100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically

the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?

Did they? Can you prove this?
Yes, the planes came from the airport we bombed.....according to radar covering that region....you can say....maybe our gov't lied to us about the radar showing such...but there are programs out there with radar that can be easily accessed on the net, that would show the USA was lying, if they were lying....therefore I do not believe they lied on that....Also, the airplanes were identified, might even have video of them, that are the shape of Syrian aircraft....

Okay, so there are programs, but you haven't seen them. So you don't have evidence, your argument is based around the potential for there to be evidence... that's.... not really proof.
True, I have not seen them, but you can bet your darn booty if there was evidence that these planes did not come from this Syrian Air Base, someone would have disputed what our Intelligence analysts have said....

Your argument is not based on evidence. It's based on what you think happened. It doesn't matter what you'd bet the situation is, neither of us know what actually happened and we can only speculate. To say that it did actually happen is a lie.
Oh come on....I never said definitively that it was the Syrians, just the likelihood that it was and why I thought so!

I haven't read the thread and your reasoning of why you seem to believe that it was NOT the Syrians, what was your reasoning??
I remember the righties complaining about the costs of obamas no fly over Lybia .

Bygones !

The hypocrisy swings both ways it is only then matter of who is at the helm. Liberal are pro war in Libya when a Democrat calls the shots and Republicans scream foul. Now A Republican bombs Syria and the Democrats are against it and the Republicans are for it.

It just matters who team your on.

Me personally I think Trump and guys wanting war (which includes Democrats like Pelosi and Schummer) have learned nothing from Iraq and Libya. Muslim dictators like Sadam and ASSSSad are bad people, but they stabilize the country, fight against Sunni terrorist and are not direct threat to the US.

What Libya taught us is when we knock off the dictator, Islamic radicals replace them.
So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?
Because they are NUTS? Your claim that Putin conspired with Trump is Beyond unbelievable yet you parrot it. I repeat since trump decided to bomb the airfield should he have told the Russians or not?
Did they? Can you prove this?
Yes, the planes came from the airport we bombed.....according to radar covering that region....you can say....maybe our gov't lied to us about the radar showing such...but there are programs out there with radar that can be easily accessed on the net, that would show the USA was lying, if they were lying....therefore I do not believe they lied on that....Also, the airplanes were identified, might even have video of them, that are the shape of Syrian aircraft....

Okay, so there are programs, but you haven't seen them. So you don't have evidence, your argument is based around the potential for there to be evidence... that's.... not really proof.
True, I have not seen them, but you can bet your darn booty if there was evidence that these planes did not come from this Syrian Air Base, someone would have disputed what our Intelligence analysts have said....

Your argument is not based on evidence. It's based on what you think happened. It doesn't matter what you'd bet the situation is, neither of us know what actually happened and we can only speculate. To say that it did actually happen is a lie.
Oh come on....I never said definitively that it was the Syrians, just the likelihood that it was and why I thought so!

I haven't read the thread and your reasoning of why you seem to believe that it was NOT the Syrians, what was your reasoning??

And the point was I asked you to prove what you said. You can think what you like, but you're on a political forum.

I didn't says who I thought it was, because, quite simply, I don't know. So I don't go around making stuff up to make it look like something it's not.
Yes, the planes came from the airport we bombed.....according to radar covering that region....you can say....maybe our gov't lied to us about the radar showing such...but there are programs out there with radar that can be easily accessed on the net, that would show the USA was lying, if they were lying....therefore I do not believe they lied on that....Also, the airplanes were identified, might even have video of them, that are the shape of Syrian aircraft....

Okay, so there are programs, but you haven't seen them. So you don't have evidence, your argument is based around the potential for there to be evidence... that's.... not really proof.
True, I have not seen them, but you can bet your darn booty if there was evidence that these planes did not come from this Syrian Air Base, someone would have disputed what our Intelligence analysts have said....

Your argument is not based on evidence. It's based on what you think happened. It doesn't matter what you'd bet the situation is, neither of us know what actually happened and we can only speculate. To say that it did actually happen is a lie.
Oh come on....I never said definitively that it was the Syrians, just the likelihood that it was and why I thought so!

I haven't read the thread and your reasoning of why you seem to believe that it was NOT the Syrians, what was your reasoning??

And the point was I asked you to prove what you said. You can think what you like, but you're on a political forum.

I didn't says who I thought it was, because, quite simply, I don't know. So I don't go around making stuff up to make it look like something it's not.
Google it frigid, the radar flight path records from NATO and a couple of countries in the region, show the aircraft leaving the Syrian air base and flying g over and even circling the region gassed. At the precise time of the gassing. It's out there for you to see....

I don't know what more proof one would need or could have, more precise and damming than this, that you are looking for?

If you don't want to accept the actual radar graph records from a few different places, that's certainly your prerogative.....
Okay, so there are programs, but you haven't seen them. So you don't have evidence, your argument is based around the potential for there to be evidence... that's.... not really proof.
True, I have not seen them, but you can bet your darn booty if there was evidence that these planes did not come from this Syrian Air Base, someone would have disputed what our Intelligence analysts have said....

Your argument is not based on evidence. It's based on what you think happened. It doesn't matter what you'd bet the situation is, neither of us know what actually happened and we can only speculate. To say that it did actually happen is a lie.
Oh come on....I never said definitively that it was the Syrians, just the likelihood that it was and why I thought so!

I haven't read the thread and your reasoning of why you seem to believe that it was NOT the Syrians, what was your reasoning??

And the point was I asked you to prove what you said. You can think what you like, but you're on a political forum.

I didn't says who I thought it was, because, quite simply, I don't know. So I don't go around making stuff up to make it look like something it's not.
Google it frigid, the radar flight path records from NATO and a couple of countries in the region, show the aircraft leaving the Syrian air base and flying g over and even circling the region gassed. At the precise time of the gassing. It's out there for you to see....

I don't know what more proof one would need or could have, more precise and damming than this, that you are looking for?

If you don't want to accept the actual radar graph records from a few different places, that's certainly your prerogative.....

Wait, whose argument is this? You want to present your own evidence, then you do so. I'm not doing your work for you.

Also, the claim by the Russians is that they bombed something and then the gas was released from the ground, not from the air. So.... how can you prove that wasn't the case?


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?
Because they are NUTS? Your claim that Putin conspired with Trump is Beyond unbelievable yet you parrot it. I repeat since trump decided to bomb the airfield should he have told the Russians or not?
For two years straight I have watch trump and his love affair and admiration for the murdering thug Putin.... something that won't go away with a half ass strike on Assad that did diddly....
True, I have not seen them, but you can bet your darn booty if there was evidence that these planes did not come from this Syrian Air Base, someone would have disputed what our Intelligence analysts have said....

Your argument is not based on evidence. It's based on what you think happened. It doesn't matter what you'd bet the situation is, neither of us know what actually happened and we can only speculate. To say that it did actually happen is a lie.
Oh come on....I never said definitively that it was the Syrians, just the likelihood that it was and why I thought so!

I haven't read the thread and your reasoning of why you seem to believe that it was NOT the Syrians, what was your reasoning??

And the point was I asked you to prove what you said. You can think what you like, but you're on a political forum.

I didn't says who I thought it was, because, quite simply, I don't know. So I don't go around making stuff up to make it look like something it's not.
Google it frigid, the radar flight path records from NATO and a couple of countries in the region, show the aircraft leaving the Syrian air base and flying g over and even circling the region gassed. At the precise time of the gassing. It's out there for you to see....

I don't know what more proof one would need or could have, more precise and damming than this, that you are looking for?

If you don't want to accept the actual radar graph records from a few different places, that's certainly your prerogative.....

Wait, whose argument is this? You want to present your own evidence, then you do so. I'm not doing your work for you.

Also, the claim by the Russians is that they bombed something and then the gas was released from the ground, not from the air. So.... how can you prove that wasn't the case?
I have no patience for this bitching bull crap of yours....shove it sweetheart, ain't in the mood to argue!
Your argument is not based on evidence. It's based on what you think happened. It doesn't matter what you'd bet the situation is, neither of us know what actually happened and we can only speculate. To say that it did actually happen is a lie.
Oh come on....I never said definitively that it was the Syrians, just the likelihood that it was and why I thought so!

I haven't read the thread and your reasoning of why you seem to believe that it was NOT the Syrians, what was your reasoning??

And the point was I asked you to prove what you said. You can think what you like, but you're on a political forum.

I didn't says who I thought it was, because, quite simply, I don't know. So I don't go around making stuff up to make it look like something it's not.
Google it frigid, the radar flight path records from NATO and a couple of countries in the region, show the aircraft leaving the Syrian air base and flying g over and even circling the region gassed. At the precise time of the gassing. It's out there for you to see....

I don't know what more proof one would need or could have, more precise and damming than this, that you are looking for?

If you don't want to accept the actual radar graph records from a few different places, that's certainly your prerogative.....

Wait, whose argument is this? You want to present your own evidence, then you do so. I'm not doing your work for you.

Also, the claim by the Russians is that they bombed something and then the gas was released from the ground, not from the air. So.... how can you prove that wasn't the case?
I have no patience for this bitching bull crap of yours....shove it sweetheart, ain't in the mood to argue!

You're not in the mood for making your own arguments and presenting them? Wow. Then why the fuck are you here? Go to a bar, open a few bottles, get drunk and talk unsubstantiated crap to people who will accept your unsubstantiated crap.
So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
The US did warn the Russians an hour before. Sure, the fucking Russians probably warned the Syrians too, but an hour is just enough time to head for a bunker or get the hell out of town, not move an entire airbase as the post-strike photos prove.

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