100% China’s Fault

Link that 900 mil are "very poor"

Poverty is relative, but let me try to put it this way...

China GNP before Covid-19 was just below the U.S.A level, based on a productive (rather than just a financial) economy. It has roughly 4X the population.

As you surely know it has millionaires and billionaires, a big "middle class," and also extremely poor people recently moved into cities from wretched rural poverty. But on average it remains poor by U.S. standards, with 1/4 the income per capita, suffering more pollution and corruption and competition to get ahead.

From my experience living there for eight years, hard work, discipline, striving for education and family values are all important parts of Chinese culture. Finally, the horrors and tragedies of their recent past make most Chinese happy to be "richer" than ever before.

Just trying to explain some basic aspects of Chinese reality that Americans often overlook...
So are 900 million "very poor"? Is China overall a "poor country"?
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
No. I disagree. Where you see red, I see green. We are worlds apart. All this bickering does is waste time.

Are you here to hear yourself talk or to “converse” only with people who see green?
If I see green and you see light blue we can discuss but if you see red, we are so opposite that there is no point in further discussing. We just go our separate ways. News is coming out in real time that this virus was produced in a Chinese lab. Fun stuff. Let’s blame Trump...

Hmmm. I’m an Italian-American small business owner who’s been married for 34 years, has three good and productive kids and loves this country.

How far apart can we really be?
My wife is an Italian American. Other than that we have zero in common and "love" is subjective as are the words "good" and "productive". We likely won't even agree on that. The love not the kids. I don't discuss kids.

How hard is it to twist oneself into a pretzel in an attempt to avoid having a discussion on a message board?
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Ahem...ontday ooklay ownay..

Link that 900 mil are "very poor"

Poverty is relative, but let me try to put it this way...

China GNP before Covid-19 was just below the U.S.A level, based on a productive (rather than just a financial) economy. It has roughly 4X the population.

As you surely know it has millionaires and billionaires, a big "middle class," and also extremely poor people recently moved into cities from wretched rural poverty. But on average it remains poor by U.S. standards, with 1/4 the income per capita, suffering more pollution and corruption and competition to get ahead.

From my experience living there for eight years, hard work, discipline, striving for education and family values are all important parts of Chinese culture. Finally, the horrors and tragedies of their recent past make most Chinese happy to be "richer" than ever before.

Just trying to explain some basic aspects of Chinese reality that Americans often overlook...
Everyone wants to have a good life. But in China, even the wealthiest person is like a naked man clinging for his life on the edge of a rocky cliff. Ass soon as the wrong person in the Chinese government feels a slight annoyance towards you, they can flick you off that cliff, and no one will ever see or hear from you again. They are all living a fragile existence on a tiny little ant hill, and Xi's government is the boot heel
I think there is truth to what you say, Wapasha, but it is easy to exaggerate the fear most Chinese feel from the government. The attitude of most is supportive of China's leaders, and often it is just corruption in society that people hate. They like XiJinping's supposed "anti-corruption" drive. There are 90 million people in the Communist Party, and most middle class people know members personally. I certainly met many, decent and responsible people mostly. Many just shrug their shoulders and say things like "Hey, you can't fight City Hall."

But of course you are right: If you are an outspoken dissident, or just somebody with outspoken American values, you probably will end up paying a high price, or at least have your career prospects ruined.

Finally, there are lots of corrupt little local mafias outside the big cities, and in big companies too. They are Party members too, of course. They just nod in agreement to whatever Beijing says, but then do their own thing.
Last edited:
[QUOTE="AzogtheDefiler, post: 24465882,]Is China overall a "poor country"?
If you average out the number of rich and the number of poor, yes.
Link the 900mil = "poor"

Uh, that was your own claim, that 300 million Chinese were middle class. Simple math... If they have 1.2 billion people, then 900 million of them must be poor if 300 million are middle class.

When you cannot find the sucker at the poker table, that sucker is you. I donate only to my alma mater and the ASPCA. I live for myself and family. The rest I do not care about one iota.

Guy, you don't need to convince me you are basically an awful person, I concluded that a long time ago.
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves. If you cannot make in America, the land of opportunity, then you're either lazy or stupid. I don't help the lazy and stupid.

Lots of people “make it” in America and do so without being self centered and arrogant.

Not from what I have seen. Most successful people stomp on someone along the way. Watch the Facebook movie. Learn about MSFT and Apple. History favors the bold and nice guys finish last.

Sometimes it seems like your reality and your fantasy get intertwined.
Then feel free not to opine. I have Told you before. Our world views are utterly disparate so why converse

You have just described the exact reason why we should, in fact, converse.

Deep down, I expect that you know this to be the case.
No. I disagree. Where you see red, I see green. We are worlds apart. All this bickering does is waste time.

Are you here to hear yourself talk or to “converse” only with people who see green?
If I see green and you see light blue we can discuss but if you see red, we are so opposite that there is no point in further discussing. We just go our separate ways. News is coming out in real time that this virus was produced in a Chinese lab. Fun stuff. Let’s blame Trump...

Hmmm. I’m an Italian-American small business owner who’s been married for 34 years, has three good and productive kids and loves this country.

How far apart can we really be?
My wife is an Italian American. Other than that we have zero in common and "love" is subjective as are the words "good" and "productive". We likely won't even agree on that. The love not the kids. I don't discuss kids.

How hard is it to twist oneself into a pretzel in an attempt to avoid having a discussion on a message board?
It is not a discussion when we "yell" over one another.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Ahem...ontday ooklay ownay..

Not a surprise. My question remains, was the spread an accident or intentional?
Even those on the Left finally agree

And they reopened their damn wet markets and they were warned this was a risk in 2007!!!!!

But Leftist idiots still blame Trump...you know who you are.

Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective.

Again, I've made my point. Tell you what, let's have you live in rural China for a year, then you can get back to me, providing you don't die of Covid-19.

Around 500 million people, or 40 percent of the population within China, survive on $5.50 per day or less.

Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves.

Wow? Really? You think this makes you a nice person because you contribute to animals while screwing over people?
Not middle class could mean wealthy or just below, not necessarily poor. Look up the poverty levels there and back up your claim. "Awful" is subjective.

Again, I've made my point. Tell you what, let's have you live in rural China for a year, then you can get back to me, providing you don't die of Covid-19.

Around 500 million people, or 40 percent of the population within China, survive on $5.50 per day or less.

Awful" is subjective. But I do not mind that adjective. I am who I am. You don't like it? I don't care. I donate $1000s to the ASPCA annually because that charity helps those who truly cannot help themselves.

Wow? Really? You think this makes you a nice person because you contribute to animals while screwing over people?
I never said it makes me a nice person. I am far from a nice person. I am a fair person.
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??
Why would you lie and say that I pretended "it was Trump only?" I don't claim to know what every other world leader has said.

Show me where I said that.

Sheesh, you people.
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??
Why would you lie and say that I pretended "it was Trump only?" I don't claim to know what every other world leader has said.

Show me where I said that.

Sheesh, you people.

Uh.... and I quote... "Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that. " - your words
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??
Why would you lie and say that I pretended "it was Trump only?" I don't claim to know what every other world leader has said.

Show me where I said that.

Sheesh, you people.

Uh.... and I quote... "Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that. " - your words
I didn't say "only Trump".

Do you understand that?

Are you serious?
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??

No. Not everyone.

Not only Trump.

But also not everyone.

And Trump was later to come to his senses than most. He’s not a leader.
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??
Why would you lie and say that I pretended "it was Trump only?" I don't claim to know what every other world leader has said.

Show me where I said that.

Sheesh, you people.

Uh.... and I quote... "Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that. " - your words
I didn't say "only Trump".

Do you understand that?

Are you serious?

Too much coffee?
If everyone you know got something wrong, but you only mention the person you don't like - that is disingenuous. Otherwise, why say it at all? Why did you even say Trump?
Trump, like pretty much all world leaders, got it wrong early. The left media and the Dems were repeating the same thing. It's all on video. Of course, like you, they only mention Trump.
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??
Why would you lie and say that I pretended "it was Trump only?" I don't claim to know what every other world leader has said.

Show me where I said that.

Sheesh, you people.

Uh.... and I quote... "Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that. " - your words
I didn't say "only Trump".

Do you understand that?

Are you serious?

Too much coffee?
If everyone you know got something wrong, but you only mention the person you don't like - that is disingenuous. Otherwise, why say it at all? Why did you even say Trump?
Trump, like pretty much all world leaders, got it wrong early. The left media and the Dems were repeating the same thing. It's all on video. Of course, like you, they only mention Trump.
Okay, I believe that you believe that.

We exist in different universes.
America did not start this. Yes, it began in China and spread from China.

Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that.

Two different things. Obviously.

Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??
Why would you lie and say that I pretended "it was Trump only?" I don't claim to know what every other world leader has said.

Show me where I said that.

Sheesh, you people.

Uh.... and I quote... "Trump's bizarre downplaying of the danger came AFTER that. " - your words
I didn't say "only Trump".

Do you understand that?

Are you serious?

Too much coffee?
If everyone you know got something wrong, but you only mention the person you don't like - that is disingenuous. Otherwise, why say it at all? Why did you even say Trump?
Trump, like pretty much all world leaders, got it wrong early. The left media and the Dems were repeating the same thing. It's all on video. Of course, like you, they only mention Trump.
Okay, I believe that you believe that.

We exist in different universes.
Same universe, perhaps less blinders.
I would never say Trump got this right from the start. He didn't. But I also know that the very same people who go on about how he should have done this or that - are the same people who also downplayed the virus. It's hilarious... the very "expert" talking heads now questioning if Trump acted too late, were downplaying the danger at the same time frame... it is on video.
Yeah and so did everyone else.
And I mean - EVERYONE.
Why would you pretend that it was Trump only??
The entire media as late as late February was still downplaying it. Democrat and Republican governors/mayors/congressional members were all over he place with "no big deal... go to restaurants... should be no travel bans".

Trump was downplaying it as late as March 13. Trump also had the advantage of a huge public health bureaucracy telling him that this WAS a big deal.

We were lied to by China and the WHO..... PERIOD.
What.... you think it would have went over easy - including you - if Trump did a national shut down in January??? Really??

Uh, yeah, if we started doing screening and social distancing in January, if Trump hadn't disbanded the National Pandemic Team, if he didn't keep talking about reopening the country by Easter even after these lockdowns started, if he didn't go around pushing snake oil cures, etc. We'd probably be in a better position now.
The entiere thing was a gawd dam lie so the could take down the West.
Gawd ppl your FREEDOM LOST is not coming back if you keep playing blind
You are being told over and over .



What part are you leftist missing THIS IS BIOWARFARE this virus is man made..

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