is in force, and that politician isn't held to account for the bad practice...and the taxpayer is held to PAY for the poor judgement.
The Haymarket bombing delayed the attainment of the 40 hour work week for years according to labor leaders of the time.

False-flag operations from both sides in Wisconsin could change the dynamic in ways we can't imagine right now.

Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Wisconsin workers are not going to sacrifice their collective bargaining rights for Wall Street. I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I wonder if you even know how many Wisconsin workers have died in pursuit of workers rights that we all take for granted today.

Like week-ends.
Paid vacations.
Overtime pay.

Robert LaFollette understood this a hundred years ago, and, apparently, it's a lesson Scott Walker and Wall Street need to re-learn today.

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government.

"In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.” — Robert M. La Follette, 1912"

Maybe Charles and David want a return to 19th century labor standards. If so, they picked the wrong state to start in.

fAiL..........your way of thinking does not conform with political reality s0n. Dumbass.........the whole reason this is suddenly an issue is because they whole country turned beet red last November. We had an election s0n..........and like Obama said in late 2008...........there are consequences.

Anyway........you're a fringe k00k whose views represent about 5% of the population who can vote.
The Haymarket bombing delayed the attainment of the 40 hour work week for years according to labor leaders of the time.

False-flag operations from both sides in Wisconsin could change the dynamic in ways we can't imagine right now.

Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Wisconsin workers are not going to sacrifice their collective bargaining rights for Wall Street. I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I wonder if you even know how many Wisconsin workers have died in pursuit of workers rights that we all take for granted today.

Like week-ends.
Paid vacations.
Overtime pay.

Robert LaFollette understood this a hundred years ago, and, apparently, it's a lesson Scott Walker and Wall Street need to re-learn today.

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government.

"In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.” — Robert M. La Follette, 1912"

Maybe Charles and David want a return to 19th century labor standards. If so, they picked the wrong state to start in.

Wall Street isn't footing the bill, bub. Average middle class people are paying for these Greedy Slobs via income and property taxes.
Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Wisconsin workers are not going to sacrifice their collective bargaining rights for Wall Street. I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I wonder if you even know how many Wisconsin workers have died in pursuit of workers rights that we all take for granted today.

Like week-ends.
Paid vacations.
Overtime pay.

Robert LaFollette understood this a hundred years ago, and, apparently, it's a lesson Scott Walker and Wall Street need to re-learn today.

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government.

"In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.” — Robert M. La Follette, 1912"

Maybe Charles and David want a return to 19th century labor standards. If so, they picked the wrong state to start in.

Wall Street isn't footing the bill, bub. Average middle class people are paying for these Greedy Slobs via income and property taxes.

Wall street pays for it when Companies go under.
Rhetorical question:

You do realize that it is no longer 1886 and the state of labor laws is quite different now, don't you?

The WI protestors are not striking due to harsh working conditions. They just want MORE...at the expense of taxpayers who earn far less than they do.

How noble.
Wisconsin workers are not going to sacrifice their collective bargaining rights for Wall Street. I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I wonder if you even know how many Wisconsin workers have died in pursuit of workers rights that we all take for granted today.

Like week-ends.
Paid vacations.
Overtime pay.

Robert LaFollette understood this a hundred years ago, and, apparently, it's a lesson Scott Walker and Wall Street need to re-learn today.

"The great issue before the American people today is the control of their own government.

"In the midst of political struggle, it is not easy to see the historical relations of the present Progressive movement. But it represents a conflict as old as the history of man — the fight to maintain human liberty, the rights of all people.” — Robert M. La Follette, 1912"

Maybe Charles and David want a return to 19th century labor standards. If so, they picked the wrong state to start in.

fAiL..........your way of thinking does not conform with political reality s0n. Dumbass.........the whole reason this is suddenly an issue is because they whole country turned beet red last November. We had an election s0n..........and like Obama said in late 2008...........there are consequences.

Anyway........you're a fringe k00k whose views represent about 5% of the population who can vote.
So the whole housing/credit bubble Wall Street bailout thing has vanished down the US memory hole, is that right?

The richest 1% of Americans have increased their share of national income and wealth during the last two years AND you've decided the beet-red Wisconsin school teachers are behind it?

5% of what Wisconsin voting population are you talking about?

Recognize the word "Rasmussen"?

"A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Wisconsin Voters finds that just 34% Strongly Approve of the job he is doing, while 48% Strongly Disapprove.

"Overall, including those who somewhat approve or disapprove, the new Republican governor earns positive reviews from 43% and negative reviews from 57% of voters statewide."

If you believe half of what you post, seriously consider Wall Street employment.
George george george george george.

The MAN to whom the Unions are intent on sticking it is the low and middle class taxpayers who foot the bills and do not have the resources to send their kids to private schools.

Think about it.
Last edited:
For decades the Democraps have had a good gig buying the votes of government workers with outrageous salaries, benefits and work rules.....and then sticking productive earners with the bill. But now, that bullshit is coming to an end.........And it's about friggin' time!
For decades the Democraps have had a good gig buying the votes of government workers with outrageous salaries, benefits and work rules.....and then sticking productive earners with the bill. But now, that bullshit is coming to an end.........And it's about friggin' time!

And doing so via PS Unions where the TAXPAYER has no seat at the table. We have extortion, And Money laundering as a matter of course by the Democrats, and the UNIONS.

All participants belong in JAIL.

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