100% China’s Fault

Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.
Nobody is blaming Trimp for the existence of the virus. But plenty are blaming him for the US lack of readiness. And rightly so.
LOL so Trump is not a dictator or is he? Should we not blame Congress too? Didn’t hear the Democrat Presidential hopefuls complain about pandemic response when they were running. Congress was more concerned with Ukraine. So...all Trumps fault?
Yes, the US government’s (which Trump runs and told us he could do better than anybody) poor handling of the pandemic is Trump’s fault. That’s right. Anything else?
Once again we see trolls from whatever shithole country who only come here to bash the United States. The only things more reprehensible are American leftists who have swallowed the idiotic notion that doing the same about their own country is ‘intellectual.’
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.
Nobody is blaming Trimp for the existence of the virus. But plenty are blaming him for the US lack of readiness. And rightly so.
LOL so Trump is not a dictator or is he? Should we not blame Congress too? Didn’t hear the Democrat Presidential hopefuls complain about pandemic response when they were running. Congress was more concerned with Ukraine. So...all Trumps fault?
America is no place to look if you were seeking any sense of responsibility for anything.
China is?
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
No. I disagree. Where you see red, I see green. We are worlds apart. All this bickering does is waste time.
Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.
Nobody is blaming Trimp for the existence of the virus. But plenty are blaming him for the US lack of readiness. And rightly so.
LOL so Trump is not a dictator or is he? Should we not blame Congress too? Didn’t hear the Democrat Presidential hopefuls complain about pandemic response when they were running. Congress was more concerned with Ukraine. So...all Trumps fault?
Yes, the US government’s (which Trump runs and told us he could do better than anybody) poor handling of the pandemic is Trump’s fault. That’s right. Anything else?
So then Trump is the end all and be all. He is a monarch. Got it. Thanks for your input. So the great economy and the record stock market was all because of Trump as well. Got it.
Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.
Nobody is blaming Trimp for the existence of the virus. But plenty are blaming him for the US lack of readiness. And rightly so.
LOL so Trump is not a dictator or is he? Should we not blame Congress too? Didn’t hear the Democrat Presidential hopefuls complain about pandemic response when they were running. Congress was more concerned with Ukraine. So...all Trumps fault?
America is no place to look if you were seeking any sense of responsibility for anything.
China is?

So america has gone from "exceptional" to, "well we're as good as communist China", whose workers we prefer over American workers.

Fair enough then.
Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.
Nobody is blaming Trimp for the existence of the virus. But plenty are blaming him for the US lack of readiness. And rightly so.
LOL so Trump is not a dictator or is he? Should we not blame Congress too? Didn’t hear the Democrat Presidential hopefuls complain about pandemic response when they were running. Congress was more concerned with Ukraine. So...all Trumps fault?
Yes, the US government’s (which Trump runs and told us he could do better than anybody) poor handling of the pandemic is Trump’s fault. That’s right. Anything else?
So then Trump is the end all and be all. He is a monarch. Got it. Thanks for your input. So the great economy and the record stock market was all because of Trump as well. Got it.

It tanked. Normal on Easter.
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
No. I disagree. Where you see red, I see green. We are worlds apart. All this bickering does is waste time.

Are you here to hear yourself talk or to “converse” only with people who see green?
Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.
Nobody is blaming Trimp for the existence of the virus. But plenty are blaming him for the US lack of readiness. And rightly so.
LOL so Trump is not a dictator or is he? Should we not blame Congress too? Didn’t hear the Democrat Presidential hopefuls complain about pandemic response when they were running. Congress was more concerned with Ukraine. So...all Trumps fault?
America is no place to look if you were seeking any sense of responsibility for anything.
China is?

So america has gone from "exceptional" to, "well we're as good as communist China", whose workers we prefer over American workers.

Fair enough then.
Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.
Nobody is blaming Trimp for the existence of the virus. But plenty are blaming him for the US lack of readiness. And rightly so.
LOL so Trump is not a dictator or is he? Should we not blame Congress too? Didn’t hear the Democrat Presidential hopefuls complain about pandemic response when they were running. Congress was more concerned with Ukraine. So...all Trumps fault?
America is no place to look if you were seeking any sense of responsibility for anything.
China is?

So america has gone from "exceptional" to, "well we're as good as communist China", whose workers we prefer over American workers.

Fair enough then.
Never said that either.
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
No. I disagree. Where you see red, I see green. We are worlds apart. All this bickering does is waste time.

Are you here to hear yourself talk or to “converse” only with people who see green?
If I see green and you see light blue we can discuss but if you see red, we are so opposite that there is no point in further discussing. We just go our separate ways. News is coming out in real time that this virus was produced in a Chinese lab. Fun stuff. Let’s blame Trump...
Even those on the Left finally agree

And they reopened their damn wet markets and they were warned this was a risk in 2007!!!!!

But Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.

He's right. Soooo many diseases were released upon the world by China, and the propensity of their people to eat anything and everything, in a wet market virus incubating soup kitchen, and then they serve it up to the world.
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
No. I disagree. Where you see red, I see green. We are worlds apart. All this bickering does is waste time.

Are you here to hear yourself talk or to “converse” only with people who see green?
If I see green and you see light blue we can discuss but if you see red, we are so opposite that there is no point in further discussing. We just go our separate ways. News is coming out in real time that this virus was produced in a Chinese lab. Fun stuff. Let’s blame Trump...

Hmmm. I’m an Italian-American small business owner who’s been married for 34 years, has three good and productive kids and loves this country.

How far apart can we really be?
it did not originate in the wet market ...given the chicoms history of brutality and extremism when dealing with perceived problems and threats they would have burned that market to the ground if they believed it was the source ... it escaped a lab .
China gave us SARS, bird flu, Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, etc... did they learn their lesson then? No, which is why the wet market is back, and Chinese people continue to eat diseased animals until the virus they are carrying evolves over to infect humans.

How many diseases will it take before china's government reacts? Prob never. The Chinese gov't doesn't care if ten million Chinese die, because it barely solves their over population problems.
Link that 900 mil are "very poor"

Poverty is relative, but let me try to put it this way...

China GNP before Covid-19 was just below the U.S.A level, based on a productive (rather than just a financial) economy. It has roughly 4X the population.

As you surely know it has millionaires and billionaires, a big "middle class," and also extremely poor people recently moved into cities from wretched rural poverty. But on average it remains poor by U.S. standards, with 1/4 the income per capita, suffering more pollution and corruption and competition to get ahead.

From my experience living there for eight years, hard work, discipline, striving for education and family values are all important parts of Chinese culture. Finally, the horrors and tragedies of their recent past make most Chinese happy to be "richer" than ever before.

Just trying to explain some basic aspects of Chinese reality that Americans often overlook...
Yes, the US government’s (which Trump runs and told us he could do better than anybody) poor handling of the pandemic is Trump’s fault. That’s right. Anything else?
I see the Trump-haters with their 20/20 hindsight glasses on, posting that crap all the time. Never once do people like you ever take up the challenge to prove that, and cite proof where it was Trump's fault for supposedly reacting too slowly, etc...
Link that 900 mil are "very poor"

Poverty is relative, but let me try to put it this way...

China GNP before Covid-19 was just below the U.S.A level, based on a productive (rather than just a financial) economy. It has roughly 4X the population.

As you surely know it has millionaires and billionaires, a big "middle class," and also extremely poor people recently moved into cities from wretched rural poverty. But on average it remains poor by U.S. standards, with 1/4 the income per capita, suffering more pollution and corruption and competition to get ahead.

From my experience living there for eight years, hard work, discipline, striving for education and family values are all important parts of Chinese culture. Finally, the horrors and tragedies of their recent past make most Chinese happy to be "richer" than ever before.

Just trying to explain some basic aspects of Chinese reality that Americans often overlook...
Everyone wants to have a good life. But in China, even the wealthiest person is like a naked man clinging for his life on the edge of a rocky cliff. Ass soon as the wrong person in the Chinese government feels a slight annoyance towards you, they can flick you off that cliff, and no one will ever see or hear from you again. They are all living a fragile existence on a tiny little ant hill, and Xi's government is the boot heel
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
No. I disagree. Where you see red, I see green. We are worlds apart. All this bickering does is waste time.

Are you here to hear yourself talk or to “converse” only with people who see green?
If I see green and you see light blue we can discuss but if you see red, we are so opposite that there is no point in further discussing. We just go our separate ways. News is coming out in real time that this virus was produced in a Chinese lab. Fun stuff. Let’s blame Trump...

Hmmm. I’m an Italian-American small business owner who’s been married for 34 years, has three good and productive kids and loves this country.

How far apart can we really be?
My wife is an Italian American. Other than that we have zero in common and "love" is subjective as are the words "good" and "productive". We likely won't even agree on that. The love not the kids. I don't discuss kids.

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