100% China’s Fault

The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Oh. So that is not "your people"? Cool.
Nah...my people are Pats, Celtics and Sox fans. Also Duke fans. I do not subscribe to conspiracies. If proven then it is no longer a theory. I doubt China wanted to poison the world. I do not doubt that they were irresponsible.

Nahh they dont want to poison anyone. Cuddly communists.

View attachment 323828
Anyone? Not the world? 3 million of their own got it. I doubt they wanted it to happen the way it did. But I could be wrong.

Who knows. They lie. Mao at times reached 700,000 per year in executions and 3.6 million per year in forced starvation. Communists kill their own citizens as a matter of course. In fact I would say it is the rule rather than the exception.
They definitely have at least 3 million cases. It is tougher for them to lie now because of social media but definitely not impossible. Awful country.

So it is not a rumor, then. They definitely have at least 3 million cases?
That is what I am hearing and given a population of 1.5bn...it could be more. I'll put it that way if I had to bet my mortgage/house on it. I would AT LEAST 3 million. Gun to your head, how would you bet?

I am a betting man. But I never bet when I don't know something about the game. What is the basis for your certainty here?

I mean...think about it. If China wanted to lie about the number of cases it has had, it would have simply refused to test people from the jump. Now,
I am not read in on China's situation regarding testing and they may be underreporting due to a lack of testing kits or capacity.

Is it possible that they know that they have 3,000,000 cases and are trying to hide this fact? Sure. But you seem very certain.
Here's another. You are travelling on a freeway with your super American truck. Through absolutely no fault of yours, the bridge ahead collapses. Maybe a chinese sabotaged it. You hear news about the collapsed bridge ahead. But since you are not to blame for the collapse, it is absolutely super cool to drive on into the abyss. Lol
Another stupid analogy.

Here is one. I am irresponsible and leave my oven on. My house catches on fire and three of my neighbors houses do too. Is the fault mine or could it have happened to anyone?

Still very slow, bubbele. In your example, you are 100 percent responsible for burning down your shed. Houses of immediate neighbors burning down, could still be your fault, even 100 percent, depending on the speed of the fire from your meth lab spreading. At what distance does it become at least partly the responsibility of another house owner to prevent his house from burning down and further spreading the fire.

In your idiotic mind, it stays at 100 percent blame for the initial outbreak. Leaving zero blame for anyone else, unless you switch gears and can assign blame to democratic governors and mayors.

You are a child. Do not run with scissors.
To me, the whole issue with China and the virus, is that China found out the situation and tried to fix it by themselves while covering up the problem.

The spreading went out of their co ntrol because it has been discovered late, when other countries also showed they were affected.

This is the typical attitude of governments and individuals in general, a common reaction in front of a fault.

I myself painted with car spray paint a set of scratches in the vehicle given to me by the agency. I did so good work (including the clear cover) that nobody noticed it until I went to vacations, a second driver used the vehicle and hit a light pole while backing up. When the vehicle was sent for repairs, the estimate came with a comment about the "former repair" made on the vehicle (you can't lie to professional body shop guys).

When I came back to work, I was told about those "repairs" and I laughed like crazy. The guy in charge of motor pool rather of being mad at me, he asked me if I can also do repairs in his car instead. I laughed again.

My question is, how the virus found the way to "escape" from the lab. Or, how the virus jumped from animals to humans... what caused such a capability in this case.

China's fault, to me, is just trying to hide the problem the most they can with the hope of solving it without causing greater consequences.

In this case their silence about the problem was a "child alike behavior" from their part, because in one way or another, releasing the bad news sooner or later, the spreading was inevitable.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Oh. So that is not "your people"? Cool.
Nah...my people are Pats, Celtics and Sox fans. Also Duke fans. I do not subscribe to conspiracies. If proven then it is no longer a theory. I doubt China wanted to poison the world. I do not doubt that they were irresponsible.

Nahh they dont want to poison anyone. Cuddly communists.

View attachment 323828
Anyone? Not the world? 3 million of their own got it. I doubt they wanted it to happen the way it did. But I could be wrong.

Who knows. They lie. Mao at times reached 700,000 per year in executions and 3.6 million per year in forced starvation. Communists kill their own citizens as a matter of course. In fact I would say it is the rule rather than the exception.
They definitely have at least 3 million cases. It is tougher for them to lie now because of social media but definitely not impossible. Awful country.

So it is not a rumor, then. They definitely have at least 3 million cases?
That is what I am hearing and given a population of 1.5bn...it could be more. I'll put it that way if I had to bet my mortgage/house on it. I would AT LEAST 3 million. Gun to your head, how would you bet?

I am a betting man. But I never bet when I don't know something about the game. What is the basis for your certainty here?

I mean...think about it. If China wanted to lie about the number of cases it has had, it would have simply refused to test people from the jump. Now,
I am not read in on China's situation regarding testing and they may be underreporting due to a lack of testing kits or capacity.

Is it possible that they know that they have 3,000,000 cases and are trying to hide this fact? Sure. But you seem very certain.
I saw a special on it last night but I cannot recall what channel. They estimated 3mil and were very convincing. Math would seem that 3mil out of 1.5bn is logical as the virus began there. Tiny % but big in terms of numbers.
Here's another. You are travelling on a freeway with your super American truck. Through absolutely no fault of yours, the bridge ahead collapses. Maybe a chinese sabotaged it. You hear news about the collapsed bridge ahead. But since you are not to blame for the collapse, it is absolutely super cool to drive on into the abyss. Lol
Another stupid analogy.

Here is one. I am irresponsible and leave my oven on. My house catches on fire and three of my neighbors houses do too. Is the fault mine or could it have happened to anyone?

Still very slow, bubbele. In your example, you are 100 percent responsible for burning down your shed. Houses of immediate neighbors burning down, could still be your fault, even 100 percent, depending on the speed of the fire from your meth lab spreading. At what distance does it become at least partly the responsibility of another house owner to prevent his house from burning down and further spreading the fire.

In your idiotic mind, it stays at 100 percent blame for the initial outbreak. Leaving zero blame for anyone else, unless you switch gears and can assign blame to democratic governors and mayors.

You are a child. Do not run with scissors.
LOL it started there. They get the blame. Pretty simple.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Oh. So that is not "your people"? Cool.
Nah...my people are Pats, Celtics and Sox fans. Also Duke fans. I do not subscribe to conspiracies. If proven then it is no longer a theory. I doubt China wanted to poison the world. I do not doubt that they were irresponsible.

Nahh they dont want to poison anyone. Cuddly communists.

View attachment 323828
Anyone? Not the world? 3 million of their own got it. I doubt they wanted it to happen the way it did. But I could be wrong.

Who knows. They lie. Mao at times reached 700,000 per year in executions and 3.6 million per year in forced starvation. Communists kill their own citizens as a matter of course. In fact I would say it is the rule rather than the exception.
They definitely have at least 3 million cases. It is tougher for them to lie now because of social media but definitely not impossible. Awful country.

So it is not a rumor, then. They definitely have at least 3 million cases?
That is what I am hearing and given a population of 1.5bn...it could be more. I'll put it that way if I had to bet my mortgage/house on it. I would AT LEAST 3 million. Gun to your head, how would you bet?

I am a betting man. But I never bet when I don't know something about the game. What is the basis for your certainty here?

I mean...think about it. If China wanted to lie about the number of cases it has had, it would have simply refused to test people from the jump. Now,
I am not read in on China's situation regarding testing and they may be underreporting due to a lack of testing kits or capacity.

Is it possible that they know that they have 3,000,000 cases and are trying to hide this fact? Sure. But you seem very certain.
I saw a special on it last night but I cannot recall what channel. They estimated 3mil and were very convincing. Math would seem that 3mil out of 1.5bn is logical as the virus began there. Tiny % but big in terms of numbers.

Maybe you could find that and let us take a look.
It is almost a moot point whether China intentionally launched the attack or they just lied about it's extremely contagious nature. The end result is the same. They owe the world reparations for this. They have killed the China virus victims just as surely as they murder political dissenters or foreign residents of their country.
I doubt it but once China discovered they had a virus problem they tried to cover things up and
ignore the problem, in all likelihood.

In any event they are responsible for a global catastrophe. And the pricks at the WHO went right
along with it all and helped their masters in China out.

Our massive debt problem with China should now be dissolved as reparations are in order.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Oh. So that is not "your people"? Cool.
Nah...my people are Pats, Celtics and Sox fans. Also Duke fans. I do not subscribe to conspiracies. If proven then it is no longer a theory. I doubt China wanted to poison the world. I do not doubt that they were irresponsible.

Nahh they dont want to poison anyone. Cuddly communists.

View attachment 323828
Anyone? Not the world? 3 million of their own got it. I doubt they wanted it to happen the way it did. But I could be wrong.

Who knows. They lie. Mao at times reached 700,000 per year in executions and 3.6 million per year in forced starvation. Communists kill their own citizens as a matter of course. In fact I would say it is the rule rather than the exception.
They definitely have at least 3 million cases. It is tougher for them to lie now because of social media but definitely not impossible. Awful country.

So it is not a rumor, then. They definitely have at least 3 million cases?
That is what I am hearing and given a population of 1.5bn...it could be more. I'll put it that way if I had to bet my mortgage/house on it. I would AT LEAST 3 million. Gun to your head, how would you bet?

I am a betting man. But I never bet when I don't know something about the game. What is the basis for your certainty here?

I mean...think about it. If China wanted to lie about the number of cases it has had, it would have simply refused to test people from the jump. Now,
I am not read in on China's situation regarding testing and they may be underreporting due to a lack of testing kits or capacity.

Is it possible that they know that they have 3,000,000 cases and are trying to hide this fact? Sure. But you seem very certain.
I saw a special on it last night but I cannot recall what channel. They estimated 3mil and were very convincing. Math would seem that 3mil out of 1.5bn is logical as the virus began there. Tiny % but big in terms of numbers.

Maybe you could find that and let us take a look.
I'll see what I can do. Swamped with PPP work.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Oh. So that is not "your people"? Cool.
Nah...my people are Pats, Celtics and Sox fans. Also Duke fans. I do not subscribe to conspiracies. If proven then it is no longer a theory. I doubt China wanted to poison the world. I do not doubt that they were irresponsible.

Nahh they dont want to poison anyone. Cuddly communists.

View attachment 323828
Anyone? Not the world? 3 million of their own got it. I doubt they wanted it to happen the way it did. But I could be wrong.

Who knows. They lie. Mao at times reached 700,000 per year in executions and 3.6 million per year in forced starvation. Communists kill their own citizens as a matter of course. In fact I would say it is the rule rather than the exception.
They definitely have at least 3 million cases. It is tougher for them to lie now because of social media but definitely not impossible. Awful country.

So it is not a rumor, then. They definitely have at least 3 million cases?
That is what I am hearing and given a population of 1.5bn...it could be more. I'll put it that way if I had to bet my mortgage/house on it. I would AT LEAST 3 million. Gun to your head, how would you bet?

I am a betting man. But I never bet when I don't know something about the game. What is the basis for your certainty here?

I mean...think about it. If China wanted to lie about the number of cases it has had, it would have simply refused to test people from the jump. Now,
I am not read in on China's situation regarding testing and they may be underreporting due to a lack of testing kits or capacity.

Is it possible that they know that they have 3,000,000 cases and are trying to hide this fact? Sure. But you seem very certain.
I saw a special on it last night but I cannot recall what channel. They estimated 3mil and were very convincing. Math would seem that 3mil out of 1.5bn is logical as the virus began there. Tiny % but big in terms of numbers.

Maybe you could find that and let us take a look.
The Chinese government has ordered new restrictions on studies regarding the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, in a further sign Beijing is hiding details behind the cause of the global pandemic.

An internal government directive posted on the websites of several Chinese universities and research institutes states that all research papers on the virus origin must now be “strictly managed” and carefully reviewed by central government officials before publication.

Separately, a report by the Washington-based American Enterprise, Institute estimates that nearly 3 million people in China were infected by the virus, with deaths estimated at more than 136,000 deaths — far more than the official totals released by Beijing.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said Saturday that China was responsible for spreading false information early in the outbreak.

“We did not get correct information, and the incorrect information was propagated right from the beginning,” Dr. Fauci told Fox News.

China initially said the virus was transmitted solely from animals to humans.

“Now, we know retrospectively that there was ongoing transmission from human to human in China, probably at least a few weeks before then,” he said.

Derek Scissors, author of the AEI, estimates that, based on outbreak figures in other countries, that the actual number of those infected in China is more than 2.9 million with at least 136,000 dead.

The projections are based on China’s large population, the rapid spread of the virus in other countries, and travel by as many 4 million people in January who left Wuhan, many carrying the virus.
There's little doubt in my mind that the CCP did this on purpose. The evidence is overwhelming.

They attacked every nation on Earth simultaneously, with NATO members taking the brunt of it. Now the question is, what is the world going to do about it?

Nuclear annihilation?
I haven't a doubt they committed to this once it was out, my only doubts are whether the original release was intentional.... There is absolutely zero doubt anywhere on earth regarding what happened once the CCP ascertained just what it was, how virulent, and how lethal the pathogen was which had apparently broken out of containment, they gathered up the WHO whom they controlled absolutely, and used them to intentionally pull blinders over United States eyes! Thus they committed to war and covid-19 as a weapon of mass destruction!

We often ascribe a basic level of humanity to even the cruelest leaders, but People’s Republic of China leader Xi Jinping’s actions have forced us to rethink this assumption. Although the emergence of the novel coronavirus now known as SARS-CoV-2 was probably not due to China’s actions, the emphasis that its authoritarian system places on hiding bad news likely gave the disease a sizable head start infecting the world. But most ominously, China’s obsession with image and Machtpolitik raises serious questions about its lack of moral limits.

At some point the Chinese Communist Party learned of the epidemic and made a decision to hide its existence, hoping it went away. Exposés in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post and the Chinese mainland’s Caixin show that the information that did flow out of China early in the crisis did so only because of the courage of individual Chinese people in the face of government repression. People in the Wuhan epicenter, however, began to get wise — and scared (here and here) — by the end of December 2019, forcing their government to say something. The authorities gave the impression of a nontransmissible disease already under containment. We know now this was entirely false, likely designed more to ease civil unrest than protect the people.

The mayor of Wuhan even suggested that the central government prevented him from revealing details about the epidemic until January 20. Considering the first public announcements came out of Wuhan on January 1, we can assume that Xi had a sense of the danger prior to that.

Clearly, downplaying the disease wasn’t working and it was time for the Party to get serious. But how serious? Would it provide full cooperation to the international community? Would being seen as the source of this virus hurt its international image? Beyond these, there was a darker dimension: the more Beijing cooperated, the less the disease stood to affect other countries. This includes countries China sees as a threat to its existence, like the United States. Why should China suffer the effects of a pandemic while others stayed safe — and increased their strength relative to China — based on China’s own costly experience?

Such a question is of course inimical to human decency. And yet we must consider that Xi Jinping has produced the greatest program of ethnic cleansing in the world today. He has curtailed freedoms in China severely and is the father of the panopticon state. His incessant military buildup threatens neighbors while using economic and other subversive means to erode the sovereignty of countries around the world. We should not assume it was beyond his imagining to withhold a degree of support from the international community to ensure that China would not suffer alone.

Strong evidence supports this idea. Hearing the World Health Organization (WHO) repeat and praise the Party line while giving short shrift to health advice until quite recently has alarmed many. Seeing Beijing sell defective wares and claim it as humanitarian aid has angered many more. Spreading disinformation during the crisis and hinting at using life-saving goods for leverage (original here) — while denying even the faintest hint of wrongdoing — I suspect have ruined China’s reputation for some time to come. In short, China’s good offices have been reserved almost entirely for burnishing its image at the world’s expense, while calling it “the greatest kindness and good deeds.

None of this can prove whether or when Xi made a deliberate decision to withhold information in order to imperil others. However, as a long-time student and admirer of China, it is with great sadness I must concede that such a state — and its increasingly paranoid leader — might very well provide less than full cooperation to stem the pandemic of the century in the crass pursuit of its own interests. This may constitute biological warfare. But even if it doesn’t Xi should be brought to account for his other crimes against humanity.

Here is some food for thought.

Xi coerced the WHO into concealing the human to human contraction and the infectiousness .

The deaths in just Wuhan area are 80,000 to 100,000 according to three different intelligence agencies. The total deaths is estimated at 2.1 million in China alone. The number of urns used for cremation burial and atmospheric gases from cremation support these numbers.

China has reopened their wet markets. This indicates they were never the source. This leaves the labs..

The bats which carry this virus are some 900kl away. The labs are the only source in the Wuhan region.

There are 3 known variants of COVID-19 (L), (S), (L/S). Chinese authorities ordered all tissue samples from the dead and virus samples destroyed. The ability to trace origin is all but gone. There is only one reason to do this.. To protect a weaponized virus and deflect responsibility.

The only thing we do not know for certain is if it was an intentional release. Looking at the actions and response it appears this was intentional. The massive cover up and strong arming the WHO are not signs of a mistake.

What is there to gain? This virus affects the old and infirm. China has a food shortage and these are non-producing members consuming resources. They didn't want help in containing the virus as they wanted the outcome. They also would emerg first from this plauge as other countries were decimated leaving them ripe for takeover and Chinese power expansion.
I haven't a doubt they committed to this once it was out, my only doubts are whether the original release was intentional.... There is absolutely zero doubt anywhere on earth regarding what happened once the CCP ascertained just what it was, how virulent, and how lethal the pathogen was which had apparently broken out of containment, they gathered up the WHO whom they controlled absolutely, and used them to intentionally pull blinders over United States eyes! Thus they committed to war and covid-19 as a weapon of mass destruction!

We often ascribe a basic level of humanity to even the cruelest leaders, but People’s Republic of China leader Xi Jinping’s actions have forced us to rethink this assumption. Although the emergence of the novel coronavirus now known as SARS-CoV-2 was probably not due to China’s actions, the emphasis that its authoritarian system places on hiding bad news likely gave the disease a sizable head start infecting the world. But most ominously, China’s obsession with image and Machtpolitik raises serious questions about its lack of moral limits.

At some point the Chinese Communist Party learned of the epidemic and made a decision to hide its existence, hoping it went away. Exposés in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post and the Chinese mainland’s Caixin show that the information that did flow out of China early in the crisis did so only because of the courage of individual Chinese people in the face of government repression. People in the Wuhan epicenter, however, began to get wise — and scared (here and here) — by the end of December 2019, forcing their government to say something. The authorities gave the impression of a nontransmissible disease already under containment. We know now this was entirely false, likely designed more to ease civil unrest than protect the people.

The mayor of Wuhan even suggested that the central government prevented him from revealing details about the epidemic until January 20. Considering the first public announcements came out of Wuhan on January 1, we can assume that Xi had a sense of the danger prior to that.

Clearly, downplaying the disease wasn’t working and it was time for the Party to get serious. But how serious? Would it provide full cooperation to the international community? Would being seen as the source of this virus hurt its international image? Beyond these, there was a darker dimension: the more Beijing cooperated, the less the disease stood to affect other countries. This includes countries China sees as a threat to its existence, like the United States. Why should China suffer the effects of a pandemic while others stayed safe — and increased their strength relative to China — based on China’s own costly experience?

Such a question is of course inimical to human decency. And yet we must consider that Xi Jinping has produced the greatest program of ethnic cleansing in the world today. He has curtailed freedoms in China severely and is the father of the panopticon state. His incessant military buildup threatens neighbors while using economic and other subversive means to erode the sovereignty of countries around the world. We should not assume it was beyond his imagining to withhold a degree of support from the international community to ensure that China would not suffer alone.

Strong evidence supports this idea. Hearing the World Health Organization (WHO) repeat and praise the Party line while giving short shrift to health advice until quite recently has alarmed many. Seeing Beijing sell defective wares and claim it as humanitarian aid has angered many more. Spreading disinformation during the crisis and hinting at using life-saving goods for leverage (original here) — while denying even the faintest hint of wrongdoing — I suspect have ruined China’s reputation for some time to come. In short, China’s good offices have been reserved almost entirely for burnishing its image at the world’s expense, while calling it “the greatest kindness and good deeds.

None of this can prove whether or when Xi made a deliberate decision to withhold information in order to imperil others. However, as a long-time student and admirer of China, it is with great sadness I must concede that such a state — and its increasingly paranoid leader — might very well provide less than full cooperation to stem the pandemic of the century in the crass pursuit of its own interests. This may constitute biological warfare. But even if it doesn’t Xi should be brought to account for his other crimes against humanity.

Sounds just like what our political class did to us doesn't it. Do "we" need to distract the people from that?

I do not consider the democratic party and its leadership legitimate, they've been openly engaged in treason for three and a half years now, at the minimum. Who's to say they didn't work with the CCP and WHO in perpetrating the attack? Democrats and their political operation are enemies of the United States, just as much so as the CCP, Americans now confined to homes are seeing this absent the lying, deceiving filters of the democratic party media machine, many for the very first time! Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, ect ect ect, all are agents of the democrats and the CCP, not the United States of America, something will have to be done about all of them....
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No
Everything that ended up being a major breakthrough started as someone's conspiracy theory.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Oh. So that is not "your people"? Cool.
Nah...my people are Pats, Celtics and Sox fans. Also Duke fans. I do not subscribe to conspiracies. If proven then it is no longer a theory. I doubt China wanted to poison the world. I do not doubt that they were irresponsible.

Nahh they dont want to poison anyone. Cuddly communists.

View attachment 323828
Anyone? Not the world? 3 million of their own got it. I doubt they wanted it to happen the way it did. But I could be wrong.

Who knows. They lie. Mao at times reached 700,000 per year in executions and 3.6 million per year in forced starvation. Communists kill their own citizens as a matter of course. In fact I would say it is the rule rather than the exception.
They definitely have at least 3 million cases. It is tougher for them to lie now because of social media but definitely not impossible. Awful country.

So it is not a rumor, then. They definitely have at least 3 million cases?
That is what I am hearing and given a population of 1.5bn...it could be more. I'll put it that way if I had to bet my mortgage/house on it. I would AT LEAST 3 million. Gun to your head, how would you bet?

I am a betting man. But I never bet when I don't know something about the game. What is the basis for your certainty here?

I mean...think about it. If China wanted to lie about the number of cases it has had, it would have simply refused to test people from the jump. Now,
I am not read in on China's situation regarding testing and they may be underreporting due to a lack of testing kits or capacity.

Is it possible that they know that they have 3,000,000 cases and are trying to hide this fact? Sure. But you seem very certain.
I saw a special on it last night but I cannot recall what channel. They estimated 3mil and were very convincing. Math would seem that 3mil out of 1.5bn is logical as the virus began there. Tiny % but big in terms of numbers.

Maybe you could find that and let us take a look.
The Chinese government has ordered new restrictions on studies regarding the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, in a further sign Beijing is hiding details behind the cause of the global pandemic.

An internal government directive posted on the websites of several Chinese universities and research institutes states that all research papers on the virus origin must now be “strictly managed” and carefully reviewed by central government officials before publication.

Separately, a report by the Washington-based American Enterprise, Institute estimates that nearly 3 million people in China were infected by the virus, with deaths estimated at more than 136,000 deaths — far more than the official totals released by Beijing.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said Saturday that China was responsible for spreading false information early in the outbreak.

“We did not get correct information, and the incorrect information was propagated right from the beginning,” Dr. Fauci told Fox News.

China initially said the virus was transmitted solely from animals to humans.

“Now, we know retrospectively that there was ongoing transmission from human to human in China, probably at least a few weeks before then,” he said.

Derek Scissors, author of the AEI, estimates that, based on outbreak figures in other countries, that the actual number of those infected in China is more than 2.9 million with at least 136,000 dead.

The projections are based on China’s large population, the rapid spread of the virus in other countries, and travel by as many 4 million people in January who left Wuhan, many carrying the virus.

Yeah. That’s a sketchy source who is simply issuing an estimate based on population.

I’d look for more evidence before I went around making claims that the numbers are “definitely” accurate or opt to bet my house on it.

Based on AEI’s calculations, how many cases do we actually have in the US?
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No
Everything that ended up being a major breakthrough started as someone's conspiracy theory.

That is ridiculous.
Here's another. You are travelling on a freeway with your super American truck. Through absolutely no fault of yours, the bridge ahead collapses. Maybe a chinese sabotaged it. You hear news about the collapsed bridge ahead. But since you are not to blame for the collapse, it is absolutely super cool to drive on into the abyss. Lol
Another stupid analogy.

Here is one. I am irresponsible and leave my oven on. My house catches on fire and three of my neighbors houses do too. Is the fault mine or could it have happened to anyone?

Still very slow, bubbele. In your example, you are 100 percent responsible for burning down your shed. Houses of immediate neighbors burning down, could still be your fault, even 100 percent, depending on the speed of the fire from your meth lab spreading. At what distance does it become at least partly the responsibility of another house owner to prevent his house from burning down and further spreading the fire.

In your idiotic mind, it stays at 100 percent blame for the initial outbreak. Leaving zero blame for anyone else, unless you switch gears and can assign blame to democratic governors and mayors.

You are a child. Do not run with scissors.
LOL it started there. They get the blame. Pretty simple.
Weak. And simple. Just like you. Dismissed.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No

Oh. So that is not "your people"? Cool.
Nah...my people are Pats, Celtics and Sox fans. Also Duke fans. I do not subscribe to conspiracies. If proven then it is no longer a theory. I doubt China wanted to poison the world. I do not doubt that they were irresponsible.

Nahh they dont want to poison anyone. Cuddly communists.

View attachment 323828
Anyone? Not the world? 3 million of their own got it. I doubt they wanted it to happen the way it did. But I could be wrong.

Who knows. They lie. Mao at times reached 700,000 per year in executions and 3.6 million per year in forced starvation. Communists kill their own citizens as a matter of course. In fact I would say it is the rule rather than the exception.
They definitely have at least 3 million cases. It is tougher for them to lie now because of social media but definitely not impossible. Awful country.

So it is not a rumor, then. They definitely have at least 3 million cases?
That is what I am hearing and given a population of 1.5bn...it could be more. I'll put it that way if I had to bet my mortgage/house on it. I would AT LEAST 3 million. Gun to your head, how would you bet?

I am a betting man. But I never bet when I don't know something about the game. What is the basis for your certainty here?

I mean...think about it. If China wanted to lie about the number of cases it has had, it would have simply refused to test people from the jump. Now,
I am not read in on China's situation regarding testing and they may be underreporting due to a lack of testing kits or capacity.

Is it possible that they know that they have 3,000,000 cases and are trying to hide this fact? Sure. But you seem very certain.
I saw a special on it last night but I cannot recall what channel. They estimated 3mil and were very convincing. Math would seem that 3mil out of 1.5bn is logical as the virus began there. Tiny % but big in terms of numbers.

Maybe you could find that and let us take a look.
The Chinese government has ordered new restrictions on studies regarding the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, in a further sign Beijing is hiding details behind the cause of the global pandemic.

An internal government directive posted on the websites of several Chinese universities and research institutes states that all research papers on the virus origin must now be “strictly managed” and carefully reviewed by central government officials before publication.

Separately, a report by the Washington-based American Enterprise, Institute estimates that nearly 3 million people in China were infected by the virus, with deaths estimated at more than 136,000 deaths — far more than the official totals released by Beijing.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said Saturday that China was responsible for spreading false information early in the outbreak.

“We did not get correct information, and the incorrect information was propagated right from the beginning,” Dr. Fauci told Fox News.

China initially said the virus was transmitted solely from animals to humans.

“Now, we know retrospectively that there was ongoing transmission from human to human in China, probably at least a few weeks before then,” he said.

Derek Scissors, author of the AEI, estimates that, based on outbreak figures in other countries, that the actual number of those infected in China is more than 2.9 million with at least 136,000 dead.

The projections are based on China’s large population, the rapid spread of the virus in other countries, and travel by as many 4 million people in January who left Wuhan, many carrying the virus.

Yeah. That’s a sketchy source who is simply issuing an estimate based on population.

I’d look for more evidence before I went around making claims that the numbers are “definitely” accurate or opt to bet my house on it.

Based on AEI’s calculations, how many cases do we actually have in the US?
Probably double or more.. If I didnt drop the weight as fast as I did I would never have been tested. I am convinced my wife and kids had it too and they were never tested. But severe and deaths are accurate and the %s while sad are small.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Many said it could have come from anywhere and not to blame China. In this very thread, Lone Leftist. I have seen you vilify Trump nonstop but China gets a free pass. Why? Because you're a deranged Leftist.



Not just this thread. Look at their posts overall. 99.9% Trump blame. Amazing, when China infected the WORLD.

No. Moron.

We have clearly stated that the virus originated in China and that China is responsible for unleashing it on the world.

At the same time, Trump’s incompetence had made our efforts to combat the virus weaker.

You want to believe that we have blamed the virus itself on Trump because you can easily argue against that point. We have blamed China for the virus itself.

You cannot easily argue against the point that his incompetence made our situation worse than it had to be.

So for the record. You blame China for the virus. Also for the record, you agree that Trump has zero impact on how it has destroyed Europe. Yes or no?

I just want to get to the same starting point and then we can discuss Trump.

Yes. I blame China for the fact that the virus exists and that it didn't do enough to contain it from day one.

Not sure where the Europe shit fits in that brain of yours, but, no. Trump is not responsible for the impacts of the virus
in Europe.
OK...so we are on the same page, aside from your need for Ad Hominems.

Note that the West Coast and most other cities have contained the virus pretty well. Two outliers are NY and NJ. Where Trump and his team have put forth a ton of resources and have worked well with Cuomo to quell the outbreak. Cuomo himself criticized New Yorkers for not adhering to the social distancing rules and has actually removed nets from basketball hoops. Cuomo has also said that he and Trump are working very well together. Take away NY and NJ and we have a strong grasp on this. We are a huge country. Trump and his team have done an excellent job in my opinion and I believe Cuomo has been forthright and strong. He should run vs. Trump not Biden. NYC shows how the parties can work together and accomplish strong goals.

That is awesome. You believe that Trump has done an excellent job. You choose to ignore his delay in taking it seriously, his refusal to
use his bully pulpit to urge a nationwide shutdown, his continued inability to get testing up to speed and his incessant blaming of everyone
but himself for the FACT that we have more infections and deaths than any other nation.

Just excellent.

My question.....how can a dude with a 148 IQ not see that Trump is a bullshitter and has acted in such a way as to
promote himself since the moment this virus struck? How can you not see it?
Are we going to be civil or are we going to our old ways of slinging mud? 48 of the states are in pretty good shape and most of NY and NJ are too. NYC is a big issue. So we are going to punish Trump for one city, where he and his team have put forth a concerted effort to mitigate the threat.

Throw out one more insult and see what happens. Last chance to engage in a civil conversation.

Man. Are YOU chastising someone for being insulting? That is rich.

I fear that you do not fully grasp the nature of the problem. No. 48 states are not in great shape. This is a HIGHLY COMMUNICABLE virus. Several states are weeks behind NY on the curve. Donald Trump knew that it was a highly communicable virus in January. He did nothing outside of issue a partial ban on travel from China. And THAT failed to stop the virus from impacting the US in a more devastating way than any other nation.

Our economy is going to take a bigger hit than other major nations because we did not get in front of the virus.

Question: Based on what you now know, which nation has had the best response to this virus?
No he did not and neither did anyone else. I dedicated a thread to that. First death in the US was Feb 28th and we shut the schools down on March 16th. We have dealt with other diseases that are easily attained but the death toll here was unknown because China lied and WHO did not investigate properly. This is why Europe is dying. We did a great job here and it is on the downswing in most areas even NYC. I think Trump did a fantastic job as did his team. Hell I was a skeptic til I got it and it wasn't all that debilitating. Problem is people no longer trust the media or our politicians. This goes well beyond Trump.

Which nation has had the very best response to this virus, based on what you know now?
South Korea. That is because they are close to China and have had experience dealing with SARS and such. They track each citizen via cell phone and have a ton of testing facilities. They are also all in close proximity to one another. That would not work here as we are not a homogeneous country and we favor privacy over being open for the greater good. But we are also not Italy, Canada, France or Spain who have been decimated as has the UK. For a country of our size and diversity I think we are doing great. I laud all the governors and the WH for working so well together.

Hmmm. You believe we are handling this better than any nation other than South Korea? Are we #2?

And....forgive me.....but population density is not a plus when it comes to a contagious disease. You mentioned that SK has "a ton of testing facilities". That seems like a good idea to me.
Me too but easier to implement when you have had this before as they did with SARS. Now we know. Not one Democrat mentioned this in their debates. More testing facilities in case a pandemic hits. This happens once every 100 years and we took it for granted. Most states were not prepared. Especially NY. So all the representatives took it for granted. But the response has been bipartisan and tremendous. I am proud. When my MD suspected I had the virus, I got tested the next day. And results within 36 hours.

Have we done a better job than Germany?

You know that we have had more cases of infection and more deaths due to this virus than any other nation on earth, right?
That's exactly how those communist assholes planned it. That's why they sent so many of their infected to our most populous city with incompetent liberal leadership. This was an intentional attack on the free world by dog eating communists.

Do you associate yourself with this sentiment, AzogtheDefiler ?
Conspiracy theories. No
Everything that ended up being a major breakthrough started as someone's conspiracy theory.

That is ridiculous.
Actually he is not entirely wrong. Those who said the Earth was round were called crazy in ancient times. I get what he means.
Here's another. You are travelling on a freeway with your super American truck. Through absolutely no fault of yours, the bridge ahead collapses. Maybe a chinese sabotaged it. You hear news about the collapsed bridge ahead. But since you are not to blame for the collapse, it is absolutely super cool to drive on into the abyss. Lol
Another stupid analogy.

Here is one. I am irresponsible and leave my oven on. My house catches on fire and three of my neighbors houses do too. Is the fault mine or could it have happened to anyone?

Still very slow, bubbele. In your example, you are 100 percent responsible for burning down your shed. Houses of immediate neighbors burning down, could still be your fault, even 100 percent, depending on the speed of the fire from your meth lab spreading. At what distance does it become at least partly the responsibility of another house owner to prevent his house from burning down and further spreading the fire.

In your idiotic mind, it stays at 100 percent blame for the initial outbreak. Leaving zero blame for anyone else, unless you switch gears and can assign blame to democratic governors and mayors.

You are a child. Do not run with scissors.
LOL it started there. They get the blame. Pretty simple.
Weak. And simple. Just like you. Dismissed.
KISS method.

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